Image of Year 1 and 2 at Break Time- Recycling Leaves
17 Oct

Year 1 and 2 at Break Time- Recycling Leaves

At break time, Year 1 and 2 enjoyed recycling the autumn leaves to make huge bouquets to give to their family members this Harvest Time.

Image of Cre8ability
17 Oct


This week is our last Cre8ability session. We discussed what we could do when we feel different feelings. To cheer ourselves up, Harry said we could watch a film, Jacob said we could play together, Hendrix said we could go out for a walk and April said we could comfort someone. When we feel an emotion, it takes a minute and a half for us to feel an emotion and then it is the thinking time that happens after which makes an emotion linger. We created a lovely weaving craft today. Thank you so much to Carol and Maria for running such a wonderful group.

Image of Year 6 - Black History Month Worship
16 Oct

Year 6 - Black History Month Worship

Year 6 took part in a worship, that schools across the country joined, to celebrate ‘Black History Month’. We discussed how we can ensure that all children feel welcome in school and explored some inspirational figures. One Individual that stood out to year 6 was Ruby Bridges. She is an American civil rights activist who attended a formerly all-white school at the age of 6. Despite having to be escorted into school and jeered at daily, she battled adversity in order to get the best possible education for herself.

Image of Online Safety: Horror Films and Age Ratings
16 Oct

Online Safety: Horror Films and Age Ratings spooky season, plenty of young people will be breaking out the popcorn and giving themselves a fright But let’s ensure that what they’re watching is appropriate. In this week’s guide and podcast episode, we’re offering expert advice on horror films and age ratings. Download here >> Listen here >>

Image of Year 3- PSHE- Friends are Special
16 Oct

Year 3- PSHE- Friends are Special

Year 3 had a fantastic time exploring the meaning of friendship in our PSHE lesson today. We used Harold the Giraffe, Kiki the Kangaroo, and Derek the Penguin to discuss the qualities of a good friend and how to maintain strong friendships. We discussed the qualities and strategies of a good friendship. such as A best friend is someone you trust and care about deeply. Good friends are kind, trustworthy, honest, loyal, and respectful. Even best friends can have disagreements, but it's important to forgive and understand. Ways to make up with a friend include talking about it, apologising, spending time together, and being a good listener.

Image of Barney’s Break Time Snack Rules
11 Oct

Barney’s Break Time Snack Rules

In our Wellbeing Warrior meeting today, the children discussed what should and what shouldn’t be included in our break time snacks as we have had quite a few questions about this from both parents and children. After looking at national guidance and a healthy balanced diet, the wellbeing warriors have decided that the following foods can be brought in for a break time snack: Fruit - fresh/dry Vegetables Frubes ( tube yoghurt) Cheese ( babybel or similar) Plain /yoghurt covered rice cakes Breadsticks Crackers/cracker bread Items that we would like children NOT to bring in: Any chocolate coated items Cereal bars Nuts Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 receive a free piece of fruit each day. Thank you for your support and understanding. This will begin on our return after half term. If there are any medical conditions that require other items, class teachers and staff will use their discretion. Have a lovely weekend. The Wellbeing Warriors

Image of Hello Yellow Day
10 Oct

Hello Yellow Day

To celebrate and raise awareness for World Mental Health Day, all the children and staff dressed in yellow to show their support. During a special worship, the children danced to happy songs. We reflected deeply on our emotions, exploring how they shape our inner lives and how we can find strength in times of struggle. We discussed the importance of nurturing our mental well-being through kindness, prayer, and community support. This spiritual reflection reminded us that we are never alone in our challenges; by turning to our faith and embracing hope, we can find peace and resilience within ourselves.

Image of Reception - Hello Yellow Day
10 Oct

Reception - Hello Yellow Day

Today we have enjoyed taking part in activities to support Hello Yellow Day. We have been doodling what makes us happy and have been talking about the different feelings we all have. We know that there are lots of grown ups around us who can help us with big feelings but we must always ask when we need help.

Image of Year 3 - PSHE- Hello Yellow Day
10 Oct

Year 3 - PSHE- Hello Yellow Day

Following our whole-school worship,to celebrate and raise awareness for World Mental Health Day, Year 3 wore yellow to show our support for mental health awareness. We also learned about some top tips to help people who might be feeling down such as: Allowing children to express their feelings through art and Dance, sing, or play instruments to release emotions . We then watched Emily and Harry's story on BBC Newsround about the importance of talking to a trusted adult.

Image of Year 5 - Hello Yellow Day
10 Oct

Year 5 - Hello Yellow Day

To support this year’s Hello Yellow Day, Year 5 enthusiastically created their own unique badges, each representing what made them special. With this year’s theme, "Wear it loud and wear it proud," the children confidently showcased their badges and spoke about them with pride. Afterward, we engaged in a meaningful discussion about mental health and well-being, exploring the different ways we can take control of and improve our own mental health by focusing on activities that bring us joy and comfort.

Image of Cre8ability
10 Oct


This week at Cre8ability we focussed on who our special people are. We discussed how we all have similarities and differences. These differences help us to be unique. We all decorated a box with all of our favourite things. We talked about how we should celebrate our differences and ensure everybody is included.

Image of Year 6 - Hello Yellow Day
10 Oct

Year 6 - Hello Yellow Day

Year 6 celebrated ‘Hello Yellow Day’ by exploring ways in which they can make themselves feel better if they are going through a tough time. We discussed that an effective strategy is to take the time to think about how great we are as an individual. To highlight this, we designed badges containing words and symbols. It was great to see the children celebrating what makes them great and focusing on the positives as it is sometimes hard to pay ourselves compliments.

Image of St Barnabas do Hello Yellow Day 2024
10 Oct

St Barnabas do Hello Yellow Day 2024

Today in school, we celebrated Hello Yellow Day 2024. Hello Yellow Day is a day when we can show our support for young people and let them know they're not alone with their mental health. Thousands of children came together to make World Mental Health Day that little bit brighter by wearing something yellow and donating to YoungMinds. Right now, the world is a really tough place for children and young people to grow up in. We want young people to know that they don’t have to go through this alone. Things can get better. Because we stand brighter, together.  At St Barnabas, we celebrated through our whole school worship led by Mrs Ham and her minion friends, Harry, Hamza, Daisy and Rosie. Each class then used their PSHE session to explore Hello Yellow Day further and it was clear to see that every class made a super effort with their outfits too. What a super day being loud and proud in yellow. #HelloYellow

Image of Teaching Children Fire Safety
9 Oct

Teaching Children Fire Safety

Remember, remember … 5 November is approaching fast, but of course fire safety isn’t only important on Bonfire Night. Help children recognise the potential risks with a timely reminder of fire safety essentials in this week’s #WakeUpWednesday guide and accompanying podcast. Download here >> Listen here >>

Image of Craft Club: Emotion Plates
8 Oct

Craft Club: Emotion Plates

Today at the Little Craft Club the children made emotion plates. They discussed all of the different emotions and the children chose 4 to put on their plates. They have a peg to attach to the emotion that they’re feeling at any time. Super crafting!

Image of Cre8ability Session 4
3 Oct

Cre8ability Session 4

This week we continued with our learning on emotional regulation. We focussed on how music can affect our emotions. We listened to lots of music and discussed how we felt after it. Music works the left and right side of the brain so it is really therapeutic. We then explored and had the opportunity to play some African drums. Carol taught us how to play the drums. We learnt bass, tone and slap and how to do a rumble on the drum. The children all created their own rhythm and we did a call and response. We then drummed along to ‘we will rock you’. We finished our session with some mindfulness colouring.

Image of Online Safety: In-game Chat
2 Oct

Online Safety: In-game Chat

Chatting to others in a game can be a great way to connect as you enjoy your hobby together. It’s not always quite so wholesome, however. Our newest #WakeUpWednesday guide and the latest episode of our podcast offer expert advice on the risks of in-game chat! Download here >> Listen here >>

Image of Reception: Forest Schools
1 Oct

Reception: Forest Schools

This week, we explored our forest schools area in our school grounds. The children built dens and did lots of imaginative play inside the tree. Lots of children even climbed a tree! The children really enjoyed getting muddy too!

Image of Year 5 - Teamwork
27 Sep

Year 5 - Teamwork

In this lesson, Year 5 focused on collaborative learning, with a special emphasis on teamwork and communication. The children were tasked with the challenge of constructing the tallest possible tower using only six sheets of paper. This activity required them to work together, share ideas, and plan their approach, highlighting the importance of listening, cooperation, and problem-solving. Throughout the challenge, the children had to manage their time effectively and adapt their strategies as they encountered obstacles, demonstrating resilience and collective decision-making. The exercise not only reinforced the value of teamwork but also allowed the children to reflect on their individual contributions to the group’s success.

Image of Cre8ability Session 3
26 Sep

Cre8ability Session 3

This week we focussed on emotional regulation. We looked at how to manage our emotions. Carol and Maria reminded us of the green for calm, orange for feeling overwhelmed and red for anger bottles. We discussed how we can stop going from calm to angry. There are three words that we focussed on to calm down: time, think and tell. We need to take some time, think about what we can do to calm down and talk to someone, it could be a person or an animal. We need to be careful to not make a decision when we are angry. You are 25 when you have fully developed emotional intelligence. We have big expectations of our young children but they still have a long wait to go to develop in emotional maturity. Today we made a calming glitter bottle to help the children take time to calm down, a worry warrior to talk to and a worry catcher to take your worries away.

Image of Online Safety: Instagram
25 Sep

Online Safety: Instagram

With around 1.6 million teenage users, Instagram has become a favourite hangout for many youngsters online. Despite having so many young members on the platform, it poses its fair share of risks. In this week's guide and latest podcast episode for #WakeUpWednesday, we’re bringing you expert advice on how to keep children and young people safe on Instagram! Download here >> Listen here >>

Image of Year 3- PSHE-How can we solve this problem?
25 Sep

Year 3- PSHE-How can we solve this problem?

In our PSHE lesson, I shared a scenario where a close friend's big birthday celebration is coming up in a couple of weeks, and I've been invited. However, another family member has arranged a trip to the seaside for the same weekend, inviting many of the same people. Neither knew the other had planned something and when they found out, they got into a big argument, shouting at each other and storming off. Now, they’re not speaking, and it’s caused a lot of tension. We discussed how they might have felt, why they argued, and how shouting didn't help the situation. Year 3 came up with some brilliant solutions to solve the problem. They suggested that one way to fix the situation could be for one person to change the event date so that everyone could attend both the birthday party and the seaside trip without a clash. Another idea was to have a joint celebration, where everyone could come together for one big event that includes the birthday and the trip. Some children even suggested talking calmly and finding a compromise to make both people happy, rather than arguing and storming off. We also discussed how important it is to think about other people’s feelings and find a solution that’s fair for everyone involved. We also looked at an online safety poster about Instagram. The children shared what they like to watch and post online, and some were surprised to learn about the age restrictions. Many didn’t know that Instagram has a minimum age requirement of 13 years old. We talked about why these restrictions are in place, such as to protect young people from inappropriate content and ensure their safety online. The children were able to understand that being careful about what they watch, post, and share is really important, and we discussed how some online spaces might not always be safe for younger users.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
23 Sep

Reception: Muddy Monday

Reception class had their first Muddy Monday session and they walked up to our school field. The children stayed close to each other whilst walking and they all managed to get to the field safely. The children enjoyed rolling down the hill, racing and finding bugs in the grass. It was pouring down but the rain did not stop the,. They are looking forward to next week's Muddy Monday.

Image of Online Safety: Final Fantasy XIV
19 Sep

Online Safety: Final Fantasy XIV

Swords , sorcery and epic quests! MMOs let you join people from round the globe on a grand adventure – but even a fantasy world can present some very real risks. This week's free guide >> And #WakeUpWednesday podcast >>

Image of Year 4 Gratitude and Mindfulness Appreciation
19 Sep

Year 4 Gratitude and Mindfulness Appreciation

Year 4 enjoyed playing on the outdoor gym and MUGA in the beautiful sunshine. We felt so much gratitude for our lovely surroundings of fields, Darwen Tower and much more all around us.

Image of Cre8ability Session 2
19 Sep

Cre8ability Session 2

We began our session finishing off our Picasso artwork. Today we thought of words beginning with each letter of the alphabet to link to our emotions. We then discussed feelings and how they can make our tummies feel strange. Jacob said that green is calm, Leonora said orange can make us feel overwhelmed and Eve said fizzy red can make us feel angry. Our aim is to be in green mode but we need to recognise when we are moving into orange so that we can prevent ourselves from moving into red and feeling angry. Our craft this week was using clay. The group all chose their favourite things to sculpt. It was a lovely time for parents and children to spend time with each other and have some fun.

Image of Year 6 - DACA Visit
19 Sep

Year 6 - DACA Visit

Earlier in the week, year 6 were visited by Mrs Lewis and Dominic (a previous St Barnabas pupil) who spoke about life at DACA. This gave the children who are thinking about attending DACA in September an insight into what they can expect.

Image of Reception: Sharing
17 Sep

Reception: Sharing

Today, we discussed one of our 4 Be's: be kind and focussed on our Christian value of friendship. We discussed why it was important to share. Max said we can make friends, Reggie said it is kind, Olivia said it is nice, Beau said that if we don't then it would make people feel sad, Thea said sharing is caring and Zachary said it will make everyone happy. The children have been really trying to share resources with each other. Well done!

Image of Year 4 PSHE - Team work
13 Sep

Year 4 PSHE - Team work

In our PSHE sessions we are looking at Me and My Relationships. This week we focused on teamwork and how we can show this both in and out of the classroom. We discussed how this links to our 4 B’s, Christian values and British Values too.

Image of Year 6 - What makes a good play leader?
12 Sep

Year 6 - What makes a good play leader?

Today, Year 6 spent their P.E. lesson thinking about the qualities of a good play leader. They took part in a relay race and had to create a group image that displayed symbols representing these qualities. We spoke about the importance of being prepared, observant, patient, understanding and a good communicator. I’m sure year 6 will be great role models to the younger children in our school.

Image of Online Safety: Supporting Children to Manage Conflict Effectively
11 Sep

Online Safety: Supporting Children to Manage Conflict Effectively

Being able to manage conflict effectively is a key skill for all to learn but it can be tricky for young people to know exactly how. This #WakeUpWednesday, we’re offering expert advice on helping children avoid and manage conflict effectively. Check out this week's free guide >> And the latest episode of our #WakeUpWednesday podcast here >>

Image of Reception: Outdoors
10 Sep

Reception: Outdoors

Our Reception children explore outdoors in all weathers. We are trying really hard to put on our puddle suits and wellies independently. The children have enjoyed playing on our bikes, in our superhero cave, in our mud kitchen and sandpit and with our resources under our canopy.

Image of Reception: Our First Lunchtime
9 Sep

Reception: Our First Lunchtime

Today, our Reception children enjoyed our first lunchtime together. They all held their trays and independently ate their lunch. The children then enjoyed playing with the children from years 1 and 2. Well done!

Image of Year 6 - Picture News Worship
9 Sep

Year 6 - Picture News Worship

Year 6 took part in a virtual worship which followed on nicely from our class worship. It focused on the clean up and the importance of community in the aftermath of this summer’s riots, that took place up and down the country. We discussed how we can all come together, no matter what our background, and work towards a common goal.

Image of Year 4 Picture News Big Celebration Assembly
6 Sep

Year 4 Picture News Big Celebration Assembly

This morning we got the chance to take part in a virtual Picture News Big Celebration Assembly. We started with a picture which we had previously looked at in our class worship on Wednesday which showed the volunteers that had come together to clean up after the recent riots. We linked this to how we serve our school community and discussed British values. We always make sure that we welcome our community by showing our 4 B’s. Following this we heard from Boston St Nicholas School in Lincolnshire who highlighted how we can shine our light in so many different ways . It was lovely to share this special time to reflect and pray and we look forward to highlighting how we really do matter within our special school community.

Image of Wellbeing Warriors 2024-2025
6 Sep

Wellbeing Warriors 2024-2025

A lovely warm welcome to our newly appointed Wellbeing Warriors. Following our class vote, we are pleased to announce that Desmond, Eliza, Alice and Darcy are going to lead all our new initiatives in school including supporting with our WOW travel plan which will continue this year. We have made the challenge much more achievable by offering the children who can’t walk to school the opportunity to take part in the 1k once a week with their class teacher instead and this will count as their walk once a week and ability to gain the monthly badge. Please keep your eyes peeled for upcoming events.

Image of Reception- Exploring our outdoor area
5 Sep

Reception- Exploring our outdoor area

Our reception children had lots of fun exploring our outdoor area in their puddle suits and wellies. They enjoyed making mud pie and worm soup in the mud kitchen. They showed us their fantastic physical skills when bike and scooter riding and balancing on the assault course. Some of the children chose to built cars and super hero caves using the Lego in our construction area.

Image of Year 5 - Move and Learn
5 Sep

Year 5 - Move and Learn

Today, Year 5 took part in Move and Learn hosted by Blackburn Rovers Community Trust. The children explored a variety of topics including: diet, fitness, importance of staying healthy, changes to the body when undergoing physical activity and how to make healthy meal choices. The children took part it lots of team building games and classroom based tasks to enhance their learning and understanding.

Image of Online Safety: Supporting children going back to school
4 Sep

Online Safety: Supporting children going back to school

It’s the start of September, and the new school year has begun. Let’s make sure the kids have a successful return! This #WakeUpWednesday, we’re letting you know how to support children as they go back to school after the holidays. Download here >>

Image of Year 5 - What is the Bible?
4 Sep

Year 5 - What is the Bible?

Year 5 have been exploring the key question, what is the Bible? The children have gained a deeper understand of the library of the books the Bible contains and how this has helped Christian’s all over the world. We looked at how it influences our decisions and helps guide people in times of difficulty.

Image of Reception: Our First Day Group 1
3 Sep

Reception: Our First Day Group 1

This morning we welcomed our first group to Reception. They were superstars and settled in really well. They enjoyed exploring our indoor classroom today. We are so glad they have joined our St Barnabas family.

Image of Whole School Worship: Jesus the Good Shepherd
3 Sep

Whole School Worship: Jesus the Good Shepherd

We were all so happy to have everyone back for our first day of the school year. In our first worship we recapped and celebrated all of the amazing ways we live out our school vision and what Jesus meant when he said we should have life in all its fullness. We heard about His teaching of the sheep and the gate and learned that He wished for all of us to use Him as our gate to God; that we can have a good life if we follow His word. We then recapped our 4 B's school rules and our Christian Values. Our teachers will be looking for our children to demonstrate these in order to gain values points each day and get on our 'time to shine' board. We reflected on what we are looking forward to this year and how we will achieve great things and live life in all its fullness.

Image of Reception: Our First Day Group 2
3 Sep

Reception: Our First Day Group 2

This afternoon we welcomed our second group to Reception. They were superstars and settled in really well. They enjoyed exploring our indoor classroom today. We are so glad they have joined our St Barnabas family.

Image of Reception: Our school rules
3 Sep

Reception: Our school rules

Today, we introduced our school rules: The 4 B's. We explored what be ready, be kind, be respectful and be safe meant. We all discussed how we need to be kind and share toys with each other, look after and tidy our classroom, listen to each other and sit beautifully on the carpet to name a few. We all then made a handprint to say we would follow our school rules.

Image of Online Safety: Worry and Anxiety
17 Jul

Online Safety: Worry and Anxiety

When it feels like the whole world’s on your shoulders, sometimes all you need is a helping hand. This #WakeUpWednesday, we’re looking at the impacts of worry and anxiety on children – and how best to help them manage these burdens. Download here >>

Image of Year 1 Panda Paramedic First Aid Bronze Award
15 Jul

Year 1 Panda Paramedic First Aid Bronze Award

This morning, we welcomed Dawn the paramedic into our Year 1 classroom to complete our Basic First Aid Bronze Award. First of all, Dawn asked us how we treat a burn. We knew that we needed to run it under cool water but our guesses for how long this should be done for were way out. Eventually, we came to the right answer which is 20 minutes. Dawn them showed us how we give first aid to someone with a graze. We all practised applying a plaster without touching the part of the plaster that will touch the graze. Then we learnt how to treat an open wound and got the opportunity to practise bandaging a wound for our friend. Finally, Dawn told us about anaphylaxis. We learnt that anaphylaxis is an extreme allergic reaction where there are symptoms such as extreme swelling. In this case, we found out that we need to use an EpiPen to treat someone. We practised using an EpiPen by reciting the rhyme ‘Blue to the sky and orange to the thigh’. Dawn explained that we do this for 10 seconds and that the thigh is a big muscle which is why we do it there. Dawn also said that we need to call 999 because anaphylaxis is an emergency. When you dial 999, Dawn said that the first thing you will be asked is what service you require and for a medical emergency you will ask for the ambulance. Then , Dawn said that the ambulance will ask for your home address so it’s really important that we all know this. Dawn gave us some scenarios and we had to day whether we would phone an ambulance. We said yes for someone who has collapsed and was not responding, complaining of a pain in their heart and looking pale and having an asthma attack and struggling to breathe/talk in full sentences. Dawn also explained the dangers of dialling 999 for a joke. Thank you Dawn. Year 1 learnt lots about basic first aid.

Image of Year 3- Panda Paramedic First Aid Silver Award
15 Jul

Year 3- Panda Paramedic First Aid Silver Award

This afternoon, we welcomed Dawn, a paramedic, into our Year 3 classroom to help us complete our Basic First Aid Silver Award. Dawn began by asking us how to treat a burn. While we knew to run it under cool water, our guesses for how long it should be done were way off. Dawn clarified that the burn should be cooled under running water for 20 minutes. Dawn then showed us pictures of a child with a graze, a sprained ankle, and a bump to the head. The children informed Dawn that if they have a head injury at school, their parents receive a message so their families can keep a close eye on them. Next, Dawn demonstrated how to give first aid to someone with a broken arm. We all practised putting slings on each other's arms. Though the children found it tricky at first, with practice, they got the hang of it. Dawn also asked the children how to help someone who is choking. The children knew to pat the person's back but were unsure for how long. Dawn clarified that you should strike five separate times between the person's shoulder blades with the heel of your hand. The children then had a turn to practice this on a dummy. Dawn then asked the children to name the four emergency services. She was impressed that they could identify them all: Police, Fire, Ambulance, and Coastguard. She added that you can also request mountain rescue if needed. Before finishing, the children asked Dawn what inspired her to become a paramedic and how long she had been doing this work. Dawn shared that she initially wanted to be a vet but was put off by the idea of having to put animals down, which she found very upsetting. She finds her current job much better because she is always helping people and has been a paramedic for over 15 years. They worked brilliantly as a class and were awarded a certificate for their participation. 

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
15 Jul

Reception: Muddy Monday

Wow! What a year we have had in Reception. The children have made so much progress during our forest schools sessions. They have improved in their stamina, risk taking, problem solving and imagination skills. We have loved seeing all of the children blossom and made the most of our last Muddy Monday session together!

Image of Year 3- Rock and River-
11 Jul

Year 3- Rock and River-

Year 3 had an amazing day at Rock and River today, participating in various challenging activities, including the low ropes course, climbing tower, airbag jump, rafted canoes, sit-on-top kayaks, paddle boards, and mega paddle boards. Despite finding the water cold, nothing stopped them from jumping in and getting wet! They had an absolute blast, demonstrating our school's Christian values by being brave and showing courage, determination, and respect throughout the day. Their behaviour and manners were so impressive that even the instructors were in awe.

Image of Year 3- Rock and River
11 Jul

Year 3- Rock and River

Year 3 had an amazing day at Rock and River today, participating in various challenging activities, including the low ropes course, climbing tower, airbag jump, rafted canoes, sit-on-top kayaks, paddle boards, and mega paddle boards. Despite finding the water cold, nothing stopped them from jumping in and getting wet! They had an absolute blast, demonstrating our school's Christian values by being brave and showing courage, determination, and respect throughout the day. Their behaviour and manners were so impressive that even the instructors were in awe.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
8 Jul

Reception: Muddy Monday

Reception enjoyed our Muddy Monday session at Whitehall Park. After our growth mindset assembly today, we made sure we used our growth mindset instead of our fixed mindset to challenge ourselves and take risks. The children really engaged with this and it was wonderful to see how far they have come since they started with us. Well done!

Image of Year 5 - Bikeability
5 Jul

Year 5 - Bikeability

Year 5 took part in the first session of Bike Ability. The children learnt how to: ride a bike safely and sensibly, check their bikes are suitable for the road, ensure brakes are working and ensure they are conducting themselves in a safe manner. They then went out on their bikes with the instructors and learnt how to correctly use their bikes on the main roads.

Image of Online Safety: Online Trolling
4 Jul

Online Safety: Online Trolling

Sadly, it can be all too common to encounter mean-spirited comments online – but we don’t have to give them the time of day. This week, our #WakeUpWednesday guide offers expert advice on safeguarding children against “trolling”. Download here >>

Image of Year 5 Transition
3 Jul

Year 5 Transition

Today, it was year 5 transition. The children created a portrait of themselves and created personalised hoodies that represented their hobbies and interests. The children had an excellent day moving up to Year 5 and have shown maturity and an eagerness to learn.

Image of Year 3 Move Up To Year 4
3 Jul

Year 3 Move Up To Year 4

The Year 3 class had a fantastic day being Year 4s for transition day! They spent time getting to know each other with a game of human bingo, creating a unique piece of artwork, taking part in the Picture News Olympic Assembly and painting with cotton buds. They all settled really well in the classroom and demonstrated Barney’s 4 Be's perfectly.

Image of Year 5 - Balanced Arguments
2 Jul

Year 5 - Balanced Arguments

Year 5 have begun researching one of the most debated topics - should animals be kept in Zoo’s? The children found out a number of alarming facts that are against Zoo’s such as: that animals have 1800 times less space in zoos than in the wild and animals are not evolving the way they should. But found many compelling reasons why animals should be kept in zoos such as: they live longer, stop species becoming extinct and it can advance medicine. The children will use these arguments to create their own balanced argument.

Image of Year 3- Collective Worship- What makes a good friend?
27 Jun

Year 3- Collective Worship- What makes a good friend?

During our class worship, Year 3 discussed the qualities of friendship. The children suggested someone you can trust, humble, caring, understanding, kind, encourager, supportive and someone who enjoys hanging out with you. We then watched a short clip inspired by singer, Taylor Swift, who is in the midst of her world tour, one superfan, Devon, has made hundreds of friendship bracelets to donate to people in care homes. She hopes to inspire all generations to get involved in the bracelet craze. We discussed that everyone is different so the friendships we choose are different too. It might be that people have similar hobbies, beliefs, or values that make them friends. The Bible teaches us many things about friendships and being a good friend. We also thanked God for all our wonderful friendships and how God helps us show love through kindness, patience, honesty and forgiveness.

Image of Year 3 - Carbon Monoxide Workshop- Year 3
27 Jun

Year 3 - Carbon Monoxide Workshop- Year 3

Emily delivered a workshop today as part of the CO Safety Assembly and Class Workshops, designed to raise awareness about the dangers of carbon monoxide (CO). Year 3 students learned a lot about this invisible and dangerous gas, known as the hidden danger because it can't be seen, heard, smelled, tasted, or touched. The children enjoyed the video and fun activities and are ready to spread the word as Safety Assistants.

Image of Online Safety: Gambling
26 Jun

Online Safety: Gambling

You may have noticed an increase in betting adverts lately – courtesy of the Euros. Gambling, however, poses a risk to young people all year round. This #WakeUpWednesday, we’re letting you know how to safeguard children from the hazards of gambling. Download here >>

Image of Year 5 - RotaKids
26 Jun

Year 5 - RotaKids

Year 5 RotaKids decided on their school project that they will have children guessing the number of sweets in a jar for a chance to win the full jar. The money that they raise will help go towards some new Chromebook's.

Image of Reception: Mindfulness
24 Jun

Reception: Mindfulness

Each morning before we start our day, Reception class begin a mindfulness activity. This helps us to feel calm and ready to start our day. All children participate in the activity and are very sensible throughout. Well done!

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
24 Jun

Reception: Muddy Monday

Reception had a very busy forest school session today. They enjoyed exploring in the shaded area of Jacks Keys. They found a fox hole and enjoyed exploring and creating their own storylines. They made houses for different animals and roleplayed a story about a fox coming out during the night. Some of our children climbed trees and managed to climb higher than usual. We are so proud of the children and love seeing how far they have come. Super perseverance, challenge and determination was seen from them all!

Image of Year 6 - Safety Seymour
20 Jun

Year 6 - Safety Seymour

Today, Year 6 took part in the Safety Seymour workshop. The children discussed and explored the dangers of carbon monoxide and discussed how they can spot it in their homes as this is something that cannot be detected by our senses. The children explored a variety of ways that if carbon monoxide is detected, what can be done to mitigate the spread of the harmful gas.

Image of Year 5 - The CO2 Crew Workshop
20 Jun

Year 5 - The CO2 Crew Workshop

Today, Year 5 took part in the Safety Seymour workshop. The children discussed and explored the dangers of carbon monoxide and discussed how they can spot it in their homes as this is something that cannot be detected by our senses. The children explored a variety of ways that if carbon monoxide is detected, what can be done to mitigate the spread of the harmful gas.

Image of Online Safety: Promoting Physical Wellbeing
19 Jun

Online Safety: Promoting Physical Wellbeing

With the Euros in full swing, plenty of children are taking to the pitch but perhaps we can keep them active all year round. This #WakeUpWednesday, we’ve put together some expert tips on promoting physical wellbeing to children and young people. Download >>

Image of Year 4 - Class Worship: Supporting Refugees
19 Jun

Year 4 - Class Worship: Supporting Refugees

In our class worship in Year 4, we learned about the rights of the child and how these protect us from harm and cruelty. We read some first hand accounts of refugees fleeing their countries and tried to understand what actions might have led to their escape and how they might have felt in that situation. The children then discussed how they could help refugees in their community and elsewhere in the world. The class came up with some very considerate ideas.

Image of Year 4 - Linking Schools: Courageous Advocacy
19 Jun

Year 4 - Linking Schools: Courageous Advocacy

A few weeks ago, the Year 4 class discussed a number of ideas to improve our community and decided on one issue to focus on. After a vote, the children decided they would like to tackle vandalism in the area. This week, we walked to Whitehall Park to assess the damage and found much of the equipment to be unsafe to play on. We took pictures of the problem areas and the children have decided they want to write to their local MP to ask him to repair the park. We are really hoping for a reply!

Image of Reception- forest school
18 Jun

Reception- forest school

The children had a great time exploring our outdoor forest school area. Some children chose to climb trees, some went on a bug hunt, some built dens and some children let their imaginations run wild. It was lovely to see the children so confident and engaged with their outdoor play.

Image of Reception: Outdoor Provision
17 Jun

Reception: Outdoor Provision

We are so lucky in Reception to have a huge outdoor area. Today our children went in our immediate outdoor area where they were digging for treasure, problem solving to create a house, roleplaying pirates and creating an obstacle course. Some of our children chose to practice their running and ball skills on the MUGA and then some of our children used the outdoor gym to improve their motor skills. What a fun afternoon we have all had!

Image of WOW Badge Winners for May
14 Jun

WOW Badge Winners for May

Huge congratulations to all of the children who have managed to ‘Walk Once a Week’ or ‘Park and Stride’ once a week during the month of May. We saw so many children receiving their badges but we can only have one overall class winner and that went to Year 5 ….again! Well done to all involved and keep up the hard work.

Image of Year 3- PSHE- Drowning Prevention Week- Water Safety in the home
13 Jun

Year 3- PSHE- Drowning Prevention Week- Water Safety in the home

During our class worship, we learned about water safety at home. The children watched the water safety animation and discussed danger signs and when to shout for help. We also took a moment to thank God for keeping us safe around water in our homes, pool, and beaches.

Image of Year 4 - The Big Debate - Should parents be able to access their children’s social media?
13 Jun

Year 4 - The Big Debate - Should parents be able to access their children’s social media?

As part of our class worship this morning, we completed our big debate on whether or not parents should be able to access their child’s social media accounts? We know that social media can have both a negative and positive impact on children. We also found that OFCOM completed a survey in 2020 which showed that 30% of children aged 5-7 years had a social media account! Reasons for ‘should’ were : It could protect the child from danger It can support with mental health if the child is struggling to deal with issues It can correct negative behaviour ( the parent can intervene) Reasons for ‘shouldn’t’ included: It’s invasion of privacy They can learn their own way about e-safety There are other ways of checking on your child Overall our class voted 22 people for their parents checking and only 5 opposed it.

Image of Reception PSHE - Our Daddies
12 Jun

Reception PSHE - Our Daddies

In preparation for Father’s Day, we have been thinking about why our Daddies are so special and why we love them. Teddy said ‘I love my Daddy because he helps me build things.’ Hollie said ‘he helps me do jigsaws.’ We have made some very special cards to show our Daddies how loved they are.

Image of Online Safety: Fair play and friendly competition
12 Jun

Online Safety: Fair play and friendly competition

With #Euro2024 about to start, a little competition could be great fun provided nobody crosses the line. This week’s #WakeUpWednesday guide lets you know how to nurture a healthy competitive spirit in children and young people, encouraging them to play fair. Download >>

Image of Year 6 Money Matters
10 Jun

Year 6 Money Matters

Year 6 had their final money matters session this week led by Debt Aware- Money skills for life. They at enterprise and entrepreneurs.

Image of Year 1 and 2 visit BeWILDerwood
24 May

Year 1 and 2 visit BeWILDerwood

Our Year 1 and 2 classes had a fantastic time at BeWILDerwood in Cheshire. They showed lots of courage when taking part in a variety of challenging activities such as den building, wobbly wires, slippery slopes, the mish mash maze, the broken bridge, storytelling and crafts. For all of the photos, please click here:

Image of Year 6- Islamophobia Workshop
23 May

Year 6- Islamophobia Workshop

This week, year 6 took part in an islamophobia workshop. They discovered what islamophobia is, why we have islamophobia and how we tackle the issue. The overriding theme from the workshop is that it exists from a lack of education around the Islamic faith and it can be tackled through education. This will allow the children to make informed choices as they go out into the world.

Image of Year 6 RSHE
23 May

Year 6 RSHE

On Friday, year 6 took part in an RSHE session with Karen from Coram Life Education. This session focused on how the children’s bodies can change and how they can keep safe as they grow up. Year 6 listened attentively and acted in an extremely mature manner.

Image of Online Safety: Encouraging Healthy Friendships
22 May

Online Safety: Encouraging Healthy Friendships

Flourishing friendships can be an important aspect of a happy life - but what does a healthy relationship look like? This #WakeUpWednesday, we’re offering expert advice on encouraging healthy friendships among children and young people. Download here >>

Image of Reception: Active Explorers
21 May

Reception: Active Explorers

It has been wonderful to see how our Ducklings are developing in problem solving and how they are all actively exploring all areas. They are constantly wanting to improve their work and are able to complete tricky tasks independently. This week, our Ducklings are learning all about dinosaurs and have created some fabulous Diplodocuses, labelled dinosaurs, created a dinosaur habitat and painted some marvellous dinosaurs whilst telling the class some wonderful facts about the knowledge they have learnt so far. Keep it up!

Image of Forest school club
17 May

Forest school club

This week the children had a great time building dens which opened so much up for their imaginative play. The children created leaf tickets to enter the den. They gave each other different roles within the game. It was great to see the children all playing cooperatively together and using brilliant team work.

Image of Year 4 RSE - Time for Change
17 May

Year 4 RSE - Time for Change

Today we have had Karen in from Coram Life Education. She covered our RSE unit - Time for Change. We covered lots of subjects and all things puberty. Everyone is unique and it’s normal to question - I’m growing up but am I different? We looked in greater detail at the reproductive system and genitals. The main thing to remember is to show empathy towards each other and each other's body changes and differences.

Image of Year 5 - Coram Life Education Session
17 May

Year 5 - Coram Life Education Session

Year 5 had their Coram life education session where the class discussed the changes that occur within our bodies and why those changes occur. The children discussed both male and female changes to educate each other and to remain empathetic towards the changes that occur for both males and females.

Image of Online Safety: School Avoidance
15 May

Online Safety: School Avoidance

This #WakeUpWednesday, our guide looks at some of the causes of school avoidance and the impact it can have, and provides some helpful tips on how to support children with any challenges they are experiencing. Download >>

Image of Year 5- PGL- Three day residential trip
15 May

Year 5- PGL- Three day residential trip

Year 5 have been on a 3-day residential trip to Winmarleigh Hall, where they created lasting memories, and tackled challenging activities such as; Zip wire, abseiling, survivor skills, traverse, raft building, quizzes, sensory trail and vertical challenges demonstrating incredible teamwork. Well done Year 5! A huge thank you to Mr Bloomfield, Miss Kachwalla and Rev Ben for their amazing support!

Image of Year 2 - Fire Service Visit
14 May

Year 2 - Fire Service Visit

On Monday, the fire service visited year 2. However after 10 minutes they received a radio call saying there was an emergency so they were needed somewhere else in Darwen. Thankfully Firefighter Clough was keen to come back so on Tuesday morning we got to do it all again. We spoke about how we should react should we ever be in a fire. We also discussed ways to help reduce danger in scary situations. We also spoke about the importance of smoke alarms in our homes. All the children were asked to check their smoke alarms were working at home. We had water guns, wigs, hats and plenty of jokes to make this a memorable visit!

Image of Year 1- Road Safety Visit
13 May

Year 1- Road Safety Visit

This afternoon in Year 1, we had visit from Road Safety Officer Katie. We learnt the Green Cross Code which is to only Cross the road when we have stopped, looked, listened and thought. Katie then talked to us about how we should put this into practice when we are making decisions concerning our roads. Katie then spoke to us about the dangers of having our shoe laces undone, being on an electronic device and wearing headphones whilst crossing the road as well as running across a road and following a ball or other object that has rolled into the road. We discussed these in depth and decided that anything that would result in us being distracted, not being able to hear properly or potentially resulting in us falling and being stranded in the middle of the road would be incredibly dangerous and we should take precautions so that they don’t happen . Katie then shared one of the most common ways for people getting hurt whilst crossing the road. This is when people cross the road between two parked cars. We learnt that by doing this, you can’t see the oncoming traffic properly and the oncoming traffic can’t see you. Therefore, Katie told us that we must cross the road in a safe place where you have full visibility of the road and the oncoming traffic has clear visibility of you. Late at night, this would mean that you would also need to wear fluorescent and reflective clothes and/or accessories. Katie gave us lots of these- thank you! Throughout the lesson, we took to the crossing and practised some of these road safety skills that we had learnt. To end the lesson, Katie talked to us about the importance of a seat belt. She told us that the seatbelt should sit positioned between our shoulder bone and hip bone and then securely fastened. Katie also told us that we needed to be a certain height in order for this seatbelt to fulfil its job of keeping us safe. All of us were measured and we all discovered that we need a booster seat to ensure that we are the appropriate height for the seatbelt to do it’s job. Thank you to Katie for a very informative session.

Image of Year 3 - Road Safety
13 May

Year 3 - Road Safety

This afternoon we had Katie from Blackburn with Darwen council visit us to teach us all about road safety. We practiced how to cross the road safely and how to use a zebra crossing. We also learnt about lollipop people and how hi-vis works and why certain people will wear a hi-vis jacket.

Image of Year 1 Class Worship
9 May

Year 1 Class Worship

Today in class worship, Year 1 explored the question, ‘How are you the same as and different to your friends?’ First of all, the children spoke to a partner and had to tell them something that they like, have or enjoy doing and ask them whether they liked, had or enjoyed doing it too e.g. I have a brother, do you? I enjoy playing football, do you? Or I like to eat pizza, do you? After this discussion, the children had to feedback to the whole class on similarities and differences that they had found. Following on from this, we discussed how we realise that we are all similar in a lot of ways but also very different. The children then completed an activity in pairs where they had to explore colouring 6 trainers in different ways but using the same 3 colours. This highlighted exactly what we had just been talking about. To end our lesson, we touched on the second question which was, ‘How can shops make sure everyone feels represented?’ We talked about how this is important to make everyone feel included despite our differences. The children came up with some wonderful suggestions such as making mannequins have different skin tones, disabilities such as prosthetic legs, being in a wheelchair or missing a limb and displaying mannequins of different heights and sizes. Well done Year 1.

Image of Year 2 - Junior Jam Computing
8 May

Year 2 - Junior Jam Computing

This week in computing the children created digital images to show emotions. This involved designing their own emojis and adding various objects that can make them feel a certain way. For example we had an amazed face with fireworks in the background. The children really enjoyed making their own emoji.

Image of Year 6 KOOTH workshop
7 May

Year 6 KOOTH workshop

On Friday, year 6 took part in a virtual workshop with KOOTH. KOOTH is an online, anonymous mental well-being platform for children. The children can sign up to this service by: visiting the website, selecting sign up, select their area (Darwen, Lancashire) and filling in a few details (DOB, gender, ethnicity, username). This service can provide support for SATS or anything else that the children may be worrying about.

Image of Reception: Healthy Minds
7 May

Reception: Healthy Minds

In PSHE, our Ducklings discussed how we can keep our minds healthy. We explored the 5 ways to wellbeing: mindfulness, staying connected, being active, trying something new and giving to others. Hollie suggested we could play with our friends, Callie said we could dance, Haydn said that playing outside will help us to feel good, Alayna said we could talk, Percy said try a new sport and Vienna suggested and could make food for people. We then took part in a mindfulness session using peer massage.

Image of Year 5 and 6 Hop, Skip and Jump for East Lancs Hospice
3 May

Year 5 and 6 Hop, Skip and Jump for East Lancs Hospice

Last Friday, year 5 and 6 took part in a fundraiser for East Lancs Hospice. It involved them hopping, skipping and jumping around the school yard. They took part with such enthusiasm. Well done year 5 and 6!

Image of Online Safety: Ofcom Media Report 2024
1 May

Online Safety: Ofcom Media Report 2024

99% of children are now regularly online, making Ofcom’s Media Use and Attitudes Report a must-read for parents, carers and educators. This #WakeUpWednesday, we’ve got a breakdown of Ofcom’s most eye-catching #OnlineSafety findings Download here >>

Image of Reception: Healthy eating
30 Apr

Reception: Healthy eating

This week we have discussed how many fruits and vegetables we should eat every day. The children told us their favourite fruits and vegetables and we discussed how it is important to try new foods. We spoke about the different food groups and what they job was. Thomas said healthy food makes us strong, Vienna said that healthy foods can make you feel good and Callie said healthy foods can keep your teeth health.

Image of Year 4 Hop, Skip and Jump for East Lancs Hospice
26 Apr

Year 4 Hop, Skip and Jump for East Lancs Hospice

This morning, Year 4 completed their Hop, Skip and Jump for The East Lancashire Hospice Challenge . The children all wore their decorated crowns whilst making their way around our 1k course in order to raise money for this wonderful cause. Donations can be made on parent pay for all those who took part and received their special chocolate treat.

Image of Y4 Class Worship - Can you learn to persevere?
25 Apr

Y4 Class Worship - Can you learn to persevere?

As part of our class worship this week, we looked at if we can learn perseverance. We looked at how Jasmin Paris who became the first female runner to complete what is thought by many to be the world’s toughest race. She crossed the line in March with less than 100 seconds to spare. The main point that we discussed is how this will go on to inspire others and test the limits of people’s capabilities. We also looked at inspirational quotes from famous people and finally wrote our own.

Image of Year 5 - Earth Day
25 Apr

Year 5 - Earth Day

As part of Earth Day 2024, year 5 have been exploring the variety of ways that we can protect our planet. The theme this year is about plastic pollution and how we can reuse and recycle more to protect our planet. The children created door handles and wrote on them the many ways that we can protect and save our planet.

Image of Year 2 - Class Worship
25 Apr

Year 2 - Class Worship

Today we had our class worship! As it has been World Earth Day this week, we used resources from Sir David Attenborough and Children in need. This has linked nicely with our Geography topic of Hot and Cold Places. At the end of the day we watched highlights of Planet Earth III. The episode we chose was narrated by children as anyone can have a voice for nature.

Image of Online Safety: Shopping Platforms
24 Apr

Online Safety: Shopping Platforms

Everyone loves an online deal! The trouble is, scammers know that too – so they often lurk around online marketplaces, hoping to fleece the unwary. Our #WakeUpWednesday guide has tips for staying safe on shopping apps. Download here >>

Image of Walk to School Summer Worship
23 Apr

Walk to School Summer Worship

As part of our new Walk to School initiative, we took part in a virtual worship this morning. It was to highlight events that will be taking place over the summer term. We also looked at how children travel to school in different countries and found that some children have to go to school in a boat and some children in China have to climb 2500 ft up a mountain side using a rope ladder! The schools that took part, shared why walking to school helped us and we said that it helps us to clear our mind, be with nature, how it helps to keeps us fit and de- stress. The events that are due to take place are Walk to School Week 20-24th May and the WOW Top Ten Challenge when schools try to increase their walks and gain a top ten place on the leader board which is 3-28th June. Our WOW ambassadors are looking forward to promoting these exciting events and will be planning something very exciting!

Image of Reception: Outdoor Games
22 Apr

Reception: Outdoor Games

Some of our Ducklings today decided to play a game of Scarecrow tig. They wanted Mrs Wilkinson and Mrs Thompson to catch the children and the children had to work together to avoid being caught. They had to negotiate obstacles, look for good hiding places, accurately run around the playground and help their friends. We had a super time and can’t wait to play more outdoor games together!

Image of Year 4- The Big Debate - should we put restrictions on fast food intake?
18 Apr

Year 4- The Big Debate - should we put restrictions on fast food intake?

In our Class Worship this morning we took part in The Bg Debate which asked; Should the amount of fast food people are allowed to eat be restricted? We learned lots of new facts including- 37% of all American adults have a least one fast food meal per day and that in the UK, 26% of all adults are classes as obese. We also questioned who judges what fast food actually is? Not all fast food is viewed as unhealthy and it also helps poorer families as some fast food is cheaper. As a class we voted that WE SHOULD restrict the fast food and the children debated both sides of the argument very well!

Image of Online Safety: Energy Drinks
17 Apr

Online Safety: Energy Drinks

A hefty boost of energy during a slump can be a massive help but drinks loaded with caffeine are far from the best option. This #WakeUpWednesday, we're addressing the risks of consuming energy drinks and showcasing healthier alternatives. Download here >>

Image of Reception: Forest Schools
16 Apr

Reception: Forest Schools

Our Ducklings love our forest school sessions at Whitehall Park! Letting their imaginations run wild is so important for their development. They enjoyed developing their gross motor skills too whilst exploring the outdoors.

Image of Online Safety: WhatsApp Breaking News!
12 Apr

Online Safety: WhatsApp Breaking News!

Breaking news! WhatsApp has lowered its age limit to 13! With potentially more young people joining the chat, it is even more important that parents and educators are fully aware of the risks associated with this platform. Refresh your knowledge and get expert advice on keeping children safe online with our Wake Up Wednesday Guide Download here >>

Image of Year 3- BIG Debate Club
11 Apr

Year 3- BIG Debate Club

In our class debate this morning, we discussed if it was better to be a teacher or a pupil. We had some great conversations, especially because some of our pupils have family members that work in schools and see them working hard in the evenings and holidays. Some pupils thought it was great to be a pupil because at break times they can play with their friends and eat with their friends at lunch time. They didn't like the idea of marking books and assessments. They discussed that being a teacher is tough but can also be lots of fun because they can teach what they enjoy the most. We then discussed the importance of teaching a range of subjects to prepare them for the future.

Image of Online Safety: Managing Exam Stress
10 Apr

Online Safety: Managing Exam Stress

“You may turn your papers over … now.” ⏱✏️ With SATs only around a month away, our timely #WakeUpWednesday guide has some expert advice on helping children and young people to manage their pre-test stress

Image of Online Safety: Clickbait
27 Mar

Online Safety: Clickbait

The 10 Worst #OnlineSafety Fails (You Won’t Believe Number 6) That get your attention? Clickbait works by appealing to our emotions and curiosity – but where exactly do those links lead? Download our #WakeUpWednesday guide and find out Download here >>

Image of Reception: Easter Artwork
26 Mar

Reception: Easter Artwork

Our Ducklings enjoyed viewing the artwork in the Rose Garden. They looked at the Easter story and tried to describe each picture.

Image of Reception: Forest Schools
26 Mar

Reception: Forest Schools

Our Reception children explored a different area of Whitehall park today. They made fairy houses, balanced on beams, built dens and climbed trees.

Image of Year 4: Down Syndrome Awareness Day 2024
21 Mar

Year 4: Down Syndrome Awareness Day 2024

In our Class Worship and PSHE sessions today, we focused on Down Syndrome Awareness Day. World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD), 21 March, is a global awareness day which has been officially observed by the United Nations since 2012.Typically, a baby is born with 46 chromosomes. Babies with Down syndrome have an extra copy of one of these chromosomes, chromosome 21. We also looked at how we are all unique and have very special qualities. This is why we are supporting this day by wearing our odd socks.

Image of Well-being Club
21 Mar

Well-being Club

For our final session, we walked to Jack Keys and enjoyed a nature walk! It was lots of fun and it was lovely to enjoy the outdoors with everyone.

Image of Reception: Firefighter visit
21 Mar

Reception: Firefighter visit

Reception had a special visit from firefighter Andy this afternoon to teach us about the very important job of a firefighter. First we watched a video about Francis the firefly with a very important message about not playing with matches. We then looked at a uniform a firefighter wears when they attend a fire - we thought it was very funny when Mrs Govan tried it on! Mrs Govan said it was very heavy and smelt of smoke! Andy talked about other types of incidents the fire team help with, such as car accidents, rescuing people from tricky places and animals too!

Image of Year 3- Class Worship- World Down Syndrome Day
21 Mar

Year 3- Class Worship- World Down Syndrome Day

Today, on 'World Down Syndrome Day', Year 3 proudly wore mismatched socks to raise awareness for Down Syndrome. We learned that individuals with Down Syndrome are just like us-they go to school, have friends, and enjoy everyday activities. We celebrated our differences and thanked God for making us all unique and special.

Image of Online Safety: Encouraging open conversations at home
20 Mar

Online Safety: Encouraging open conversations at home

It’s good to talk. Whatever the problem, an honest chat - delivered with a little compassion - can help. This #WakeUpWednesday, our guide has expert tips on encouraging and maintaining open conversations with children. Download >>

Image of Reception Dentist visit
19 Mar

Reception Dentist visit

This morning reception had a visit from two dentists who were here to tell us all about how we can keep our teeth and gums healthy. Reception were keen to ask questions and listened well. Super work Reception!

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
18 Mar

Reception: Muddy Monday

Our reception children really enjoyed our Muddy Monday session today at Whitehall park. They climbed up trees, created a cafe, travelled on a ‘steam engine’ and created a bug hotel. Super imaginations!

Image of Online Safety: Developing Healthy Sleep Patterns
13 Mar

Online Safety: Developing Healthy Sleep Patterns

Irony klaxon. This week, #WakeUpWednesday is all about going to sleep! We’ve got together with Minds Ahead to bring you some expert tips on helping children and young people to develop a healthy sleeping pattern.

Image of Year 3- PSHE- What is a community?
13 Mar

Year 3- PSHE- What is a community?

Today in PSHE, Year 3 discussed the concept of "community." We explored what this term means to each of us. To visually represent this, Sophie and Elliot sketched a 'Community Web' diagram in the PSHE scrapbook and extended lines outward, representing the different communities the children belong to. These included their family, school, sports teams, brownies, cubs, swimming, neighbourhoods, and more. We explored the idea that individuals can belong to multiple communities, each with its unique characteristics and lifestyles. We also emphasised the importance of understanding and recognising this diversity within communities and showing respect.

Image of Reception: Easter Artwork
11 Mar

Reception: Easter Artwork

Today, during our Muddy Monday session, we collected lots of green natural objects to create palm leaves for our Easter art work. The children worked together as a team to create their art work. You will be able to view our artwork soon in the Rose Garden at Whitehall park.

Image of The Big Plastic Count
8 Mar

The Big Plastic Count

THE BIG PLASTIC COUNT We're excited that our school is joining the Big Plastic Count initiative from March 11th to 17th. The issue of plastic waste affects us all, and our young ones must have a say in finding solutions. Click on the link below for more information. During this initiative, your children will play a vital role in gathering evidence about what happens to our plastic waste. This information will be used to advocate for change at national and global levels, urging UK ministers, supermarkets, and major brands to take action towards phasing out plastic production. In the coming days, your child will receive a ‘Let’s count tally sheet’. Count as you throw from Monday 11th March morning until Sunday 17th March! Simply mark every piece of plastic package as you throw it away on the tally sheet. We encourage you to support them in this activity, and they can then input their findings at home using the unique class link provided on their class page between 18-31 March. Once all the results are in, we'll create our class footprint and share it with the children. We appreciate your continuous support in involving our pupils in these significant initiatives. Thank you, Smart School Council and Miss Kachwalla

Image of WOW Initiative Assembly Launch
8 Mar

WOW Initiative Assembly Launch

Today we had our WOW assembly in which we learned all about our new walk to school challenge and how we need to try to walk to school (or find an active way) at least once a week. We met Dan who is from Living Streets. He told us how we can earn badges every month by taking part. It’s so important to walk to improve our mental wellbeing, get fit and decrease pollution. We look forward to practising with the Travel Tracker next week with our newly appointed WOW Ambassadors.

Image of Online Safety: Tekken 8
7 Mar

Online Safety: Tekken 8

#WakeUpWednesday … WINS! This week’s knockout guide fills parents and educators in on the latest edition of the fighting game Tekken – highlighting potential #OnlineSafety risks and suggesting how to help young gamers play more safely. Download >>

Image of Reception- fire fighter visit
7 Mar

Reception- fire fighter visit

This afternoon we have had a visit from the firefighters from Darwen fire service. The children were taught about the firefighter uniform, smoke alarms, emergency numbers and how to stay safe. We then went to have a look at the fire engine, we listened to the sirens and saw the flashing lights and we all had a go a firing water from the hose.

Image of Forest School Club
7 Mar

Forest School Club

In forest school club we have been making stick people. The children found the sticks they wanted to use and thought about how they wanted their stick people to look. We learned how to do a square lashing to hold the sticks together. When we finished our stick people the children chose to have a game of stick in the mud.

Image of Year 1- Mrs Ham Reads to Year One on World Book Day
7 Mar

Year 1- Mrs Ham Reads to Year One on World Book Day

Year One loved listening to Mrs Ham, our headteacher, read them stories today as part of our World Book Day celebrations. Mrs Ham read, ‘When Cookie Crumbled’ and ‘When Jelly Had a Wobble.’ We talked about times when we have felt anxious or nervous like Jelly and how we can show kindness to our friends to reassure them if they feeling anxious or worried. We also reflected on how it is great to be unique and express ourselves however we like, just like the cookie.

Image of Big Lent Walk: both targets achieved!
4 Mar

Big Lent Walk: both targets achieved!

Wow! We have achieved both of our targets already for the Big Lent Walk. A huge thank you to our wonderful children and families for taking part to help us to travel 385.4km (so far!!) Thank you to everyone who has sponsored us so far- our families, friends and the community. Your generosity means so much. We still have just under 4 weeks of Lent left so I am sure we can continue to add more km to our distance travelled and raise more money for this wonderful cause. You are not too late to get involved so please send your pictures and total km walked to either myself or Mrs Ham. Donations can still be made here: Thank you for your kindness and generosity,

Image of Year 3- Big Lent Walk
4 Mar

Year 3- Big Lent Walk

This afternoon, Year 3 went on the 'Big Lent Walk', covering a distance of 2.8 km. A small donation has been made to CAFOD to help fight poverty worldwide. We also had fun being Geologists exploring different kind of rocks.

Image of Year 6 School Nurse Visit
1 Mar

Year 6 School Nurse Visit

Year 6 had a visit from the school nurse as a follow-up session to the health questionnaires they recently filled out. The children acted extremely maturely and gave some fantastic responses. However, they were clearly shocked by some of the facts (especially around sugar content) regarding their favourite foods and drinks. Did you know that one milkshake contains nearly a week’s worth of a child’s sugar intake?

Image of Year 4 Class Worship - Jesus and the Taxman
29 Feb

Year 4 Class Worship - Jesus and the Taxman

In our Class Worship this morning, we looked at the story of Jesus and the Taxman and how your life can be transformed by loving Jesus. We found the story in the New Testament in The Gospels. Zacchaeus was a hated taxman who at first hid from Jesus. He hid in a tree until Jesus invited him for tea. Jesus chose Zacchaeus for a reason. He learnt that Jesus loves you just as you are so go and invite him into your hearts. After realising his wrongs Zacchaeus said that he would pay back everyone that he had stolen from x4 and he would sell half of what he owned and give this to the poor. He remembered that whatever you trust and rely on is probably your God and God shares his love with everyone.

Image of Wellbeing Club
29 Feb

Wellbeing Club

Mrs Wilkinson really enjoyed spending time with some children from Years 1 and 2 for the start of their wellbeing club. They discussed why it is important to look after ourselves and how we can be kind to ourselves. We then made friendship bracelets and looked at affirmations and coloured in some affirmation posters.

Image of Year 4 PSHE - Rights and Respect
28 Feb

Year 4 PSHE - Rights and Respect

In our PSHE lesson we have moved onto a new unit which focuses on ‘Rights and Respect’. During the lesson we looked at who helps us to stay healthy and safe. We developed our understanding of the roles that particular job roles had including; doctors, teachers, firefighters, office administrators and site managers. The children collaborated on a mind map to demonstrate these similarities and differences then discussed which role they thought helped us the most and why.

Image of Year 3- PSHE- Families and Friends
28 Feb

Year 3- PSHE- Families and Friends

During our PSHE lesson this afternoon, Year 3 discussed what "family" means to different people. We emphasised the importance of respecting everyone's idea of family. Then, in small groups, they got a picture of a family and made up a story about them. They were reminded to be respectful and think about different kinds of families. We spoke about stereotypes, and how stereotyping isn't good because it makes people think everyone in a group is the same. But people are all different. Stereotypes can make us treat others unfairly because we don't see them as individuals. It's important to understand everyone is unique and not judge them based on stereotypes. This helped the children understand that families can be different and that's okay.

Image of Reception: Imagine That Educational Visit
28 Feb

Reception: Imagine That Educational Visit

Wow, what a fantastic day our Ducklings had today. We visited Imagine That in Liverpool and had lots of fun! The children did lots of experiments with dry ice, made magical snow and made slime too. They used their imaginations in the roleplay area, painted a car, explored the creative area and made their own magnets. They were well behaved and represented the school beautifully!

Image of Online Safety: Experiencing Bullying
28 Feb

Online Safety: Experiencing Bullying

Hard to identify and even harder to stop. Bullying continues to be a problem which can ruin young lives: this week’s #WakeUpWednesday guide has expert advice for trusted adults on ways to support young people who are being bullied.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
26 Feb

Reception: Muddy Monday

Our Ducklings enjoyed our Muddy Monday session today at Whitehall park. They were super explorers! They found pine cones, natural resources for their dens and also different minibeasts.

Image of Year 6 Fire Service Visit
22 Feb

Year 6 Fire Service Visit

At the end of last half term, year 6 were visited by the fire service. They did a recap with the children on what they covered in year 2, and delivered some new content. Two of the most important takeaways from the session would be to test that your smoke alarms work each month; this could be done on your birthdate to avoid forgetting. Secondly, make sure you have a fire plan in place at home and that everyone living in the property understand this.

Image of Year 6 Money Matters
22 Feb

Year 6 Money Matters

The focus of year 6’s money matters session was gambling. The children gained an understanding of how addictive gambling can become and the impact it can have on someone’s life. This was illustrated really clearly to the children in a game they played in which they could place bets with artificial money.

Image of Online Safety: Self-regulation
21 Feb

Online Safety: Self-regulation

Learning the art of emotional control. Young ones can sometimes find it difficult to manage their feelings – this week’s #WakeUpWednesday guide has expert advice on how trusted adults can help children learn to self-regulate. Download >>

Image of Year 4 - Meeting Our Linking Schools Class
21 Feb

Year 4 - Meeting Our Linking Schools Class

The children were so excited to meet their Linking class this week. We had a Zoom meeting with the Kestrels class from St Matthews in Blackburn, in which we introduced ourselves, taught and learned some sign-supported English and played games. I think their favourite game was ‘Draw An Object’; the children had to hold their whiteboards on their heads and draw the instructed object without looking. Needless to say our attempts were hilarious and nothing like what they were supposed to be!

Image of Reception: Police Visit
20 Feb

Reception: Police Visit

Wow! What a special treat! The children had a visit from PC Uzair and PCSO Debbie. It was fantastic and the children were able to take turns in the police car. We even got to press the horn to make the siren work! We learnt about their job and how they make sure everybody is safe. We also got to see some of their equipment and found out about their special numbers. I’m sure this is a memory the children will never forget.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
19 Feb

Reception: Muddy Monday

Our Reception class really enjoyed our Muddy Monday session at Whitehall park. We looked at some habitats for different minibeasts that we found and also enjoyed creating dens and continued to take risks climbing trees. They walked 3.84km and enjoyed contributing to the Big Lent Walk!

Image of Mad Science After -School Club- Missions Nutritious
19 Feb

Mad Science After -School Club- Missions Nutritious

Today, in our after-school club led by a scientist, the young children investigated the energy content of food by burning a stale crisp and using the released energy to heat water. We discovered that one crisp equals 6 calories. This was super exciting to watch. The young scientists also measured their energy expenditure by jogging on the spot. For our final experiment, the children filled a bottle halfway with water and then poured in about 100ml of oil. They then observed the oil float on the water. They were fascinated by this observation. We also estimated the length of a child's intestine during the session, adding to our exploration of the human body. They're eagerly looking forward to next week's experiment with slime.

Image of Dress to Express 2024
9 Feb

Dress to Express 2024

What a fantastic day we’ve had celebrating Dress to Express! It was lovely to get together as a whole school to raise awareness for Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week. Every single member of our school family certainly dressed to express themselves and made themselves heard as we all have a voice. Well done to all of the children that spoke about why they had chosen their outfits and how it allowed them to express themselves.

Image of Year 6 Dress to Express
9 Feb

Year 6 Dress to Express

Mrs Ham discussed in worship that the theme of children’s mental health week is ‘My Voice Matters’. Today, year 6 have really expressed themselves and shown just how unique they are.

Image of Reception Express Yourself
9 Feb

Reception Express Yourself

Reception have loved expressing themselves today for Mental Health week

Image of Year 1- Dress to Express
9 Feb

Year 1- Dress to Express

Year 1 made a wonderful effort for ‘Dress to Express Day.’ We had children dressing as their favourite Disney character or princess, dressing as superheroes, dressing in party clothes as they love to party and attend celebrations , dressing as a unicorn, wearing their favourite colours, wearing all things sparkly, wearing football kits and sport clothes to express their love of sports and wearing pyjamas to express their love of relaxing and being snuggled up. Well done Year 1. We loved hearing how you like to express yourselves.

Image of St Barnabas Big Lent Walk
8 Feb

St Barnabas Big Lent Walk

Good morning, Next Wednesday 14th February, is the start of Lent. During Lent, our school will be fundraising for CAFOD. We will be taking part in the big Lent walk where we will collectively try and walk 200km. Please help us to raise as much money as possible by sponsoring our whole school family. If you have been on a walk, please either sponsor and leave a message with how many km you have walked or send me a message and I can update our page. We will also be walking during the school day in our classes to achieve our target so any sponsorship will be greatly appreciated. Your sponsorship can change lives. Every £1 raised through the Big Lent Walk will help fight poverty globally in countries like Afghanistan, Colombia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Sudan. This year, CAFOD’s Lent Appeal is helping fishing communities feed their families in Liberia, and SCIAF’s Wee Box Appeal is focused on women and girls in Rwanda facing gender-based violence. Also in Ethiopia, CAFOD and SCIAF are working together to respond to the devastating food crisis there. Years of drought caused by the climate crisis means families are no longer able to cope, but your support means we are working with people right now, providing them with water, emergency food and healthcare. With your hard work and sponsorship this Lent, we can change families’ lives for good and tell poverty to take a hike. Please access our page here where you can sponsor your child: Thank you for your kindness, Mrs Wilkinson

Image of Year 4 Safer Internet Day Rap
8 Feb

Year 4 Safer Internet Day Rap

Today we had a special Safer Internet Day Worship with each class performing their very own raps. Year 4 collaborated on an extra special one and it was great to see them perform in front of the rest of the school and bust their moves. Well done Year 4!

Image of Safer Internet Raps
8 Feb

Safer Internet Raps

*PROUD POST* A huge well done to Years 1-4 for their fantastic safer internet raps this morning & to Year 5 for introducing our safer internet worship. Please have a watch of the videos on class dojo. After the Safer Internet Day worship on Tuesday, Mrs Wilkinson set them the challenge of performing a rap to the whole school to advise them how to keep safe online. This week is also Children’s Mental Health week and the theme is My Voice Matters so this was a great opportunity for the children to use their voice. Some of the children were nervous about performing in front of the whole school but they showed lots of courage and did brilliantly. Over the next few years we are going to be involved in an oracy project with our Trust called Voice 21. This will develop our children’s oracy skills and develop their confidence when speaking in small groups and large groups. Well done, you are superstars!

Image of Year 4 - Safer Internet Day
7 Feb

Year 4 - Safer Internet Day

In Year 4, we celebrated Safer Internet Day by writing our online safety rap. We practised performing it and we can’t wait to show the rest of the school on Thursday.

Image of Reception - Chinese New Year
7 Feb

Reception - Chinese New Year

Reception have been learning about the celebration of Chinese New Year. We listened to the story of the great race and found out how the animals have a year named after them. We also learned about how people across the world prepare for Chinese new year by cleaning their houses, decorating and spending time with family and friends. We also learned to say ‘Kung Hei Fat Choy’ which means Happy New Year.

Image of Online Safety: Monkey
7 Feb

Online Safety: Monkey

It’s a jungle out there! If a platform where young people can video chat with random strangers sounds like an #OnlineSafety risk which is – quite frankly – bananas, you’ll want to check out our #WakeUpWednesday guide to Monkey. Download >>

Image of Year 3- P.S.H.E- Online Safety
7 Feb

Year 3- P.S.H.E- Online Safety

This afternoon, we learnt about how to stay safe online. We discussed the importance of speaking to a trusted adult before joining groups, downloading apps and thinking about the information you share online. The children then created a rap in small groups ready to perform to the whole school.

Image of Safer Internet Day
6 Feb

Safer Internet Day

This morning our whole school enjoyed a special worship, focusing on how to stay safe on the internet to celebrate Safer Internet Day. We discussed why it is important to raise awareness. We looked at what technology looked like compared to now. We then looked at what can happen online and how important it is that we know what to do if we come across something that makes us feel uncomfortable. The children discussed how we can speak to Mrs Ham, Mrs Wilkinson, our teachers, our sports coaches and our families if we feel we have seen something we shouldn’t have. We also discussed why our parents might check our devices and how our grown ups, including our teachers always want to keep us safe. We then joined lots of other schools from all around the country on a special assembly to discuss safe and unsafe things which may happen online. The importance of passwords, checking the settings so they aren’t sharing information with people they don’t know and also what to do if people they don’t know try to contact them online. Every Wednesday, we post guidance on how to keep safe online. Please have a look and discuss the National Online Safety posters with your children. The online world can be wonderful as long as we know how to use it safely.

Image of Reception celebrate Safer Internet Day
6 Feb

Reception celebrate Safer Internet Day

We read the story of Jessie and friends which was all about keeping safe online. We discussed what to do if we feel worried or if something doesn’t feel right. We discussed how we should always tell someone. Percy said to tell our grandparents, Vienna said Mrs Thompson, Ida said Mrs Wilkinson, Millie said your older brother or sister, Holly said Mrs Ham, Joey said Miss Reynolds, Cici said your parents, Samuel said your Aunty and Uncle and Ed said Mrs Govan.

Image of National Online Safety: Safer Internet Day 2024
6 Feb

National Online Safety: Safer Internet Day 2024

It's #SaferInternetDay! The National Online Safety #WakeUpWednesday guides are available to download for free, empowering our whole school community to keep children safe in the online world. We post one every Wednesday so please looo out of them! Explore hundreds of resources for parents, carers and educators >> #OnlineSafety #OnlineSafetyDay #SaferInternetDay2024

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
5 Feb

Reception: Muddy Monday

Our Ducklings enjoyed exploring the forest schools area in Whitehall park. Their imaginations were really flowing. We found dinosaur shaped claw leaves, eggs, some of our children created a roleplay restaurant and we had squirrels climbing up the trees!

Image of Year 6 PSHE
1 Feb

Year 6 PSHE

In PSHE, year 6 focused on the qualities of good friends. We started by discovering that it is okay for friends to have different views and interests. We did this by presenting a series of statements and noticed that there were so many differences within our year 6 class: some agreed and some disagreed with the statements. We ended the lesson with the children explaining what they felt were the most important qualities of friendship. Not only did they have to list the quality, but justify why it is important.

Image of Year 2 - PSHE
1 Feb

Year 2 - PSHE

This week in PSHE, we are still looking in particular at rights and respect. We read the book ‘My mouth is a Volcano’ by Julia Cook, in the book, a boy struggles to keep his emotions regulated. We thought about when we can be in similar situations at school. Recently, it has been difficult to remain calm on the playground when games don’t go the way we wanted. We spoke about different strategies to use to help us regulate emotions in those difficult situations.

Image of Online Safety: Persuasive Design Online
31 Jan

Online Safety: Persuasive Design Online

#SaferInternetDay is nearly here! Reflecting the “managing influence” strand of this year’s theme, our #WakeUpWednesday guide unpacks ‘persuasive design’ – and uncovers some common but often hidden #OnlineSafety risks to young people. Download >>

Image of Reception: Forest Schools
30 Jan

Reception: Forest Schools

Today, our Ducklings explored Jacks Key. They worked in small groups to collect resources to create elf and fairy houses. They had to explore the environment to find the best twigs and leaves to use. They also had to work as a team and communicate with each other. Well done!

Image of Reception: Colour Mixing
30 Jan

Reception: Colour Mixing

Our Ducklings have been learning to become more independent with our painting easel. They can now squirt the correct amount of paint into a palette and have explored mixing colours to create their pictures.

Image of Year 1 PSHE- Valuing Difference
30 Jan

Year 1 PSHE- Valuing Difference

As part of their PSHE lessons, Year 1 are learning to not only understand that we are all different but also appreciate and celebrate each other’s differences. They started their lesson by looking at a picture and recognising some of the similarities and differences between Derek, Harold and Kiki. They spotted similarities such as all three of them being mammals, having body features such as arms, legs, eyes and a mouth and all of them being able to smile but they also spotted differences such as them being different heights, having different eye colours and also having different body features such as Harold having a long neck and Kiki having floppy ears. Then they watched a video and discovered that they also were different on the inside because they had different interests and hobbies. To end our lesson, we played a game where Year 1 had to stand up and swap places if one of the statements applied to them e.g. they had brown hair, they had blue eyes etc.. We recognised that we didn’t all stand up for every single statement that was read out because we are all different. We discussed how it’s good that we are all different because the world would be pretty dull if we were all the same. We also talked about how learning new games, facts and developing new hobbies from other people is both interesting and fun.

Image of Online Safety: MyLOL
24 Jan

Online Safety: MyLOL

FYI … it’s MyLOL: A “dating app for teens” poses evident #OnlineSafety risks – especially when its age verification is far from robust. This week’s #WakeUpWednesday guide tells parents and carers what they need to know. Download >>

Image of Reception: Keeping safe
23 Jan

Reception: Keeping safe

During our PSHE session, our Ducklings discussed how to keep safe both indoors and outdoors. They looked at risks around school and we discussed what could happen. Some of our children designed an obstacle course and we had a group of risk detectives and health and safety officers! They examined the risks and made sure it was safe for our children to use.

Image of Reception- Exploring our outdoor area
22 Jan

Reception- Exploring our outdoor area

We have had a lovely time exploring the outdoors this afternoon. We went for a windy walk around our school grounds and then we had lots of fun on our new outdoor gym, which the children were so excited to use.

Image of Year 4 Class Worship - Picture News - Is an e-reader better than a book?
18 Jan

Year 4 Class Worship - Picture News - Is an e-reader better than a book?

In Class Worship this morning we focused on Picture News, which asked the question - Is an e-reader better than a book? A study from Spain found that print reading could boost skills by six to eight times more than digital reading. Our class was a complete split but the children discussed their ideas behind their choices and then looked at various ways in which we can read. We then looked at what we prefer to read and ordered these from favourite to least favourite. Reading messages from friends came top and reading instructions was our least favourite!

Image of Year 3- Class Worship- Is an e-reader better than a book?
18 Jan

Year 3- Class Worship- Is an e-reader better than a book?

Today in class worship, we watched this week's story on reading. Year 3 had the opportunity to read from cereal boxes, leaflets, letters, magazines, game instructions, and emails. Some children like reading on screens, especially cereal boxes during breakfast. But most think reading from a real book is better because you can touch and feel it, and some books have cool stuff you can touch and smell. We acknowledged that learning to read requires perseverance and resilience, qualities for which we can take responsibility and we are lucky to have many chances to read. Books can take us to new and exciting places, and we're thankful for the gift of reading, thanking God for everything, especially the ability to learn to read.

Image of Reception: Rhyme and Story Time
17 Jan

Reception: Rhyme and Story Time

Our Ducklings enjoyed their first rhyme and story time of 2024. We sang lots of songs and read Oi, Frog! The children enjoyed joining in with the rhyming couplets. Rhyme and story time continues next week at 9am. Our Reception parents, toddlers and pre school children from our community are welcome to join us.

Image of Online Safety: Smartphone safety
17 Jan

Online Safety: Smartphone safety

Smart phone – smart user? A whopping 98% of over-12s in the UK now have their own phone, with many younger children also using one regularly. Our #WakeUpWednesday guide has expert tips to help them avoid #OnlineSafety risks Download for FREE here >>

Image of Reception: What’s safe to go onto our body?
16 Jan

Reception: What’s safe to go onto our body?

Today in PSHE, we discussed what is safe to go onto our body. We drew around two of our friends and discussed what we put onto our body during the day and at night. The children came up with lots of different objects. We then discussed why we use them. Leila said we put plasters on to stop us from bleeding. Joey said we put a scarf on to stop us from getting cold. Alayna said we use soap to stop germs from spreading and Lydia said we use shampoo to keep our hair nice and clean.

Image of Reception: Snow much fun!
16 Jan

Reception: Snow much fun!

Our Ducklings loved exploring the snow today! They learnt how to make snowballs and we discussed the shape of them and how they look like balls we throw! We problem solved to build a snowman and enjoyed creating snow angels. The children loved throwing snowballs at Mrs Wilkinson and Mrs Thompson! We had lots of fun!

Image of Year 3- Art- Mood Board
16 Jan

Year 3- Art- Mood Board

Today in art, Year 3 created mood boards uniquely representing their personalities. They carefully selected various craft items that showcased who they were. The children drew pictures of things they enjoy, used words and colours that highlight their personality, chose personal images of places that are significant to them, cut out images that they found appealing and selected pieces of coloured fabric, pastels and crayons to express their feelings and mood.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
15 Jan

Reception: Muddy Monday

Our Ducklings enjoyed exploring a different forest schools area of Whitehall park. They created dens, roleplayed in a restaurant, searched for hedgehogs and loved climbing trees.

Image of Rhyme time and Story time returns
12 Jan

Rhyme time and Story time returns

Reception parents and carers are welcome to come and join us for rhyme and story time. Younger siblings, preschool children and toddlers are more than welcome to join us too. This half term rhyme time will be on Wednesday 17th, 24th and 31st January between 9-9.30am in our school hall.

Image of Year 3- Life Education
11 Jan

Year 3- Life Education

Year 3 had a brilliant time in their Life Education session with Karen. They learnt all about the brain and how to look after ourselves and our mental health. They then talked all about friendships and how to compromise with our friends and how we can't always get our own way.

Image of Year 1- Life Education Session
11 Jan

Year 1- Life Education Session

Today, we had a life education session with Harold the Giraffe. We learnt that there are lots of different food groups that we need to eat to have a balanced diet. We learnt about dairy products which are good for our teeth and bones, protein which is good for our muscle growth, fruits and vegetables which give us vitamins and minerals to help us to keep fit and healthy and fight illness and carbohydrates which are good for giving us energy. We then talked about our organs. We learnt that our heart and lungs are protected by our rib cage. Our heart pumps blood around the body to give us energy and our lungs help us to breathe. We then learnt that when we’ve eaten our food it goes into our stomach to be digested and the ‘good stuff’ is taken in by our bodies to give us energy and the ‘other stuff’ leaves our body when we go to the toilet. We then had a look at a packed lunch that Harold the Giraffe had made to take to the park. We talked about how his lunch box included carbohydrates(bread), tuna (protein), a yogurt (dairy) but he didn’t have any fruits or vegetables so he was hoping that his friends at the park might have some to give to him. When they got to the park, Derek had made a huge fruit sculpture out of some fruit but Kiki destroyed it when she thought she was being kind to Harold by getting a piece of fruit. This made Kiki really upset and Derek really angry as his hard work had been destroyed. We talked about how this situation could be made better. Year 1 said that Harold needs to explain the situation to Derek of him wanting some fruit and Kiki trying to help him get some but accidentally destroying his sculpture in the process and then Kiki and Harold should offer Derek a hand to rebuild his sculpture. Year 1 said the lesson that they had learnt from that story is to make sure that they think very carefully before they do something to check that it won’t upset anyone. Then, Year 1 had to think about what foods they would include in a packed lunch. The rules were that the packed lunch had to included foods from different groups so that they were having a balanced diet. Archie said that he would pack a chicken sandwich, a cheese string and some cucumber and tomatoes which was a fantastic balance. Finally, we finished our session thinking about the importance of sleep and with a visit from Harold and listened to him singing us a song.

Image of Year 2- New Outdoor Gym!
11 Jan

Year 2- New Outdoor Gym!

This afternoon, we were excited to explore our new outdoor gym. There are lots of machines that we needed to learn how to use. The children loved learning how to use each machine and learning new exercises. We will definitely be visiting our outdoor gym in future P.E sessions, lunch time and golden time.

Image of Year 6 PSHE- Life Education Session
11 Jan

Year 6 PSHE- Life Education Session

Today, year 6 were visited by Karen from Coram Life Education. The theme of the session was decisions and how decisions can have a huge affect on our lives. They discussed drugs and how they fall into different categories: legal, illegal and medical. To finish the session, they watched a video about how friends can sometimes try to influence our decisions and not always in the right way. It demonstrated really clearly why it is so important that we choose our friends wisely and surround ourselves with like-minded individuals.

Image of Year 5 - PSHE Coram Life Education
10 Jan

Year 5 - PSHE Coram Life Education

Today, Year 5 participated in a Coram Scarf life education session that discussed: the importance of keeping our bodies healthy, how amazing our bodies are and how best to look after them, discussed the role that controlled drugs play within the body, friendships, the importance of healthy friendships and how best to be a good friend. We looked at and practised the difference between being aggressive, passive and assertive when dealing with conflict and issues within friendship groups. Finally the class discussed and took part in role play when given a variety of scenarios related to friendship issues.

Image of Online Safety: Free speech vs Hate speech
10 Jan

Online Safety: Free speech vs Hate speech

Out of order? Or simply outspoken? This week’s #WakeUpWednesday guide can help young people to recognise the difference between free speech and hate speech – and to understand why this complex area is an #OnlineSafety risk Download >>

Image of Reception PSHE - All About Me!
10 Jan

Reception PSHE - All About Me!

Karen and Harold the giraffe visited us and talked about what we have inside our body to help us stay alive. Under our ribs we have our heart that pumps blood around our body and our lungs to help us breathe. There are 3 important things that give us energy - food, drink, and the air we breathe. Then we had a look inside Harold the giraffe’s wash bag to see how we can keep our bodies clean and healthy. We also learned that it is important for our bodies to have regular exercise and the different ways we can help ourselves to feel better when we are feeling sad. Lastly, we talked about how important rest is for our bodies, especially sleep because this helps us to grow.

Image of Year 4 - Life Education
10 Jan

Year 4 - Life Education

The Year 4s thoroughly enjoyed their Life Education visit this week. The focus was about celebrating being unique and not always having to do what their friends are doing. The topics of health and the effects of drugs such as nicotine, caffeine and alcohol were also covered.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
8 Jan

Reception: Muddy Monday

Our Ducklings visited the forest schools area of Whitehall Park today for the first time. They enjoyed exploring and also had a go at making camp fires and bug houses.

Image of Life Education Workshops
8 Jan

Life Education Workshops

Good afternoon parents and carers, it has been lovely to have the children back in school today and to see them catch up with their friends. They are all excited to try out the new outdoor gym and over the week they will be shown how to use all of the equipment correctly, before we start out lunch and break time timetable next week. On Wednesday or Thursday this week, each class will have a special visit from Harold the Giraffe from the life education programme and will take part in the following PSHE workshop. Reception: All about me Year 1: My Wonderful Body Year 2: Feelings Year 3: Meet the Brain Year 4: It's great to be me Year 5: Friends Year 6: Decisions The children always really enjoy the interactive sessions and get a lot out of them, which is why we pay for the life education sessions each year. On Thursday morning parents and carers are welcome to drop in from 8.45am-9.00am to see Karen from Coram Life Education and ask any questions you might have about the sessions.

Image of Online Safety: Setting up parental controls on new devices
20 Dec

Online Safety: Setting up parental controls on new devices

Safe to use right out of the box? This week’s #WakeUpWednesday guide explains how to set up parental controls on some of the most popular internet-enabled devices – reducing #OnlineSafety risks while increasing the festive fun! Download >>

Image of Reception: End of term treat
19 Dec

Reception: End of term treat

We are so proud of our Ducklings . They have completed their first term and it has been lovely watching them all blossom. As a treat, after viewing the art in the rose garden, we all had a play on the playground equipment. We had so much fun together.

Image of Year 6 PSHE- Respecting differences
14 Dec

Year 6 PSHE- Respecting differences

This half term, year 6 have been focusing on valuing difference. We have discovered that although we may be different, there are many positives that can arise from those differences. On the other hand, we have considered the negative impacts differences can have. Today, we focused on the phrase ‘Put yourself in someone else’s shoes’. By doing this, it allows us to think about how different people view things. Sometimes, we need to take a minute to think about what we say as we can unintentionally upset someone. We concluded the lesson by looking at some comments and whether they were respectful or disrespectful.

Image of Online Safety: Tech-free Christmas
13 Dec

Online Safety: Tech-free Christmas

“Check pitfalls with #WakeUpWednesday! Tra-la-la-la-laaa …” Stressed about presents – or loved ones STAYING present? We gift you some top tips for reducing your family’s screen time and enjoying a merry tech-free Christmas! Download >>

Image of Year 6 Debt Awareness
7 Dec

Year 6 Debt Awareness

This week, year 6 had a visit from the debt awareness team and carried on with their learning from last year. This time, they discussed jobs and working life. They looked at reasons why people choose their occupation; the average income of various jobs and potential careers that they may like to pursue.

Image of Year 2 - PSHE
7 Dec

Year 2 - PSHE

This week during PSHE, we continued to look at how words and actions can be appropriate or inappropriate. Today we looked at how sometimes physical touch is nice and loving. Physical touch should either be from a friend or trusted adult and if it makes you feel uncomfortable then it is not appropriate. We thought of different occasions where we are touched in a nice way by special people in our lives.

Image of Online Safety: Disney +
6 Dec

Online Safety: Disney +

‘Tis the season for family movie nights. Many parents will be turning to Disney+ for exactly that reason – but how free from #OnlineSafety risks is the House of Mouse’s streaming service? Our #WakeUpWednesday guide delves into Disney+ Download >>

Image of Online Safety: The Online Safety Act
29 Nov

Online Safety: The Online Safety Act

New laws, new responsibilities? With the Online Safety Act now coming into effect, our #WakeUpWednesday guide this week highlights some key areas that the fresh legislation covers – and what this means for UK education providers Download >>

Image of Reception PSHE- Feeling left out
28 Nov

Reception PSHE- Feeling left out

Today Reception have taken part in PSHE where we discussed how our friends might feel if they were left out. Our Ducklings had some wonderful ideas of how we can help our friends who might feel left out and what they can do to make sure no one feels left out in our class. Well done Reception, lovely speaking and listening!

Image of Online Safety: Black Friday and Cyber Monday
22 Nov

Online Safety: Black Friday and Cyber Monday

There are bags of #OnlineSafety pitfalls to watch out for on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Our #WakeUpWednesday guide has tips to help defend your money while you discover the discounts . Download >>

Image of Year 3 - P.S.H.E- The Risk Robot
22 Nov

Year 3 - P.S.H.E- The Risk Robot

Today in P.S.H.E., we looked at our third lesson on 'Keeping Safe'. I described different risky situations, and the children had to decide whether the situation was a high, medium, or low risk by following these gestures: putting their hands on their heads for high risk, folding their arms for medium risk, and putting their hands on knees for low risk. We went through various scenarios like crossing a busy road, drinking from an unlabelled bottle, playing near a railway line, singing in front of the whole school, and playing in the school rounders/netball/football team. We then emphasized the importance of following the rules, using proper equipment, and practising good sportsmanship to create a safer and more enjoyable playing environment.

Image of Year 4 - Linking Schools: Poems
22 Nov

Year 4 - Linking Schools: Poems

The class are LOVING our linking work. We have a couple of pieces ready to send to St Matthew’s now, including these poems we’ve been working on. We have been thinking about the things we love and the things that make us unique. We hope Kestrels Class enjoy reading them.

Image of Year 3- Science- The importance of nutrition food labels.
21 Nov

Year 3- Science- The importance of nutrition food labels.

In Science this afternoon, Year 3 have been learning about nutrition food labels. They now know that the labels on the packaging tell us what's in the food, help us pick healthy options, and give detailed info about the different food groups in a product. For their activity, the children were provided with different food packets. They looked at the labels and decided if the food was a good choice for every day or just once in a while. They know it is important to have a balanced diet. The more green light a label displays, the healthier the food is.

Image of Year 2 - PSHE
17 Nov

Year 2 - PSHE

During anti-bullying week, we have been looking at the impact our words and actions can have on others. We have been reflecting on times where we have shown kindness to others and how that made us feel. Some children said they get a funny feeling in their tummy when they are kind to their friends. We continued to look at bullying and if someone is unkind towards us, what should we do next? We discussed various people the children would tell if they're upset or worried. These included family members, friends, school staff and other trusted adults. We wrote these people onto our helping hands to help us remember all the people that can help us.

Image of Reception Children in Need
17 Nov

Reception Children in Need

Reception have enjoyed coming to school in their spots for Children in Need Day. We talked about why we have a day for Children in Need and how it helps lots of children in the UK to feel safe and access the support they need. We completed some Pudsey bear activities in our provision too.

Image of Odd Socks and Shoes Day at St Barnabas
16 Nov

Odd Socks and Shoes Day at St Barnabas

Wow! A huge THANK YOU to you all for taking part in Odd Socks and Shoes Day to launch Anti-Bullying Week. There were so many wacky and unique combinations. The Wellbeing Warriors found it so very hard to choose one winner from each class, but after much deliberation, they will be announcing the winners in Celebration Worship tomorrow.

Image of Year 6 Class Worship- Anti-bullying Week
16 Nov

Year 6 Class Worship- Anti-bullying Week

In year 6, we carried out a class worship on anti bullying. We listened to the song ‘Brave’ by Sara Bareilles and discussed how we have to be brave when we are exposed to bullying, whether we are being bullied or are witnessing it. We discussed how it is linked to our British values: how everyone is individual and how we should tolerate differences rather than target people for liking different things. We ended our worship by relating back to this year’s theme, ‘Make a noise about bullying’, and discussed who we could speak to if we ever come across any forms of it.

Image of Online Safety: Smart TVs
15 Nov

Online Safety: Smart TVs

Are you watching TV? Or is the TV watching YOU? As internet-enabled televisions become the norm, this week’s #WakeUpWednesday guide has some useful #OnlineSafety tips to help parents ensure their children are viewing safely Download >>

Image of Year 3- Anti-Bullying Week
15 Nov

Year 3- Anti-Bullying Week

The whole school kicked off Anti-Bullying Week on Monday by embracing individuality by wearing odd socks and shoes that reflect our unique personalities. Today in class, the children worked in small groups to create shout-out messages, each displayed on a sock.

Image of Year 4 - Odd Socks and Shoes for Anti-Bullying Week
15 Nov

Year 4 - Odd Socks and Shoes for Anti-Bullying Week

In Year 4, we were proud to show our individuality through our odd socks and shoes on Monday. Just look at those funky feet! After our worship on anti-bullying, some of the children shared how they would help someone who was being bullied. What a kind and supportive bunch we have in Year 4.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
13 Nov

Reception: Muddy Monday

Today our Ducklings visited the war memorial at Whitehall park. We had a look at the photographs and pictures of soldiers, their uniform and their armour. We noticed that there were only boy names so we discussed why. A few of our children found their forenames too! We then walked back to school through Jack Keys so we could get a little muddy!

Image of Whole-School Worship: Odd socks day to launch Anti-Bullying Week
13 Nov

Whole-School Worship: Odd socks day to launch Anti-Bullying Week

Today, to mark the start of Anti-Bullying Week, we were all invited to come to school in odd socks and shoes to express our individuality. We learned how to spot the signs of bullying and what to do if we think someone is being bullied. We saw some brilliant acting skills from some of the children who acted our some bullying scenarios. We talked about the Christian and British values we should be showing to each other at all times. At St Barnabas, bullying is not welcome so we made a noise by shouting that out in different year groups and we loved joining in with Andy and the Odd Socks 'Make some noise' song.

Image of Reception: Odd socks and shoes day
13 Nov

Reception: Odd socks and shoes day

Our ducklings enjoyed wearing odd socks and shoes to launch anti-bullying week. We described what a good friend is and how we can be kind to each other.

Image of Year 5 - Anti-Bullying Week
13 Nov

Year 5 - Anti-Bullying Week

This week St Barnabas have launched anti-bullying week. To mark this occasion the children have come dressed with odd socks and shoes to show that we are all special and unique. During worship time the children discussed what bullying is? What we can do to stop it? If we see bullying, what can be done about it? The children all showed their individuality and personality through their odd socks and shoes.

Image of KS1- Anti-bullying week lunch time crafts
13 Nov

KS1- Anti-bullying week lunch time crafts

Today at lunch time we decided to set up on station for children who wanted to get creative. We created our own odd socks to follow on from this morning’s worship about anti-bullying week and Odd Socks Day.

Image of Year 3- Parliament Week
9 Nov

Year 3- Parliament Week

This week, as part of Parliament Week, the children participated by taking a stance and casting their votes for the changes they wish to see. Some of the suggestions were shorter school days, lowered prices for sweets and snacks, more and better playgrounds, and reduced traffic on the roads. The children particularly enjoyed putting their vote in the Big Ben cardboard ballot box. They want people to listen to their ideas and support their rights.

Image of Year 5 - Parliament Week
8 Nov

Year 5 - Parliament Week

This week Year 5 have been exploring the role of MP’s as part of parliament week. The children learned all about the different Houses of Parliament and discussed their role within society and the importance of the decisions that they make. The children explored the variety of processes that take place within the Houses of Commons and the benefits of our democratic system. The children then had the opportunity to discuss and choose an issue that they care strongly about and what they would change to make their issue better for society. The children came up with some excellent ideas about little changes that can have a huge impact on issues such as: global warming, NHS, homeless and many more. Year 5 then acted out a parliamentary debate and debated on many issues arguing back and forth about issues that they feel strongly about.

Image of Online Safety: Microtransactions
8 Nov

Online Safety: Microtransactions

Does “free to play” really mean what it says? Many hit games cost nothing to download but make their money via microtransactions – a growing #OnlineSafety concern for parents of young gamers. Our #WakeUpWednesday guide has the details.

Image of Year 4 Smart School Council
2 Nov

Year 4 Smart School Council

In today's Smart School Council session, we discussed if we should take part in National No Pens Day on Wednesday 29th November. The children looked at whether it would be a good idea to focus more on speaking and listening activities all day or not. It was a unanimous vote with all six groups voting to take part and suggesting great reasons to do so. We can’t wait to hear the whole school outcome!

Image of Reception circle time- sharing news
1 Nov

Reception circle time- sharing news

Today, Reception class took part in circle time and each child shared some news with the class. We were so impressed with their speaking, recall of detail and waiting for their turn. Lovely to see, Reception!

Image of Online Safety: X
1 Nov

Online Safety: X

Would you get an A for your knowledge of X? This #WakeUpWednesday, our free guide tells parents and carers about the #OnlineSafety risks – both new and familiar – to stay alert for on the platform formerly known as Twitter. Download >>

Image of Reception- I’m special. You’re special.
31 Oct

Reception- I’m special. You’re special.

Today Reception class met Harold the Giraffe and he told them all being special. He taught them a special song called ‘I’m special. You're special.’ and the children loved joining in. They looked at themselves in the mirrors and told themselves and each other that they are special. We then shared the things that we like and don’t like with Harold. We all like and dislike different things, which is one of the ways that makes us all special and unique. We then chose some nursery rhymes that we like to sing and wind the bobbin up, at superfast speed, was definitely our favourite.

Image of Online Safety: EA Sports FC 24
18 Oct

Online Safety: EA Sports FC 24

The most exciting signing of the season? EA Sports FC 24, “the new FIFA”, has arrived … but how well does it defend against #OnlineSafety threats? Our #WakeUpWednesday guide has the essential info for parents of young football fans. Download >>

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
16 Oct

Reception: Muddy Monday

Today our Ducklings explored our local environment. We learnt all about road safety. The children learnt to stop, look and listen every time they got to a road. We then went to Jack Keys and had a look at the reservoir. Super walking and exploring!

Image of Hello Yellow Day Poster Competition Winners
13 Oct

Hello Yellow Day Poster Competition Winners

This morning in Celebration Worship, our Wellbeing Warriors announced the winners of the Hello Yellow Day Poster Competition. Huge congratulations to our Key Stage 1 Winners : Mila and Molly and Key Stage 2 Winners : Summer, Lily, Lucy and Alice. Thank you so much to everyone that took the time to create a poster. They were of such a high standard and lovely, bright and colourful with wonderfully positive affirmations on them.

Image of Online Safety: Roblox
13 Oct

Online Safety: Roblox

Building your knowledge! The massively popular world-creation game Roblox has finally been released on PlayStation. Our updated #WakeUpWednesday guide reminds parents of the potential #OnlineSafety risks to watch out for. Download for FREE here >>

Image of Year 3 - PSHE - Be Internet Legends
12 Oct

Year 3 - PSHE - Be Internet Legends

Today we joined an online assembly hosted by Google. We talked about how to be internet legends and to stay safe online, how we feel about using the Internet and about limiting our time to try and keep a healthy balance.

Image of Be Internet Legends - Wellbeing Worship in Year 4
12 Oct

Be Internet Legends - Wellbeing Worship in Year 4

In the Be Internet Legends Wellbeing special Worship this morning, we looked at how we can look after our digital wellbeing. We discussed lots of ideas and focused on the importance of finding a balance with our on screen use. Year 4 absolutely loved taking part in the group chats and were amazed when we got two personal shout outs! We are going to look at the top 5 tips again in our PSHE session tomorrow and design posters that share these messages.

Image of Wellbeing Worship
12 Oct

Wellbeing Worship

This morning, year 6 took part in a virtual wellbeing worship. The focus of the session was that any time spent online should make you feel good and not bad. One of the presenters compared online time to eating doughnuts and explained that although doughnuts are very tasty, too many of them would not be good for you. This applies for screen time too.

Image of Year 6 PSHE
11 Oct

Year 6 PSHE

During ‘Hello Yellow Day’, year 6 were looking at triggers. We focused on what makes them feel angry, stressed and upset. We discussed how it is really important to be aware of these triggers and to have some positive coping skills when they are activated. Year 6 suggested some of the following strategies: count down from 10 to 0; go and do something you enjoy; draw a circle on the palm of your hand and surround yourself with positive people.

Image of Whole-School Worship: Hello Yellow Day
10 Oct

Whole-School Worship: Hello Yellow Day

Today we are celebrating Hello Yellow Day for World Mental Health Day by dressing in yellow. In worship, our Heads and Deputies dressed as Mrs Ham's Minions and they explained all about Hello Yellow Day. We learnt that we all have mental health and there are things we can do when we don't have good mental health. We made each other smile and feel happy by dancing and singing together with the minions to 'Happy'. We then joined a special live assembly with lots of other primary schools in Blackburn and Darwen, which was led by the Mental Health support team. We talked about our worries and how we can shrink them using mindfulness techniques. Thank you to everyone for dressing in yellow to raise awareness of mental health and remember that it is good to talk to our friends, parents, teachers and other trusted adults if we are worried about anything.

Image of Reception celebrate Hello Yellow Day
10 Oct

Reception celebrate Hello Yellow Day

Our Ducklings loved wearing yellow today to celebrate world mental health day. We discussed who we could talk to if we felt sad or unhappy. Alayna said we could speak to a teacher, Callie said we could speak to a positive grown up, Millie said we could tell our Mummies and Olivia said we could tell our Grandma’s. We then discussed what we could do to make us feel happy. Percy said we could play with our toys, Cici said we could go for a run, Hollie said we could read a book and Edward said we could sing a song!

Image of Year 5 - Hello Yellow Day
10 Oct

Year 5 - Hello Yellow Day

Today we celebrated Hello Yellow Day. As a class and school we raised awareness of mental health and how important it is to have a secure and healthy mental state. We wore yellow to symbolise that awareness and during class time we looked at the variety of ways we can improve our mental health and how our actions and words can have a negative impact on people around us. It was amazing to see all the children celebrating and raising awareness

Image of Year 3- Hello Yellow Day
10 Oct

Year 3- Hello Yellow Day

Following our whole school worship to celebrate 'Hello Yellow Day', Year 3 showcased their creativity by making artwork on the theme of kindness, using affirmations and illustrations. We also explored the importance of talking to a trusted adult about any worries they may have.

Image of Reception Hand Hygiene
5 Oct

Reception Hand Hygiene

Reception have been learning about the importance of good hand hygiene. We talked about germs - what is a germ and how do they spread? We used glitter to show how quickly germs can spread to others and make them poorly. We also experimented to see if water alone would get rid of the glitter germs and found out that the germs were still on our hands after using water. We finally managed to clean all the germs off when we used soap and warm water to clean all the areas of our hands.

Image of Online Safety: Among us
4 Oct

Online Safety: Among us

Among Us: fairly safe, or pretty sus? Our updated #WakeUpWednesday guide to the hugely popular sci-fi deduction game tells parents and carers of young Among Us fans which #OnlineSafety risks they need to be watchful for. Download >>

Image of Reception: MUGA Fun
3 Oct

Reception: MUGA Fun

Reception class are so lucky to have access to our MUGA throughout the day! Our outdoors is always open no matter the weather. The Ducklings enjoy putting on their puddlesuits and wellingtons to practise ball skills and their fundamental skills.

Image of Well Being Warriors Poster Competition
29 Sep

Well Being Warriors Poster Competition

Good morning In our Worship this morning our Well Being Warriors launched their poster competition for Hello Yellow Day on Tuesday 10th October. They would like the children to design a brightly coloured poster that includes positive affirmations and promotes Hello Yellow Day 2023. The competition will be for KS1 and KS2 with a prize for each. All entries will need to be handed to Year 4 Well Being Warriors by Friday 6th October with name and year group on the back. We can’t wait to see your entries - good luck everyone! From Mrs Gardner and The Well Being Warriors

Image of Year 3- Science- Investigating how you can stay safe in the sun.
26 Sep

Year 3- Science- Investigating how you can stay safe in the sun.

Today in our science lesson, we acted like scientists and investigated how the sun affects special beads that change colour when they meet UV light. We also tested if sun cream works. To do this, we used UV beads and put different factors of sun cream on them. Then we went outside to see how the beads reacted when the sun touched them. This showed us that the sun gives us energy, but it can also be bad for our skin if we don't protect ourselves. Too much sun can give you a sunburn. The beads without sunscreen changed color, the ones with lower factor sunscreen changed a bit, but the ones with factor 50 stayed the same color, showing that they were well protected.

Image of Reception: RE God’s Plan
25 Sep

Reception: RE God’s Plan

This week in RE, our Ducklings were thinking about God’s plan for us. We had a special visitor, baby Rupert who came so that we could compare how we grow. We decided Rupert wasn’t ready for school just yet. “He can’t walk” said Bella, “He can’t ride a scooter” said Haydn. Hollie said that he could only play with baby toys. We then thought about God’s plan for us as we grow up. We discussed what we wanted to be when we grow up. Percy said a rock and roll star, Thomas said a builder, Harry said a farmer and Elsie said a nurse.

Image of Reception: Climbing skills
25 Sep

Reception: Climbing skills

Today, our Ducklings have been using their strength, balance and coordination skills to climb and balance on our trim trail and climbing equipment.

Image of Online Safety: WhatsApp
20 Sep

Online Safety: WhatsApp

97 million messages. Every. Single. Minute. Our updated #WakeUpWednesday parents’ guide to WhatsApp examines the latest features on the world’s most-used messaging app – and what #OnlineSafety issues they might raise for children. Download >>

Image of Reception: Elmer
19 Sep

Reception: Elmer

This week, our Ducklings have read the story of Elmer. We learnt how we are all special and unique. We then created our own Elmer’s using playdough, created unique marks on Elmer and used the colours to create our own elephants for Elmer day.

Image of Reception: RE
19 Sep

Reception: RE

Last week our Ducklings learnt about the creation story. Following on from this, we learnt about how we are all unique and how God made us all to be special. We looked at our hands and fingerprints and learnt how nobody is the same as us! God made us all special. We read a story called ‘When God made you’.

Image of Year 3- Make a Splash in Their First Swimming Lesson
15 Sep

Year 3- Make a Splash in Their First Swimming Lesson

Year 3 had an incredible start to their swimming lessons today. The instructors divided the children into two groups, taking into consideration their prior swimming experience. We were immensely proud of their confidence and dedication. We look forward to witnessing their continued progress in the water over the coming weeks.

Image of Year 5 - Be internet legends
14 Sep

Year 5 - Be internet legends

This morning year 5 participated in the be internet legends live assembly. The assembly discussed all the key aspects of online safety and why it is important to remain safe online. They discussed how the internet was an amazing platform for people and how it has changed to world to make things more accessible to people. The assembly discussed the potential threats that can happen online and how to avoid them and know when to alert a trusted adult of a potential danger. They gave lots of tips and advice how to maximise your online activity while remaining as safe as possible. The key aspects the assembly discussed are: - Be sharp - Be alert - Secure - Kind - Brave

Image of Year 3- Be Internet Legends Back to School Assembly
14 Sep

Year 3- Be Internet Legends Back to School Assembly

Today, the Year 3 class joined the live assembly delivered by 'Be Internet Legends'. During the assembly, the children learned about online safety, how to protect themselves and using strong passwords. Five key points that were highlighted throughout the session were; Sharp, Alert, Secure, Kind and Brave — these are designed to equip children with the key skills needed to stay safe online including critical thinking and empathy.

Image of Year 1- Be Internet Legends
14 Sep

Year 1- Be Internet Legends

Year 1 watched the ‘Back to School- Be Internet Legends Assembly.’ We learnt and discussed some very important ways of staying safe on the internet. We know that we should not share information such as our full name, the school we go to or where we live with anyone over the internet and that we should have a tricky password that is hard to guess when we are creating one.

Image of Year 6 - Internet Legends
14 Sep

Year 6 - Internet Legends

Today, year 6 took part in the ‘Internet Legends’ workshop. They took part with such enthusiasm, but never lost sight of the message it was tying to get across. They were taught to: - Be sharp and think before you share. - Be secure by using and not sharing strong passwords. - Be kind and respect each other even when you are online. - Be brave by telling a trusted adult when you are in doubt about anything.

Image of Online Safety: Setting Boundaries
13 Sep

Online Safety: Setting Boundaries

Parents and carers have entered the game! Power up this #WakeUpWednesday with our practical tips to setting gaming boundaries – a useful tactic for helping to protect your young gamer from #OnlineSafety hazards while they play. Download >>

Image of Reception: Fun in the rain
12 Sep

Reception: Fun in the rain

Our Ducklings love to go out in all weathers. Today the children enjoyed exploring in our sandpit. Some of the children were making soup in our mud kitchen and some children enjoyed making a volcano!

Image of Reception: The Colour Monster
12 Sep

Reception: The Colour Monster

Our Ducklings have read the story ‘The Colour Monster’. They have explored the feelings of calm, love, fear, happiness and sadness. The children have created a feelings jar, painted their own colour monsters and discussed when they have experienced different feelings.

Image of Year 3- Swimming- What to expect?
8 Sep

Year 3- Swimming- What to expect?

This afternoon Year 3 had a talk with one of the swimming instructors at Darwen Leisure Centre, ready for our first swimming session on Friday, 15th SEPTEMBER. The instructor answered any questions the children had about swimming lessons and explained what to expect. We also had a good chat about pool safety and we shared some of our thoughts and worries about going swimming. The children are super excited about their first swimming lesson next week.

Image of Year 5 - Move and Learn
7 Sep

Year 5 - Move and Learn

Year 5 have taken part and completed the Blackburn Rovers move and learn session. During the day the children took place in both classroom based and physical activities. Classroom based activities included: learning about balanced diets and why it is important to have a balanced diet, importance of hydration, body and mind and all the benefits of physical activities. The practical elements included team games and ball activities that led nicely into each classroom based session. The children worked really hard and enjoyed the competitive nature of the games and thrived in the teamwork elements of the games.

Image of Online Safety: Live Streaming
6 Sep

Online Safety: Live Streaming

Has live streaming brought a flood of risks? Many young people enjoy broadcasting on the internet in real time – but not knowing who might be watching is just one of the #OnlineSafety hazards, as our #WakeUpWednesday guide explains. Download >>

Image of Reception: Outdoor Exploration
5 Sep

Reception: Outdoor Exploration

Today, the children really enjoyed exploring our outdoor area. They continued to build on their friendships and played in the sand area, water area, construction area, roleplay house, stage and made some lovely drawings on our easel! They also enjoyed using the scooters and bikes and investigated how the outdoor physical equipment worked. The children had some milk and snack too to keep themselves cool in the sunshine. Well done to you all!

Image of Year 5 -  Teambuilding
5 Sep

Year 5 - Teambuilding

Year 5 have had a brilliant past two days and had a chance to take part in a variety of team building activities. They have been excited to see all their friends and have worked really well on settling back into school, class rules and routines while keeping up with high expectations.

Image of Reception: First day at school
4 Sep

Reception: First day at school

We are so proud of our Ducklings on their first day at school. They have all been superstars. They have been making new friends, exploring our classroom and doing lots of super talking. What a super start to their school journey!

Image of Year 1 DT Baby Bear’s Chair
18 Jul

Year 1 DT Baby Bear’s Chair

Year 1 have been working really hard today to try and build a chair out of only card and masking tape for a teddy bear to sit on. They have been making nine cylinders and trying to connect them with masking tape to create a suitable and stable structure. They have shown great resilience and kindness towards each other when faced with this challenge. Well done Year 1!

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
17 Jul

Reception: Muddy Monday

Today the children showed lots of courage and perseverance as they enjoyed a very wet Muddy Monday adventure walk. They splashed their way through puddles and really enjoyed walking in the rain. It was our last session and the children said it was one that they will never forget!

Image of Online Safety: Summer
12 Jul

Online Safety: Summer

Here comes the summer! Being realistic, the long school holiday probably equates to increased screen time for many children. Our #WakeUpWednesday poster has some pointers to help young ones steer clear of common #OnlineSafety risks Download >>

Image of Year 4 - Linking Schools Litter Pick
12 Jul

Year 4 - Linking Schools Litter Pick

The final part of our Linking Schools project was to make a pledge to take part in social action. Year 4 chose to do a community litter pick. The council supplied the equipment and off we went, cleaning up Knowlesly Road, Watery Lane and Whitehall Park. We filled 3 bin bags and 2 recycling bags - a super effort, class!

Image of Online Safety: Rumble
5 Jul

Online Safety: Rumble

Get ready… to… Rumble! This video-sharing platform has surged in popularity – but with #OnlineSafety risks including controversial contributors and extreme views, is it suitable for young people? Our #WakeUpWednesday guide finds out. Download >>

Image of Year 4 - Visiting our Link School
5 Jul

Year 4 - Visiting our Link School

Another fantastic experience with our linking class! This week, Year 4 visited St Matthew’s Primary School in Blackburn for our final team project. We visited the Mosque next door to learn about its features, and we took part in team crafts. We have loved our year of linking!

Image of Bikeability Cycle Training- Year 5 and 6
5 Jul

Bikeability Cycle Training- Year 5 and 6

Today, our Years 5 and 6 participated in the Bikeability cycle training program. This program focuses on teaching practical skills and knowledge for cycling on today's roads. The aim was to give our children the confidence to ride their bikes and enjoy the many advantages that cycling offers. They had the opportunity to learn about safety and other important aspects of cycling from four experienced coaches.

Image of Year 5- Science- Identifying changes that take place during puberty
4 Jul

Year 5- Science- Identifying changes that take place during puberty

In science this afternoon, the children were learning about some of the changes they may experience during puberty. We recapped the unit's learning so far to summarise the changes they have experienced since birth. The children then worked in pairs and labelled the body parts that change during puberty. We then discussed some of the important ways that the children can look after their bodies during puberty, such as washing more frequently, eating a healthy and balanced diet and ensuring they get enough sleep.

Image of Year 6 PSHE
29 Jun

Year 6 PSHE

In year 6, we discussed water safety during ‘Drowning Prevention Week’ and talked about the importance of the water safety code and looked at the effect drowning has had on families.

Image of Online Safety: Amino
28 Jun

Online Safety: Amino

Is Amino a no-no? It’s a social media platform which encourages interaction and user-generated content – but should young people be amenable to Amino? Our #WakeUpWednesday guide has the essential #OnlineSafety info you need. Download >>

Image of Year 4 - Linking Schools Visit Day 1
28 Jun

Year 4 - Linking Schools Visit Day 1

Last week, we welcomed our friends from St Matthew’s to join us for a day of team building. We had a fantastic day building towers and taking part in team games. We are so excited to visit our link class at their school next week.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
26 Jun

Reception: Muddy Monday

We continued our learning by comparing two local environments, Knowsley Road and Jack Keys reservoir. Seb said there are lots of animal habitats at Jack Keys. Albie said there are lots of trees at Jack Keys. Fletcher said it is much quieter at Jack Keys. Piper-Jo said there are more children at Knowsley Road. Heidi said there are more cars at Knowsley Road. Super comparison. We finished exploring by enjoying a short forest schools session.

Image of Online Safety: AI Chatbots
21 Jun

Online Safety: AI Chatbots

“How are you today?” AI chatbots are among the most talked-about digital developments of recent times, but how safe are they for young people? This week’s #WakeUpWednesday assesses these ‘virtual friends’ from an #OnlineSafety perspective. Download >>

Image of Year 5 - PSHE- Stay Safe Around Water- National Drowning Prevention Week
21 Jun

Year 5 - PSHE- Stay Safe Around Water- National Drowning Prevention Week

This week it is Drowning Prevention Week and in our PSHE lesson today we focussed on essential knowledge to keep safe around water. The children learned the importance of seeking help, following pool rules, wearing life jackets, and constant supervision.

Image of Year 4 - Great Big Live Assembly for Refugee Week
20 Jun

Year 4 - Great Big Live Assembly for Refugee Week

Year 4 enjoyed being part of the Great Big Live Assembly this morning. We learned a lot about refugees and how they are being welcomed into our society. It truly has been a day of welcoming others as we welcomed our friends from our link school too. More photos to follow

Image of Year 5- Class Worship- Refugee Week 2023
20 Jun

Year 5- Class Worship- Refugee Week 2023

Today, Year 5 took part in the Great Big Live Assembly for Refugee Week. During the assembly, we learned about the journeys of refugees from different parts of the world. We had the privilege of hearing from Mohammed and Sidra, two incredible individuals who have had to flee their countries and start anew at the Za'atari refugee camp. Mohammed and Sidra shared their inspiring stories of resilience and courage with us. They spoke about the challenges they faced, but also about their determination to rebuild their lives despite the hardships. Let us continue to foster empathy, understanding, and support for refugees within our school community and beyond.

Image of Smart School Council in Year 4
15 Jun

Smart School Council in Year 4

In our Smart School Council session we discussed the things that we would miss the most from this academic year. The children had to select from 1- the teachers 2- the person they sit next to 3- a certain topic 4- nothing( bring on the next year). We had a unanimous decision - the children will miss their teachers the most next year!

Image of Year 5- PSHE- Growing and Changing
14 Jun

Year 5- PSHE- Growing and Changing

During our PSHE lesson on Growing and Changing bodies, we explored various types of feelings and how words can impact people. As part of an activity, we played emotions bingo. Each child was given a card or shared one with a partner. I randomly called out emotions from a list, and the game continued until someone exclaimed, "Bingo!" Throughout the game, it was interesting to observe if there were any emotions that the children had never encountered before. We finished the lesson by saying, "I always feel happier when..." This made them think about things that make them happy. It was a way to help them understand their own feelings better.

Image of Online Safety: Money Muling
14 Jun

Online Safety: Money Muling

“Easy cash, no strings attached” Young people are being recruited via social media to serve as money mules, ‘washing’ illegal funds through their bank accounts. Our #WakeUpWednesday guide profiles this developing #OnlineSafety risk Download >>

Image of Year 4 - Linking Schools Preparations
14 Jun

Year 4 - Linking Schools Preparations

What an exciting time in Year 4 as we prepare to welcome our Linking Schools class! On Tuesday, Kestrel Class from St Matthew’s in Blackburn are due to visit us at St Barnabas for a day of team building and collaborative learning. We have been making name tags, banners, local area maps and preparing a few conversation starters and topics in order to help our visitors feel at ease in our amazing school.

Image of Reception: Blackpool Zoo
13 Jun

Reception: Blackpool Zoo

Reception class had a brilliant time at Blackpool Zoo. They saw Orangutans, gorillas, penguins, sea lions, elephants, lions, flamingoes, aardvarks, camels, tortoises, giraffes and we also went on a dinosaur safari! The children’s behaviour was exemplary and it was lovely to put our learning into context.

Image of Year 5 - Science- Identifying the key stages of a mammals life cycle
13 Jun

Year 5 - Science- Identifying the key stages of a mammals life cycle

In Science, the children discovered that most mammals have very similar life cycles. They learnt that humans have similar life cycles to other mammals, making comparisons to dogs. They explored the key developments during each of the stages of the human life cycle - foetus, baby, child, teenager/adolescent, adult and old age and demonstrated their understanding by drawing the human life cycle. They then created a list of as many different mammals as they could think of and conducted some research on the gestation periods of different animals.

Image of Year 6 PSHE- Kooth & transition
26 May

Year 6 PSHE- Kooth & transition

Year 6 had a visit from Heather from Kooth, an organisation who provide free, anonymous mental health support to young people. She focused on the children’s transition to high school and shared with them how Kooth actually works. The children seemed to really take in everything that was addressed and it was brilliant to see how open and honest the children were about their move to secondary school.

Image of Year 3 PSHE: Sugar Smart Promise
25 May

Year 3 PSHE: Sugar Smart Promise

This week in PSHE, Year 3 looked at how too much sugar in our diets can effect our health. We looked at the ‘Sugar Smart’ campaign and investigated the amount of sugar in popular drinks. We then looked at our daily sugar limit for our age and promised to swap a sugary drink for a more healthier option, such as water, milk and squash.

Image of Online Safety: Influencers
24 May

Online Safety: Influencers

Under the influence? For many young people, social media influencers are ‘the new rock stars’ – but how much of these emerging celebrities’ content can really be trusted? Our #WakeUpWednesday highlights potential #OnlineSafety risks Download >>

Image of Year 4 - Linking Schools
24 May

Year 4 - Linking Schools

After discussing the things that we care about most in the world last week, Year 4 has spent this week considering how we can take social action to improve the things we care about. “Kindness” was definitely a key theme. Next, we will decide on 3 actions and share them with our linking school, St Matthew’s, Blackburn.

Image of Reception - Police Car Visit
19 May

Reception - Police Car Visit

This morning, we had a surprise visit from the police officers. The officers visited us in Spring Term as part of our Superheroes topic but sadly couldn’t bring the car to their visit. They were excited to return and show reception class the police car. The children loved pressing the horn to hear the sirens and see the lights flash.

Image of Year 3 PSHE Dental Health
18 May

Year 3 PSHE Dental Health

Year 3 have been discussing how they can maintain good oral health. This included food choices and also how and how often they brush their teeth. Each child was given a toothbrush and toothpaste, we encouraged the class to make sure they ‘tickle each tooth’ when brushing their teeth, twice a day to maintain healthy teeth and gums.

Image of Online Safety: Well-being Online
17 May

Online Safety: Well-being Online

It’s given us online gaming, social media and streaming but the internet also exposes us to things that don’t make us feel good about ourselves. Our #WakeUpWednesday poster has some simple tips for protecting young people’s wellbeing Download >>

Image of Year 4 - Linking Schools
17 May

Year 4 - Linking Schools

As we began Phase 2 of our Linking Schools project, we spent some time considering what things in our world that we care about. We wrote our ideas on paper leaves ready to go on our class kindness tree.

Image of East Lancashire Hospice Cheque Presentation
16 May

East Lancashire Hospice Cheque Presentation

Today we welcomed Jackie from East Lancashire Hospice to present a cheque for our hop, skip and jump fundraiser. We raised £373.50. Thank you to you all for your kind donations.

Image of Year 5 - Class Worship Eurovision
12 May

Year 5 - Class Worship Eurovision

This afternoon we talked about how the UK is holding the Eurovision for the first time since 1998. We talked about how music can affect us emotionally whether it makes us happy and energetic or can make us cry. The children certainly felt a range of emotions when listening to a variety of songs.

Image of Online Safety: Telegram
10 May

Online Safety: Telegram

Special delivery: it’s Telegram. This popular messaging app boasts formidable encryption and speedy delivery – so why is it often regarded as an #OnlineSafety risk? Our #WakeUpWednesday guide helps you read between the lines on Telegram. Download >>

9 May

Mental Health Parent Webinars

The week commencing 15th May is ‘Mental Health Awareness Week’. After much success of hosting some parent webinars back in February for ‘Children’s Mental Health Week’, the Mental Health Support Teams are rolling out some more. The topics for the week will be: My anxious child Helping with exam stress Psychoeducation around worry They’ll take place at 10am and 6pm, Monday 15th to Thursday 18th May and it’s for parents, teachers, carers, children and young people, in fact anyone can join.

Image of Coronation Style Selfies
5 May

Coronation Style Selfies

Coronation Style Selfies with Year 4

Image of Online Safety: Smart Watches
4 May

Online Safety: Smart Watches

Time to get smart about watches? Wearable tech is usually considered 'cool' by young people, with smartwatches at the forefront – but are they safe from #OnlineSafety risks? Trusted adults can find out in our #WakeUpWednesday guide. Download >>

Image of Year 2 - Fire Safety
28 Apr

Year 2 - Fire Safety

Year 2 had their fire safety talk by the local fire brigade. They explained and demonstrated the importance of fire safety inside and outside of the home. They explained how to deal with dangerous situations and what you would do if a fire broke out in the home. The children participated and tried on the fire safety gear and were really enthusiastic about wearing it. Year 2 completed the fire safety quiz at the end of the day and scored full marks.

Image of Year 1- Hop, skip and jump!
27 Apr

Year 1- Hop, skip and jump!

Year 1 took part in the hop, skip and jump challenge in order to help raise money for the East Lancashire Hospice, which the children have been learning about today during their class worship. They have really enjoyed the activity and wearing their Easter crowns!

Image of Year 5 - Hop, Skip and Jump
26 Apr

Year 5 - Hop, Skip and Jump

On Monday we hop, skipped and jumped our way around the MUGA to help raise money for East Lancs Hospice. Today during class worship we have learnt all about East Lancashire Hospice and what they do.

Image of Online Safety: Wizz
26 Apr

Online Safety: Wizz

Your quick guide to Wizz. It’s a trending social app that matches young users with potential new friends … and it’s not without #OnlineSafety hazards. Check out our #WakeUpWednesday guide this week for all the biz about Wizz. Download >>

Image of Monday Worship: Looking after God’s World
24 Apr

Monday Worship: Looking after God’s World

Mrs Ham showed the children the big frieze and focussed on the creation. This morning we thought about Earth Day and God’s creation and had a think about all of the things that are damaging God’s creation. We threw globes around the room to think about how we are damaging our Earth. We watched a video of Greta Thunberg who is helping our world. Greta challenged world leaders to take action on climate change. Greta shared some advice to help look after the world and the children shared their ideas of how we can make a positive difference. Finn said “we can stand up for what is right”, Hamza said “use both sides of paper”, James said “stop throwing litter on the floor”, Darcy said “turn the tap off to save water” and Annabel said “switch off the lights”. The children looked through a bin and had a think about what they could do with the items instead of just throwing items into a bin. Eliza chose a bottle. Some of the children said they could use it for junk modelling, you could reuse it or you could use it as a bath toy. Harriet chose a Maltesers box. The children suggested you could use if to make a fairy house or a puppet. Harry chose a plastic bag. Ella said that you could use it as a bin bag and Scarlett said you could reuse it when you go shopping. Rosie chose some paper and the children discussed how it could be used to make a paper aeroplane and then put into the recycling bin. This week, Mrs Ham asked us all to think about how we can help to protect God’s creations and how we can protect our world. We finished our worship by singing ‘God’s world’.

Image of Year 4 Smart School Council
20 Apr

Year 4 Smart School Council

In our Smart School Council session this morning, we voted on which movie we would like to watch at the Rotakids movie night. It was a split decision in the end between a comedy or sports film. We look forward to hearing the whole school vote.

Image of Year 5- Earth Day
20 Apr

Year 5- Earth Day

To celebrate 'Earth Day' we have made promises to look after our planet. The children have promised to use less water, recycle more, walk to school and plant a seed. They will make these simple changes to help protect our planet.

Image of Year 2 - Class Worship
20 Apr

Year 2 - Class Worship

During our class worship we have been looking at the new alarms that are coming to every phone in the UK to warn people of any emergencies that may be occurring in their local area. We discussed many positives and negatives and agreed that it will save lives.

Image of Online Safety: Ofcom Report
19 Apr

Online Safety: Ofcom Report

Are kids risk free in ’23? Evidently not. Ofcom have just published their yearly report into children’s digital activities and the #OnlineSafety risks they face. Our #WakeUpWednesday guide has some key findings for trusted adults. Download >>

Image of Year 3- Earth Day
19 Apr

Year 3- Earth Day

In Year 3 we have been celebrating ‘Earth Day’ by thinking about how we can take better care of our planet and local area. They each made a promise which they will try to stick to, to help our environment.

Image of Reception: PSHE Bouncing back when things go wrong
18 Apr

Reception: PSHE Bouncing back when things go wrong

We read the story ‘Rosie Revere, Engineer’. As a class, we discussed what shy meant and how you might feel. We then looked at what we could do if we can’t do something straight away. We discussed how we should try our best and don’t give up.

Image of Online Safety: Fortnite
12 Apr

Online Safety: Fortnite

This week … it’s Fortnite. A new season of the phenomenally popular online battle game dropped last month – our #WakeUpWednesday guide scopes out this latest update for potential #OnlineSafety risks to its legion of young players. Download >>

Image of Year 5 - PSHE Friendship
5 Apr

Year 5 - PSHE Friendship

Today in PSHE we talked about the qualities of friendship and what it means to be a good friend. Out of a collection of qualities the children chose what they thought were the best qualities of friendship. They voted that trust, listening attentively and offering to help were the top three qualities.

Image of Online Safety: Echo Chambers
5 Apr

Online Safety: Echo Chambers

In some areas of the internet, there’s no such thing as ‘the middle ground’ – but why are they an #OnlineSafety risk to young people? This week’s #WakeUpWednesday guide finds out , Download >>

Image of The Happy Tank in Year 4
31 Mar

The Happy Tank in Year 4

We have been lucky enough to take part in another Happy Tank workshop this morning. We listened to John Magee, the Kindness Coach whilst he shared parts of his book, using our breathing techniques and positive affirmations. We are going to work hard on filling our lives with happy habits.

Image of Year 6 PSHE- Autism Awareness
31 Mar

Year 6 PSHE- Autism Awareness

This week has been ‘Autism Awareness Week’ and we have learnt that autism is a condition that affects how a person’s brain works. It may make it harder for people to communicate, make friends and understand social situations. We looked at how we are all unique so the children produced their own hoodie designs to express how they are different to everyone else.

Image of Year 3 - Kindness matters
31 Mar

Year 3 - Kindness matters

Today year 3 have had a zoom call with our kindness coach John, who shared some information about his new book ’The Happy Tank’. We spoke about how it is normal to feel all kinds of different feelings. We tried some calming techniques including controlled breathing, as a class.

Image of Year 5 - Dogs Trust visit
31 Mar

Year 5 - Dogs Trust visit

Today we had our workshop with The Dogs Trust. The class were fantastic and really took on board what was said and asked some fantastic questions. We learnt that we cannot judge a dog just by its breed and that all dogs have their own personalities.

Image of Year 1 DT Healthy and unhealthy foods Walk to Sainsburys
31 Mar

Year 1 DT Healthy and unhealthy foods Walk to Sainsburys

Today Year 1 walked to a local supermarket to look at different types of foods that are unhealthy and healthy for breakfast. In design and technology lessons we are looking at different types of breakfast foods and where foods come from. The children enjoyed finding different types of food in the aisles in Sainsburys and seeing the variation of products on offer. They had a super walk in their wellies where we got a better look at India Mill chimney and even got to go down the slide in the park on the way home too.

Image of Year 3 Dogs Trust Workshop
30 Mar

Year 3 Dogs Trust Workshop

This morning, Year 3 have taken part in a workshop with DogsTrust. We spoke about how it’s really important to provide dogs with a choice. We spoke about the importance of how to behave around dogs and when a dog is eating, drinking or chewing, we must leave them alone and give them space. The class were really engaged with the workshop and we have learnt so much, about how to stay safe with dogs.

Image of Year 5- PSHE-Celebrating Autism Awareness Week
30 Mar

Year 5- PSHE-Celebrating Autism Awareness Week

Last week, our Communication Team set the question for pupils to vote on what they wanted to learn about, and the children voted to learn about autism. We are proud to celebrate democracy and British values by giving our pupils the opportunity to have their say in what they learn. In PSHE today, we celebrated Autism Awareness Week by learning about Marvellous Max, a child with autism. The children were fascinated to learn about the unique qualities that children with autism possess, such as their exceptional memory skills, which can be beneficial for their friends. Being different is awesome and we should all celebrate our unique qualities.

Image of Dogs Trust Visit in Year 4
30 Mar

Dogs Trust Visit in Year 4

Today we were lucky enough to have a visit from The Dogs Trust. We had a whole school worship and then a workshop in our classroom. In the workshop, we were ‘Dog Detectives’ looking for clues and evidence. We looked at various scenarios with different dogs including Stan the Staffie, Cassy the Cockapoo and Hector the Husky. What a fantastic way to learn about dogs!

Image of Autism Awareness Week in Year 4
30 Mar

Autism Awareness Week in Year 4

In our PSHE session today, we looked at Autism Awareness Week. We looked at what autism is, how people are at different levels on the spectrum and the many famous people who have autism, including Albert Einstein and Lionel Messi.

Image of Reception- Muddy Monday
27 Mar

Reception- Muddy Monday

We have had a lovely muddy Monday out in the sunshine. The children were looking at signs of spring on our walk around our school today. The children used a checklist to find all sorts of things we may see in spring. The children were also looking through cloud detectors to see which type of clouds were visible today. The children decided it was the cumulonimbus clouds they could see.

Image of London 2023
23 Mar

London 2023

We are off! Our Year 6 children, Mrs Ham, Mrs Price, Mr Prescott and Mr Tierney are so excited for their trip to London. We can’t wait to visit the Natural History Museum, Houses of Parliament tour and workshop, Lion King Musical, Science Museum, Imperial War Museum and a tour of London sights.

Image of Year 4 Picture News - Should we all be entitled to an opinion?
23 Mar

Year 4 Picture News - Should we all be entitled to an opinion?

In our class worship this week we have focused on Picture News. We looked at the news article about Gary Lineker and how his Tweet led him to be dismissed from Match of the Day. We had some great conversations and came to the decision that we should all be entitled to our own opinion, but we need to choose our words very careful as these could be hurtful.

Image of Year 4: Smart School Council - All about Autism
23 Mar

Year 4: Smart School Council - All about Autism

In our Smart School Council session today, we looked at how we can promote awareness of autism, in particular, Autism Awareness Week 2023. The children discussed the options very sensitively and highlighted that some people have siblings that are also autistic and have varying needs.

Image of Year 4 PSHE - Positive Periods
23 Mar

Year 4 PSHE - Positive Periods

In Year 4 we have been looking at puberty and how our bodies change. This week we focused on menstruation - what it is, how it happens, how often and how to manage periods. We looked at lots of different types of sanitary wear including panty liners, sanitary towels, tampons, menstrual cups and period pants.

Image of Year 5- P.S.H.E- Our Emotional Needs
22 Mar

Year 5- P.S.H.E- Our Emotional Needs

The children worked in pairs to design their own character who is the same age as them. They then discussed the needs of their characters, thinking about their strengths and weaknesses, what they like and dislike and how their character feels about themselves. We then explored situations which we don't find easy and created examples of positive coping strategies. These included; speaking to somebody about how you're feeling; writing down your worries if they're on your mind a lot of the time-some people find this helpful.

Image of Reception- Muddy Monday
21 Mar

Reception- Muddy Monday

We had our muddy Monday session in our school area yesterday. We went onto the top field for a game of stuck in the mud and some of us enjoyed rolling down the banking. Whilst we were on the field we found a frog, the children were really interested in the frog and they were very caring towards it. We then had a walk through the willow tunnel and went onto our playground to play some games, such as ‘duck, duck, goose’ and ‘hot potato’. We had so much fun!

Image of Reception: Dental Hygiene
21 Mar

Reception: Dental Hygiene

Today, the children learnt all about the importance of dental hygiene. They learnt how to brush their teeth properly and what food and drinks to not eat and drink as much of to look after their teeth. The children practised cleaning teeth and showed us their beautiful, sparkling teeth.

Image of Reception - Doctor Visit
17 Mar

Reception - Doctor Visit

Today Reception class welcomed Dr.Chloe who came from Blackburn Hospital to talk to us all about her job. She explained how she loves to help people and even told us about her therapy dogs, Alfie and Patrick. The children asked some fantastic questions all about what is inside her doctors bag and Dr.Chloe showed us her stethoscope and showed us how it works. Thank you Dr.Chloe, we had a wonderful time!

Image of Celebration Worship Value Points Winners
17 Mar

Celebration Worship Value Points Winners

In our Celebration Worship this morning we spent time reflecting on why we came to school in non- uniform- our school council chose to raise funds for families who have been affected by the devastating earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. We also celebrated our Value Ponts Winners across both Key Stages and it’s so lovely to see how our values are being shown by the children and how they are working hard both in and out of the classroom. We had so many other things to celebrate this morning such as Let Girls Play Football Event, Let’s Go Sing and the verse speaking competition. The list of Super Sports Stars was never ending this week which is so great to see! Attendance Winners were Years 2 & 6 and Value Points Winning house team was River Darwen.

Image of Reception - British Sign Language
16 Mar

Reception - British Sign Language

This morning, Reception children enjoyed a British Sign Language session. We discussed when we might need to use sign language. Some children remembered signs that they used in nursery, at home or in Worship. We learned the BSL signs for hello, how are you, good morning, good afternoon and good evening. The children enjoyed practising signing to each other.

Image of Reception- Police Officer Visit
16 Mar

Reception- Police Officer Visit

This morning we had a visit from our local PCSO’s Gail and John and ‘Darren’ the police teddy bear. We were ready with lots of questions to ask them and we also answered some amazing questions they had for us. We were taught all about ‘stranger danger’ and how to keep ourselves safe. We also got to hear the police officers on their radios and we got the opportunity to try on some of their uniform, which we found out was very heavy. We all really enjoyed our visit.

Image of Year 1 Police Safety Talk
16 Mar

Year 1 Police Safety Talk

Today Year 1 met PCSO Gail, PCSO John and PCSO Darren the bear to talk about what the police do, stranger danger and how to stay safe in our community. They asked some super questions, tried on a police vest and were shown the equipment the police wear to communicate and capture evidence whilst working. We looked at how the police get around and the different vehicles they might use. We also all got a photo and cuddle with Darren the bear.

Image of Year 4 - Linking Schools Zoom Meeting
15 Mar

Year 4 - Linking Schools Zoom Meeting

The class have loved meeting their link class today. We played games with our linking friends, like Would You Rather...? , Red Card Green Card and Draw a Picture in which children had to draw a picture on their whiteboards while it was balanced on the top of their heads. Thank you St Matthews- we can't wait to meet you soon!

Image of Online Safety: Safe and Healthy Online Habits
15 Mar

Online Safety: Safe and Healthy Online Habits

It’s almost Red Nose Day! In support of Comic Relief, our #WakeUpWednesday guide has got some top tips on helping children and young people to build their digital resilience – minimising the impact of #OnlineSafety threats.

Image of North West Air Ambulance Visit
13 Mar

North West Air Ambulance Visit

We had the pleasure of welcoming Laura from North West Air Ambulance Charity today. Laura explained that the air ambulance colours are yellow and blue. North West Air Ambulance service is a charity and Laura’s job is to help raise money to keep the ambulances in the sky. The charity looks after over 8 million people and provides free emergency pre-hospital care. In addition to helicopters, the charity also has emergency vehicles. They are used when it is foggy, at night or when it is deemed not safe to fly. Darcy held the emergency bag that the crew carry. It is heavy and has everything they need to treat an injured person. The ambulance also carries blood on board. Wilson showed everybody the jacket that the crew wear and Harry showed the helmet that the crew required to wear. We watched a video which showed an air ambulance in action. Laura explained to us what happens in an emergency. We played Simon says to role play what we should do. If we notice somebody has hurt themselves, we would look around to check if it was safe and then go and find a trusted adult to call to 999. If there wasn’t a trusted adult around, it would be up to us to call. The crew would then be dispatched. Once the helicopter lands, there is a Lucas machine that can perform CPR if necessary so that the paramedic and doctors hands are free to help the patient further. Laura said it is brilliant that we have our invacuation procedure to help air ambulances land safely. Thank you to Mrs Price for teaching the children what to do in an emergency. Air ambulances can land on a beach, a field, a stadium, a car park and a helipad. Laura thanked everybody and said that St Barnabas are now part of the crew! Donations can still be made on parent pay to support this charity and during Lent it is the perfect time to give something back.   The charity needs to raise 12 million pounds each year in order to provide the amazing service and it relies solely on donations. Thank you to everybody who has donated so far. 

Image of Reception- Firefighter Visit
9 Mar

Reception- Firefighter Visit

Today the children in reception had a visit from Firefighter Foy! He told us all about his job and fire safety. The children asked lots of brilliant questions and they were really excited to try on the firefighter helmet! Lots of children have decided that they want to be firefighters when they grow up, because they want to help people. Thank you so much to Firefighter Foy for an amazing talk and for the firefighter goodies! We hope to see you again!

Image of Smart School Council in Year 4
9 Mar

Smart School Council in Year 4

In our Smart School Council session this morning, we discussed whether or not we feel like we can share our problems with others. We also discussed our answers in more detail. Georgie was our class leader and Noah was our note taker and they both did a great job!

Image of Online Safety: iPads
8 Mar

Online Safety: iPads

Getting to the core of Apple’s market-leading tablet

Image of Reception: Caring for our Environment
7 Mar

Reception: Caring for our Environment

Today, we discussed what recycle, reuse and reduce meant. The children discussed what bins we find at school and what bins we have at home. We discussed why it is important to recycle. Did you know that some bottles can be recycled to make a part of a plane? The children were amazed! The children went outside to look at our recycle bins as they look very different to the ones we have at home. We also discussed how we can reduce waste and reuse. The children did some junk modelling to show how we can reuse boxes and different objects. We discussed how important it is to look after and care for our world.

Image of Year 1 Medicine Safety
6 Mar

Year 1 Medicine Safety

Year 1 have been learning about medicine safety and looked at different empty medicine boxes. They discussed what the different types of medicine were and looked at the difference between harmful and helpful items. We discussed the importance of adults always administering medicine and looked at different scenarios where medicine might be administered safely. The children then worked in groups to sort items into harmful, helpful or both of these categories.

Image of Forest School- Lunchtime Club
3 Mar

Forest School- Lunchtime Club

What a brilliant first week of Forest School we’ve had! We’ve had an introduction to forest school and some time to get to know each other and our likes and dislikes. The children have been so enthusiastic and excited to give ideas on how they want our new forest school area to look and what they would like to focus on. We have some children who are fountains of knowledge when it comes to mini beasts and wildlife, these children are really excited to create bug houses, bird feeders and bird boxes. We have some children who are keen gardeners who would like to plant some new flowers and vegetables. We are looking forward to seeing what next week has in store for us.

Image of Scrooge by Charles Dickens
3 Mar

Scrooge by Charles Dickens

This morning all of the children enjoyed watching a theatrical production of Scrooge, which is a stage adaptation of the classic story 'A Christmas Carol', which was written by Charles Dickens. We were so proud of how well they joined in and the performers said they were a fantastic audience and couldn’t praise our school enough for the warm welcome they received. The children said 'It was even better than the film', 'It was amazing', 'I loved the songs' 'Everyone needs to show kindness' and our Year 6 children said this had made them even more excited to go and see the Lion King in London with school in a couple of weeks! The classic story highlighted our school focus on kindness as mean Scrooge learnt to be kind after being visited by three spirits who showed him the error of his ways. A huge well done to Daisy for showing lots of courage when she was chosen to join the actors on stage. Thank you so much FOSB for paying for the performance. It was a delight to see the childrens' faces as they were a picture and made several of our staff team, including myself, rather emotional watching them. What a great end to world book day week!

Image of PSHE Year 4 Puberty and Hair in Funny Places
3 Mar

PSHE Year 4 Puberty and Hair in Funny Places

In our PSHE session today we have looked at what boys and girls have in common and what is different. We labelled different body parts using the correct scientific words such as vagina, ovaries, eggs and womb on a female and penis, testicles and sperm on a male body.

Image of Reception - People Who Help Us
2 Mar

Reception - People Who Help Us

This week Reception children have learned about people who help us, specifically doctors. We discussed the jobs of doctors and nurses and when we may need to go to hospital. We practised putting plasters and bandages on and designed a doctors bag thinking about what they may need inside it! We loved exploring the doctors equipment in the role play area including stethoscopes and thermometers. We are excited to meet a real life radiologist in a few weeks time.

Image of World Book Day: The Cub Without a Mane
2 Mar

World Book Day: The Cub Without a Mane

Today, we welcomed Raysa Farah into our school to read and talk about her new book as part of our World Book Day celebration. Raysa is a successful florist who has now written a story after her little boy was diagnosed with leukaemia. 'My little boy S'aad was diagnosed with ALL in Spring 2022 at the age of two. From this experience I have found strength in writing an empowerment book for children and their carers. I want to help empower young children to feel like they’ve got a voice. The book follows a lion cub who loses his big, wild mane after developing leukaemia, but shows bravery to continue being himself and not let his illness get him down'. If you would like to order a copy of the book Raysa has offered a special price of £6.50, payment can be made through ParentPay. Thank you, Mrs Wilkinson

Image of Sharing Our Love Of Reading in Year 1
2 Mar

Sharing Our Love Of Reading in Year 1

During World Book Day, Year 1 read and shared their books from home and our school library with great enthusiasm. They each stood up in front of the whole class to show their chosen book that either ‘fills their happy tank’ or is a great bedtime read. The children read and shared their books with their friends and designed a book cover for their favourite book too as part of a competition. In the afternoon an author came in to read their new children’s story to them and they were able to ask questions and take part in an activity celebrating their uniqueness in their house groups. We also made book buddies that they have taken home with them today amongst other activities.

Image of Year 4 - Linking Schools
1 Mar

Year 4 - Linking Schools

Today in our Linking Schools session we were exploring our similarities and differences and preparing for our inter-class Zoom session in two weeks’ time.

Image of Online Safety: NGL
1 Mar

Online Safety: NGL

FYI, it’s NGL

Image of Whole School Worship - Fairtrade Fortnight
27 Feb

Whole School Worship - Fairtrade Fortnight

In Worship today, we began by lighting a special candle and had a moments silence to pray for the families affected by the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. Mrs Ham then showed us some foods that she had bought over the last week. We then had to guess why Mrs Ham was showing us these foods and what was special about them. Darci said that they were all fairtrade products and Hamza spotted the fairtrade logo. Mrs Ham explained that today was the start of Fairtrade Fortnight. We joined in with a quiz about fairtrade products, thought about our foods, where they come from and how climate change is affecting farmers and their crops in tropical countries. We also thought about how the Fairtrade Foundation supports these farmers, and how we can do a bit by opting for Fairtrade products. We reflected on how we can show kindness and support our neighbours around the world by buying Fairtrade products and how we can show our Christian values of generosity, friendship and respect this Fairtrade Fortnight and through Lent.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
27 Feb

Reception: Muddy Monday

As part of our learning all about caring for our environment, we went on a litter pick around our local area. We used our fine motor skills to collect the litter using the litter pickers. We collected lots of litter and all received a certificate and sticker for being great litter picking superheroes. Thank you to Blackburn with Darwen Council for providing all of the resources we needed for our litter pick.

Image of Year 1- Food origins
24 Feb

Year 1- Food origins

In PSHE yesterday afternoon we had a look at different food origins. We had a really good discussion about where our food comes from. We had a go at putting foods into Origins. This will eventually help Us to create a healthy breakfast in a couple of weeks time.

Image of Year 2 - Class Worship
23 Feb

Year 2 - Class Worship

This week during our class worship we have been discussing the horrific incident that occurred in Turkey and Syria. Children discussed the devastating effects that it must have on family and what we can do and are doing as a country to show our support to all those affected. Some of the ideas we came up with are: - Sending food and water - Providing tents and beds for people to sleep in - Praying for all those affected - Sending specialist teams such as doctors, nurses and teachers.

Image of Celebration Worship- Dress to Express- Mental Health Week
10 Feb

Celebration Worship- Dress to Express- Mental Health Week

The Year 4 class led our 'dress to express' worship this morning for 'Children's Mental Health Week'. The children had prepared lines about mental health, which they presented with confidence and maturity to parents and the whole school. They spoke about how we can all look after our mental health by doing activities we enjoy. They also shared their favourite clip about kindness and stressed how important it is to be kind to each other and the positive impact being kind has on our mental health. The Year 5 Well-being warriors also presented prizes to our winners from KS1 for their amazing artwork which represented their feelings on a drawing of a jar. They finished by singing their favourite song ' My Lighthouse' and prayers led by Tyler and Grace. Thank you Year 4 and to all of the parents, carers and grandparents who joined us.

Image of Year 5- Dress to Express
10 Feb

Year 5- Dress to Express

This week, the Year 5 class have carried out multiple activities to celebrate 'Mental Health Awareness Week'. Today, the children wore their favourite clothes to express how they're feeling inside.

Image of Reception - Children’s Mental Health Week
10 Feb

Reception - Children’s Mental Health Week

We have really enjoyed children’s mental health week. The well-being warriors visited our class and told us a story about being kind to ourselves and each other. We then designed our own kindness jars. We also created pictures of ourselves and discussed how we are similar and how we are different and what makes us special and unique. On Friday, it was Express yourself day. We all chose clothes and accessories that represented our personalities and interests.

Image of Year 6 Money Matters
9 Feb

Year 6 Money Matters

Year 6 had a visit from the money matters team this week. They discussed issues such as gambling and borrowing. The children took a keen interest in the issues raised as it is something that could directly affect them in the future.

Image of Year 2 - Collective Worship
9 Feb

Year 2 - Collective Worship

During our class worship we looked at the story with the Wales national football team. They are one of very few national football teams that have granted men and women equal pay. We looked at equality within sports and across the world and we all talked about how anybody can play football. The society we live in is and should be inclusive and we all have the potential to be amazing.

Image of Year 2 - Building bridges
9 Feb

Year 2 - Building bridges

In science, we have been looking at the use of everyday materials. We looked at what makes a strong and sturdy bridge. We took a trip to a local bridge to investigate the material used. We then used the materials we could find to make a bridge of our own. We explored: strength, support, structure and how big a bridge can be.

Image of Wellbeing Workshop in Year 2
9 Feb

Wellbeing Workshop in Year 2

Today our Well-being Warriors led another one of their fantastic workshops as part of Children’s Mental Health Week. The children looked at lots of different feelings, how we can manage them and that it’s ok to feel sad sometimes. We look forward to finding out our class winners for the feelings jar activity tomorrow in Celebration Worship.

Image of Year 5-The Mind Walk- Mental Health Awareness Week
9 Feb

Year 5-The Mind Walk- Mental Health Awareness Week

This afternoon, the Year 5 class stepped out of their classroom to appreciate God's wonderful nature around school. The children took this time to clear their minds, talk to their friends, giggle and just really enjoy being out. It was lovely to see everyone just enjoying themselves.

Image of Wellbeing Warrior Workshops for Children’s Mental Health Week
8 Feb

Wellbeing Warrior Workshops for Children’s Mental Health Week

As part of Children’s Mental Health Week 2023, our Well-being Warriors have been going into Foundation and Key Stage 1 to deliver workshops around mental health. They have looked at the story ‘Lucy’s Blue Day’ and highlighted how it’s ok to have good and bad days. The children then completed an activity on a feelings jar which they loved.

Image of Year 3 Safer Internet Day 2023
8 Feb

Year 3 Safer Internet Day 2023

This year for Safer Internet Day, Year 3 have been thinking about what should be kept public or private online. We discussed the importance of keeping personal information private, such as addresses, phone numbers and passwords. We then thought about age restrictions for games and online sites and discussed what we can do moving forward, to ensure that we are using the Internet in a safe way. We also came up with some great activities that we could do during the day, which do not require the Internet, such as playing a board game and going for a walk with our family!

Image of Kooth - Online mental health and wellbeing support for 10-18 year olds
7 Feb

Kooth - Online mental health and wellbeing support for 10-18 year olds

Good afternoon Year 6 parents and carers, I have spoken to your child today about an online mental health and wellbeing support for young people called Kooth. We have watched a video about the services they offer and there is further information included in the attached letter. Heather from Kooth will be leading a session with our Year 6 children in the summer term and will focus on transition to high school and the Kooth support service. I have given the children a leaflet so they are able to access the service if they wish. For further information on how to help your child with their mental health and wellbeing, please see the following page on our website under the tab of advice and support.

Image of Reception- Safer Internet Day
7 Feb

Reception- Safer Internet Day

In class we read a story for internet safety day, it was all about Smartie the penguin and how he could keep safe when using his tablet. The children listened so well and came up with some super ideas of how Smartie could keep safe and what he could do in certain situations. We had a discussion all about stranger danger and said that the best thing to do if something pops up on our tablets that we aren’t sure about is to tell parents, carers, grandparents or another trusted adult they know who could help.

Image of Year 5 - Safer Internet Day
7 Feb

Year 5 - Safer Internet Day

Today for Safer Internet Day we discussed whether we need to share everything online. We looked at a scenario about a boy sharing a video of his friends online which ended up causing a fall out. The class shared their opinions on what the boy could have done to prevent this. The children made some very sensible comments and were able to think of some useful solutions for the situation.

Image of Year 5 - Money Matters
7 Feb

Year 5 - Money Matters

We had some great fun with Mr Souter today when he came to talk to us about managing money. We discussed different types of budgets, deficit, surplus and balanced. We talked about which is the best type of budget to have and decided that a surplus budget allows us to have more of our wants and can help in times of emergency.

Image of Year 1- Safer Internet day
7 Feb

Year 1- Safer Internet day

Today for Safer Internet Day we discussed games and personal information online. We looked at lots of scenarios and we decided whether that was safe to share online or not. Year 1 made some very sensible comments about what we should do. We finished the day with a story about Smartie the penguin and his tablet. We learnt that you should always tell a trusted adult if you have any problems online.

Image of Year 2- Safer Internet Day
7 Feb

Year 2- Safer Internet Day

Year 2 have been celebrating all the amazing ways we use the internet but have been focusing mainly on our digital footprint to ensure that we remain safe online. We discussed: - Do not believe everything you see online - Do not post anything that isn’t kind - If I see something that makes me feel uncomfortable tell a trusted adult, report it and block it - Play with people we know - Most importantly keep having fun! - Understand age limits and respect those limits - Keep microphones and cameras off when online gaming with people who you do not know.

Image of Year 2 - Happy Tank
6 Feb

Year 2 - Happy Tank

As part of our kindness challenge and children's mental health week, we have created our own Happy Tank. Year 2 have created many affirmations to spread kindness through our class and within the school. Some examples are: ‘I matter in this world’ ‘I am amazing at what I do’ ‘We can make a difference’ ‘I am loved and I am needed’

Image of Year 4 Random Acts of Kindness
2 Feb

Year 4 Random Acts of Kindness

As it is National Random Acts of Kindness Day on Friday 17th Feb Year 4 have been out and delivered our very own kindness packs to our local community. Let’s make kindness the norm and put a smile on people’s faces.

Image of Year 1- What makes a balanced diet?
31 Jan

Year 1- What makes a balanced diet?

In PSHE we looked at what foods we should eat to help us stay healthy. We talked about a balanced diet and what foods we should eat to make our diet balanced. We also learnt some big words such as carbohydrates, protein and fibre. We finished off by creating our friend a balanced lunch.

Image of MHST Parent Webinars
30 Jan

MHST Parent Webinars

Good morning parents and carer, Next week it is Children's Mental Health Week. Here are some parent webinars from the Mental Health Support Team (MHST) to help you support your child's mental health. There are four webinars focusing on anxiety, social media and mental health, low mood and the importance of sleep. Please see the attached flyer for further information.

Image of Reception Forest Schools- Muddy Tuesday
26 Jan

Reception Forest Schools- Muddy Tuesday

On Tuesday we had a forest school session in our school grounds. The children were split into five groups with six children in each. Each team were given a pet log to build a shelter for. The children worked amazingly well together and showed great teamwork and co-operation. Each team successfully built a natural shelter for their pet.

Image of Reception- Our Forest School Restaurant
26 Jan

Reception- Our Forest School Restaurant

We built a shelter in our mud kitchen area. The children wanted to create a restaurant, they came up with dishes such as mud pie, pizza and spaghetti to serve in their restaurant. The children also asked for some chalk to create their own chalkboard menu. They then invited children in and served them their creations. What brilliant imaginative play reception!

Image of Year 5- Class Worship- Social Influencers
26 Jan

Year 5- Class Worship- Social Influencers

During our class worship this morning, the Year 5 class explored the term ' Social Influencer' in detail. The children then came up with a list of people that they look up to and admire, such as; football player, actor, singer, golf player, darts player, BMX rider and a Diablos. We then discussed why they look up to these people in detail. I then showed the children three drinks which I had prepared earlier, In order to influence the children I made them believe that the orange juice was by far the best drink. We then took votes on which drink they would choose to drink, from apple juice, Vimto and orange juice. It was great to see that the children were not influenced by my choice because the majority of the children voted for the apple juice. We then discussed the choices we make, we can choose the people we want to listen to, be influenced by and follow. Jesus always set a good example when he told others to do something, such as to love each other, he did it himself. He asked his followers to do the right thing. Whilst influencers may guide some of our choices, It is important for us to remember both positive and negative consequences. Every child has the right to be protected from social media.

Image of Year 4 Class Worship - How much control do influencers have over our choices?
26 Jan

Year 4 Class Worship - How much control do influencers have over our choices?

In our class worship we looked at how much control influencers have over our choices. The latest craze for PRIME was our key topic and we definitely know a lot about it! We discussed that although the influencers may guide some of our choices, it’s important for us to remember to make our decisions with an open mind, considering both positive and negative consequences.

Image of Year 6 PSHE
26 Jan

Year 6 PSHE

This week in PSHE, year 6 discussed their online activity and strategies we can all use in order to stay safe online.

Image of Year 5- P.S.H.E- Negative Effects of Social Media
25 Jan

Year 5- P.S.H.E- Negative Effects of Social Media

In PSHE, Year 5 have been discussing the positives and negatives of social media by exploring the impact that online content can have on a person's well-being. We discussed apps, privacy settings, cyber-bullying, trust, friendship, and respect and looked at different scenarios. The children agreed that it was important to have a small circle of friends which whom you know, trust, and enjoy spending time with. In small groups, the children thought of activities a person can take to look after their well-being with a balance of online and offline activities.

Image of Reception: Keeping safe indoors and outdoors
24 Jan

Reception: Keeping safe indoors and outdoors

This week, the children in Reception went on a hunt to see how many things could be dangerous and how many things keep us safe. Archie spotted the benches and said that they could be dangerous if you didn’t use them properly. Eddie pointed to a fire door and said that you would open this if there was a fire. Connie found a wet floor sign and we discussed how this would be used to stop you from slipping. Fletcher found cones outside which are used to stop people from parking on the path. Charlie pointed to the rail and said that we hold this to stop you falling on the stairs.

Image of Smart School Council in Year 4
19 Jan

Smart School Council in Year 4

As part of our Smart school Council session today, we discussed what makes a better dining experience. Our Class Leader Freddy and Notetaker Grace gave everyone the time to discuss the five different options. In Year 4 we decided that having our lunch in our classroom would make a better dining experience.

Image of National Online Safety: Twitter
18 Jan

National Online Safety: Twitter

New year, new Twitter?

Image of Reception: Keeping ourselves safe
17 Jan

Reception: Keeping ourselves safe

Reception have been learning all about what is safe to go into their body. They discussed what happens if they are poorly and how we should never use medicines on our own. They learnt that they should never put anything in their mouths unless a grown up knows such as a family member or teacher.

Image of Year 1- Friendship and kindness
16 Jan

Year 1- Friendship and kindness

In PSHE today we looked at friendship and some scenarios we might get into at home or at school. We acted out some of the scenarios and thought how we might feel if this happened to us and how we could deal with it. We had some very grown up conversations about being good friends and being kind to each other.

Image of Planning our class worship for Children’s Mental Health Week
12 Jan

Planning our class worship for Children’s Mental Health Week

Today we have been looking at how we can plan our very own worship to highlight Children’s Mental Health Week which takes place on 6th-12th February this year. The theme this year is ‘ Let’s Connect’ so we have looked at what we can do as a school community to promote this.

Image of Year 6 Life Education session
12 Jan

Year 6 Life Education session

In year 6, we had a visit from Megan from ‘Life Education’ who delivered a session around making decisions. Year 6’s responses were really mature and I was so impressed with how much they engaged in the session. I think one of the main points the children will definitely take away is that it is okay to challenge your friends if you think they are making the wrong decision. It is okay to say no!

Image of Year 6 PSHE
12 Jan

Year 6 PSHE

In PSHE this week, we have focused on mixed messages in the media. We discovered that we need to make sure any information we come across has come from a reliable source and that not everything we see is reality. It is important that we have our own mind and if we are unsure of anything we ask a trusted adult.

Image of Year 1- feelings and healthy living workshop
11 Jan

Year 1- feelings and healthy living workshop

In year 1 we had a visit from Megan and Harold the giraffe. Megan discussed our feelings and emotions and how we can deal with them. We also spoke about many ways in which we can live a happy and healthy life and year 1 did a great job coming up with lots a creative ideas of how we can stay happy and healthy. Thank you Megan and Harold!

Image of Year 4 - Life Education Session
11 Jan

Year 4 - Life Education Session

Year 4 really enjoyed their session with Life Education. They learned about self-value, self-care, celebrating uniqueness and when it is good to compromise. They also had a visit from Harold the Giraffe. We’re never too old for a visit from Harold.

Image of Year 1- Road Safety
10 Jan

Year 1- Road Safety

Year 1 had a visit from Andy yesterday to learn all about road safety. We learnt lots of things such as be bright and be seen when outside and what things we could wear to be seen. A huge thank you to Andy for providing our class with a high viz vest and key ring. We also learnt how important a car seat is and that we need a car seat until we reach 135cm or we reach our 12th birthday. Andy measured all of our children and we all got a special sticker as none of the class were 135cm so all need to sit in a car seat.

Image of Reception- All About Me
10 Jan

Reception- All About Me

Reception had a visit from Megan and Harold the giraffe. They taught us what to eat and drink to say healthy, where our body parts go, what to do to keep germs away and what happens if you are poorly. We loved our visit, thank you!

Image of Year 3 Life Education Visit
10 Jan

Year 3 Life Education Visit

This afternoon, the class have completed a workshop with Coram Life Education, all about the brain! We thought about how the brain sends our body messages and how messages from the brain can travel at 250 miles per hour! We also thought about things that are healthy and harmful for the brain. Overall, we found out that it’s important to keep our brains healthy by having mindful moments, being active and getting creative!

Image of Year 5- Life Education Workshop- P.S.H.E
10 Jan

Year 5- Life Education Workshop- P.S.H.E

Year 5 has thoroughly enjoyed the workshop delivered by Megan and her friend Harold the Giraffe today. Harold was particularly pleased to see familiar faces from last year, he also commented on how grown up the children looked. The children have learnt that all medicines are drugs but not all drugs are medicines, and to always ask a trusted adult before taking any medicine. We also looked at the qualities of a good friend and discussed which qualities are considered important to them. We also watched a short video about staying healthy for our well-being; by eating and drinking the right thing, exercising, mindful colouring and doing things that make you happy.

Image of Year 2 - Life Education
10 Jan

Year 2 - Life Education

In year 2 we had a visit from Megan and Harold the giraffe from Life Education. We discussed our feelings, emotions and how we can deal with them. We talked about many ways in which we can live a happy and healthy life and year 2 did a great job coming up with lots a creative ideas. Thank you Megan and Harold!

Image of Mental Health Support Team January Newsletter
9 Jan

Mental Health Support Team January Newsletter

Please find attached the latest newsletter from the mental health support team, who we work closely with in school. This month there are some great tips and signposts for ways that parents can support their own mental health and wellbeing, as well as their children's mental health and wellbeing. For all of the newsletters from the Mental Health Team, please click here

Image of Coram Life Education & SCARF workshops
9 Jan

Coram Life Education & SCARF workshops

Coram Life Education & SCARF is the UK's leading charity provider of PSHE and wellbeing education in primary schools. Over the next couple of days all of our children in school will have a fun and interactive PSHE workshop delivered by Megan and her friend Harold the Giraffe, from Coram Life Education. Reception: All About Me Year 1: Feelings Year 2: My Wonderful Body Year 3: Meet the Brain Year 4: It's great to be me Year 5: Friends Year 6: Decisions The children really enjoyed the workshops last year and they learnt a great deal. These sessions are part funded by the local authority and the school have contributed the rest. Our staff will also be having training on Coram resources that can be used in PSHE lessons. If you would like to speak to Megan and learn more about the workshops or how you can support your child with their personal, social and health education, you are very welcome to call into school from 8.45-9.00am this Wednesday morning. There is also a website with information for parents about how you can support your child's wellbeing, help them develop a growth mindset and how to talk to them about sensitive issues etc.

Image of Wellbeing Warriors - Idling Campaign
6 Jan

Wellbeing Warriors - Idling Campaign

Our Well-being Warriors have been out and about today with their campaign posters about the prevention of Idling. See if you can spot them around our school area and encourage everyone to turn their engines off whilst waiting for their children or doing drop offs.

Image of Year 4 PSHE - Our Feelings
5 Jan

Year 4 PSHE - Our Feelings

In PSHE we have been looking at how the different things that happen every day can make us feel good or not so good. We looked at ideas on how to deal with the ‘not so goods’ such as talking to someone, doing something to take your mind off it, breathing techniques and counting to ten.

Image of Year 4 Smart School Council
5 Jan

Year 4 Smart School Council

In our Smart School Council session we discussed what is the most important thing about having a job. The children worked really well within their group and our Class leader -Harry and Key Notetaker - Josh, led the session like pros!

Image of Reception: What is safe to go onto our body?
3 Jan

Reception: What is safe to go onto our body?

This week we have been looking at things that are safe to go onto our body. We discussed what we should wear, how different objects can help us, what can keep us healthy and clean and what to do if we have hurt ourselves.

Image of Year 5 - PSHE- Lend us a Fiver
8 Dec

Year 5 - PSHE- Lend us a Fiver

During our P.S.H.E lesson today, the children have role-played a situation where one child is asking the other to lend them them five pounds. However, the lender needs to feel confident about lending the money and ask the borrower why they want to borrow five pounds. As a class we discussed the reasons and found solutions to prevent borrowing money. We then learnt about Martin Lewis who is an expert on giving advice on money matters and thought about what advice he would give.

Image of Year 4 PSHE - Prejudice and Discrimination
1 Dec

Year 4 PSHE - Prejudice and Discrimination

In our PSHE lesson we looked at the terms prejudice and discrimination. We discussed how we can form ideas about people and judge them before we even get to know them. We also completed a ‘mind reading’ activity based on only a characters name and picture. Some super discussions were had along with some great new vocabulary to add to our word banks.

Image of Wellbeing Warriors New Campaign
1 Dec

Wellbeing Warriors New Campaign

Our Wellbeing Warriors have been extremely busy creating new posters to highlight ‘Idling’ around our school and the dangers of it. Idling is the term used for when a car is stationary but the engine is still running. This creates harmful toxic emissions that can make us really poorly. The Wellbeing Warriors want to spread this message, especially to our parents and carers so we will be out with our posters over the next week to promote our new campaign and record any idling that we see, especially directly outside our school boundary.

Image of Rainbow Support in Qatar - Year 4
24 Nov

Rainbow Support in Qatar - Year 4

In our class worship today, we looked at how many people believe that football should be for everyone and the issues surrounding the England football team being prevented from wearing the One Love armbands to support LGBT+ community.

Image of First Aid At Work
15 Nov

First Aid At Work

Today, some of our school team completed session one of our ‘ First Aid at Work’ Qualification. We looked at the role of a first aider, prioritising casualties and Primary/ Secondary Assessment. We looked at DARE - Danger Response Airway and Breathing then finally moved on to performing CPR and problems that may occur during resuscitation.

Image of Odd Socks Day at St Barnabas
15 Nov

Odd Socks Day at St Barnabas

What a great way to spread the message that we are all unique and can show kindness wherever we go. A huge THANK YOU to our Well-being Warriors who managed to visit every class in school to see all of the weird and wonderful efforts. Another thank you must go to all of the children who entered the BwD Anti- Bullying Week Poster competition. Any successful entrants will be announced on Friday so fingers crossed Team B will have some children put forward.

Image of Monday Worship: Anti-Bullying Week
14 Nov

Monday Worship: Anti-Bullying Week

Today is the start of anti-bullying week. We have all worn our odd socks to show that we are all special and unique. Yesterday was world kindness day. The children said that every day should be world kindness day! We listened to Andy Day about odd socks day. The theme for anti-bullying week is reach out which means talk to somebody about bullying to say it is not ok. During anti-bullying week, we will focus on the Christian values of friendship, respect, courage and forgiveness. We will also focus on the British Values of mutual respect, individual liberty and tolerance. Bullying is when somebody does something mean and they keep doing it again and again. James said the victim would feel “really sad and emotional”. Mrs Ham explained the acronym STOP. If someone does something Several Times On Purpose then it is bullying and we should Speak To Other People. We played a game where the children had to put their thumbs up if they thought the action was bullying and thumbs down if they thought if wasn’t. Mrs Ham asked what would happen if they saw bullying taking place. James said he would tell them to stop, Eli said tell the teacher. It takes courage to do something about bullying. During our reflection we thought about how we are all different and how we need to treat each other with respect. We finished our worship by listening to Andy and the odd socks song.

Image of Year 1- Odd socks day
14 Nov

Year 1- Odd socks day

❌We have kicked off Anti bullying week with odd socks day. We started off the day with an amazing worship about how important it is to reach out to stop bullying. ❌

Image of Year 5- Odd Socks Day- Anti-Bullying Week-
14 Nov

Year 5- Odd Socks Day- Anti-Bullying Week-

Year 5 wear 'Odd Socks' to mark the start of Anti-Bullying Week. We're celebrating that we are all unique and that being different is okay.

Image of Year 5- Speak Out Workshop- NSPCC
14 Nov

Year 5- Speak Out Workshop- NSPCC

Following on from our virtual assembly, today we had two visitors from the NSPCC team delivering a 'Speak Out Workshop'. The children watched short clips and then had to decide in small groups whether that was bullying or not. We had some great responses. The children exclaimed that sometimes it all depends on the length of time and whether it was a one-off. It is vital that children reach out to stop bullying. They were reminded about talking to a trusted adult or putting a note in their class worry box.

Image of Reception: Odd Socks Day
14 Nov

Reception: Odd Socks Day

Reception enjoyed wearing odd socks to kick start Anti-Bullying Week. We celebrated being unique and all decorated our own odd socks. We all discussed what a good friend is and how we all need to be kind to each other.

Image of Year 3 PSHE: Who can I reach out to?
14 Nov

Year 3 PSHE: Who can I reach out to?

This week is Anti Bullying Week and this year’s message is all about reaching out. Today, Year 3 thought about who the trusted people are in their lives and who they could reach out to, if they needed to talk to someone. #OddSocksDay #AntiBullyingWeek #ReachOut

Image of Year 2 - Anti-Bullying week
14 Nov

Year 2 - Anti-Bullying week

Children in Year2 wore odd socks to raise awareness of anti bullying week. All the odd sock combinations were amazing.

Image of PSHE in Year 4 - Respect
10 Nov

PSHE in Year 4 - Respect

In our PSHE session today, we looked at our Christian value RESPECT and how we can show this to our peers and adults within our school environment. We watched a short video and then highlighted different examples of respect, discussing how it is a positive feeling or action shown towards something or somebody.

Image of Money Matters- Year 5
10 Nov

Money Matters- Year 5

The children in Year 5 have had an invaluable session with Mr Souter today. They have been learning about how to manage money. They were first introduced to two key words ' WANTS' and 'NEEDS'. They then sorted a list of items into two categories; WANTS', such as a new mobile phone, new trainers, new bag etc. 'NEEDS', food, warm clothes, roof over our head and reading glasses. We then looked at different types of bank cards and how easy it was to get hold of a credit card. But after learning about the huge interest that can mount up if you can't pay off the money that you borrowed, the children decided that it wasn't a good idea to have one. The moral of the session was to only buy the things that you need and are essential not what you want because it has been advertised and it looks great.

Image of Year 4 - NSPCC Virtual Worship
10 Nov

Year 4 - NSPCC Virtual Worship

In Year 4, we watched the NSPCC virtual worship and learned about the importance of sharing our worries with a trusted adult.

Image of Year 2 - Remembering all those who fought
9 Nov

Year 2 - Remembering all those who fought

Year 2 took a trip to go and see all the war memorials that are in Darwen cemetery. We looked at all the people who fought and took part in the war from Darwen, we discussed the conditions and respected all those that gave their lives for us.

Image of Mental Health and Wellbeing Support in School
7 Nov

Mental Health and Wellbeing Support in School

Good morning parents and carers, please find attached the latest newsletter from the Mental Health Support Team. Mental health and wellbeing is given the highest priority in our school and is a big focus on our school improvement plan each year. We know that if children, staff or parents aren't emotionally well and happy then this can be a barrier to effective teaching and learning. In school both myself and Mrs Wilkinson are trained mental health first aiders who provide support and signpost support to children, parents and staff. We also have an Educational Mental Health Practitioner called Hazel Broadfield who works with us to provide families with support with mental health issues. We also have two trained ELSA's in school, Mrs Hegarty and Mrs Lyons, who provide emotional literacy support to specific children throughout school. Mrs Gardner, our PSHE lead also has a group of Wellbeing Warriors that help to raise awareness of mental health and wellbeing and organise events. They are organising an Odd Socks day next Monday and have led a poster competition to launch Anti-bullying week. If you or your child are experiencing any issues linked to mental health and wellbeing, Mrs Wilkinson and I are always available to speak to on either informally on the yard or through arranging a meeting. Alternatively, there are also sections on our website where different services and groups linked to mental health and wellbeing are signposted. There are also services and groups signposted on the MHST newsletters. MHST run a Parent Support Group. It is an online group which is currently topic based. It is a space where information is shared with discussion between parents. Last group's topic was Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, where we explored what OCD is and how to support your child. There is no pressure to contribute or have your camera or microphone on, there is a chat function to contribute to the session. The next topic is Social Anxiety Wednesday 23rd November 2022 @ 6-7pm online via microsoft teams Please email [email protected] for a link to the meeting.

Image of Smart School Council -How can our Peace Garden be improved?
3 Nov

Smart School Council -How can our Peace Garden be improved?

In our Smart School Council session this morning, we discussed how our Peace Garden could be used more effectively. We looked at five options. Will was our class leader and Hamza was chief note maker and they did a fantastic job! We looked at British values, especially democracy as part of our discussion process. Our final decision was option 2- to have peace garden monitors.

Image of Year 6 Class Worship- NSPCC
3 Nov

Year 6 Class Worship- NSPCC

Today, year 6 joined in with a NSPCC virtual worship. The theme was all about speaking out if we ever have any worries and the amazing resource available to the children in ‘childline’.

Image of NSPCC- Year 5
3 Nov

NSPCC- Year 5

During our class worship this morning, we watched an online assembly led by the NSPCC, about speaking out and staying safe. We learnt about children's rights and discussed what we feel is most important to us. We all have the right to speak out and stay safe!

Image of Year 4 - Linking Schools
2 Nov

Year 4 - Linking Schools

This week, we have kicked off our Linking Schools project in Year 4, learning a little bit about our link school, St Matthew’s in Blackburn, and creating bunting about ourselves and what we enjoy.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
31 Oct

Reception: Muddy Monday

Today, the children in Reception learnt how to cross the road. With their partner they stopped, looked and listened and shouted “Clear!” to Mrs Wilkinson when it was safe to cross. They all remained very alert and looked all around them. We then went to the park to collect some sticks in preparation for our bonfire pictures.

Image of Year 1- Hand hygiene
19 Oct

Year 1- Hand hygiene

Year 1 have been learning the importance of hand hygiene this morning. We did a couple of experiments to show how important it is to wash our hands. Kasim showed our hands under the special lamp and then showed them again after washing our hands with soap and water. Year one were amazed at the results!

Image of Reception Hand Hygiene
19 Oct

Reception Hand Hygiene

Reception have been learning about hand hygiene this morning and how we can protect ourselves from germs and bugs. The children experimented with a special cream which they rubbed into their hands and it acted as the ‘germs’. They then looked at their hands under a UV light to see where all the germs were. Then they washed their hands carefully, making sure they cleaned in between their fingers, the backs of their hands and their fingernails where most germs stay. They checked their hands again with the UV light after washing them and could see the places where they had not washed properly.

Image of Year 4 - Hand Hygiene Workshop
19 Oct

Year 4 - Hand Hygiene Workshop

A huge thank you to LCC for delivering a hand hygiene session to Year 4 today. The children were shocked to discover that their hand washing may not always be sufficient in removing germs, especially those who put their hands under the black light. We will definitely be spending more time washing our hands going forward.

Image of Year 5 - Move and Learn
14 Oct

Year 5 - Move and Learn

We did it!!! The children in Year 5 have completed a 5-week Move and Learn Project through Blackburn Rovers. Consisting of a series of classroom and physical education sessions, plus home-based family challenges, they have learnt about the importance of physical activity and how to eat a balanced diet and lead an active lifestyle. Well done!

Image of Food Technology- Year 5- Move and Learn
13 Oct

Food Technology- Year 5- Move and Learn

This week, the children have used their knowledge from the Eatwell Guide to prepare and cook a balanced meal at home with their parents or carer.

Image of Year 6 -Lunch time Hello yellow Hunt.
12 Oct

Year 6 -Lunch time Hello yellow Hunt.

I’ve never seen Year 6 so excited to do a hunt around school. What a fun session we had today, we went on a hunt to look for 10 yellow objects that had been hidden around our school. A huge thank you to our minions for helping out again!

Image of Year 2- Hello yellow Hunt.
12 Oct

Year 2- Hello yellow Hunt.

What a fun session we had today, we went on a hunt to look for 10 yellow objects that had been hidden around our school. The excitement and competitiveness was on another level! Well done to yellow team for finding all the objects and being the first ones back.

Image of Year 1- what’s special to us?
12 Oct

Year 1- what’s special to us?

On Monday year 1 brought in pictures or objects that are special and unique to them, this linked in nicely with Hello yellow day as they also spoke about their feelings and how their special person or object made feel.

Image of Year 1-Harvest.
12 Oct

Year 1-Harvest.

In R.E we have been talking about harvest around the world. Wow what an amazing variety of food God has provided us. We tasted a few different fruits but also different varieties of the same fruit. We tasted red and green apples and discussed if they tasted and smelt the same.

Image of Year 3- Hello yellow Hunt.
12 Oct

Year 3- Hello yellow Hunt.

What a fun session we had today, we went on a hunt to look for 10 yellow objects that had been hidden around our school. The excitement and encouragement from year 3 was amazing to see! Well done to blue team for finding all the objects and being the first ones back.

Image of Year 1- Hello Yellow.
11 Oct

Year 1- Hello Yellow.

What a super busy day we’ve had in year 1. We loved dressing up in yellow and talking about our feelings. We had a special worship for hello yellow day ran by the minions which was amazing ,they told us it’s ok to not feel ok and to speak up if we ever feel like this.

Image of Year 6- Local police officer visit
11 Oct

Year 6- Local police officer visit

Year 6 had a visit from our local police officer who explained that they are now at an age were they are criminally responsible. I feel they have taken away lessons that will stick with them for the rest of their lives. For example, they have learnt how making the wrong decisions at this time in their life can have a detrimental effect on the opportunities they are presented with in the future.

Image of Year 3- Mental Health Awareness
11 Oct

Year 3- Mental Health Awareness

Today we continued our discussion around World Mental Health Day. We talked about who we can go to if we feel upset, angry or scared. The children said they would go to their parents, grandparents, siblings or their teachers for help. We also discussed about how we could raise awareness around mental health and what we could do for those who are going through this. The children then had a go at drawing a feelings monster and writing a description.

Image of Year 6 Hello Yellow Day 2022
11 Oct

Year 6 Hello Yellow Day 2022

Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed ‘Hello Yellow Day’. In their PSHE lesson, they specifically looked at the emotional needs we have as humans and how they can ensure they are being met.

Image of The 1K a Day Mix up
11 Oct

The 1K a Day Mix up

It was Year 4’s turn to lead our 1K a Day initiative today and they decided to mix it up. We had lots of fun doing reps in different ways such as high knees, side steps, skipping and sprints.

Image of Monday Worship: Hello Yellow Day
10 Oct

Monday Worship: Hello Yellow Day

Wow, what an uplifting worship we had. We began our worship with our trinity. Mrs Ham then called upon her minions to help her with today’s special worship. We began by dancing along to ‘Happy’. The roof blew off with all of the fabulous singing and dancing. The minions started by asking the children to show different feelings, for example, tired, happy, sad and loved. The minions explained how you are not alone with your mental health and it is important to talk to somebody. The minions explained that Young Minds is a great campaign about opening up about your mental health. The children watched a video about mental health. It explained how we all have feelings that come and go every day. If feelings become too big then it is important to talk to somebody about them. The minions shared some morning affirmations that we can use. If you say an affirmation, it can make you feel happy, brave, confident, strong and determined. The children said affirmations together such as ‘today is going to be a great day’, ‘I am kind’ and ‘I matter in this world’. The minions explained that you can donate to Young Minds which helps provide a service to help young people with their mental health. The minions have created a competition to design your own emoji. The winning emoji will receive a special hamper prize! This week, we will also have a hello yellow hunt on the MUGA every lunchtime. We finished our worship by singing ‘build up’. A huge thank you to our minions- our head boy, head girl, deputy head boy and deputy head girl.

Image of Reception- Hello Yellow Day treasure hunt.
10 Oct

Reception- Hello Yellow Day treasure hunt.

WOW! What a fun lunchtime session we had today, we went on a hunt to look for 10 yellow objects that had been hidden around our school. A huge thank you to our minions- our head boy, head girl, deputy head boy and deputy head girl for guiding reception children around school to find all of the yellow objects.

Image of Year 3- Hello Yellow Day
10 Oct

Year 3- Hello Yellow Day

Year 3 have had an amazing Hello Yellow Day! We discussed how important mental health is to everyone. We went around the classroom and each child said something kind to the person sat next to them. This gave each child a boost of confidence and positivity.

Image of Reception: Hello Yellow Day
10 Oct

Reception: Hello Yellow Day

The children have really enjoyed raising awareness for mental health by wearing yellow. We discussed what makes us happy. Eddie said football makes him happy, Renee said playing with her sister and Maggie said kissing Mummy. We also spoke about what we should do if we ever feel sad. We looked again at the story of the colour monster to describe our feelings.

Image of Hello Yellow Day- Year 5
10 Oct

Hello Yellow Day- Year 5

Today, we celebrated 'Hello Yellow Day', to support the young people in our lives and raise funds for Young minds. We discussed why it is vital that we ask for help and talk to someone that we trust or a professional. We also watched a short clip about a young girl called Katie who was constantly worrying and overthinking things. However, after speaking to someone and asking for help she can now move on and enjoy her life. As a class, we made a soothe box. The box contains a picture of ourselves with some information about our favourite memories and things we like doing which help us stay calm and relaxed.

Image of Year 5- Police Officer- Be Ace Talk
10 Oct

Year 5- Police Officer- Be Ace Talk

Year 5 were super excited about our visit from John (Police Officer). They learnt that children between 10 and 17 can be arrested and taken to court if they commit a crime. The police force has a duty to keep us safe. It is their job to protect us and they are trained to do their job well. We learnt about different types of assaults, crimes and damages to possessions. The children were intrigued to learn about the number of arrests John had made and why. The most common place where an arrest or a warning is made is at the local supermarket where youths walk in and casually walk out with snacks. Sophie and Isaac played the role of lead actors in a crime that could happen in the schoolyard (secondary) and outside of school. The moral of the lesson was, never retaliate, we all have choices to walk away from situations that could cause us harm.

Image of Mental Health Support Team Newsletter October 2022
7 Oct

Mental Health Support Team Newsletter October 2022

Here is the latest newsletter from the mental health support team that work with our school and other local primary and secondary schools to support children's mental health. On Wednesday 19th October at 6.00-7.00pm there will be a parent support group session via TEAMS focusing on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). If you would like to attend the virtual meeting please email [email protected] for a link.

Image of Year 2 - World Smile Day
7 Oct

Year 2 - World Smile Day

Year 2 - World Smile Day

Image of The Big Debate in Year 4
6 Oct

The Big Debate in Year 4

As part of our British Values, we take part in The Big Debate. Today we looked at whether or not police should be given more funding. Would better police funding also reduce crime? Last year crime was up by 2% and we have lost 22% of police since 2010. The majority debated that we SHOULD provide an increase in funding and education around crime.

Image of Year 2 - PSHE
6 Oct

Year 2 - PSHE

Year 2 - PSHE. We discussed loneliness, what to do if you see someone who is lonely and how you would feel if you are lonely. The children worked really well expressing their views and opinions on the matter and worked well to come up with ideas of what they would do if they saw someone who is lonely.

Image of Year 6 PSHE
30 Sep

Year 6 PSHE

Year 6 have been creating their own well-being hotel leaflets to encourage customers to exercise and get a good night’s sleep.

Image of Year 5- P.S.H.E- Happy being me
29 Sep

Year 5- P.S.H.E- Happy being me

During our P.S.H.E lesson today, the children explored some of the ways similarities and, more importantly, differences can affect people’s attitudes and behaviour. We looked at reasons for people being discriminated against and how it made them feel. We also looked at the early life of Rosa Parks, thinking about the lives of all that suffered during the segregation period. We spoke about the importance of respecting others, even when they are very different from them (for example, physically, in character, personality or background), making different choices or having different preferences or beliefs.

Image of PSHE Setting goals in Year 4
29 Sep

PSHE Setting goals in Year 4

As part of our PSHE session we have been looking at how to set goals and achieve results amicably. We have looked at how to solve various problems using kind words, respect and fairness. The children worked really well to find solutions and also discussed how this links to our British values.

Image of Year 2 - Class Worship
29 Sep

Year 2 - Class Worship

During class worship, we looked at the countries that have been affected by the flash floods. We discussed many ways that we can help those in need. We talked about: donating to charity, sending food and clothes to families that do not have then and reducing our carbon footprint.

Image of Reception: our local environment
26 Sep

Reception: our local environment

Today, the children learnt how to put their wellies and puddle suits on and we went to explore our environment around our school. The children learnt what the term environment meant. We then found a pharmacy, trees, our school field, houses and lots of different vehicles. Well done! The children found out what road our school was on and learnt the name of our town.

Image of Year 5- P.E- Move and Learn
22 Sep

Year 5- P.E- Move and Learn

This term, the children in Year 5 will have a series of P.E lessons delivered by Blackburn Rovers. Consisting of a series of classroom and physical education sessions, plus home-based family challenges, children learn about the importance of physical activity and how to eat a balanced diet and lead an active lifestyle. This afternoon, we learnt about how physical activity can effect the body and mind.

Image of Year 2 - Showing how to be good friends.
22 Sep

Year 2 - Showing how to be good friends.

Year 2 - Showing and talking to each other on how to be a good friend and how to be there for each other.

Image of Anti-Smoking and Vaping- Whole School Assembly
20 Sep

Anti-Smoking and Vaping- Whole School Assembly

This morning, we had a visitor from public health Blackburn and Darwen. The children were asked a series of questions related to keeping ourselves healthy. All the children got involved and asked lots of questions and listened attentively. We all learnt that a recent study which was carried out in Blackburn and Darwen that shops were selling illegal vaping and illegal cigarettes. These drugs can be very harmful, they can cause heart disease, lung disease, cancer, hearing loss, dental problems and it can kill us. The children ended the assembly by singing "We can all make a difference in this world of ours". So, no to smoking and vaping!

Image of Year 4 - Prayers for Her Majesty
15 Sep

Year 4 - Prayers for Her Majesty

Today in Year 4, we tied our prayers that we had written to remember the Queen to the front of school to create a remembrance wall. We thanked God for everything she has done for us and how very special she was.

Image of Reception: the colour monster
12 Sep

Reception: the colour monster

Today, the children in Reception have read the colour monster. We have started to talk about the different emotions and our feelings. We learnt what fear, calm and anxious means. The children created a collage of each emotion and we will be focussing on this story this week. Super work!

Image of Reception: our first lunch
12 Sep

Reception: our first lunch

Reception really enjoyed their first lunch at St Barnabas. They had pizza, pasta, jacket potato’s and sandwiches. They learnt how to collect their cutlery and hold their tray independently. They all really enjoyed their lunch. Thank you to Mrs Norton and our wonderful kitchen staff!

Image of Reception: Muga fun
12 Sep

Reception: Muga fun

The children in Reception enjoyed their first session on our school Muga. They enjoyed playing games with Miss Baxendale. Well done!

Image of Reception: Making friends
6 Sep

Reception: Making friends

Reception are having a brilliant induction week. They have made lots of friends and have enjoyed sharing their treasure boxes with each other.

Image of Reception: Classroom rules
6 Sep

Reception: Classroom rules

Today, the children in Reception discussed why we have rules. They shared that we have rules to keep us safe and happy. Together we decided on our rules to help to keep us safe. We decided on ‘high 5 rules’ and if we follow them then we will receive a high 5. Our rules are to be kind, to always tell the truth, to listen to each other, to tidy our classroom and to try our best.

Image of Class Worship- Year 5
14 Jul

Class Worship- Year 5

During our class worship, the children have watched the resignation speech delivered by our current Prime Minister. We discussed about his feelings and why he felt it was the right time to step down from his role. Some of the children were quite sad watching the speech because they felt that everyone makes mistakes and Mr Johnson commented about this being the best job ever. However, some children felt that it was really important to stick to the rules that you make and maybe it was time for him to step down.

Image of Reception Healthy Vs Unhealthy Food
13 Jul

Reception Healthy Vs Unhealthy Food

As part of our PSHE topic we have been learning about healthy and unhealthy food. We discussed which foods were healthy and unhealthy and why. The children got to pick some food from the basket, and were asked to sort them to the green hoop which represented the healthy side, or the red hoop which represented the unhealthy side.

Image of Year 2 Blackpool Trip!
7 Jul

Year 2 Blackpool Trip!

Year 2 had a fantastic day at Blackpool on Tuesday! Our class topic this term is ‘Beside the Seaside’ so the aim of the trip was for the children to experience a day at the seaside and think about the activities that we do now at the seaside and comparing this to the Victorian’s. We played on the beach, listened to a talk about beach safety, went to the the top of Blackpool Tower and walked along The North Pier! The children showed so much respect to the general public and represented St Barnabas brilliantly! Well done Year 2!

Image of Year 4- The Big Debate
7 Jul

Year 4- The Big Debate

Today we took part in ‘The Big Debate’ where we looked at the question - Should mothers stay at home and look after their children? We looked at points for why some children agree and some children disagree. The children were very mature in their reasoning, but we had the majority of the class adding that mothers should have a choice about being a stay at home mum.

Image of P.S.H.E- Jobs and taxes- Year 5
7 Jul

P.S.H.E- Jobs and taxes- Year 5

This term in P.S.H.E, Year 5 have been thinking about what jobs they might like to do when they grow up. During our lesson this morning, we looked at a eight jobs; Doctor, Car mechanic, Member of the Parliament, Football player, Receptionist, Lorry driver, Police officer and a Supermarket Manager. The children then had to rank them in order according to how much you think they should earn with the highest earning at the top. They then gave clear reasons as to why they ranked them in that order.

Image of Refugee Week- Healing- Year 5
22 Jun

Refugee Week- Healing- Year 5

Year 5 took a short walk in the local area and reflected on the journeys refugee make, in celebration of Refugee Week and the Great Get Together. They also watched a short animated film about Hamid's journey from Eritrea in Africa. We then had a discussion about looking after refugees and how to make them feel welcome in our country.

Image of Science- Explore Life Cycles- Year 5
21 Jun

Science- Explore Life Cycles- Year 5

This term, Year 5 will focus on life cycles and the processes from conception, through birth to death. This afternoon, the children drew a timeline to indicate stages in the growth and development of humans. They also watched a short film by expert Zoologist Mike Linley who explained puberty and adolescence.

Image of Class Worship- Year 5
13 Jun

Class Worship- Year 5

During our class worship, we looked at the term 'referee'. The children shared experiences that they have had previously with referees in school and out of school. We looked at the job of a referee and how important the role of a referee is. We also discussed that we may not always agree with decisions made by the referees but without them, some games could not be played. It is important to always show respect to sports officials involved in the games we play.

Image of Smoothie Roadshow
26 May

Smoothie Roadshow

Today Year 5 and 6 have taken part in a ‘smoothie roadshow’. Here they learnt some facts about certain fruits, rode the bike to power the blender and tried the smoothie they made.

Image of Kooth Workshop- Year 6
26 May

Kooth Workshop- Year 6

Today Year 6 have had a session with Kooth, here we spoke about changes, in particular moving to high school. Kooth spoke about the resources on their websites showing how they can benefit the children while changes are happening or if they are experiencing worries. We spoke about self care and how we can look after our mental health in a positive way. The children asked some brilliant questions today and were very respectful of each others comments throughout. For further information please see the following website:

Image of The Queen's Platinum Jubilee- Class Worship- Year 5
26 May

The Queen's Platinum Jubilee- Class Worship- Year 5

During our class worship, the children looked at this week's picture news. We explored the Queen's jubilee in great detail and shared prior knowledge. We read through the assembly resource and talked about the length of time 70 years is. We explored the terms 'responsibility' and 'duties' and discussed the duties young children and adults might have to what the Queen has. We then created a 70 piece jigsaw to celebrate the upcoming event. Every piece has fascinating facts about the Queen.

Image of Money Matters - Year 5
25 May

Money Matters - Year 5

Year 5 has really enjoyed learning about expenditures with Mr. Souter. They worked in small groups and discussed what items in the house are essential and what items you can manage without. They learned how to keep a record of income and outgoings and how to avoid getting into debt. We also looked at the cost of pet insurance because a lot of the children in the class have pets that they love and care for dearly. It is important that people, families, and businesses all budget.

Image of Year 3 PSHE - Giving Up Loving Pop (GULP)
24 May

Year 3 PSHE - Giving Up Loving Pop (GULP)

Year 3 have had their last PSHE lesson with Lewis. He asked them to work in groups in order to create a poster persuading children to keep their teeth clean and healthy and informing the reader how to do so. Each group presented their posters to the rest of the class.

Image of Reception PSHE solving conflicts
19 May

Reception PSHE solving conflicts

In PSHE, we looked at how to resolve conflicts in the best way. We shared a story about Harold the cat, who didn’t want to share all of his things with a new kitten. We talked about what choices we could make to solve problems that make us feel angry, sad or annoyed and what steps we can take to make things better.

Image of Changes- PSHE- Year 5
19 May

Changes- PSHE- Year 5

During our P.S.H.E lesson this morning, the children Identified parts of the body that males and females have in common and those that are different. We discussed that now or in the next few years everyone in the class will start changing. We also discussed that puberty is the process by which our bodies change from a child’s to an adult’s. It is normal to be worried and anxious about these things and if they feel scared it is important to talk to a trusted adult or drop a question in our class 'Ask it Basket'.

Image of Year 4 Smart School Council
19 May

Year 4 Smart School Council

Today in Year 4, we held our second SMART council meeting. Our ‘Class Leader’ was Sienna and our ‘Notetaker’ was Wilson. We discussed how we could improve our playtimes at school. We had four groups with three of them choosing to have football nets and one group choosing the option of having an indoor area to do colouring and mindfulness. The children worked really well within their groups and discussed the five key ideas in a really mature way as did our leaders.

Image of Year 3 Class Worship - Christian Aid Week
19 May

Year 3 Class Worship - Christian Aid Week

Year 3 watched the story of “The Good Samaritan” and thought about who their neighbour is. Everyone is our neighbour, no matter what their creed, race, colour or gender is. They listened to the words of the hymn “When I needed a neighbour”, wrote some prayers and ended the worship by singing “Chain of Love”. We can all do something to help a neighbour.

Image of Prevent Workshop- Year 5
18 May

Prevent Workshop- Year 5

This afternoon, Year 5 had a workshop with content that explains Prevent, the radicalisation process, how to identify at-risk students, how to raise concerns and what an appropriate response looks like. They all asked questions and raised any concerns that they had in a very mature way.

Image of Year 3 PSHE - Staying hydrated with water
17 May

Year 3 PSHE - Staying hydrated with water

Year 3 have learnt about the importance of staying hydrated, particularly during sports activities. Lewis recapped on previous learning about the high sugar levels in sports and energy drinks. He reinforced that drinking water or milk would be more beneficial in keeping teeth healthy as well as for our overall health.

Image of EYFS and KS1 Mental Health Workshop
13 May

EYFS and KS1 Mental Health Workshop

This morning, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 had the pleasure of welcoming Erika and Pete from the Lily Jo project for a fun and energetic workshop focusing on our mental health and wellbeing. Erika talked about our three types of health. The first which was our physical health, the second which was our spiritual self and the third which was our mental health. Erika told us that today we would be focusing on our mental health. She explained that our mental health is our our thoughts, feelings and emotions and it is our responsibility to look after it. However, sometimes we struggle with this like being on a rollercoaster. Sometimes we are on the top of the rollercoaster feeling amazing, somewhere in the middle or on the bottom of the rollercoaster feeling down and blue.  After this, we learnt how to become a hero of our mental health. We learnt all of the tricks and tips for this. They were:  1) Helping others. We shared ideas such as sharing your toys, giving people a hug, helping at home with the dishes, asking your teacher if they need help and standing up for something that is wrong. 2) Exercising such as taking part in swimming, cycling, play football, running, jogging, jumping or playing with your friends. 3) Relaxing such as watching TV, having a nap, reading a book, having a bath and doing breathing exercises. 4) Opening up by talking to a grown up about how you are feeling. Helping, exercising, relaxing and opening up spells the secret code of HERO.  Then, Erika introduced her three very special friends who shared their experiences with us to help us become unstoppable heroes.  Marcus was feeling sad because he was being bullied online. People were leaving him nasty comments online. However, he stood up against this and chose to be kind to people to show that kindness is stronger than hate.  Jade was feeling worried because she wants to be an amazing singer. However, she got worried about standing on the stage in front of lots of people. She then opened up to someone she trusted to conquer her fear and be brave enough to display her talent.  Tyler was feeling angry because he doesn’t know how to express his feelings and emotions.  However, he found the strength to open up to someone close to him which made him feel positive and more confident talking about his feelings.  Then we listened to and joined in with a couple of songs. The first one was called ‘Unstoppable’ and we said I am unstoppable (pointing at ourself), you are unstoppable (pointing at a partner) and we are unstoppable (pointing in the air). We watched a video of an unstoppable child called Skye Brown who loved to skate and sing. Although people said she was too small to skate, she proved them wrong and went on to be a very successful skater in the Olympics. This proves that with hard work and determination we can be successful. The second song was called ‘Be the Change’ and we all had a boogie and sing along as exercising and singing is good for our mental health. We also enjoyed the message of us being in control of our own mental health.

Image of The Lily Jo Project - KS2 Workshop
13 May

The Lily Jo Project - KS2 Workshop

We had the pleasure of taking part in The Lily Jo project Workshop this morning. It taught us all about being a hero of our own mental health. Physical Health Spiritual Health Mental Health HERO actually stands for: H- Help others E- Exercise R- Relaxing O- Opening up We had such an awesome time dancing and singing along . We want to remember the very important phrase- You being you, makes me feel YEY! Be yourself and shine your light #mental health #mindmatters #mentalhealthawareness #thelilyjoproject

Image of Year 3 - RE - Comparing breaking rules to breaking the law and any consequences
12 May

Year 3 - RE - Comparing breaking rules to breaking the law and any consequences

Year 3 have been working in groups to consider the consequences of breaking rules to those of breaking the law. For example, would going to jail be a consequence of breaking a rule or the law?

Image of Year 4 PSHE -Mental Health Awareness Week
12 May

Year 4 PSHE -Mental Health Awareness Week

In our PSHE session this week, we looked at Mental Health Awareness Week. We discussed how to promote good mental health and how talking to people really helps us.

Image of Mental Health Awareness Week - Year 5
12 May

Mental Health Awareness Week - Year 5

The theme this year for 'Mental Health Awareness Week' is loneliness. Therefore, as a class we discussed what loneliness meant to them and what things they would associate with the word. We talked about why might people be lonely and what we could do help someone that might feel lonely. The children then made a loneliness flip book which they could refer to if they ever felt lonely.

Image of Mental Health Workshops from the Lily-Jo Project
11 May

Mental Health Workshops from the Lily-Jo Project

This week it is mental health awareness week. On Friday morning I have arranged for some fun and interactive mental health workshops from the Lily-Jo Project for all of the children in school. The Lily-Jo Project is devoted to eliminating the stigma surrounding mental health through music, digital resources, and community engagement. They firmly believe that when exposed to the basic principles of mental health from an early age, kids are empowered to: Be proactive about maintaining good mental health into adulthood Ultimately reach their full potential and achieve their dreams! For further information on how you can support your child's mental health, please click on the following link: There will be no Celebration Worship this Friday as we will be taking part in the workshops. If your child has an award, please save them until next week or send me a photo of them with their award if they have to return it the following week.

Image of Year 3 PSHE - sugar content of drinks
10 May

Year 3 PSHE - sugar content of drinks

Year 3 have been learning about the sugar content of different drinks and how we can find out by looking at labels on bottles, cans and cartons. The second half of the lesson involved staying active and healthy by playing handball.

Image of Year 3 - Class Worship - Mental Health Week
9 May

Year 3 - Class Worship - Mental Health Week

Year 3 have been thinking about mental health, focusing on feelings of loneliness. We discussed ways we can feel less lonely and also ways to help others who are feeling lonely. We wrote some prayers and ended our worship by singing “Way Maker”.

Image of Class Worship- Year 5
4 May

Class Worship- Year 5

Today during our class worship we discussed what 'freedom' meant to us. We looked at comments made from other people and what freedom looks like to them. In small groups they discussed whether they agreed or disagreed with anyone, and why? Some of the children felt restricted at home and school by the choices adults in their lives make for them example, how much screen-time they have, what foods they eat, what time they should be allowed a break, how long they can be out playing for etc. We discussed the importance of these restrictions and the reasons they are in place.

Image of Year 1-PSHE
4 May

Year 1-PSHE

During their PSHE lesson, Year 1 have been learning about how to dial 999 if there is an accident or emergency and what to say.

Image of Our first School Council Team Meeting
4 May

Our first School Council Team Meeting

This week, we held our first school council meeting with our Communication Team made up of Year 5 and Year 6 pupils. We discussed the expectations of our Communication Team and analysed the results from our whole school Class Meeting Question. We found that the school believes that the best way to help our planet is to stop littering and we talked about what we could do as a school to support that. We set out the key roles within our Team and set the next question ready for the school to discuss in the coming weeks. We are excited to see what positive changes we can drive forward by giving everyone a voice in school.

Image of Year 3 PSHE - teeth hygiene
3 May

Year 3 PSHE - teeth hygiene

In PSHE Year 3 have been finding out about how many grams of sugar there are in different drinks and how they need to brush their teeth with toothpaste twice a day and use mouth wash too. They have learnt that regular visits to the dentist are important too. They ended the lesson with a game of dodgeball, as staying active is important for their overall health and well-being.

Image of Year 2 PSHE: Dental Health
28 Apr

Year 2 PSHE: Dental Health

This week in PSHE, Year 2 have been learning about dental hygiene. We thought about the different sugary foods we eat and how it is important to have a balanced diet, as this will help our teeth to stay healthy! We looked at how we can look after our teeth, by brushing our teeth twice a day for 2 minutes. Each child received a Colgate tooth brush, tooth paste and information pack to take home with them!

Image of Year 4- SMART School Council
28 Apr

Year 4- SMART School Council

This morning we held our first SMART School Council meeting in Year 4. We had a Class Meeting leader and a Class Meeting Notetaker. Because so many of us wanted to take the role, we used Class Dojo randomiser to select the pupils. Sophie and Freddie led the meeting and we looked at which example would have the most impact on improving our environment. We worked in groups and the majority thought that to stop littering would have the biggest impact on our planet. Year 4 had a great attitude and discussed ideas with confidence and maturity.

Image of Year 5 P.S.H.E- Drugs and Alcohol Education
27 Apr

Year 5 P.S.H.E- Drugs and Alcohol Education

Today, Year 5 learnt about legal and illegal drugs. We focussed on legal and illegal drugs, other than medicines, and the associated effects and risks. The children also explored how the risk of drug use may vary depending on factors such as the strength of the drug, how much is taken and how often, the person and the situation.

Image of Year 3  Science - Investigating reflective materials
26 Apr

Year 3 Science - Investigating reflective materials

In Science, Year 3 have carried out an investigation to find out which is the most reflective material. Then they designed a book bag with reflective strips so that they can be seen in the dark when headlights shine on them.

Image of Year 3 PSHE - drinking non-sugary drinks
26 Apr

Year 3 PSHE - drinking non-sugary drinks

Year 3, during this half term, will have Lewis from BRFC coming into class each Tuesday morning to carry out lessons on how to stay healthy, focusing on teeth and not drinking sugary drinks. He has set the children a challenge to try not to drink sugary drinks for the next 21 days. They have a card that they have taken home on which to record their progress. They have also each been given a water bottle.

Image of Money Matters Visit
25 Apr

Money Matters Visit

Today Year 6 welcomed a visitor into their classroom, Mr Souter, who led a session around budgeting. Here year 6 took part in class discussions around, wants and needs, understanding the importance of having a ‘surplus’ income and what can happen if we overspend. Year 6 were very mature throughout, asking relevant questions and will hopefully use this information wisely when it comes to their own spending/ saving.

Image of Year 3 PSHE - Earth Day
22 Apr

Year 3 PSHE - Earth Day

Year 3 have been exploring different ways that they can look after our planet Earth. They began by decorating a picture of the Earth with the things they love about it. Then they thought about what actions they could take to look after and protect the Earth.

Image of Year 3 Class Worship - Earth Day
21 Apr

Year 3 Class Worship - Earth Day

Year 3 have been thinking about God’s wonderful creation and how we can help look after it. They wrote prayers and ended their worship by singing “Shine”.

Image of Worship with the Kindness Coach
4 Apr

Worship with the Kindness Coach

In our whole school worship this morning we welcomed the Kindness Coach, John Magee, in to talk about our kindness challenges over this half term. He was overwhelmed with all the kind acts we have been doing at St Barnabas and he spoke to us about continuing to be kind throughout our lives. Thank you to John for visiting our school.

Image of Reception Police Officer Visit
1 Apr

Reception Police Officer Visit

Reception were so excited to meet PC Ros and PC Gail this morning. They learnt about the important jobs police officers have to do and the equipment they use. Some of the children tried on parts of the police uniform and practised using a police radio to report and emergency. Afterwards, they went outside to see a real police car and sat inside with the flashing lights and listened to the very loud siren.

Image of PSHE & RSE - How our body changes during puberty
30 Mar

PSHE & RSE - How our body changes during puberty

Today we have looked at how both a male and female change during puberty. We discussed how we can’t see our hormones but they can definitely change our mood, hair in funny places and periods.

Image of Reception Muddy Monday
28 Mar

Reception Muddy Monday

This week the children walked 5500 steps around Jack Keys reservoir. They persevered and challenged themselves to walk through mud and climb very steep hills. We were so impressed with their determination! Well done Reception!

Image of Year 3 PSHE - Valuing Diversity
25 Mar

Year 3 PSHE - Valuing Diversity

Year 3 PSHE - The children have been discussing statements about stereotypes, for example: Women can’t be in the armed forces / People with white skin don’t like spicy food, and whether the statements are true or false.

Image of Commonwealth Baton Relay Handover to St Pauls
24 Mar

Commonwealth Baton Relay Handover to St Pauls

Following the collection of the baton from St Peter’s yesterday, our Year 6 Heads and Deputies took charge with the handover to St. Paul’s today. Year 5, Year 4, Year 2 and Reception made flags and banners to cheer them on their journey. We can’t wait for the games to start now and have loved the experience! Thanks @LancSchoolGames #Lancsbatonrelay22

Image of A visit from The Dogs Trust in Key Stage 2
24 Mar

A visit from The Dogs Trust in Key Stage 2

We had a lovely gentleman called Andrew visit us today in KS2. Andrew works for The Dogs Trust who care for 14,000 dogs in 22 rehoming centres across the country. We looked at when it is best to leave dogs alone and give them space and safe, positive behaviours around dogs. A huge thank you from us to Andrew and Dougie the mascot dog.

Image of The Dogs Trust Visits Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.
24 Mar

The Dogs Trust Visits Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.

Today, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 had a visit from Dogs Trust. They learnt about how to stay safe around dogs. We learnt that dogs have feelings just like us and they can get angry, sad, anxious and nervous which can cause them to show certain behaviours such as biting. We learnt the following rules for keeping safe around dogs to prevent them from harming us: We should leave a dog alone when they are resting, we should leave a dog alone when they are eating, we should always stay quiet around dogs, we should stroke a dog rather than hug it as dogs prefer a gentle stroke to a hug and we should tell a grown up if a dog takes something that belongs to us such as a toy, a shoe or a sock. Finally, all of the children were quizzed on all of the rules they had learnt and they remembered them really well. Well done Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.

Image of Receiving The Commonwealth Games Baton
23 Mar

Receiving The Commonwealth Games Baton

Today we had the privilege in taking part in the Commonwealth Games Baton Relay as part of the lead up to the Commonwealth Games which will take place in Birmingham this year. We received the baton from St Peters this afternoon, with our Year 6 Sports Leaders in charge of the safe hand over. Year 6, Year 3 and Year 1 classes were there to provide a warm welcome and wave their flags. Tomorrow, Year 5, Year 4, Year 2 and Reception class will be there to wave the baton onto its next journey to St Pauls Hoddlesden. What an experience! Thanks @LancSchoolGames #Lancsbatonrelay22

Image of Year 3 English - Drama
18 Mar

Year 3 English - Drama

Year 3 English - using Drama to explore the thoughts and feelings of the main character, Omri, in “The Indian in the Cupboard”.

Image of Year 3 Class Worship for Peace
17 Mar

Year 3 Class Worship for Peace

Year 3 Class Worship - continuing to pray for peace in Ukraine.

Image of Year 1- Creating a High Visibility Vest
17 Mar

Year 1- Creating a High Visibility Vest

After the year 1 had a visit last week of Andy from Blackburn with Darwen council about keeping safe on the roads, he set the children a challenge to design their own Hi Vis jackets. He had already spoken to them about how they need to be very bright and have reflective panels or parts so that the people wearing them can be seen in the dark. Year 1 have been very busy designing these in the creative area this week thinking very carefully about making them as bright and reflective as possible. Well done Year 1.

Image of Online Safety: Upsetting Content Guide
16 Mar

Online Safety: Upsetting Content Guide

These are troubling times for everyone. If your child has been unsettled by current global events, our #WakeUpWednesday guide has some insightful tips for helping young ones deal with worrying news content they may have seen online.

Image of Road Safety
14 Mar

Road Safety

Dear Parents and Carers, Please see the letter attached regarding recent road safety training the children have received in school from the local authority. Kind regards, Mrs Haworth

Image of Reception Obstacle course
10 Mar

Reception Obstacle course

We have been looking at ways we can be fit and healthy like real life superheroes! We talked about how police officers and fire fighters need to be strong and healthy for their jobs so we set up an outdoor assault course for us all to complete!

Image of Year 3 Class Worship - Lent
10 Mar

Year 3 Class Worship - Lent

Year 3 Class Worship included watching a video clip of Bishop Philip talking about Lent and about making time for God. We wrote some Lenten Promises and we also wrote some prayers for peace in the Ukraine. We ended our worship by singing “Chain of Love”.

Image of Year 1-Road Safety
4 Mar

Year 1-Road Safety

Today in Year 1, Andy came into our class to teach us all about road safety. He talked to us about The Green Cross Code. We learnt to stop, look and listen before we cross the road and to continue to look and listen as we cross the road. We talked about giving ourselves plenty of time to cross a road, making sure there is space to reach the pavement at the other side, where it safe to cross a road avoiding bends, crossing between parked cars or close to the top of a hill. We also talked about the importance of high visibility clothing when we are crossing a road. We practised crossing the road safely at a zebra crossing and Andy checked whether we should be using a booster seat. Year 1 can’t wait for their goody bags to be delivered which will contain items to help us to keep safe on the roads such as high visibility key rings.

Image of Year 3 PSHE - Road Safety
4 Mar

Year 3 PSHE - Road Safety

Year 3 had a Road Safety workshop. They were reminded of the Green Cross Code and the importance of wearing high visibility jackets (especially when it is dark). The children were also measured for whether they need a car booster seat or not. Only four children were tall enough not to need a booster seat. Everyone needs to wear a seatbelt.

Image of Well-being Warrior & Digital Champions
3 Mar

Well-being Warrior & Digital Champions

Today, the Well-being Warriors led the virtual Digital Champions meeting and represented the school. They talked about how we covered Safer Internet Day at St Barnabas and highlighted everything we do to make our children feel safe when using the Internet and any social media.

Image of Year 3 World Book Day
3 Mar

Year 3 World Book Day

Year 3 began the day in a special assembly watching a video clip of the book by Aaron Becker, called “Journey”. Once in class, we discussed the character and voted on a setting and a vehicle for our descriptive writing. We chose the setting to be Hogwarts and the vehicle for the girl to be a train. We produced artwork for a display in the school library, together with some descriptive phrases from some of the children’s writing. Miss Flynn came to read a story to the class at 2.30pm whilst Mrs Hargreaves went into the Reception class to read a story to them. We ended the day by listening to a further instalment of The Indian in the Cupboard” which is our class novel this half term.

Image of Reception - All about The Police
2 Mar

Reception - All about The Police

Reception have loved learning about the Police this week and how they help us in our community. They have learnt about the different types of jobs Police Officers carry out and the important equipment they need to do their job. They have loved dressing up as officers and have been role playing with their friends using notepads to write down information and how to talk like real officers using walkie talkies.

Image of Reception Hand Hygiene
25 Feb

Reception Hand Hygiene

Today Reception have been reflecting on how they can be kind to others by washing their hands. We used glitter to show the germs that live on our hands and how germs can spread quickly. We also investigated if water alone can get rid of germs and found out that we need soap to get rid of them all. We practised different actions to wash our hands to ensure every part of our hands are clean.

Image of Year 3 Class Worship - Fairtrade
24 Feb

Year 3 Class Worship - Fairtrade

Year 3 wrote some prayers during Our Class Worship remembering all the poor farmers in developing countries who don’t always get a fair price for the fruit and vegetables that they grow.

Image of Reception: people who help us
23 Feb

Reception: people who help us

As part of our topic, the children decided that they wanted to help clean our outdoor area. They set up a cleaning station and washed the play house and cars. They showed brilliant teamwork and did a wonderful job!

Image of Dress to Express Worship for Children's Mental Health Week
11 Feb

Dress to Express Worship for Children's Mental Health Week

This morning in our Worship we focused on our mental health and the theme 'growing together'. We also all dressed up in different ways to 'Dress to Express', to raise awareness of mental health. We learnt ways that we can grow physically and emotionally and activities we can do to make us feel happy if we are feeling sad. Our Wellbeing Warriors led a section of Worship by sharing with us the ways they are helping to support our wellbeing in school. They shared the wonderful things we have been learning throughout this week on how to keep safe and be respectful online. They also shared with us their findings of their research on healthy break time snacks and let everyone know which healthy snack they are allowed to bring to school after half term.

Image of Year 3  Dress to Express #Children’sMentalHealthWeek
11 Feb

Year 3 Dress to Express #Children’sMentalHealthWeek

The children have come into school “dressed to express” for the day. They are expressing who they are and what they are interested in. It is part of exploring children’s mental health and well-being during #Children’sMentalHealthWeek.

Image of Dress to Express in Year 4
11 Feb

Dress to Express in Year 4

Dress to Express in Year 4 for Childress Mental Health Week 2020. We have definitely expressed ourselves in many different ways and been creative in how to share our thought, feelings and ideas #ChildrensMentalHealthWeek

Image of Wellbeing Warriors- Healthy Break time Snacks
11 Feb

Wellbeing Warriors- Healthy Break time Snacks

We are very lucky to have Well being Warriors in school now and their role is to be the voice of our pupils. We believe that the wellbeing of every person in our school is fundamental to happiness and good mental health. As part of their role, the Wellbeing Warriors, along with the rest of Year 4 have been looking into improving the health of our children. We have been researching the best snacks to have at break time and what, as a school we would like to have the option of bringing. As of Monday 21st February, we would like children to only bring in a snack from the list below: - Fruit - Fresh or dried - Vegetables - Yoghurts - frubes or squishems - Cheese - Babybel , Cheese strings or something similar. We found that these snacks all offer nutritional value such as iron, calcium and vitamins and we want the children at St Barnabas to lead healthy lifestyles and make good food choices.

Image of Reception dress to express!
11 Feb

Reception dress to express!

Reception have had a great day expressing themselves in their costumes and have enjoyed the inter-sports competition with the sports leaders. We have talked about our feelings and how we can deal with our worries by talking to grown ups about them to make them smaller.

Image of Dress to Express - Year 5
11 Feb

Dress to Express - Year 5

Year 5 took part in ‘ Dress to Express’ day today for children’s mental health week.

Image of Year 3 Class Worship - #Children’sMentalHealthWeek
10 Feb

Year 3 Class Worship - #Children’sMentalHealthWeek

Our class worship this week has been about Children’s Mental Health, in preparation for tomorrow’s Dress to Express Day. We thought about who makes us grow and supports us in achieving our goals. We wrote some prayers and ended by singing “Shine from the inside out”.

Image of Online Safety: Check in with your friends
9 Feb

Online Safety: Check in with your friends

Concerns over the impact of social media on mental wellbeing have often been raised in connection with the substantial growth in mental health problems among the young. In the same context, however, social media can also be a force for good: it enables children to – privately and discretely – check in with friends who they believe are experiencing a bad time. In support of Children’s Mental Health Week, here is a special poster. It’s designed to remind young people that their friends might not always be OK – and when that happens, simply reaching out and being there for them can be a wonderfully reassuring act.

Image of Safer Internet Day Worship
8 Feb

Safer Internet Day Worship

Today in worship we learnt about how to keep safe online and we focused on our Christian value of respect. We looked at internet safety scenarios which prompted lots of discussions about who to trust, how to stay safe, who to speak to you if you are concerned about anything and keeping your accounts private. We also discussed respect online, always be kind and polite. If you are using emoticons or smiley faces make sure that you are as clear as possible to express what you mean. A comment or emoji can have a big impact on someone’s mental health.

Image of Year 2 PSHE: Internet Safety Day
8 Feb

Year 2 PSHE: Internet Safety Day

This afternoon I’m PSHE, Year 2 have been thinking about how we can make safe choices online. We looked at the story ‘Oscar’s Adventures in the Online World’ and helped Oscar to make good decisions. We have also listed different ways to stay safe online and adding this to our class scrapbook!

Image of Year 3 - #Safer Internet Day
8 Feb

Year 3 - #Safer Internet Day

We began the day with a whole school virtual assembly for Safer Internet Day. We have completed a variety of activities throughout the day about Online Safety.

Image of Year 1-Internet Safety Day 2022
8 Feb

Year 1-Internet Safety Day 2022

Year 1 started their amazing Internet Safety Posters this afternoon to share their top tips for keeping safe online. We enjoyed Mrs Ham’s worship this morning on showing respect and kindness online and learnt about the importance of sending only kind messages and blocking and reporting any unkind behaviour. We also enjoyed reading ‘Digiduck and the Magic Castle’ and ‘Oscar’s Adventures in the Online World.’ From these books, we have learnt about the importance of having strong passwords that contain symbols, letters and numbers so nobody can guess them and not accepting or continuing with a message that we don’t understand as this could cost us money, give our device a virus or show us something inappropriate. We also learnt about information that is okay to share such as our favourite food or music and information that is not okay to share such as the school we go to, our address, our full name or our password.

Image of Safer Internet Day- Year 5
8 Feb

Safer Internet Day- Year 5

During our P.S.H.E lesson this week, Year 5 had a discussion about how to stay safe online while staying connected to the digital world. We spoke about respect online, on group chats, video calling, instant messages and games. We also had a look at the story book ‘ Oscar’s Adventures in the Online World’ and found ways of helping Oscar make the right decisions so he can avoid dangers on his journey through the online world.

Image of Whole School Worship : Children’s Mental Health Week
7 Feb

Whole School Worship : Children’s Mental Health Week

During our whole school worship this morning, we talked about our mental health and discussed ways that we can grow and flourish. We thought about our school vision 'Achieving great things through learning and growing together in a love-filled Christian family' and how we can support each other to grow. On Friday, we will be taking part in ‘Dress to Express’ for Children’s Mental Health Week so we thought about our God given talents and how we can shine from the inside out.

Image of Children's Mental Health Support
7 Feb

Children's Mental Health Support

Good morning parents and carers, this week we are focusing on children's mental health in school and the theme this year is 'growing together'. During our whole school worship this morning we talked about our mental health and discussed ways that we can grow and flourish. We thought about our school vision 'Achieving great things through learning and growing together in a love-filled Christian family' and how we can support each other to grow together. On Friday, we will be taking part in ‘Dress to Express’ for Children’s Mental Health Week so we thought about our God given talents and how we can shine from the inside out to express ourselves. I have attached a mental health resource pack which has lots of useful activities to promote happiness and healthy mental health. It is a great way to get children to talk about their feelings, recognise and discuss emotions, build resilience, learn from mistakes and feel happy. This morning we thought of lots of ways to make ourselves and each other feel happy and the children came up with so many amazing ideas such as, tell each other jokes, do a silly dance, do some exercise, talk to your friends, eat chocolate etc. Included in the pack is 30 ways to feel good and there are also ideas and activities for dealing with anxiety, fear and anger. I hope you find the guide useful as one of the biggest challenges faced by parents, teachers and carers is helping children to talk about and deal with their feelings. We can help and guide our children by looking after ourselves too! Self-care is absolutely vital for parents, carers and teachers. The 30 ways to feel good is a great way for adults to take some time to focus on themselves which enables us to be happier grown ups as the saying is, 'you can't pour from an empty cup'. Take care and look after yourselves, Mrs Ham

Image of First aid for minor and severe head injuries- Year 5
3 Feb

First aid for minor and severe head injuries- Year 5

During our P.S.H.E lesson this morning, Year 5 have been learning about how to help someone who has a head injury. They compared mild verses severe injuries and looked at ways to prevent head injuries.

Image of Super Shot Putters- Year 5
1 Feb

Super Shot Putters- Year 5

Year 5 showed amazing teamwork, patience and resilience during their Olympic club taster session. They learnt how to stay focused and execute proper throwing.

Image of Year 2 Life Education Visit
21 Jan

Year 2 Life Education Visit

Year 2 had a fantastic morning with Megan from Life Education! We talked about how to deal with our feelings and emotions and looked at all of the different ways that we can look after our bodies!

Image of Safer Internet Day-Poster Competition
21 Jan

Safer Internet Day-Poster Competition

We will be taking part in 'Safer Internet Day' on Tuesday 8th February 2022 and would like to ask the children to take part in an Online Safety poster competition which is being promoted by Blackburn with Darwen. The children are asked to design a poster about online safety for children and young people. More details are provided on the link below and the closing date is Thursday 10th February. Please take a look at our online safety webpage that has an abundance of resources and key information regarding internet safety and keeping up to date with guidance.

Image of Life Education - it's Great to be Me!
21 Jan

Life Education - it's Great to be Me!

This afternoon in Year 4 we had our Life Education Workshop- It’s Great to be Me! We looked at all sorts of things including relationships, how we are all unique and how smoking and alcohol can affect our bodies. We really enjoyed taking part in the activities and look forward to learning even more in our follow up PSHE lessons.

Image of Year 6- Life Education Workshop
21 Jan

Year 6- Life Education Workshop

Today Year 6 have taken part in a Life Education Workshop focusing on ‘decisions’. They discussed feelings, friendships and pressures including drugs and alcohol. Year 6 asked some great questions and showed maturity and respect throughout the session. Well done!

Image of Life Education - Year 5
20 Jan

Life Education - Year 5

We really enjoyed our visit from ‘ Coram Life Education’ this morning. We learned all about what’s inside our mind and how we react to things. We learnt how to be assertive if someone is pressuring us to do something we don’t want to do.

Image of Reception’s special visitor - All about Me!
20 Jan

Reception’s special visitor - All about Me!

Today we had a special visitor in Reception called Megan, who came to teach us all about our bodies and how we can keep them healthy. We talked about the parts of our bodies, how we can eat healthily, how to keep fit, our feelings and how sleep can help us grow. We also said a big hello to Harold the Giraffe who enjoyed having his teeth brushed by the children and his face cleaned!

Image of Year 1-Life Education Visit.
20 Jan

Year 1-Life Education Visit.

We enjoyed our visit from Harold the giraffe today. We learnt about how to keep our bodies healthy. We learnt about having a balanced diet which must include protein, fruits and vegetables, dairy and energy foods and how exercise, keeping hydrated and sleep helps us to live a healthy lifestyle too. They listened and joined in amazingly well. Well done Year 1.

Image of Year 3 PSHE- The brain and staying healthy.
20 Jan

Year 3 PSHE- The brain and staying healthy.

Year 3 learnt all about the brain, healthy eating and how sleep is important for our bodies. They discussed medicine, smoking and alcohol and the effects these have on a body. They also discussed friendship and how friends may need to compromise. 

Image of Well-being Warriors - What makes the best healthy break time snack?
20 Jan

Well-being Warriors - What makes the best healthy break time snack?

As part of our work as Well-being Warriors, we have been looking at what we should bring in for our break time snacks in school. We have looked at lots of options and discussed how healthy they are, along with how much ‘hidden sugar’ they have. We are going to create posters and add these to dojo so that our parents and carers know what we are allowed to bring in as we have noticed an increase in children being less healthy options.

Image of Reflecting on Mary, Joseph and Jesus as refugees
10 Jan

Reflecting on Mary, Joseph and Jesus as refugees

In worship this morning, we reflected on how Mary, Joseph and Jesus were affected by having to flee to another country. It helped us to understand how refugees today might feel and think about how we can help them.

Image of Year 6 fire safety visit
3 Dec

Year 6 fire safety visit

On Friday Year 6 had a visit from Lancashire Fire and Rescue service. Here they spoke about keeping safe within our homes and also when out in the community. Year 6 asked some excellent questions and maintained a mature attitude throughout the session.

Image of Knife Angel Message
26 Nov

Knife Angel Message

Two of our WOW (Worship our way) group members told our whole school, in Worship on Friday, about the Knife Angel. They attended a conference at Blackburn Cathedral a couple of weeks ago and learnt about angels being special messengers and they particularly focused on the special Knife Angel. It is made up of over 100,000 knives that have been used in knife crimes around the country. Many of the knives have writing calved into them which are messages asking for forgiveness to the victims and their families from the person who used the knife. The message is to try to eliminate knife crime in our local area and a knife amnesty box is next to it to encourage youngsters to surrender any weapons they may have. Most knife crimes occur by accident and it’s usually the person carrying a knife that becomes injured. Thank you to our WOW group members for delivering the important message of the Knife Angel to our school family. We hope this will discourage any of our children from carrying weapons when they are older. The Knife Angel will be at Blackburn Cathedral till 30th November if you are in the area and would like to admire it.

Image of Year 2 PSHE: How to report bullying or other hurtful behaviour.
25 Nov

Year 2 PSHE: How to report bullying or other hurtful behaviour.

This afternoon In PSHE, we thought about the difference between teasing and bullying and explored different scenarios of both. We recorded ideas about what we can do to stop bullying and how to report it.

Image of Class Worship- Year 5
25 Nov

Class Worship- Year 5

During our class worship this week, we have been discussing the news about one travel company ‘expedia’, who have banned all trips that include experiences with dolphins. We discussed why some people don’t agree with keeping dolphins and whales purely for entertainment.

Image of Y4 Ask Themselves: Who Am I?
24 Nov

Y4 Ask Themselves: Who Am I?

In Year 4 today, we marked the start of our linking schools project by thinking about who we are and what we like. We have been decorating bunting to send to our partner class at The Olive School in Blackburn. #TheLinkingNetwork

Image of Interfaith Whole School Worship
22 Nov

Interfaith Whole School Worship

In worship today we talked about the importance of having respect and tolerance for others, no matter what their beliefs. We are learning to celebrate each other’s differences.

Image of Year 2 Supporting Children in Need
19 Nov

Year 2 Supporting Children in Need

Year 2 have had a great day supporting and raising money for Children in Need!

Image of Children in Need- Year 5
19 Nov

Children in Need- Year 5

Year 5 love dressing up. We supported ‘ Children in Need’ by wearing something spotty.

Image of Children in Need
19 Nov

Children in Need

This morning in Worship we focused on Children in Need and looked at what heroes are. We learnt that we can all be heroes by supporting children in need and by treating each other with kindness and respect. We then took part in a special workout quiz challenge with Joe Wicks. Thank you to everyone who dressed in spots today and donated to Children in Need via parent pay. Your generosity will help to change the lives of many children around the UK.

Image of Reception Children in Need
19 Nov

Reception Children in Need

Our Reception class put on their spots for Children in Need today. They loved listening to a Pudsey bear story and took part in a variety of Pudsey themed crafts.

Image of Year 3 Children In Need
19 Nov

Year 3 Children In Need

On Friday 19th November we had a Children in Need Day. All the children dressed in spots or Pudsey clothes and we thought about children who are less fortunate and how the Children in Need Charity helps them.

Image of Year 4 stand against bullying
18 Nov

Year 4 stand against bullying

Check out our odd socks! Year 4 launched Anti-Bullying Week with a special worship on Friday and enjoyed showing off their uniqueness in odd socks on Monday.

Image of Rock those socks - one kind word
18 Nov

Rock those socks - one kind word

Look at our Barnys bunch rocking their odd socks for Anti-Bullying Week.

Image of Anti-Bullying - Year 5
18 Nov

Anti-Bullying - Year 5

As part of Anti- Bullying Week, the Year 5 children have watched a video, made a video and listened to a story ‘Mud Boy’ about bullying. We have also promoted ‘Odd Socks Day’ to celebrate our uniqueness. We believe kindness is infectious, it really can change someone’s day.

Image of Reception: Anti-bullying week
18 Nov

Reception: Anti-bullying week

This week in Reception, we have been sharing one kind word to each other! We have been spreading love, joy and kindness to each other! #OddSocksDay #Antibullyingweek

Image of Anti-Bullying Worship
15 Nov

Anti-Bullying Worship

Today we launched anti-bullying week. The children today have all celebrated how they are unique by wearing odd socks. The children discussed what to do if somebody is being mean. “You can tell your parents…tell a teacher…tell your family.” We discussed what bullying means. It is about when somebody is mean on a number of occasions. This year's focus is ‘one kind word’. The children talked about lots of kind words “friendship, respect, kindness, care, joy.” This week, we are aiming to cause a ripple effect of kindness. If somebody is kind then this kindness could then spread to others. We did a Mexican wave of kindness. We shouted “hello, share, are you ok?”

Image of One kind Word! Year 2 PSHE
15 Nov

One kind Word! Year 2 PSHE

This afternoon in PSHE, Year 2 have been sharing one kind word to each other! We thought about how kind words can spread and really make a difference to someone! #OddSocksDay #Antibullyingweek

Image of Reception- Road safety
15 Nov

Reception- Road safety

This week it is Road safety week. The children in Reception practised crossing the road safely. They all stopped, looked and listened. The children did really well and all had a go independently.

Image of Odd socks day in Year 3
15 Nov

Odd socks day in Year 3

Year 3 began Anti-bullying week by wearing odd socks and acting out a variety of anti-bullying scenarios. We discussed the different situations and what we could do to stop bullying. All the children got involved and had lots of great ideas that they exchanged.

Image of Anti Bullying Worship led by Year 4
12 Nov

Anti Bullying Worship led by Year 4

Next week is the start of Anti-Bullying week and to highlight this, Year 4 led our worship this morning. The children discussed different types of bullying and the upset this causes. This year The Anti- Bullying Alliance want people to focus on “One Kind Word”. We hope that the children have made their messages clear and we can make a difference.

Image of Celebration Worship- 5.11.21
5 Nov

Celebration Worship- 5.11.21

Congratulations to our award winners in our Celebration Worship. It was wonderful to hear how all of the children have been living life in all its fullness this week. Remember the bonfire safety rules that we discussed as we would love to see all of you safely back to school on Monday.

Image of Move and Learn - Year 5
4 Nov

Move and Learn - Year 5

Year 5 really enjoyed the ‘Move and Learn’ session delivered by Elle from Blackburn Rovers. They have been learning about the importance of sport for our physical and mental health. We have been discussing and considering positive ways of reducing screen time and moving more.

Image of Rotakids - Year 5
4 Nov

Rotakids - Year 5

We now have a President ( Charlotte), Vice President ( Freya), Treasurer ( Bobby) and a Secretary ( Louie ) for Rotary Club. Year 5 have pledged to be fair to all, to serve their community and to show respect for others. Over the following weeks, we will have meetings to discuss and collate ideas and find ways to support our community.

Image of Hello Yellow Day Fundraising and Colouring Competition
20 Oct

Hello Yellow Day Fundraising and Colouring Competition

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who donated to #HelloYellow Day to support Young Minds Charity. We managed to rise a fantastic £127.00. Also, congratulations to our Key Stage Winners for our Hello Yellow Day colouring competition. We had some fantastic entries, but we could only choose one winner and one runner up from each key stage.

Image of Gambling Workshop : Year 5
19 Oct

Gambling Workshop : Year 5

Today in Year 5 and 6, we have had a visit from ‘BIGDEAL’. BigDeal is a place for young people to get information, and guidance about gambling. We had a chance to look at aspects of gambling and how we can make informed choices in the future.

Image of Wellbeing Warriors
14 Oct

Wellbeing Warriors

We would like to introduce you to our new ‘Wellbeing Warriors’ from Year 4. The Wellbeing Warriors will help to support PSHE ( Personal Social Health Education ) in school by promoting events such as Hello Yellow Day for mental health and Anti-Bullying Week with Odd Socks day which is coming up very soon. They will also meet weekly to discuss how we can improve our PSHE lessons, take part in pupil interviews and monitor scrapbooks. They can’t wait to start their new roles and we look forward to having them.

Image of Hello Yellow Day for World Mental Health Day
8 Oct

Hello Yellow Day for World Mental Health Day

What a wonderful #HelloYellow Worship we have had this morning. Year 4 really got the message across and raised awareness of mental health. We are so proud at St Barnabas to say we are working hard to make a difference to young people’s mental health @YoungMindsUK

Image of Wellbeing Bingo
8 Oct

Wellbeing Bingo

Year 2 have had lots of fun this morning playing Wellbeing Bingo for Hello Yellow Day! @YoungMindsUK #HelloYellow

Image of Hello Yellow in Year 5
8 Oct

Hello Yellow in Year 5

Year 5 have had a wonderful week this week. We have finished for the weekend by raising awareness of mental health. We hope you all have a fabulous weekend. #HelloYellow2021

Image of Staff say 'hello yellow'!
8 Oct

Staff say 'hello yellow'!

Our amazing staff team dug their yellow clothes out of their wardrobe to celebrate 'hello yellow' day by bringing smiles to everyone's faces and raising money for young minds charity.

Image of Year 3 say 'hello yellow'!
8 Oct

Year 3 say 'hello yellow'!

Year 3 have had a fantastic day celebrating hello yellow day. They created friendship chains and loved dancing along to the 'happy' song in Worship.

Image of Reception say 'hello yellow'!
8 Oct

Reception say 'hello yellow'!

Reception loved our ‘Hello Yellow’ day and enjoyed designing their own ‘worry eggs’ - the children took these home to use when they are feeling worried to share their feelings. #HelloYellow2021 @YoungMindsUK

Image of Year 2 dress in yellow for 'hello yellow day'
8 Oct

Year 2 dress in yellow for 'hello yellow day'

Year 2 have had such a great hello yellow day to raise awareness of mental health and raise money for @YoungMindsUK . #HelloYellow2021 #HelloYellow

Image of Mental health chatterboxes
7 Oct

Mental health chatterboxes

Year 5 have been awesome this week. We have made our own little chatterboxes to help us with our worries. We can take time out and do things that we enjoy doing, if we feel a little under the weather.

Image of A very ‘Muddy Monday’ in Reception
4 Oct

A very ‘Muddy Monday’ in Reception

Today, our Ducklings went on their first ‘Muddy Monday’ adventure in the local area. We explored Jack Keys reservoir. The children walked all of the way around the reservoir which took just over an hour. We were extremely impressed with how they showed our Christian values. They took risks, showed resilience and courage throughout the adventure. The children got stuck in the mud, splashed in muddy puddles and enjoyed climbing and balancing along the way! What a super start to the week!

Image of Monday Mental Health Worship
4 Oct

Monday Mental Health Worship

Today in worship we talked about looking after our mental health. We looked at small feelings that change all the time and big feelings that stay with us and who we can go to for support when dealing with big feelings. We reflected on how we can show our Christian Value of friendship to our friends and be there to listen to them if they are dealing with big feelings. We also discussed how we can show courage and talk to someone we trust if we have big feelings.

Image of Year 5 workshop with PC Ros
24 Sep

Year 5 workshop with PC Ros

This morning, year 5 have taken part in a lesson delivered by PC Ros. We talked about reaching the age of criminal responsibility (10 years old). We all had an opportunity to ask lots of questions and listen to real life crimes. We discussed the consequences of such crimes for both the offender and the victim.

Image of It's Recycle Week!
20 Sep

It's Recycle Week!

This morning in Worship we listened to a rhyming Bible story about how God created our world and wants us to care for it. We then learnt all about recycling with Mrs Ham and her team of human recycling bins. We had to sort all of her rubbish into the different recycling bins. We reflected on the rubbish that we throw away and how we can care for our World by reducing, reusing and recycling. We finished by praying and singing 'This is God's world, let's try to make it a better place'.

Image of Grow your mindset assembly and workshops
17 Sep

Grow your mindset assembly and workshops

We had an amazing assembly about growth and fixed mindsets, complete with a huge inflatable brain from Liz and Gemma at Grow Your Mindset. They have been working with all of our teaching team in staff training to develop their growth mindsets and now it was turn of our children.

Image of Year 6 Resilience workshop
17 Sep

Year 6 Resilience workshop

On Friday, Year 6 had the amazing pleasure of some grow your mindset training. As a class, we worked on resilience and understanding what resilience is and how we can be more resilient going forward.

Image of Year 2 Growth Mindset Workshop!
17 Sep

Year 2 Growth Mindset Workshop!

On Friday, we took part in a growth mindset workshop. We looked at the differences between growth and fixed mindset and became neuron ninjas! This term, we will be looking at how we can grow our mindset and approach our learning with positivity!

Image of Year 4's Positive Pants
16 Sep

Year 4's Positive Pants

This week in PSHE, we have been looking at celebrating what we are good at and how it makes us feel inside. We have been sharing three positives each day that we can take away with us. Our positive mental attitudes are shining through and we have been trying super hard to develop our growth mindset.

Image of Growth Mindset Workshop- Year 5
15 Sep

Growth Mindset Workshop- Year 5

Growth Mindset: This afternoon, Year 5 had a fabulous session learning about having a growth mindset. We also had a unique experience of walking into a huge brain which everyone found hilarious. Having a growth mindset allows you to improve your skills with effort and practice.

Image of Reception Our Feelings
15 Sep

Reception Our Feelings

This week, Reception have been focussing on the book 'The Colour Monster.' We have been looking at how the colour monster changes colour when he feels a different emotion. The children have enjoyed expressing their feelings too!