As part of their PSHE lessons, Year 1 are learning to not only understand that we are all different but also appreciate and celebrate each other’s differences. They started their lesson by looking at a picture and recognising some of the similarities and differences between Derek, Harold and Kiki. They spotted similarities such as all three of them being mammals, having body features such as arms, legs, eyes and a mouth and all of them being able to smile but they also spotted differences such as them being different heights, having different eye colours and also having different body features such as Harold having a long neck and Kiki having floppy ears. Then they watched a video and discovered that they also were different on the inside because they had different interests and hobbies. To end our lesson, we played a game where Year 1 had to stand up and swap places if one of the statements applied to them e.g. they had brown hair, they had blue eyes etc.. We recognised that we didn’t all stand up for every single statement that was read out because we are all different. We discussed how it’s good that we are all different because the world would be pretty dull if we were all the same. We also talked about how learning new games, facts and developing new hobbies from other people is both interesting and fun.