Our Friends of St Barnabas PTFA will be planning events across the year to raise money for charity and the school. 

If you would like to join the PTFA, please contact Mrs Wilkinson either on Class Dojo or call the school office.

Meet our members...







Vice Chair






Parent Member



Parent member



Parent member

Mrs Wilkinson

Mrs Wilkinson

Staff member

Mrs Ham

Mrs Ham

Staff member


13th February 2025- Valentine's Disco 

Thank you to our FOSB volunteers for ensuring our Valentine's Disco was a huge success. The children had a wonderful time dancing and having fun with their friends. All of the photos can be found here.

19th December 2024

A huge thank you to you all for your support with our recent fundraisers.

Our total profit from our spooky disco was £426.89.

Our total profit from our Christmas gifts and cards fundraiser was £222.12.

Our total profit from our Christmas Fayre was £810.08.

This means we have raised £1459.09

Thank you to our FOSB for all of their support and help with planning and running our fundraisers. The money will help us to purchase chrome books and repair our trim trails. 

12th December 2024

Thank you so much for your fantastic support in donating items for our Christmas Fair, purchasing our DT products and coming to show your support at our Christmas Fair. Thank you also to our FOSB and staff team for their support in organising and running the Fair. Thank you to Mrs Govan and her choir for all getting us in the festive mood. 
We are still awaiting the final total that has been raised that will be used to purchase new chrome books and repair the trim trails. 

Thursday 17th October 2024- FOSB Spooky Disco

Thank you so much to our FOSB volunteers for planning and leading the Spooky Disco. The children had a brilliant time and it was a wonderful way to end the half term. Wishing you all a lovely October half term holiday with your loved ones. All of the photos can be found here.



Mother's Day Breakfast- March 2024

A huge thank you to our members of FOSB and staff who supported at our special Mother’s Day breakfast this morning.  Thank you to everyone who came and we hope you enjoyed it. Wishing all of our school family Mums and Grandmas a wonderful relaxing Mother’s Day on Sunday. All of the photos can be found here: https://www.stbarnabasdarwen.co.uk/photo-galleries/fosb-mother-s-day-breakfast

FOSB Valentine's Disco- February 2024

A huge thank you to everyone who attended our FOSB Disco. It was lovely to see all of the children dancing and having lots of fun. 

A huge thank you to our FOSB members for giving up their time to prepare and stay for the disco- you are all superstars! 

A massive thank you to DJ Dunn, one of our parent governors for providing the music and games!

For photographs from the EYFS and KS1 disco, please look here: https://stbarnabasdarwen.co.uk/photo-galleries/fosb-eyfs-and-ks1-school-disco

For photographs from the KS2 disco, please look here: https://stbarnabasdarwen.co.uk/photo-galleries/fosb-key-stage-2-disco

Aladdin Pantomime- February 2024

This afternoon our whole school family enjoyed a wonderful production of Aladdin by M&M productions. Oh no they didn't! Oh yes they did! It was fabulous to see all of the children joining in through cheering, booing, singing and dancing along to the songs. They particularly enjoyed Mr Prescott and Mr Norris' dancing! The cast said they had never had a school who joined in so well and who all stood up and danced at the end! Thank you so much to our FOSB for their donation and to all of your parent contributions, as without your support, we wouldn't be able to provide such exciting enrichment activities.We hope this has inspired some of our children to audition for our upcoming Barney's Got Talent show next half term.  What a fabulous way to end a brilliant week of 'achieving great things' at St Barnabas! 


Outdoor Gym- January 2024

A huge thank you to our FOSB for their generous donation of £5000 which has been put towards our outdoor gym. All of our children have loved playing on it and get to play on it in PE lessons, break times and lunch times. 

Christmas Fayre: Wednesday 13th December 2023

Thank you to our wonderful FOSB for hosting our Christmas Fair. It was a huge success and we made £734.40.

Autumn Disco: Thursday 19th December 2023

Our children really enjoyed the disco that FOSB hosted. It was a great success and we raised £340.70.

Jungle Book Production- September 2023

Years 1-6 have had an amazing morning watching The Jungle Book production. They joined in so well and were transfixed throughout. Our Year 6 children got to take part in a special workshop afterwards where they learnt about the different roles that are needed in a theatre production as they will be performing The Jungle Book at the end of the year. 

A huge thank you to our FOSB for their generous donation towards the cost of the production and a massive thank you to you all for supporting our FOSB events. Without your generosity we wouldn’t be able to provide these sort of memorable opportunities for our children, as our school budget is very tight. 

For all of the photos, please click here:  https://www.stbarnabasdarwen.co.uk/photo-gallery-category/our-gallery

Summer Fayre: Wednesday 12th July 2023

Thank you to our wonderful FOSB for hosting our Summer Fair. It was a huge success and we made £979.97.



Father's Day Breakfast: Tuesday 13th June 2023

Our Dads and Grandads had a wonderful Father's Day Breakfast which was organised and led by our FOSB volunteers. The sausage butties went down a treat. What a great way for our Dads and Grandads to start the day! We made a total of £156.69. Thank you for your support. 


Mother's Day Cream Tea: Tuesday 15th March 2023 

Thank you to all of our wonderful special ladies for attending our Mother’s Day cream tea.

A huge thank you to our wonderful FOSB. They are all volunteers and juggle work to make the events a huge success. A lot of work goes on behind the scenes and it is really appreciated by us all. We are very lucky to have you. If anybody would like to help volunteer for any events then we would be really grateful.

We hope you all have a wonderful Mother’s Day on Sunday.


Scrooge Production: Friday 3rd March 2023

This morning all of the children enjoyed watching a theatrical production of Scrooge, which is a stage adaptation of the classic story 'A Christmas Carol', which was written by Charles Dickens. We were so proud of how well they joined in and the performers said they were a fantastic audience and couldn’t praise our school enough for the warm welcome they received. The children said 'It was even better than the film', 'It was amazing', 'I loved the songs' 'You need to show kindness' and our Year 6 children said this had made them even more excited to go and see the Lion King in London with school in a couple of weeks!

The classic story highlighted our school focus on kindness as mean Scrooge learnt to be kind after being visited by three spirits who showed him the error of his ways. A huge well done to Daisy for showing lots of courage when she was chosen to join the actors on stage.

Thank you so much FOSB for paying for the performance. It was a delight to see the childrens' faces as they were a picture and made several of our staff team, including myself, rather emotional watching them. What a great end to world book day week! 


Valentine's Disco: Thursday 9th February 2023 

Our children enjoyed a Valentine's disco and had a brilliant time. We managed to raise £373.37.


Christmas Fair: Wednesday 14th December 2022

Our FOSB organised a Christmas fair. we had a variety of games, products to buy and the children's DT products were on sale too. It was a huge success so a huge thank you to everybody who came and supported. FOSB raised a total of £1242.90. A huge thank you for all of the donations we received.  

FOSB Remembrance Day Art Competition: November 2022

FOSB organised a remembrance day art competition with work displayed in our school hall and the Rose Garden in Whitehall Park. We were overwhelmed with the entries and our whole community enjoyed appreciating the art. 


Summer Fayre- Saturday 9th July 2022

FOSB organised a Summer Fayre for our school and local community to enjoy. Thank you to everybody who came to make it a success. We raised £1157.92.

FOSB Newsletters

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Updated: 08/03/2022 970 KB

Father's Day Breakfast- Wednesday 15th June 2022

FOSB organised a breakfast where Daddy's or any special male in the children's life could have a sausage sandwich and the children could also have a special breakfast. We managed to raise £128.58.


Easter egg competition- Wednesday 6th April 2022

FOSB organised a design an egg competition. We had first, second and third prizes as well as year group prizes. FOSB also bought every child a chocolate treat. We did not make any money on this event but we wanted to gift the children with something to celebrate Easter! 

Mother's Day Gift Shop- Tuesday 22nd March 2022

FOSB organised a Mother's day gift shop for where the children could buy a present for any special lady in their life. It was a huge success and we managed to raise £533.32.


Christmas Gift Shop Event: Thursday 16th December 2021

Our FOSB organised a Christmas gift shop. This was an opportunity for our children to buy presents for their families. The children really enjoyed choosing their gifts and our FOSB group wrapped the presents so that they were a surprise for the recipient. FOSB raised a total of £754.57. Thank you to everybody who supported our first event!