At St Barnabas, we have a strong emphasis on encouraging our children to become courageous advocates, not just locally, but nationally and globally. For our latest courageous advocacy news and information, please click here.

At some point in life we will all face challenges and need support to help us overcome these barriers, to achieve 'life in all its fullness' (John 10:10). We teach our children that it is important to help others when we can, no matter who they are, where they come from or what challenges they may face. We teach this through the teachings of the bible and learning about other courageous advocates.

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.”

Proverbs 31:8-9

We love to show our Christian values of generosity, friendship, respect and service to others through a variety of fundraising and awareness raising events over the year. Carefully planned opportunities in our curriculum, ensure that the children develop skills in order to challenge injustice and to engage in activities that can bring about change. Our children often come to us with their own fundraising ideas and our WOW Group (Worship our Way), Rotakids, Wellbeing Warriors, Heads and Deputies and our FOSB PTFA also fundraise for our school, local, national and global charities and causes.

‘Pupils look forward to taking on roles of responsibility. For example, they are keen to be involved in the worship our way (WOW) group, or acting as well-being warriors or ‘rota kids’. These activities also encourage and allow pupils to play an important role in the local community as well as supporting those who may be less fortunate.’ Ofsted March 2023

Please see our events for information about the next fundraising events.


So far this year we have taken part in the following fundraising or awareness raising activities:

31st January 2025


As part of Year 5 RotaKids, we are determined to make a difference and support the 180,000 people who have been affected and forced to flee their homes due to the devastating LA wildfires. On Friday, 31st January, RotaKids will be hosting a non-uniform day to raise money for those impacted by this tragic event. We encourage everyone to get involved by wearing their favourite clothes and contributing to this important cause.

We kindly ask for a minimum donation of £1, but any additional contributions will be greatly appreciated. This will be available on parent pay next week. Every penny raised will go towards helping families rebuild their lives and providing essential supplies to those in need. This is a wonderful opportunity to teach our children the value of helping others and making a positive impact on the world around us.

Thank you for your generosity and support, Year 5 RotaKids

Message from one of our school parents: 

'I have friends across the USA, and speaking to them this week, I learned that one of them, now living in Arizona, grew up in LA, and still have friends there. They have been following heartbreakingly the news, watching the devastation of places they knew growing up, and their friends properties. I told them what St Barnabas are doing this week, and she was truly blown away, that a small school in England, is raising awareness and sharing their prayers for LA, and she wanted me to pass on her eternal gratitude.'


13th December 2024- Year 5 Christmas Cards for Care Homes

Building on from our Worship earlier in the week about spreading joy this Advent, our Year 5 Rotakids decided to take action. Today, they spread festive cheer in the community by creating thoughtful Christmas cards to send to East Lancs Hospice and care homes around Darwen. The children poured their creativity and kindness into each card, adding heartfelt messages and festive designs. These cards will soon be delivered, bringing warmth, joy and a sense of connection to residents who may need it most this Christmas season. It’s a wonderful way to show that even small acts of kindness can make a big difference. Well done, RotaKids, for embodying the true spirit of the holidays!

'Could you please a pass a message on to all the children in year 5. A big thank you for all your lovely Christmas cards! They have brought lots of smiles and joy to the staff, patients, and families at East Lancashire Hospice.

Thank you so much

Nadia Coupe

Senior Staff Nurse

East Lancashire Hospice'


5th December 2024- Choir singing at Acer Lodge Care Home

Some of our choir members and a few of their younger siblings brought lots of festive cheer to the residents at Acer Lodge Care Home in Blackburn this evening. They sang their little hearts out and filled the staff and resident's hearts with joy. They were overjoyed to have a visit from Father Christmas who brought them all a little gift for being such little superstars. A huge thank you to the parents and grandparents who transported the children to Blackburn, battling horrendous rain, floods and road closures. It was certainly worth it to see the smiles on the resident's faces and to hear them singing along. 


27th November 2024- Year 5 Litter Picking

As part of No Pens Day, Year 5 explored the local area, taking part in a litter-picking activity inspired by a suggestion from the Smart School Council. This act of kindness demonstrated fantastic teamwork, community spirit, and a shared commitment to protecting the environment. Back in class, the children reflected on what they had observed, noting the impact of litter on wildlife and natural spaces. They engaged in thoughtful discussions about how to make a positive difference, generating ideas such as increasing recycling efforts, designing impactful posters to raise awareness about the environmental damage caused by littering and making a habit of picking up litter whenever they see it. The activity not only built their understanding of environmental responsibility but also empowered them to be proactive change-makers within their community.

27th November 2024- Year 3 Litter Picking

Today, Year 3 celebrated No Pens Day thanks to our Smart School Council.  They combined learning by litter picking, demonstrating teamwork, communication, and a strong sense of kindness and spirituality. They even discussed how God and the community would be pleased with their efforts. In the classroom, they paired up for a fun game of BrainBox, boosting their memory, observation skills, and understanding of math and reading. Oracy skills were embedded throughout the day, as students listened attentively, took turns to talk, and engaged in thoughtful discussions.

27th November 2024

Today in class worship, Year 3 celebrated the Earthshot Prize winners. This inspiring award recognises people and organisations working to protect our planet. Year 3 were particularly excited, having just cleaned up their local community. We discussed how small acts of kindness, like their community clean-up, can contribute to a healthier world. The Bible reminds us that we are stewards of creation, and responsible for caring for the Earth. We prayed, thanking God for our beautiful world and asking for forgiveness when we haven't been good stewards.

20th November 2024

In worship yesterday, we looked through our spirituality windows and out into the world on toilets. We were shocked and saddened to find out that around 700 children under 5 die every year due to poor sanitation. We heard about Jeremiah in Kenya who doesn’t have access to a toilet. In his community, people would mostly use a hole in the ground or a plastic bag, which some people would tie up and throw on other people’s roofs. We talked about how this affects people’s health and shared ideas of what we could do to help. 
The children then learned about our Toilet Twinning project for which we raised money a few years go to sponsor the building and maintenance of toilets in Nepal, Uganda, Tanzania, and Afghanistan.  We reflected on how we should never take our toilets for granted and thought of ways we could save loo paper and water. 

15th November 2024

Our Y6 Heads and Deputies asked everyone to dress in pyjamas or spots to show our support for Children in Need this year. 
Yesterday we had a special visit from Pudsey Bear and Christine from Asda. They told us all about how Asda are raising money for Children in Need and they said a special thank you to us all for our fundraising to help children who are less fortunate than us.  Thank you so much to our staff, children and parents for the effort you have gone to in dressing in your pyjamas or spots and thank you for your generous donations on parent pay.  Together we can make a positive difference to the lives of so many disadvantaged children around our country. 

1st November 2024

Our Heads and Deputies have been around to all of the classrooms today to show all of the children the poppy appeal merchandise that will be on sale from Monday at break times. The suggested donation for slap bands is £1.50, bracelets £1.00 and poppy reflectors 50p. Please send money into school in a named envelope or bag. Thank you in advance for your generosity to this worthy cause. 

Next week we will be focusing on Remembrance Day in our Worships and Year 6 will be taking part in a special Remembrance Service at Darwen Cemetery. We will remember them. 

30th October 2024

Today, each class took part in our Harvest Heptathlon obstacle course challenge for the Bishop’s Harvest appeal. The course consisted of running, hurdles, travelling through a hoop, hopping, skipping, speed bounce and star jumps. A huge well done to every child that took part. They gave it their best effort. And an extra big thank you to all of the WOW group and Year 6 helpers for helping to set up, replace equipment, demonstrate the course and support and encourage the younger children to complete the course. Let’s hope we can raise some much needed funds for developing classrooms and literacy in church schools in Multan, Pakistan.

28th October 2024

Our WOW (Worship Our Way) group would like to say a huge thank you for your generous donations to DARE (Darwen Asylum and Refugee Enterprise). Patsy from DARE came to collect the donations yesterday and sent a lovely thank you message on behalf of everyone at DARE. Thank you for your kindness and generosity as your donations will really help to make a difference to the lives of others. 


17th October 2024

Thank you to our Wow group, EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2 classes for leading our Harvest celebration at church today. I have uploaded some videos to class dojo and additional photos can be found here: 

It was wonderful to see so many of our families in attendance. A huge thank you to you all for coming to watch and thank you to all of our families for your continued support this half term. 

Thank you for all of your kind harvest donations for DARE, these can be continued to be sent in during the first week that we are back at school. 

9th October 2024- WOW (Worship Our Way) Group collecting Harvest Donations for DARE (Darwen Asylum and Refugee Enterprise)

Harvest is almost upon us and, this year, our wonderful WOW group have chosen to support two charities. They would like to continue to support refugees in our local area through the charity D.A.R.E. (Darwen Asylum and Refugee Enterprise) and are asking for donations of non-perishable food items, toiletries and good quality clothing.

Please send these into school any time over the next week (by Thursday 17th October) and we will ensure they get to D.A.R.E.

More details of the second charity we have chosen will be released shortly.


4th October 2024- Rotakids support East Lancashire Wrap Up