To help us make sure we’re providing the best standard of education for our children, we like to find out how our parents feel about our school.
This helps us to:
*Find out what we’re doing well and where we could do better
*Decide which areas to prioritise when developing our school improvement plan
*Make sure we’re meeting the needs of you and your child/ children
Please have a look at our most recent survey and findings.
From our parent survey, we analysed the results and made the following changes based on your feedback.
You said:
Need more information about the curriculum and what children will be learning.
We did:
Curriculum newsletters now sent out at the beginning of each half which detail the key learning and vocabulary being taught in each curriculum area.
You said:
Class dojo- sometimes too much communication and difficult to find posts
We did:
Moved away from class dojo as a way of communicating about what children are learning each week and this is now on our news section and class pages on our website and our social media pages. Class dojo now only used to communicate with parents via messages and only important information is posted on the school and class stories.
You said:
More after school activities and larger variety.
We did:
Offered a wider variety of clubs to a range of year groups e.g. computing, choir, story and craft, DT club, Art, netball, football, music, performing arts, street dance, dodgeball, cross country, athletics, farm school etc
Parent Surveys
Please share your thoughts on our school through Ofsted Parent View too.