FOSB Non-Uniform Day: Bring a Cake
To support our FOSB with our Mother's Day Coffee Morning, we kindly ask for a cake or sweet treat donation in exchange for wearing non-uniform. All donations from the Mother's Day Coffee Morning will go towards repairing the trim trail surfaces and purchasing new chrome books. Thank you.
EYFS Mother’s Day Celebration
Our Reception class would like to invite either a Mummy, grandma or a special lady to come and join them to celebrate Mother’s Day. Due to space, please can only one adult attend as we will be holding the celebration in the Reception classroom.
FOSB Mother's Day Coffee Morning
We would love to celebrate Mother's day with a special coffee morning on 26th March from 9-10am. Children can join their special lady to enjoy a drink and a cake together. Parents of children in Reception can join after their special class celebration which should finish at 9.15am so older siblings can join then. Drinks and cakes can be paid for at the event via card or cash. We look forward to seeing you then!
Rainbow Making Workshop
Becky, the owner of Fred and Pearl will be hosting a special rainbow making workshop just in time for Mother's day. You can book here:
Rainbow Making Workshop
Becky, the owner of Fred and Pearl will be hosting a special rainbow making workshop just in time for Mother's day. You can book here:
Mother's Day Church Service
On Sunday 30th March it is Mother's Day. I would love as many of our children as possible to come with me to St Barnabas Church to sing some songs and say a few words about their Mum's at their church service which starts at 11am. The service will be for around 45 minutes.
Year 4 residential trip to the Anderton Centre
Year 4 will go on a one night residential trip to the Anderton Centre on Thursday 8-9th April. The Anderton Centre is based in Chorley and is surrounded by woodland, water and fields. They use adventure and problem solving activities to build confidence, increase self-esteem, develop teamwork, independence, and lots of fun along the way.
Break up early for Easter holidays
Thursday 10th April: We break up early at 2.00pm for the Easter holidays. Summer term starts on Tuesday 22nd April.
East Lancashire Hospice Hop, Skip and Jump Event
We will all be taking part in the hop, skip and jump event for East Lancs Hospice again this year. The children will all wear crowns and take part in hopping, skipping and jumping around our 1k track to raise money for this worthwhile cause. Donations can be made on parent pay closer to the time. Each child will receive a chocolate treat for taking part.
Easter Service
Our Easter church service will take place on Thursday 10th April at 9.15am at St Barnabas Church. Everybody is welcome to attend.
Summer term starts
Tuesday 22nd April: Summer term starts. Classroom doors open at 8.45am and school starts at 8.55am.
Year 5 PGL
Monday 12th- Wednesday 14th May- Year 5 will be staying at Winmarleigh Hall for their PGL residential. They will be taking part in lots of fun outdoor and adventurous activities.
Year 3 Rock and River Outdoor and Adventurous trip
Year 3 will be going on a one day outdoor and adventurous trip to Rock and River in Ormskirk for Year 3 on Thursday 15th May 2025. The aim of the day is to use the outdoors to learn about themselves, others, and the environment. We want the children to try new things outside their comfort zone and explore their potential, making lifelong memories. They will be taking part in a variety of outdoor and adventurous activities such as canoeing and rock climbing.
Break up for Summer half term holidays
Friday 23rd May: Break up at the normal time for the Summer half term holidays. Summer 2 half terms begins on Monday 9th June.
Summer 2 half term starts
Monday 19th June: Summer 2 half term starts. Classroom doors open at 8.45am and school starts at 8.55am.
Break up early for Summer holidays
Friday 18th July: Break up early at 2.00pm for the Summer holidays. Wishing you all a wonderful Summer holiday!