Image of Amazing Art Displays
14 Feb

Amazing Art Displays

We have some amazing Artwork up on display around school as Reception, Year 1, Year 5 and Year 6 have completed their Art units for this half-term. We can really see the different Art skills the children have developed in their units and how hard they have worked to create a fantastic final piece.

Image of Friday Celebration Worship
14 Feb

Friday Celebration Worship

Our celebration worship today began with the signing of the Trinity by the Heads and Deputies. Moving onto expressing our gratitude to everyone who supported the school's Valentine's Disco, which promoted love and kindness. We also acknowledged Safer Internet Day, which classes have been focusing on this week. The whole school also enjoyed a fantastic science show presented by Mad Science. The children were buzzing with excitement as we witnessed multiple experiments involving, an egg, fire and a red cabbage. The children in Reception, Year 1, and Year 2 shared their thanks for wonderful dance and gymnastics sessions led by Rothwell Arts. We've also had a great half term of extra-curricular clubs, including Foodie Friends Club, Craft Club, Basketball, SATS and Multi-Sports. Next half term's clubs include Mad Science Club, Edstart Dodgeball and Gymnastics, Craft Club, Performing Arts, SATs Club, Choir, Cross Country, and Netball. Sign up soon, as spaces are limited! All class teachers presented value awards to children in their class that received the most value points this week, Luna, Joey, Lyla, Chloe, Lilly, Isabelle, and Daisy for demonstrating our 4 Bs: being respectful, kind, safe, and ready along with our Christian Values. Well done to these children for their excellent attitude and commitment to learning. The WOW group announced the ‘Wow Badge Winners’ for their amazing badge creations: Reception: Eva, Year 1: Elsie, Year 2: Renee, Year 3: Cassidy, Year 4: Alexis, Year 5: Bella, and Year 6: Daisy. They all received a big bar of chocolate for their entries. Well done to Year 2 and Year 5 for their amazing attendance this week! We also celebrated our out-of-school achievers: Hayden (good tackling), Hendrix (key game at Squirrels), Maggie (Rainbows badges), Olivia (gymnastics), Annabel (Rainbows badges for healthy mind), Grace (song and dance), Molly (swimming), Jack (swimming, Stage 7), Olivia (player of the match), and Tristan (imaginary green belt for kickboxing). Our Sports Hall Athletics team came 3rd in the final! Well done to the whole squad! Our house teams with the highest points will be rewarded with a house points disco and non-uniform day after the holiday. Congratulations to the Green (Whitehall Park) and Red (India Mill) teams tied with an overall score of 11 points for the half term. This week Darwen Tower placed 4th, India Mill came 3rd place , 2nd place Whitehall Park and 1st place River Darwen. Mrs Ham read out a special prayer called the Lord is my Shepherd which focuses on Jesus being like a shepherd by guiding us and always being there for us and Lydia placed the “ Year of Prayer” sticker on our special chart. We thank all those who attended the celebration worship and wish our school family a lovely, restful half-term break. Thank you for your ongoing support.

Image of Sportshall Athletics in Year 4
14 Feb

Sportshall Athletics in Year 4

In our PE session today we did Sportshall athletics. We practised our baton exchange in relays and incorporated speed bounce, hurdles and tunnels. The children worked hard to develop their speed, focusing on form and technique. We are excited for the Year 3/4 Sportshall Athletics competition on Wednesday 26th March on the first week back after the half term holidays.

Image of Inter - House Bench Ball in Year 4
14 Feb

Inter - House Bench Ball in Year 4

This morning we took part in the inter- house bench ball which was led by our super sports leaders. The children were playing with their house team; River Darwen, India Mill, Whitehall Park and Darwen Tower. It was fantastic to see everyone joining in and being amazing St Barnabas encouragers. What a super way to end the half term and huge thanks to the sports leaders for organising this opportunity.

Image of Inter- House Bench Ball
14 Feb

Inter- House Bench Ball

What a great Inter- House Bench Ball event we have had today. From Reception to Year 6 every child in school took part. The Sports Leaders led the event and managed each class really well . All of the children engaged with the year group sessions and were really enthusiastic, encouraging each other and working hard to develop their skills. Well done to everyone and a special thanks to The Sports Leaders. Another great event that involved every single child in school!

Image of FOSB Valentine’s Discos
13 Feb

FOSB Valentine’s Discos

Thank you to everyone who came to our Valentine’s Disco this evening. We hope the children enjoyed it! A huge thanks to our FOSB volunteers and Mrs Wilkinson for their support. All of the photos can be found here:

Image of Worship with Rev. Matt
13 Feb

Worship with Rev. Matt

Today, we had a worship session with Rev. Matt, where the children began with a team game of “the wave.” They had to follow the movement and actively participate, reinforcing the idea of unity, direction, and how we are all connected. Rev. Matt then showed a video clip of Jesus at the Last Supper, highlighting the true power of prayer. He explained that, just like in the wave game, we need guidance in our prayers—someone to lead and show us the way. He reminded the children that Jesus prays for us all, giving us strength and support even when we don’t realise it. Following this, the children reflected on their own prayers, thinking about what they could pray for and the impact those prayers could have. They considered how prayer could bring comfort, hope, and change in their own lives and the lives of others. This time of reflection allowed the children to quietly offer their thoughts and prayers, reinforcing the importance of faith and reflection in their daily lives.

Image of Year 6 Music with Junior Jam
13 Feb

Year 6 Music with Junior Jam

Another fantastic music lesson with Junior Jam for year 6! This week, the children were learning about the history of music, focusing on classical music and its more prominent composers. As their main task, they had to learn and play the Can Can by Jaques Offenbach, a German-French composer and cellist. The children practised hard and some even braved performing for the class.

Image of Year 3- Year of Prayer
13 Feb

Year 3- Year of Prayer

This week, Year 3 explored the theme of foam as part of our "Year of Prayer." Mixing fairy liquid and hot water, the children experimented with different whisking techniques to create bubbles in the water. This activity provided an opportunity to give thanks to God for the gift of strength that enables us to move and participate in various activities.

Image of Reception-Foam Prayers
13 Feb

Reception-Foam Prayers

As part of our year of prayer we made foam using warm water and a squirt of washing up liquid. We made lots of bubbles using a whisk to make the bubbles turn to foam. We then said a thank you prayer to thank god for the energy which allows us to move and be active.

Image of Reception Super Phonics
13 Feb

Reception Super Phonics

Reception have been wowing us with their super phonics. They are recognising lots more sounds and can use these to write simple words independently. They have also been practising tricky words in the writing area.

Image of Reception-Snake visit
13 Feb

Reception-Snake visit

When we learnt about Chinese New Year, we learnt that it was the year of the snake. We had a visit from Fiia’s Daddy Adam today and their six year old boa constrictor Lucy. We found out lots of facts about Lucy and asked lots of questions we were interested to know what Lucy ate, where she came from, what she lived in and if snakes can swim. Fiia then kindly passed around a snake skin that Lucy had not long shed and we described how it felt to touch.