Year 4- Online Safety - Scams and Fake News
As part of our online safety work and PSHE unit we have looked at the use of scams and fake news on the internet. The children discussed the risks of various examples such as click bait and phishing scams, sales and discount deals and false friendships. The children then highlighted key points of how we can stay safe by staying informed, talking it through and being proactive.
Year 3- R.E-Understanding the Rich Young Man: Lessons on Wealth, Faith, and Modern Perspectives
In today's R.E. lesson, the children explored the story of The Rich Young Man (Matthew 19:16-30, Mark 10:17-31, Luke 18:18-30), from 'The Children's Bible'. We began by reminding ourselves of the Ten Commandments and reflecting on their meaning. The children discussed why Jesus’ response saddened the rich young man and whether they believed he tried to change. They also considered the challenges of wealth and why it can be difficult for the rich to enter the Kingdom of God. As part of our discussion, we examined Jesus’ metaphor of a camel passing through the eye of a needle, debating whether it is still a relevant example today. Working in pairs, the children devised modern phrases to express a similar idea, such as: Trying to fit an elephant through a doorway, fitting all your holiday clothes into a tiny backpack or putting a football through a keyhole. They all worked incredibly well in small groups and pairs.
Year 3- Presentation of Learning- History- Past and Present
Over the past three weeks, Year 3 have been learning about how children's lives have changed over time, comparing the past and present. Today, we shared our findings with the whole school in History and Guided Reading. We discovered that childhood and adulthood were defined differently in various historical periods—Roman children were considered adults at 12 or 14, Tudor children started working as young as 7 or 8 and became adults at 15, while in Victorian times, adulthood was reached at 21. Today, the legal age of adulthood is 18. We also explored how daily life has evolved, from clothing differences in Roman and Tudor times to changes in communication, transport, and technology. In the 1930s, toys were homemade from wood, and before Sat Navs, people relied on paper maps to plan their journeys. Seatbelts and airbags were only introduced in 1959, and television was only available in black and white until the 1970s. In the 1990s, Sat Navs were invented, and home computers connected to the internet using phone lines. The children have been great historians, asking thoughtful questions and making insightful connections, and they are thoroughly enjoying this unit as they continue to explore how the past has shaped the world they live in today.
Year 3- PSHE- Lyfta- Know Yourself, Grow Yourself: Exploring Mental Health and Aspirations Through Malahat’s Story
Today in class, our Year 3 students joined hundreds of other schools in a live Lyfta session, exploring the theme "Know Yourself, Grow Yourself" and the importance of children's mental health through the inspiring story world Dancing in the Land of Fire. During this engaging 45-minute session, our students, alongside thousands of their peers, reflected on self-awareness and well-being, inspired by the journey of 11-year-old Malahat, who dreams of becoming a world-famous dancer and building a new home for her family in Baku. The children were fascinated to learn about Azerbaijan, particularly its vibrant capital, Baku. Through this experience, they gained a deeper understanding of mental health, resilience, and self-growth. The session encouraged them to think about their own dreams, emotions, and personal strengths, helping to build their confidence and empathy. It was a valuable opportunity for them to develop a global perspective while also reflecting on their own well-being and aspirations.
Year 4 - Linking Schools: Zoom Meeting
What an exciting day on Monday! The Year 4s had the opportunity of linking live via Zoom with their linking class from St Matthew’s in Blackburn. The children showed St Matthew’s some of the Makaton signs they’d been learning and asked their new friends some curiosity questions they’d prepared, before answering questions from the link class. We then finished our session playing a couple of games together. It was a great first meeting and we can’t wait to meet our new friends in the summer term.
Online Safety: Scams and Fake News
Figures from Ofcom claim that nearly 3.5 million British children have encountered a scam online, and it's vital we learn how to recognise their tactics and protect youngsters against them. This week’s guide and the latest episode of the #WakeUpWednesday podcast deal with the topic of ‘fake news’ and how it might be used to make scams seem more persuasive. Download here >> Listen here >>
Year 6 P.E - Gymnastics
In P.E, year 6 have been continuing to work on their gymnastics skills. They have focused on counter-balances to create a routine with their partner, adding in transitions. Some children have even used the apparatus to create interesting shapes and balances. This involve placing a lot of trust in your partner and all of the children’s routines are looking fantastic!
Year 4 - Great Big Live Assembly
In Year 4, we took part in the Great Big Live Assembly for Children’s Mental Health Week. We heard stories from various children about how they try to look after their mental health and things that can affect their mental well-being. The children said their key takeaways were that there are children around the world getting only one meal a day, that these children have to worry about where their next meal is coming from, and also that it is important for us to address and share our worries so that they don’t get out of control.
Year 6 Geography - Wind Energy
In geography, year 6 have been discussing the advantages and disadvantages of wind energy. We talked about how we use energy in our everyday lives, they types of energy we use and whether these are renewable or non-renewable, why wind energy is a good and sustainable energy source, but also why some people have concerns about its use. We used the key vocabulary from the lesson to produce some super writing.
Year 4 - RE with Rev Ben: Prayer
One of the key experiences in the current Year 4 RE unit is to learn from a Christian visitor about what Christians believe and how this is revealed in the way they pray. Rev Ben loves coming into school to explore faith with the children, and the children, in return, always offer their own insights. This lesson offered a fantastic opportunity to exchange thoughts and ideas, and we fully encourage respectful discussion of different worldviews in RE. The children loved exploring Christian belief through song, liturgy and 5 finger prayers. Thank you, Rev Ben.
Year 2 - Creating a unique gymnastics routine
This afternoon, year 2 took ownership of their own gymnastics routine. As a group they decided which movements they wanted to include in their routine and in which order. It was important that each group communicated well in order to agree on a routine. The children were tasked with memorising their routine so they could perform to the class with confidence. Next week we will continue with our same routines but perfect our techniques of the individual movements.
Year 1 Class Worship- Picture News
Today in class worship, Year 1 explored the following question, ‘How do you become the best at a sport?’ Miss Flynn was really impressed that many of us already knew who the sportsperson Luke Littler was and why he had become famous. We thought about what skills Luke Littler would have needed to demonstrate in order to become the famous darts player that he is today. The children came up with some very thoughtful answers such as having the patience and perseverance to practise again and again. They recognised that he wouldn’t have got to the advanced level that he is at now at without making mistakes along the way and having to continually work hard to improve his skills. For example, the aim of his throw. We thought about how we can show courage when we are working on a skill in order to improve and be the best that we can be.