British Science Week- Year 6- The Great Biscuit Dunk: Exploring Material Properties and Absorbency
This afternoon, our future scientists carried out the "Dunking Biscuit" experiment to celebrate 'British Science Week'. They made predictions about which biscuit would crumble first when dunked in room temperature water, ensuring it was a fair test by changing only one variable the type of biscuit. With the support of our Science Ambassador, Noah, the children carefully observed the results and concluded that certain biscuits, such as the [digestive], crumbled first due to their texture and composition. The science behind this experiment involves understanding the properties of materials, such as porosity and absorbency, which affect how the biscuits react when exposed to liquid. The children enjoyed discussing their findings, reinforcing their understanding of material properties, and of course, sampling the biscuits afterward! It was a fun and engaging way to apply scientific inquiry, develop critical thinking skills, and explore how materials behave in different conditions.
Year 3 - English- Generating Ideas
Today in English, Year 3 have been busy coming up with creative ways to trap the Iron Man. Instead of simply digging a hole, they have been creative and generated ideas such as using a giant magnet to lift him into the air, luring him onto a platform that drops him into the deep sea, or even trapping him under a heavy metal net. The children have shown great imagination in their ideas.
Reception- Year of Prayer- Rubbish Prayers
In class we were looking at rubbish prayers as part of the year of prayer. The children wrote or drew something they would like to say sorry for on a strip of paper. We then quietly said sorry to god and asked him for forgiveness. We then screwed or ripped the piece of paper up and threw it in the waste bin to represent God forgiving us and getting rid of our sins.
Year 6 English
In English, year 6 are continuing their unit of work on Goodnight Mister Tom. This week, the children have been looking at comparing characters, focusing on their actions and speech. They have also moved on to describing settings to paint a picture in the mind of the reader. This will all help the children to create some fantastic pieces of independent writing in the coming weeks.
Year 5 - Year of Prayer
This week’s Year of Prayer focus is all about forgiveness. The children took time to reflect on their actions, writing down things they wished to be forgiven for on a scrap piece of paper. As a powerful symbol of God’s grace and mercy, they then ripped up their papers—reminding them that, through faith, they are forgiven and can move forward with a fresh start. By embracing forgiveness, the children are learning to let go of past mistakes and live life in all its fullness, just as God intends.
British Science Week-Year 3 Celebrates British Science Week with a Bang!
This afternoon, Year 3 had a full afternoon of science, celebrating British Science Week in style and truly living life in all its fullness! They took part in exciting hands-on experiments, exploring chemical reactions, gases, and surface tension. The highlight of the session was the Exploding Lunch Bag experiment! The children were amazed as they watched a sealed bag suddenly pop. By combining baking soda and vinegar, they observed how a chemical reaction produced gas, causing the bag to expand until it burst. They made predictions, discussed their observations, and thought scientifically about why the reaction occurred. Next, they investigated the fascinating science of surface tension by creating bubbles on the table and even bubbles inside bubbles. Using soapy water and straws, the young scientists discovered how a thin layer of soap traps air, forming bubbles that stretch and hold their shape. To conclude their exciting afternoon of science, Year 3 explored diffusion with the Skittles Experiment. Throughout the session, our Science Ambassadors Noah, Mathew, and Cassidy were fantastic role models, demonstrating techniques and encouraging their peers to think like real scientists.
Year 5 - Gymnastics
This week in gymnastics, Year 5 have been exploring counterbalancing, working in pairs and small groups to create stable, controlled balances. They experimented with different ways to distribute weight evenly, ensuring that both partners contributed to maintaining balance. As their confidence grew, the children incorporated varying levels and different points of contact to make their balances more dynamic and visually interesting. They also focused on trust and teamwork, communicating effectively to adjust their positions and maintain stability.
Year 3- Class Worship-How can we make connections with others?
In our class worship, we explored the story of how the Princess of Wales recently shared portraits drawn by her and her children to highlight the importance of connection. Inspired by this, the class reflected on different ways we can connect with others, suggesting activities such as walking and talking, reading and discussing a book, or playing a board game while chatting. They agreed that while creative activities are a wonderful way to bond, meaningful conversations make connections even stronger. Arabelle led the prayer, thanking God for showing us how to love and care for one another. She prayed and hoped that our actions would lift others and bring kindness into the world.
Year 3- Year of prayer- Reflects on Forgiveness
As part of our Year of Prayer, Year 3 took a moment to think about forgiveness. Each child wrote or drew something they wanted to say sorry for on a piece of recycled paper. They then quietly said sorry to God and asked for His forgiveness. To show that God forgives us and takes away our sins, they scrunched up or tore their papers into pieces, reminding them of His love and mercy.
Online Safety: Roblox
Roblox can be fun, but it's not without its risks including strangers, scams, harmful content, and more. Make sure you download your FREE copy of our #WakeUpWednesday guide – also available as a podcast – now! Download here >> Listen here >>
Reception: First Aider Visit
We had the pleasure of welcoming Marion into our class today. Marion has trained all of our staff to be first aiders and the children were also taught some basic first aid. They were taught why first aiders wear gloves, when to apply a plaster, how to put a bandage on and how to put somebody into the recovery position. Thank you so much for teaching us Marion, we learnt lots.
Year 6 - Class Worship
In class worship, year 6 discussed the question: is it important to feel proud of where we come from? The children discussed their opinions on this, which led into thinking about whether we actually are proud of where come from and why. We then discussed why some people may not feel welcome in their community and how this could be rectified. Lastly, we linked this back how the Bible tells us that everyone has a special place in the world and that it is important for everyone to feel welcome, respected and valued.