Research shows conclusively that children who attend school regularly and on time achieve best at school.
At St Barnabas we actively encourage children to be in school whenever possible and we are proud of our attendance record which is above the national average and has been in the top 20% of schools nationally for several years.
Each week we award the infant and junior classes, with the best attendance, an extra fun session on the MUGA. At the end of each term we award children who have attendance over our school and trust target of 96%, an amazing attendance certificate.
For our children to gain the greatest benefit from their education it is vital that they attend school regularly and arrive at school on time unless the reason for the absence is unavoidable. Any absence affects the pattern of a child’s social and academic education and regular absence will seriously affect their learning.
We open our classroom doors at 8.45am in order for children to take off their coats and bags and get settled ready for our official 8.55am start.
School finishes at 3.30pm.
The compulsory time that school is open per typical week is 32 hours and 55 minutes.
19th December 2024- Autumn Amazing Attendance Awards
A huge congratulations to all of our children who were awarded with an amazing attendance award for having over 96% attendance, for the whole of this Autumn term! We are so proud of you all! There have been quite a few winter bugs doing the rounds so if you didn't manage to get a certificate this time due to being off poorly, we are hopeful that you will achieve one at the end of the Spring term, if you continue to have good attendance.
18th July 2024- Amazing Attendance Awards
Mrs Ham presented all the children in school who have achieved 96% attendance across this academic year with an amazing attendance certificate. A huge well done to these children for their commitment to learning!
We are proud to have been awarded an attendance award for being in the top 25% of all schools in England.
We are proud to have been awarded with a National Attendance Award for being in the top 25% of all FFT Primary Schools in England for the Autumn and Spring terms.
Spring Amazing Attendance Winners 2023-24
A huge congratulations to all of the children who received an Amazing Attendance certificate today for achieving great things by being in school for 96% of the time or over for the Autumn and Spring terms. We are so proud of you all!
Spring Attendance 2023-24
Autumn Amazing Attendance Winners- 2023-24
A huge well done to our amazing attendance winners for having 96% or above attendance for the Autumn term. Well done!
Autumn Attendance 2023-24
Autumn 1 2022-23 Attendance
Autumn 2 2022-23 Attendance
Autumn Amazing Attendance 2022-23
Spring 1 2022-23 Attendance
Spring Term Amazing Attendance 2022-23
Summer 2022-23 Amazing Attendance Winners
Full year attendance 2022-23
Attendance documents
Late arrival at school disrupts teaching routines, can upset the learning of others in the class and can disturb the smooth education of your child.
It is important that if your child is to do well at school then they attend regularly, as performance and achievement at school is directly affected by absence or lateness.
We ask parents to inform school of the reason for a child’s absence as soon as possible, and no later than 9:20am on the first day of absence.
A popular question on the DfE website is: Can I take my child on holiday in term time?
Headteachers have the discretion to grant leave, but they should only do so in exceptional circumstances. If a headteacher grants a leave request, it will be for them to determine the length of time that the child can be away from school. This leave is unlikely, however, to be granted for the purposes of a family holiday.
Parents can be fined for taking their child on holiday during term time without consent from the school. Please be aware that a penalty notice (fine) can be issued to each parent who fails to ensure their children’s regular attendance at school.
Exceptional circumstances include:
- When a family needs to spend time together because of an immediate family members bereavement, crisis or serious illness
- Funeral of immediate family member
- Religious observance
- Children of service personnel about to go on deployment (permission would be considered as long as the request is accompanied by a letter from the Commanding Officer)
- One off sporting events/performing arts competitions, if the child is participating and is at county standard or above and a letter has been provided from the performing arts/sports regional governing body as evidence
- One day of absence could be authorised for an immediate family members graduation ceremony/passing out parade
- Medical appointments (parents/carers should be encouraged to arrange non-urgent medical appointments outside of school hours when possible). If the medical appointment is during the school day, evidence must be provided. Schools should not authorise a whole days absence for a medical appointment that occurs in the morning – the child would be expected to return to school in the afternoon, and vice versa.
Absence will not be authorised for reasons such as the following:
- To care for other family members
- Birthdays
- No school uniform/shoes
- Friendship problems
- Head lice
- Family holiday
- Weddings abroad
- Family Anniversaries
- Death of a pet
- Travel problems
- School refusal
If you feel that you have exceptional circumstances which require your child to take leave during term time, please return the absence request form on this website or collect a copy from School reception, before arrangements have been finalised. This must be returned to the Headteacher.