Today, we had a life education session with Harold the Giraffe. We learnt that there are lots of different food groups that we need to eat to have a balanced diet. We learnt about dairy products which are good for our teeth and bones, protein which is good for our muscle growth, fruits and vegetables which give us vitamins and minerals to help us to keep fit and healthy and fight illness and carbohydrates which are good for giving us energy. We then talked about our organs. We learnt that our heart and lungs are protected by our rib cage. Our heart pumps blood around the body to give us energy and our lungs help us to breathe. We then learnt that when we’ve eaten our food it goes into our stomach to be digested and the ‘good stuff’ is taken in by our bodies to give us energy and the ‘other stuff’ leaves our body when we go to the toilet. We then had a look at a packed lunch that Harold the Giraffe had made to take to the park. We talked about how his lunch box included carbohydrates(bread), tuna (protein), a yogurt (dairy) but he didn’t have any fruits or vegetables so he was hoping that his friends at the park might have some to give to him. When they got to the park, Derek had made a huge fruit sculpture out of some fruit but Kiki destroyed it when she thought she was being kind to Harold by getting a piece of fruit. This made Kiki really upset and Derek really angry as his hard work had been destroyed. We talked about how this situation could be made better. Year 1 said that Harold needs to explain the situation to Derek of him wanting some fruit and Kiki trying to help him get some but accidentally destroying his sculpture in the process and then Kiki and Harold should offer Derek a hand to rebuild his sculpture. Year 1 said the lesson that they had learnt from that story is to make sure that they think very carefully before they do something to check that it won’t upset anyone. Then, Year 1 had to think about what foods they would include in a packed lunch. The rules were that the packed lunch had to included foods from different groups so that they were having a balanced diet. Archie said that he would pack a chicken sandwich, a cheese string and some cucumber and tomatoes which was a fantastic balance. Finally, we finished our session thinking about the importance of sleep and with a visit from Harold and listened to him singing us a song.