Today in our PSHE session, we discussed how our grown ups look after us. Mrs Wilkinson explained that they do lots of jobs for us and look after us all so well because they love us very much. Mrs Wilkinson said sometimes our grown ups can be a little sad or tired because of all of the jobs they have to do. We discussed how we have helped our grown ups before. Ralphi said he has helped his Mummy with the washing, Eleanor said she has helped her Mummy with the cooking and Fiia said she helped her Mummy tidy up when she was sick. We discussed how hugs can make us feel really happy. We all hugged each other and all of our faces were beaming! Mrs Wilkinson then taught the children how to give each other a back massage. The children really enjoyed it and said they would do it on their grown ups to help them relax and would give them lots of hugs too.