Today we watched The Great Big Live Assembly. This week is Children’s Mental Health Week from 3rd - 9th February.
The Worship featured Scarlett Archer who presents FYI on Sky TV. Scarlett highlighted how we can show our emotions in a variety of ways.
We watched a clip from Inside Out ,the movie which highlights a range of emotions.
Our mental health is like Riley’s computer system. It was once seen as difficult to talk about mental health but campaigns are helping to make people more aware of their emotions.
We went through scenarios and watched clips from Inside Out to discuss how we feel. This included disgust, anger and joy. We all feel a range of emotions but they can sometimes get out of balance or control and this is when we need help with regulation.
The best idea is to talk it out and use the rational thinking parts of our brains. It may be an adult, a friend or even a pet.
What can we do to look after our minds?
*Think about our feelings
*Connect with others
*Practice feeling hopeful
How can we help a friend if they are feeling upset or struggling?
*Just be there as a friend. Talk things through or suggest they can talk to an adult.
We then met Daniel, a Ukrainian refugee who discussed his emotions when he first arrived in Britain, compared to how he feels now. his family and his friends were the people who got him through it and made him feel much safer. It was lovely to hear how far Daniel had come, even going to Downing Street to talk about his emotions with the Prime Minister!