Today, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 had a visit from Dogs Trust. They learnt about how to stay safe around dogs. We learnt that dogs have feelings just like us and they can get angry, sad, anxious and nervous which can cause them to show certain behaviours such as biting. We learnt the following rules for keeping safe around dogs to prevent them from harming us: We should leave a dog alone when they are resting, we should leave a dog alone when they are eating, we should always stay quiet around dogs, we should stroke a dog rather than hug it as dogs prefer a gentle stroke to a hug and we should tell a grown up if a dog takes something that belongs to us such as a toy, a shoe or a sock. Finally, all of the children were quizzed on all of the rules they had learnt and they remembered them really well. Well done Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.