Today in class worship, Year 1 explored the question, ‘How are you the same as and different to your friends?’ First of all, the children spoke to a partner and had to tell them something that they like, have or enjoy doing and ask them whether they liked, had or enjoyed doing it too e.g. I have a brother, do you? I enjoy playing football, do you? Or I like to eat pizza, do you? After this discussion, the children had to feedback to the whole class on similarities and differences that they had found. Following on from this, we discussed how we realise that we are all similar in a lot of ways but also very different. The children then completed an activity in pairs where they had to explore colouring 6 trainers in different ways but using the same 3 colours. This highlighted exactly what we had just been talking about. To end our lesson, we touched on the second question which was, ‘How can shops make sure everyone feels represented?’ We talked about how this is important to make everyone feel included despite our differences. The children came up with some wonderful suggestions such as making mannequins have different skin tones, disabilities such as prosthetic legs, being in a wheelchair or missing a limb and displaying mannequins of different heights and sizes. Well done Year 1.