Yesterday, Year 1 celebrated Anti- Bullying Week by wearing their odd socks. Following on from the Collective Worship with Mrs Ham, we continued to explore the theme of respect. First of all, we played a game of ‘Huggy Bears’ where we had to get into a trio and hug each other on command. We talked about how hugging each other made us feel. Year 1 said it made them feel happy, smiley, loved and excited. We then explored other ways to build each other up and show both kindness and respect. Year 1 suggested clearing the path by stepping aside or moving an obstacle to let someone through, smiling at each other, sharing equipment, asking someone if they would like a hug, asking someone if they are okay, lining up smartly and sensibly and putting their hand up and not shouting out as ways of being respectful, to ensure that we all feel happy, remain safe and uninterrupted in our learning. All of the children then chose one that they think they could work on.