Good afternoon parents and carers, it has been lovely to have the children back in school today and to see them catch up with their friends. They are all excited to try out the new outdoor gym and over the week they will be shown how to use all of the equipment correctly, before we start out lunch and break time timetable next week.
On Wednesday or Thursday this week, each class will have a special visit from Harold the Giraffe from the life education programme and will take part in the following PSHE workshop.
Reception: All about me
Year 1: My Wonderful Body
Year 2: Feelings
Year 3: Meet the Brain
Year 4: It's great to be me
Year 5: Friends
Year 6: Decisions
The children always really enjoy the interactive sessions and get a lot out of them, which is why we pay for the life education sessions each year. On Thursday morning parents and carers are welcome to drop in from 8.45am-9.00am to see Karen from Coram Life Education and ask any questions you might have about the sessions.