During our class worship this morning, the Year 5 class explored the term ' Social Influencer' in detail. The children then came up with a list of people that they look up to and admire, such as a; football player, actor, singer, golf player, darts player, BMX rider and a Diablos. We then discussed why they look up to these people in detail. I then showed the children three drinks which I had prepared earlier, In order to influence the children I made them believe that the orange juice was by far the best drink. We then took votes on which drink they would choose to drink, from apple juice, Vimto and orange juice. It was great to see that the children were not influenced by my choice because the majority of the children voted for the apple juice. We then discussed the choices we make, we can choose the people we want to listen to, be influenced by and follow. Jesus always set a good example when he told others to do something, such as to love each other, he did it himself. He asked his followers to do the right thing. Whilst influencers may guide some of our choices, it is important for us to remember both positive and negative consequences. Every child has the right to be protected from social media.