Image of Reception: super writing
25 Jan

Reception: super writing

We have been blown away by the super writing from our Reception class. They are trying really hard in Phonics and have enjoyed writing facts about different sea creatures.

Image of Exploring Parables- Year 5
25 Jan

Exploring Parables- Year 5

Today in our R.E lesson, Year 5 have been reading familiar parables and unpacking the imagery Jesus gives us of the Kingdom of God.

Image of RotaKids Planting bulbs- Year 5
25 Jan

RotaKids Planting bulbs- Year 5

Our RotaKids have planted crocus bulbs in the centre of the cross-shaped flower bed in the school yard, ready for spring. Thank you to Darwen Rotary Club for helping us and supplying the bulbs and equipment.

Image of Year 2 RE: Jesus heals a blind man!
24 Jan

Year 2 RE: Jesus heals a blind man!

This term in RE, Year 2 are exploring how Jesus was a friend to everyone. We have thought about what a miracle is and today, we looked at how Jesus performed a miracle, by healing a blind man. We also completed some blindfold games, to put ourselves in the shoes of Bartimaeus!

Image of Holocaust Memorial Day Worship
24 Jan

Holocaust Memorial Day Worship

This week in our whole school and class worships, we are learning about the Holocaust and what we can learn from it. This morning we watched a video with some school children interviewing a survivor of the Holocaust, Stephen Frank. We learnt how he had such a happy life with his family until he was taken away to a concentration camp because he was Jewish. We reflected on what it must have been like to be taken away from your friends and family and to be treated so terribly. We then thought about how we can be strong, courageous and kind when we see people in our lives being treated cruelly. We then prayed for all of the victims and survivors of the Holocaust. We were shocked to hear that if we had a minutes silence for each of the 6 million people who died then we would have to be silent for 11 and a half years.

Image of Badminton-Year 5
24 Jan

Badminton-Year 5

During our P.E session this morning, the children have been learning how to hold a racket and playing keepy uppies with racket and shuttlecock.

Image of Year 1 Class Worship- Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks
21 Jan

Year 1 Class Worship- Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks

Following on from Mrs Ham’s whole school worship earlier this week on Martin Luther King, Year 1 did some further learning and reflecting in their class worship time. We learnt about how black people were treated differently because they weren’t allowed to use the same toilets, same restaurants or go to the same schools as white people. We learnt about how black people had to sit at the back of the bus and give up their seats for white people. We thought about how this must have made the black people feel and we came up with the words heartbroken, sad, upset, angry and devastated. We also thought about how this would have made some of the white people feel having to leave the black people out as they didn’t have a choice and just had to do as they were told or they would be fined. We described Martin Luther King Jr and Rosa Parks as amazing and brave people as they fought for the world to be a fairer place where black and white people could be friends and live in a more peaceful and kinder world. We thought about how this fairer world is a much better place to live. Well done Year 1 for super acting and reflection.

Image of Week 1 Lunch Menu
21 Jan

Week 1 Lunch Menu

Next week is the week 1 menu. Further information can be found on our catering page on the following link as we know how easily the posts can get lost in the class dojo app. You are also able to take a screenshot of the menus or download the photos to your phone so you always have them. A quick reminder that children in the juniors that are on packed lunches can choose to have school dinners on certain days such as friday favourites. These can be booked through parent pay.

Image of Safer Internet Day-Poster Competition
21 Jan

Safer Internet Day-Poster Competition

We will be taking part in 'Safer Internet Day' on Tuesday 8th February 2022 and would like to ask the children to take part in an Online Safety poster competition which is being promoted by Blackburn with Darwen. The children are asked to design a poster about online safety for children and young people. More details are provided on the link below and the closing date is Thursday 10th February. Please take a look at our online safety webpage that has an abundance of resources and key information regarding internet safety and keeping up to date with guidance.

Image of Year 2 Life Education Visit
21 Jan

Year 2 Life Education Visit

Year 2 had a fantastic morning with Megan from Life Education! We talked about how to deal with our feelings and emotions and looked at all of the different ways that we can look after our bodies!

Image of Be a Baker - Our Finished Product
21 Jan

Be a Baker - Our Finished Product

Here is our final product - we have bread! We have different varieties such as knotted bread, plaited bread and hedgehog bread. It was delicious and we can’t wait to make more.

Image of Year 1- working towards running 1K
21 Jan

Year 1- working towards running 1K

Year 1 are working towards running 1K in their weekly run. 1K is 18 laps around the infant playground. We did 10 laps today which is 2 laps more than last week. However, some children opted to continue the run in their play time and got to the 1K mark. Next week, we are aiming for 11-12 laps and we will continue to keep building on the number of laps that we do.