This morning in worship, we started our worship by reading our school vision, ‘Achieving things through learning and growing together in a love-filled Christian family’ and ‘That they shall have life, life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10). We discussed what this meant and Eva and Harlow said that it means enjoying your life and making the most of it, Mason said it means trying hard and striving to do your best and Jake said it means being the best person that you can be and looking out for others. Mrs Ham then reminded us that in order to achieve our school vision and to make St Barnabas a special environment to grow and learn, we must follow our School Christian Values of courage, friendship, service, forgiveness, generosity, respect and encouragement and the British Values of Democracy, Rule of Law, Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs, Mutual Respect and Individual Liberty. We learnt how each finger on our hand refers to each individual British Value. Mrs Ham then explained that all members of our St Barnabas staff will be looking out for our children demonstrating these Christian Values and British Values and rewarding this behaviour. For each value they demonstrate, they will get a point for their house team (River Darwen, India Mill, Whitehall Park and Darwen Tower). The points will then be counted by our WOW group and announced each week in celebration worship. At the end of the half-term, the house with the most points will get to choose a prize for themselves such as a movie afternoon or a disco. Each week during Friday Celebration Worship, teachers will also present the child in their class who has been awarded the most points with a certificate. There will also be an award for the class with the best attendance for the week, and this will be an extra sessions on the MUGA on a Monday or Friday lunch time.
Finally, Mrs Ham and our Wellbeing Warriors reminded us of the playtime snacks and drinks that are healthy for us to have in school. We had to vote and decided that all fruits and vegetables, squeezable yogurts and cheese are acceptable snacks. However, we must not bring in sugary or fatty snacks such as chocolate, cakes, breakfast bars or crisps. For drinks, we must only bring in water or sugar-free flavoured water. We talked about how we are not allowed fruit juices as they contain sugar which damages our teeth and how they often spill causing upset when they destroy our work. Mrs Ham showed us some pieces of work that had coloured juice spilt on them and one piece of work with water on it. The water is clear so the work isn't ruined but the juice stained the work.
To end our worship, we sang, ‘The School Rules' song with great enthusiasm.