Good morning parents and carers, we hope you and your child/ren have had a wonderful Summer holiday and have made some lovely memories together.
We are looking forward to welcoming the children back to school tomorrow. We also welcome Miss Wilkins as our new Year 1 teacher whilst Miss Flynn starts her maternity leave soon and Mr Bloomfield as our new Year 2 teacher. After two INSET days last week, they already feel part of our school family but I know you will all make them feel welcome.
The school gates will open just before 8.45am and we ask that children and parents wait on the rainbow path before we open the classroom doors at 8.45am. School officially starts at 8.55am but children need to be in class with their coat and bag off and ready to learn at this time, not walking up the path at this time as they will be marked as late. I will be on the yard to help any children that might be unsure of where to go although all children have been shown on their transition afternoon.
Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are to be collected from 3.25pm to ease congestion on the yard. ( Reception times this week are different due to a transition week).
Children in Years 3,4,5 & 6 to be collected at 3.30pm.
To avoid congestion and to develop independence, we ask that parents of children in Years 1-6 drop their child off at the rainbow at the top of the path & then leave via the top gate.
Reception children are dropped off and collected at the Reception external classroom door.
Year 1 children are dropped off at the rainbow at the top of the path & make their way round to the Year 1 class. Staff will be out to show them where to go. Year 1 children are collected from their Year 1 external door. (Just through the Reception yard and up the steps on the left).
Year 2 children are dropped at the rainbow at the top of the path and will go straight into the Year 2 external classroom door which is the first classroom on the left. They will be collected from the circular infant yard at home time.
Children in Years 3-6 will make their way round to their classroom or corridor doors. Staff will be out showing them the way. They will be brought onto the circular infant yard at home time. We ask that parents wait on either the rainbow path or on the pavement in a safe place where you have agreed to meet your child. Children will be able to leave the infant yard when they see their grown up or if in Years 5 & 6, they are walking home or meeting at your car or meeting place.
Just a reminder that children are not allowed on the trim trail, MUGA or to play with the Reception yard toys or bikes, before or after school please.
We can’t wait to see all of the children looking smart in their school uniforms and black school shoes. This week class teachers will be informing you about PE days, if they haven’t done so already. As explained in a previous dojo post, children will continue to come to school in their PE kit on PE days with their house t-shirt, zip up royal blue hoodie or school sweatshirt (no branded hoodies or jumpers), navy PE shorts or plain black tracksuit bottoms or leggings.
We have purchased extra PE kit for children not wearing the correct PE kit to change into and then return to school.
If you have any messages for class teachers, please remember that they will only be answered during the hours of 8.00am and 5.00pm and may not be answered in lesson time as they will be busy teaching. If you have a message that is urgent or about absence or appointments, please contact the school office on 01254 702996.
Further information about the curriculum, routines and timetables will be sent out next week by class teachers.
Mrs Wilkinson or I will be available on the yard each morning and evening to speak to if you have any questions or concerns.
We can’t wait to have our school filled with laughter and smiles again tomorrow and I’m sure the children can’t wait to see their friends again. We are looking forward to welcoming our new Ducklings into Reception and we wish our previous Year 6 class all the luck in the world as they start high school. We know that they will all continue to shine!