Geography - Counties in England
In our geography lesson today, we have been looking at identifying counties in England. We used compass points to solve problems such as which counties border other counties and which are the largest/smallest counties in our country.
Year 3 Junior Jam- Well-being Wednesday
In Junior Jam’s Drama, Year 3 have been looking at play scripts and their features. They have taken on the role of characters and a narrator. In computing, they have been looking at e-mails. In Music they have been carrying out breathing exercises in order to improve their singing.
Year 3 - PE
In PE we have been improving our skills at hitting targets using different equipment.
Online Safety- horror games
Please find some information about horror games and how to keep your children safe online.
Year 1 -Well-being Wednesday Computing
Year 1 creating their own moving videos in computing this morning
Year 1 Drama with Junior Jam
A brilliant Effort from all of year 1 this morning in Drama.
Year 6 English
Year 6 have been looking for clues to identify the owner of a lost bag, using tentative language to describe their findings.
Exploring time zones- Year 5
The afternoon in our Geography lesson , Year 5 have been looking at different countries and comparing them to each other using the GMT lines on a map. We have used Digimaps for schools to help us with our investigation. We then moved onto looking at flight paths. We tracked live flight paths, noting time zone changes.
Year 5/6 Sportshall Athletics winners
Congratulations to our Year 5/6 sportshall athletics team for winning their heat tonight and earning a place in the final next week. Thank you @DVHSPhysEd for hosting and @BwDSGO for organising such a great event.
Whole school worship: Martin Luther King Jr Day
During our whole school Worship this morning we focused on Martin Luther King Junior Day. We thought about how Martin Luther King wanted to bring hope, freedom and change. We all thought about what he meant by the phrase ‘the content of their character’ and how we could try to make peace in the world. We ended our Worship by singing and dancing to Stevie Wonder's 'Happy Birthday' to you, which he wrote to wish Martin Luther King a happy birthday and to encourage the authorities to hold a special holiday each year in his memory.
Reception: Muddy Monday
Reception really enjoyed their walk today around Jack Keys. The children showed the Christian value of courage whilst climbing over a stile independently. The children enjoyed investigating the marsh land and looked for moles and rabbits!
Reception PE
Reception enjoyed their under the sea themed PE this week. We played a game of starfish tig, had a go at balancing balls on the bats and completed different stations to practise our key skills, such as jumping like a star fish, sliding like a sea snake and walking like a crab.