Year 3: PE
In PE we have been practising the skills for playing Tag Games including: chasing, fleeing and dodging.
Year 2 English: Man on The Moon!
We started our new English unit this week in Year 2! Over the next few weeks, we will be exploring the character of Bob, as an astronaut who works on The Moon! We will be writing our own stories based on Bob and The Disappearing Moon. Today, we generated some questions about Bob and wrote down everything that we have learnt so far, about his character.
How to monitor online activity to ensure your child remains safe online.
Did you know that online activity can be monitored via your broadband provider to ensure that your child stays safe on the internet? GoCompare have compiled a guide to broadband parental controls and internet safety for children. You can find the guide here:
Year 6 Football
Some of our year 6 children represented the school in the BRFC Kids cup. They were absolutely outstanding and came second. Well done!
Year 5: Art
Year 5 have been researching Andy Warhol and have found some really useful information about him and his life.
Reception: the Rainbow fish
This week, Reception are learning all about the rainbow fish. They have been creating their own fish using different collage materials, discussing how the characters may feel in the story and they have been writing describing words about the rainbow fish. The children have also enjoyed creating their own watercolour pictures using wax crayons and water paint.
Years 5 and 6: Money matters
The children in years 5 and 6 welcomed Mr Souter in today from money matters. They learnt lots and really enjoyed the session. Thank you!
Year 6: Den Building
Some of the children in Year 6 went to Whitehall park. The children enjoyed working as a team and used their problem solving skills to create their own dens. They found resources themselves. Mrs Wilkinson was very impressed with their efforts.
Reception Muddy Monday
Reception really enjoyed their first muddy Monday of 2022. They enjoyed creating animal houses at Whitehall park. They showed brilliant teamwork as they found different resources to build their houses.
Reflecting on Mary, Joseph and Jesus as refugees
In worship this morning, we reflected on how Mary, Joseph and Jesus were affected by having to flee to another country. It helped us to understand how refugees today might feel and think about how we can help them.
Year 4 Investigating Particles
Year 4 have been using marbles to make models showing how particles move in solids, liquids and gases.
Bread tasting
Year 4 had lots of fun tasting different types of bread for the start of their design and technology unit. They are looking forward to designing and making their own bread shortly.