Image of Celebration Worship
13 Jan

Celebration Worship

During our whole school celebration worship this morning, we thought about the different ways that we have welcomed people with open arms this week. Each class also shared the different ways that they have been living life in all it’s fullness this week!

Image of Year 3 PE - Tag Games
13 Jan

Year 3 PE - Tag Games

Year 3 PE - Tag Games Year 3 have been using skills of chasing, fleeing and dodging when playing Tag Games in PE.

Image of Year 1 Science
13 Jan

Year 1 Science

Year 1 have been identifying the materials that objects are made from. We have been exploring wood, metal, rubber, plastic, glass, fabric, wool and cardboard. We created Venn diagrams. We learnt that the middle section of our Venn diagram was for materials that were made from both of the materials that we had chosen e.g. scissors are both plastic and metal. We found that some objects are made from three materials such as the Rekenreks which were made out of metal, plastic and wood.

Image of Year 2 Maths: Selecting money
12 Jan

Year 2 Maths: Selecting money

Today in maths, Year 2 used notes and coins to create different amounts of money. We thought about how we can make different amounts of money, using the fewest amount of coins and notes.

Image of Year 1 drama
12 Jan

Year 1 drama

Year 1 had great fun in their drama session today. We love junior jam and well-being Wednesdays!

Image of Year 1 English- We’re Going on a Bear Hunt
12 Jan

Year 1 English- We’re Going on a Bear Hunt

Last week in Year 1, we created a story map for ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’ and now we can retell the story from our memory. Over the last couple of days, we have been changing the first three settings (the grass, river and mud) to develop our own versions of the story. Some of the settings we have had are swamps, meadows, deserts, candy shops, and farms. We can’t wait to get started with writing our new stories. Well done year 1!

Image of Year 3: Music
12 Jan

Year 3: Music

In Music, Year 3 have been learning about the importance of posture. Good posture supports singing.

Image of Year 3: Online safety
12 Jan

Year 3: Online safety

In Computing, Year 3 have been learning about Cyberbullying. They created logos to help other children deal with Cyberbullying using: STOP, BLOCK and RECORD.

Image of Year 3: Drama
12 Jan

Year 3: Drama

In Drama, Year 3 have been learning about improvisation through hot seating.

Image of Year 3: PE
12 Jan

Year 3: PE

In PE we have been practising the skills for playing Tag Games including: chasing, fleeing and dodging.

Image of Year 2 English: Man on The Moon!
11 Jan

Year 2 English: Man on The Moon!

We started our new English unit this week in Year 2! Over the next few weeks, we will be exploring the character of Bob, as an astronaut who works on The Moon! We will be writing our own stories based on Bob and The Disappearing Moon. Today, we generated some questions about Bob and wrote down everything that we have learnt so far, about his character.

Image of How to monitor online activity to ensure your child remains safe online.
11 Jan

How to monitor online activity to ensure your child remains safe online.

Did you know that online activity can be monitored via your broadband provider to ensure that your child stays safe on the internet? GoCompare have compiled a guide to broadband parental controls and internet safety for children. You can find the guide here: