Image of Year 1 Science- Investigating Material Properties
21 Jan

Year 1 Science- Investigating Material Properties

Year 1 really enjoyed their science lesson this week. We explored the different properties of materials. We used the words: shiny, dull, rough, smooth, hard, soft, waterproof, absorbent, brittle, opaque and transparent. We then investigated different materials to see whether they could bounce, absorb water, bend, twist or be squashed. We also talked about how a sponge is useful for cleaning our cars because it’s soft so it won’t damage our cars and it can absorb soap and water to clean them. However, a rock wouldn’t be very good for cleaning a car because it is hard so it would scratch our car and it can’t absorb the water or soap that we need to clean our cars.

Image of Life Education - it's Great to be Me!
21 Jan

Life Education - it's Great to be Me!

This afternoon in Year 4 we had our Life Education Workshop- It’s Great to be Me! We looked at all sorts of things including relationships, how we are all unique and how smoking and alcohol can affect our bodies. We really enjoyed taking part in the activities and look forward to learning even more in our follow up PSHE lessons.

Image of Year 6- Life Education Workshop
21 Jan

Year 6- Life Education Workshop

Today Year 6 have taken part in a Life Education Workshop focusing on ‘decisions’. They discussed feelings, friendships and pressures including drugs and alcohol. Year 6 asked some great questions and showed maturity and respect throughout the session. Well done!

Image of Year 3 -Martin Luther King Jr Worship
20 Jan

Year 3 -Martin Luther King Jr Worship

During our class worship, we watched a video clip about the life of Martin Luther King Jr. and how he was an activist for civil rights. He peacefully demonstrated for equality between whites and coloured people in America. He said that everybody is equal no matter what their race, creed or gender is. We prayed for equality and finished with a hymn “Chain of Love”.

Image of Life Education - Year 5
20 Jan

Life Education - Year 5

We really enjoyed our visit from ‘ Coram Life Education’ this morning. We learned all about what’s inside our mind and how we react to things. We learnt how to be assertive if someone is pressuring us to do something we don’t want to do.

Image of Reception’s special visitor - All about Me!
20 Jan

Reception’s special visitor - All about Me!

Today we had a special visitor in Reception called Megan, who came to teach us all about our bodies and how we can keep them healthy. We talked about the parts of our bodies, how we can eat healthily, how to keep fit, our feelings and how sleep can help us grow. We also said a big hello to Harold the Giraffe who enjoyed having his teeth brushed by the children and his face cleaned!

Image of Reception - Rock pools
20 Jan

Reception - Rock pools

This week we have read the story ‘Sharing a shell’ by Julia Donaldson which is about the creatures that live in a rock pool. The children really enjoyed the story and have had their own rock pool in the small world area. They have been busy acting out the story with their friends and have talked lots about the creatures we might find there.

Image of Year 1-Life Education Visit.
20 Jan

Year 1-Life Education Visit.

We enjoyed our visit from Harold the giraffe today. We learnt about how to keep our bodies healthy. We learnt about having a balanced diet which must include protein, fruits and vegetables, dairy and energy foods and how exercise, keeping hydrated and sleep helps us to live a healthy lifestyle too. They listened and joined in amazingly well. Well done Year 1.

Image of Year 3 PSHE- The brain and staying healthy.
20 Jan

Year 3 PSHE- The brain and staying healthy.

Year 3 learnt all about the brain, healthy eating and how sleep is important for our bodies. They discussed medicine, smoking and alcohol and the effects these have on a body. They also discussed friendship and how friends may need to compromise. 

Image of Year 4 - Prayer work
20 Jan

Year 4 - Prayer work

In RE, Year 4 used sorting cards and the process of elimination to decide what’s most important about prayer. They were absolutely brilliant at explaining their choices and challenging each other. They then decided on the 5 most important things to them.

Image of Be a Baker - Food Technology
20 Jan

Be a Baker - Food Technology

Today we have been completing our food technology lessons on how to ‘ Be a Baker”. Over the last few weeks we have done bread testing sessions, identifying what foods we eat have flour in them ( you’d be surprised) and today we became actual bakers and created our own samples. We used different techniques to make them and we can’t wait to taste the end product tomorrow.

Image of Well-being Warriors - What makes the best healthy break time snack?
20 Jan

Well-being Warriors - What makes the best healthy break time snack?

As part of our work as Well-being Warriors, we have been looking at what we should bring in for our break time snacks in school. We have looked at lots of options and discussed how healthy they are, along with how much ‘hidden sugar’ they have. We are going to create posters and add these to dojo so that our parents and carers know what we are allowed to bring in as we have noticed an increase in children being less healthy options.