Year 3 PE -Target Games
Year 3 had great fun playing target games in PE. They tried really hard to improve their accuracy.
Reception Pointillism Art
Today Reception have been learning about the Art style Pointillism which began with the French Artist Georges Seurat. The children used cotton buds to make lots of small dots on sea creature templates.
Online Safety: Youtube
Here is some information on how to keep your child safe online whilst watching videos on YouTube.
Y4 Creative Writing
This week, Year 4 have been writing their innovated fairy tales based on The Pied Piper. We are so proud of the creativity in their ideas. No two stories are the same.
Year 3 - Holocaust Memorial Day Class Worship
We took part in Holocaust Memorial Day by praying for all those Jewish people who died during World War II .
Sportshall Athletics Final
We are so proud of our Sportshall Athletics squad for their amazing effort and determination this evening. Some crucial members of our squad unfortunately weren’t able to attend the event due to isolating with Covid. However, the children who stepped in for them at the last minute were fantastic and made us so proud. We got the same number of points as the third place team but lost out on a medal due to winning fewer events as the other team with the same points. Our squad showed great sportsmanship once again by cheering each other on and they were gracious in defeat. Well done team Barnies! Click here for all of the photos.
Online safety - Year 4
Internet Safety in Year 4 in our Junior Jam computing session today.
Year 2 English: Read all about it!
Year 2 have been exploring the features of a newspaper report today in English. We read a variety of different news paper articles, in preparation for writing our own newspaper reports, about The Disappearing Moon!
Year 1 Class Worship
Following on from Mrs Ham’s whole school worship on Monday, Year 1 learnt some more information about WWII and how the Jews were mistreated. We learnt that the Jews had little freedom and were banned from doing certain jobs, from having pets, from going to parks and restaurants, from schools and from riding a bike amongst lots of other things. We reflected on how this must have made them feel. We also read a book about Anne Frank and the children were shocked to find out that she and her family along with many other Jewish families had to stay in hiding for a long time in fear. We then sang a song about peace and thought about how we can help to make a kind and peaceful world. We talked about sharing our beautiful smiles, helping each other, greeting each other kindly and sharing with each other regardless of people’s race or religion. We finished with some beautiful prayers for those who lost their lives and were mistreated in WWII and praying for a more peaceful and kinder world. Well done Year 1.
Year 1 Class Worship
Following on from Mrs Ham’s whole school worship on Monday, Year 1 learnt some more information about WWII and how the Jews were mistreated. We learnt that the Jews had little freedom and were banned from doing certain jobs, from having pets, from going to parks and restaurants, from schools and from riding a bike amongst lots of other things. We reflected on how this must have made them feel. We also read a book about Anne Frank and the children were shocked to find out that she and her family along with many other Jewish families had to stay in hiding for a long time in fear. We then sang a song about peace and thought about how we can help to make a kind and peaceful world. We talked about sharing our beautiful smiles, helping each other, greeting each other kindly and sharing with each other regardless of people’s race or religion. We finished with some beautiful prayers for those who lost their lives and were mistreated in WWII and praying for a more peaceful and kinder world. Well done Year 1.
Year 1 Art- Primary and Secondary Colours
Yesterday, Year 1 explored primary and secondary colours in their art lesson. First, they made the secondary colours by mixing small balls of plasticine in the primary colours. They then went on to making the secondary colours by mixing paint. Well done Year 1.
Parent Governor Vacancy
Dear Parents and Carers, just a quick reminder that we have an upcoming parent governor vacancy. The governors play a vital role in supporting and shaping our school and it is a great way to become more involved in the life of our school. Parent governors hold the unique position of having a parental viewpoint of the school. Through their children, they have a first hand experience of the delivery of the curriculum and how the school is perceived from the 'consumers' point of view. If you are interested in joining our local governing committee then please see the attached letter from our Chair of Governors, Jen Frankish. For further information please see our school website: For an application form please contact our school office at [email protected] or 01254 702996. The deadline for applications is this Friday 28th January 2022. We look forward to welcoming a new parent to our friendly and supportive local governing committee, to help make St Barnabas the best school it can be. Yours Sincerely, Mrs Ham