Image of Year 3 PE - own Target Games
2 Feb

Year 3 PE - own Target Games

Year 3 have created and played their own Target Game. They also had a chance to play each others’ games and to give feedback.

Image of Year 4: Super Shot Putters
2 Feb

Year 4: Super Shot Putters

Year 4 loved their Olympic Club taster this week. They have learned about throwing a shot put with precision, body positioning and showing great teamwork.

Image of Happy Chinese New Year!
1 Feb

Happy Chinese New Year!

The children in Reception have celebrated Chinese New Year today! The children learnt a dragon dance and we enjoyed taking part in a parade. We will be continuing the celebrations this week!

Image of Year 3 - English Play Scripts
1 Feb

Year 3 - English Play Scripts

Year 3 have been acting out and narrating the story of “The Hare and the Tortoise”.

Image of Year 3 - History - locating Roman roads
1 Feb

Year 3 - History - locating Roman roads

Year 3 have been using atlases in order to locate roads built by the Romans in England.

Image of Year 1- Instructions
1 Feb

Year 1- Instructions

Over the last few days, Year 1 have been following, reading and looking at the features of instruction texts. We have looked at time conjunctions, imperative verbs and adverbs. On Thursday, we will start to construct and write our own set of instructions. We will be creating our own obstacle courses and constructing a sequence of steps for them.

Image of Super Shot Putters- Year 5
1 Feb

Super Shot Putters- Year 5

Year 5 showed amazing teamwork, patience and resilience during their Olympic club taster session. They learnt how to stay focused and execute proper throwing.

Image of Year 6 - Olympic shot put
1 Feb

Year 6 - Olympic shot put

Year 6 have taken part in a taster session with Sportscool, where they had the opportunity to try shot put. They worked brilliantly in teams, practicing throwing and using appropriate force to get the shot put into the area worth the most points.

Image of Whole-School Worship - Candlemas
31 Jan

Whole-School Worship - Candlemas

Today in worship we learned about Candlemas, and the story of Anna & Simeon and their incredible patience as they waited for God’s Son. We discussed why Jesus is referred to as the light of the world and how we can be a light to others.

Image of Marbling - Year 5
31 Jan

Marbling - Year 5

This term in Art, Year 5 have been applying a number of skills to create a piece of art work inspired by Andy Warhol. On Friday, the children tried marbling to create swirling paint effects and exciting patterns. They experimented different colour combinations to make their own unique galaxy and planets.

Image of Celebration Worship
28 Jan

Celebration Worship

This morning in our celebration worship we remembered and prayed for all of the families who were affected by the holocaust. We held a moment of silence and lit a special candle of hope in hope that something so terrible will never happen again. We reflected on how we can make a difference and stand up to hatred by showing kindness, strength and courage. It was wonderful to hear our class teachers tell everyone how the children in their class have been living life in all its fullness this week. What a busy week it has been!

Image of Year 3 English - Play Scripts
28 Jan

Year 3 English - Play Scripts

Year 3 have been acting out the story of “The Three Billy Goats Gruff”.