Safer Internet Day Worship
Today in worship we learnt about how to keep safe online and we focused on our Christian value of respect. We looked at internet safety scenarios which prompted lots of discussions about who to trust, how to stay safe, who to speak to you if you are concerned about anything and keeping your accounts private. We also discussed respect online, always be kind and polite. If you are using emoticons or smiley faces make sure that you are as clear as possible to express what you mean. A comment or emoji can have a big impact on someone’s mental health.
Safer Internet Day Posters in Year 4
Safer Internet Day 2022. Year 4 have produced some fantastic posters to highlight how we can stay safe on the web and social media. Well done to the poster winners and don’t forget to send a pic of them to [email protected] by 3pm on 10th Feb #saferinternetday
Safer Internet Day in Reception
Today, the children in Reception have been learning how to keep safe online. They learnt the importance of not clicking on boxes as you may have to pay for things. They also learnt what a password is and why it is important not to share them. The children read Digiduck and the magic castle and they had a quiz at the end. We also created a ‘Kinder Internet’ spell. Super work and understanding!
Year 3 - #Safer Internet Day
We began the day with a whole school virtual assembly for Safer Internet Day. We have completed a variety of activities throughout the day about Online Safety.
Year 1-Internet Safety Day 2022
Year 1 started their amazing Internet Safety Posters this afternoon to share their top tips for keeping safe online. We enjoyed Mrs Ham’s worship this morning on showing respect and kindness online and learnt about the importance of sending only kind messages and blocking and reporting any unkind behaviour. We also enjoyed reading ‘Digiduck and the Magic Castle’ and ‘Oscar’s Adventures in the Online World.’ From these books, we have learnt about the importance of having strong passwords that contain symbols, letters and numbers so nobody can guess them and not accepting or continuing with a message that we don’t understand as this could cost us money, give our device a virus or show us something inappropriate. We also learnt about information that is okay to share such as our favourite food or music and information that is not okay to share such as the school we go to, our address, our full name or our password.
Year 4 Perform Poetry
Year 4 have had great fun practising intonation and adding gestures to their poetry performances. They have been learning verses from the poem The Pied Piper and using actions and voices to help their audience understand. Super partner work, Year 4!
Safer Internet Day- Year 5
During our P.S.H.E lesson this week, Year 5 had a discussion about how to stay safe online while staying connected to the digital world. We spoke about respect online, on group chats, video calling, instant messages and games. We also had a look at the story book ‘ Oscar’s Adventures in the Online World’ and found ways of helping Oscar make the right decisions so he can avoid dangers on his journey through the online world.
Children's Mental Health Support
Good morning parents and carers, this week we are focusing on children's mental health in school and the theme this year is 'growing together'. During our whole school worship this morning we talked about our mental health and discussed ways that we can grow and flourish. We thought about our school vision 'Achieving great things through learning and growing together in a love-filled Christian family' and how we can support each other to grow together. On Friday, we will be taking part in ‘Dress to Express’ for Children’s Mental Health Week so we thought about our God given talents and how we can shine from the inside out to express ourselves. I have attached a mental health resource pack which has lots of useful activities to promote happiness and healthy mental health. It is a great way to get children to talk about their feelings, recognise and discuss emotions, build resilience, learn from mistakes and feel happy. This morning we thought of lots of ways to make ourselves and each other feel happy and the children came up with so many amazing ideas such as, tell each other jokes, do a silly dance, do some exercise, talk to your friends, eat chocolate etc. Included in the pack is 30 ways to feel good and there are also ideas and activities for dealing with anxiety, fear and anger. I hope you find the guide useful as one of the biggest challenges faced by parents, teachers and carers is helping children to talk about and deal with their feelings. We can help and guide our children by looking after ourselves too! Self-care is absolutely vital for parents, carers and teachers. The 30 ways to feel good is a great way for adults to take some time to focus on themselves which enables us to be happier grown ups as the saying is, 'you can't pour from an empty cup'. Take care and look after yourselves, Mrs Ham
Whole School Worship : Children’s Mental Health Week
During our whole school worship this morning, we talked about our mental health and discussed ways that we can grow and flourish. We thought about our school vision 'Achieving great things through learning and growing together in a love-filled Christian family' and how we can support each other to grow. On Friday, we will be taking part in ‘Dress to Express’ for Children’s Mental Health Week so we thought about our God given talents and how we can shine from the inside out.
Year 3 - DT making a healthy sandwich
In DT we have been using our knowledge of healthy eating from Science in order to design and make a healthy sandwich.
Friday Celebration Worship
This week in celebration worship, we have been thinking about how we have been shining our light just as Jesus does and we also sang ‘Shine From the Inside Out’. Reception class also sang the whole school a song in celebration of Chinese New Year. We heard from our teachers about how we have lived life in all its fullness and we had lots of awards to celebrate from outside of school too.
Year 1 Geography-Human and Physical Features
In Year 1, we have been exploring the United Kingdom. Today, we learnt what a human and physical feature is. We then went on to sort the human and physical features of our hometown, Darwen. We looked at features such as Darwen Tower, India Mill, Darwen Market, DACA, The River Darwen, Darwen Moors, Everest Pharmacy and Whitehall Park as well as lots of others. Next week, we will explore some of the physical and human features of our capital cities in the UK.