Image of Year 3  Dress to Express #Children’sMentalHealthWeek
11 Feb

Year 3 Dress to Express #Children’sMentalHealthWeek

The children have come into school “dressed to express” for the day. They are expressing who they are and what they are interested in. It is part of exploring children’s mental health and well-being during #Children’sMentalHealthWeek.

Image of Dress to Express in Year 4
11 Feb

Dress to Express in Year 4

Dress to Express in Year 4 for Childress Mental Health Week 2020. We have definitely expressed ourselves in many different ways and been creative in how to share our thought, feelings and ideas #ChildrensMentalHealthWeek

Image of Wellbeing Warriors- Healthy Break time Snacks
11 Feb

Wellbeing Warriors- Healthy Break time Snacks

We are very lucky to have Well being Warriors in school now and their role is to be the voice of our pupils. We believe that the wellbeing of every person in our school is fundamental to happiness and good mental health. As part of their role, the Wellbeing Warriors, along with the rest of Year 4 have been looking into improving the health of our children. We have been researching the best snacks to have at break time and what, as a school we would like to have the option of bringing. As of Monday 21st February, we would like children to only bring in a snack from the list below: - Fruit - Fresh or dried - Vegetables - Yoghurts - frubes or squishems - Cheese - Babybel , Cheese strings or something similar. We found that these snacks all offer nutritional value such as iron, calcium and vitamins and we want the children at St Barnabas to lead healthy lifestyles and make good food choices.

Image of Y3/4 Sportshall Athletics
10 Feb

Y3/4 Sportshall Athletics

What a fantastic result at Y3/4 Sportshall Athletics @stwilfrids. Our children showed true St Barnabas spirit and came out with a silver medal. Only half a second separated 1st and 2nd place! So very proud of them and how they represented our school! Go Team Barnies!

Image of Year 2 Non-chronological reports
10 Feb

Year 2 Non-chronological reports

This week, Year 2 have been busy gathering facts about Neil Armstrong and Space, ready for when we write our non-chronological reports!

Image of Year 3 Class Worship - #Children’sMentalHealthWeek
10 Feb

Year 3 Class Worship - #Children’sMentalHealthWeek

Our class worship this week has been about Children’s Mental Health, in preparation for tomorrow’s Dress to Express Day. We thought about who makes us grow and supports us in achieving our goals. We wrote some prayers and ended by singing “Shine from the inside out”.

Image of Information Booklets- Year 5
10 Feb

Information Booklets- Year 5

This week in English, Year 5 have created information booklets which include more than one text type about the Solar System. For example, a non- chronological report and an explanation text. The explanation text has been applied using diagrams which describes a process of how the Earth orbits the Sun and how planets rotate around the Sun. The booklets will be displayed in our school library and other classes.

Image of Sports Leaders
9 Feb

Sports Leaders

We would like to introduce our Year 6 Sports Leaders. We are very lucky to have such a great, enthusiastic team who help to support Mrs Gardner in leading PE and Sport at St Barnabas. Our weekly meeting allow us to plan for things such as our inter-house sports, local competitions and promoting new health and sport initiatives.

Image of Year 3  PE - Improving own Target Game
9 Feb

Year 3 PE - Improving own Target Game

In PE this week, Year 3 have worked in groups again to improve the Target Game they created last week based on feedback from the other groups.

Image of Online Safety: Check in with your friends
9 Feb

Online Safety: Check in with your friends

Concerns over the impact of social media on mental wellbeing have often been raised in connection with the substantial growth in mental health problems among the young. In the same context, however, social media can also be a force for good: it enables children to – privately and discretely – check in with friends who they believe are experiencing a bad time. In support of Children’s Mental Health Week, here is a special poster. It’s designed to remind young people that their friends might not always be OK – and when that happens, simply reaching out and being there for them can be a wonderfully reassuring act.

Image of Year 2 PSHE: Internet Safety Day
8 Feb

Year 2 PSHE: Internet Safety Day

This afternoon I’m PSHE, Year 2 have been thinking about how we can make safe choices online. We looked at the story ‘Oscar’s Adventures in the Online World’ and helped Oscar to make good decisions. We have also listed different ways to stay safe online and adding this to our class scrapbook!

Image of Safer Internet Day
8 Feb

Safer Internet Day

It is Safer Internet day today. The children will be exploring how to keep safe online. We can all make the online world less harmful by showing more respect for each other on the internet. Please look at our dedicated online safety page for more information and lots of useful guides: