Image of Friday Whole School Worship
25 Feb

Friday Whole School Worship

Today in worship, we reflected on our the kindness challenges that we have completed this week such as washing our hands, wiping our feet and helping to tidy up our classrooms and houses. We talked about why we should be kind and looked at our new kindness tree in the hall where we can add examples of kindness that we have seen and shown. This led us onto a discussion about Russia invading Ukraine and how Putin isn’t showing kindness. We talked about how places such as America and the UK are coming together to support Ukraine through sanctioning Russia to encourage them to stop the fighting and resume peace once again as we want to keep the people of Ukraine safe. We also talked about how we ourselves can support Ukraine through asking God to watch over the people of Ukraine and keeping them all in our prayers. We had a look at how we can use our fingers to pray for different things such as people who are closest to us, people who are poorly and people who are in charge of our country. We also had ideas such as donating clothes to refugees and giving refugees a warm welcome. Finally, we ended with some sports award celebrations. Well done to our Years 3 and 4 and Years 5 and 6 sports hall competitors and our individual sports winners. The sports leaders also announced the winners for the inter-house dodgeball competition which was India Mill (red team).

Image of Reception Hand Hygiene
25 Feb

Reception Hand Hygiene

Today Reception have been reflecting on how they can be kind to others by washing their hands. We used glitter to show the germs that live on our hands and how germs can spread quickly. We also investigated if water alone can get rid of germs and found out that we need soap to get rid of them all. We practised different actions to wash our hands to ensure every part of our hands are clean.

Image of Love of Reading
25 Feb

Love of Reading

February is the month of ‘Love of Reading’ and today in Year 4 we have chosen our new class novel. Over the past few days we have looked at a selection of five books and their blurbs. Today we chose ‘ A Place Called Perfect’ by Helena Duggan. We can’t wait to get stuck into it on Monday.

Image of Cross Country Club
25 Feb

Cross Country Club

What a great way to start our new term with our new cross country club! Mud, mud everywhere. The children were amazing and really pushed themselves to achieve their best.

Image of Year 1- A trip to Judges Lodgings Museum to learn about the Victorians.
25 Feb

Year 1- A trip to Judges Lodgings Museum to learn about the Victorians.

Yesterday, Year 1 visited Judges Lodgings in Lancaster. They got into character as Victorian children at school and Victorian slaves at work. They learnt lots about Victorian schooling such as sitting sensibly at desks, saying prayers, recalling times tables, writing on blackboards, learning about Queen Victoria and what would happen if you misbehaved. They learnt about the jobs of those who were slaves for the judge such as polishing candle sticks, kettles and cutlery, emptying buckets that Victorians did their toileting in, setting the table for the judge and his guests and folding napkins. Well done Year 1.

Image of Year 1-A trip to Judges Lodgings Museum to learn about toys from the past.
25 Feb

Year 1-A trip to Judges Lodgings Museum to learn about toys from the past.

As well as learning about Victorian work and schooling, Year 1 also learnt about toys from their past on their class trip. They played some Victorian style games and explored the toy museum. In the toy museum, they looked at toys ranging from the 1900s to the year 2000. They had to think about which ones were the old ones and which ones were the new ones and why. We now have a Victorian toy museum in our class and we are looking forward to playing with some of the toys that the Victorians played with such as the cup and ball, spinning top, whip and top, whizzer, yo-yo, Jacobs Ladder, marbles and lots of others.

Image of Year 2 English- Dinosaurs!
24 Feb

Year 2 English- Dinosaurs!

We introduced our new English unit today in Year 2! We thought about the reasons for and against keeping a dinosaur as a pet and gathered some different facts about dinosaurs! We even had some dinosaurs leaping onto our tables, when exploring an augmented reality book!

Image of Year 2 Geography: Exploring rural and urban areas
24 Feb

Year 2 Geography: Exploring rural and urban areas

This term, Year 2 are going to be exploring the local area in Geography. This afternoon, we explored the differences between rural and urban areas and thought about whether Darwen is mostly a rural or urban area.

Image of Year 3 Class Worship - Fairtrade
24 Feb

Year 3 Class Worship - Fairtrade

Year 3 wrote some prayers during Our Class Worship remembering all the poor farmers in developing countries who don’t always get a fair price for the fruit and vegetables that they grow.

Image of History - The Great Plague
24 Feb

History - The Great Plague

We have started our new history topic today - The Great Plague. We started by by looking at a picture of London from 1616 drawn by Claes Jansz Visscher. We discussed how it looked, what we think will be different now and what religion was like in 1666. We then compared this with a picture in the same place but from 2016 drawn by Robin Reynolds. We used Visscher’s picture as a historical source to help us look for clues about how the people of London lived back then, compared to now.

Image of Reception: people who help us
23 Feb

Reception: people who help us

As part of our topic, the children decided that they wanted to help clean our outdoor area. They set up a cleaning station and washed the play house and cars. They showed brilliant teamwork and did a wonderful job!

23 Feb

Online Safety Parent Workshop

Please find a webinar which is really useful in supporting you to help keep your children safe online. Here is the link: