Year 4 Gymnastics Routine with Matching and Mirroring Balances
In our gymnastics lesson today, we created and performed a sequence of actions with control and precision. We incorporated travelling, balancing, jumps, turns and rolls. Following our sequences we then peer evaluated using our success criteria. The children have really worked hard to challenge themselves and also develop their fundamental movement skills too.
Year 4 Geography - What are the main features of a rainforest?
Today’s Geography lesson focused on recognising features that make up a rainforest including specific rainforest food and animals. We looked at a range of both food and animals, labelling examples and adding these to our collection. We then moved onto classifying the animals into reptiles, amphibians, birds and mammals.
Year 2 - Our body and feelings
Today we had a very exciting workshop from Life Education. Even Harold came to visit, which was lots of fun! We spoke about our bodies and why it is important to look after them. We also spoke about how to protect our bodies from things that could harm us. To finish we discussed how different situations make us feel. We explored a story where Harold had accidentally hurt his friend’s feelings without realising. In year 2, this is something we speak about often. Sometimes your feelings can get hurt and it might not be on purpose but an accident. We are learning to know that if we talk to our friends we can resolve our problems without falling out!
Year 5 Life Education Session
Year 5 really enjoyed their Life Education session this week. The focus was on friendship and the children watched different scenarios, discussing themes such as: drugs and body impact, assertiveness and standing up for what you know is right, even when that is difficult to do. The children also talked about health and mindfulness and even had a little hello from Harold the giraffe!
Year 4 - Class Worship - God’s Fire
In our class worship this week we heard the story of Elijah and how he stood up against the 450 prophets who worshipped Baal instead of God. They prayed to Baal for fire but none came. Then Elijah prayed to God for fire and God provided. We then talked about how Christians believe God lights a fire in their hearts when they follow his word.
Year 2 - Gymnastics
In gymnastics, year 2 are beginning to put all of the skills and movements they have learnt over the past weeks into a routine. Skills such as forward rolls, balances and tuck jumps. The children have been trying really to remember their sequences and have a go at all of the skills even if they are difficult. In our next lessons, the children will choose their own skills and moments to create their own unique routines.
Year 3- Meet the Brain!
This afternoon, Year 3 enjoyed a visit from the Life Education Van, led by Karen. She shared fascinating insights about how our brains work and emphasised the importance of energy, oxygen, and exercise to keep them healthy. The children were also delighted to reunite with Harold the Giraffe, who made a special appearance after last year’s visit. Harold was impressed by how much the children had grown and commented on their maturity.
Year 3- Class Meeting-Big Debate Club | Should schools teach basic survival skills?
The Communication Team organised an exciting debate for the entire school this week. The topic: Should schools teach us basic survival skills? Lottie led the session, while Joshua took notes. The groups explored the importance of survival skills, such as building a fire, navigating using a map and compass, and handling first aid emergencies. They said these skills could help us stay safe in tricky situations and be more independent. One group, of students said we don’t need those skills right now because we have mobile phones to help us . But then someone pointed out—what happens if your phone dies and you’re stuck with no battery? We are now waiting to find out the winning vote.
Year 5 P.E
In P.E, Year 5 have been practising hockey skills. They have been focusing on dribbling, passing, receiving and aiming with co-ordination and accuracy. This can be very tricky, but everyone’s technique is improving a lot.
Online Safety: Health and Fitness Apps
From data privacy worries to potential costs, it’s important to understand the risks posed by fitness apps – especially for younger users. This week’s guide and the latest episode of the #WakeUpWednesday podcast address some concerns around these platforms. Download here >> Listen here >>
Year 5 Writing: Diary Entries
In English, Year 5 have been reading “Oliver Twist” by Charles Dickens and have now started writing diary entries from the perspective of Oliver. The focus has been on fronted adverbials, describing feelings and the senses, as well as using ambitious vocabulary to make their writing more descriptive. All of the children have produced some super writing!
Year 5 - Day and Night
Today, Year 5 embarked on an exciting hands-on activity to deepen their understanding of Earth's rotation and how it causes day, night, and time zones. The children created their own model, using a ball of clay to represent Earth, a dowel to demonstrate its axis tilt and rotation, and a torch to symbolise the Sun. Through this interactive experiment, the children were able to visually explore how Earth rotates on its tilted axis, causing different parts of the planet to experience sunlight or darkness at various times. The children also discussed the significance of time zones and how Earth's rotation impacts the way we measure time across the globe. As the torch illuminated one side of the clay Earth, the children observed how light represents daytime, while the shadowed side represents night. This hands-on approach helped them connect scientific concepts to real-life and why we have day and night.