Image of Year 5 - Earth Day
25 Apr

Year 5 - Earth Day

As part of Earth Day 2024, year 5 have been exploring the variety of ways that we can protect our planet. The theme this year is about plastic pollution and how we can reuse and recycle more to protect our planet. The children created door handles and wrote on them the many ways that we can protect and save our planet.

Image of Reception Maths - Odd or Even?
25 Apr

Reception Maths - Odd or Even?

Reception have been looking at odd and even numbers this week. We have been using the numberblocks and numicon to identify if the numbers have an odd block or even top. We have then been sorting them in our provision and the outdoor yard. We have also talked about the doubles we can see within an ‘even top’

Image of Year 4 Maths - Making a whole number with tenths
25 Apr

Year 4 Maths - Making a whole number with tenths

Our maths lesson this morning focused on making a whole with tenths. The children used hundred squares to represent 1 whole and marked as both a fraction and a decimal. They then moved onto working with part- whole models by adding and subtracting tenths to solve the problems. Finally the children moved onto problem solving working hard to complete various challenges.

Image of Year 3- Collective Worship- Earth Day
25 Apr

Year 3- Collective Worship- Earth Day

During our class worship this morning, Year 3 enjoyed exploring the wonders of our planet and learning what we can do to keep it safe. The children thanked God for creating a wonderful world and how blessed we are to be surrounded by nature on our doorstep. The children made promises on how they will save the Earth. Some of the promises were, to not waste water, to recycle more and switch off lights when they leave the room.

Image of Y4 Class Worship - Can you learn to persevere?
25 Apr

Y4 Class Worship - Can you learn to persevere?

As part of our class worship this week, we looked at if we can learn perseverance. We looked at how Jasmin Paris who became the first female runner to complete what is thought by many to be the world’s toughest race. She crossed the line in March with less than 100 seconds to spare. The main point that we discussed is how this will go on to inspire others and test the limits of people’s capabilities. We also looked at inspirational quotes from famous people and finally wrote our own.

Image of Year 2 - Class Worship
25 Apr

Year 2 - Class Worship

Today we had our class worship! As it has been World Earth Day this week, we used resources from Sir David Attenborough and Children in need. This has linked nicely with our Geography topic of Hot and Cold Places. At the end of the day we watched highlights of Planet Earth III. The episode we chose was narrated by children as anyone can have a voice for nature.

Image of Year 6 History
25 Apr

Year 6 History

In year 6, we continued our unit, which focuses on the impact of World War Two on Darwen, by investigating some attendance registers used by St Barnabas school (then Culvert school) during the war. We found out that evacuees came from London and attended the school and this may have happened due to events taking place in London at the time.

Image of DPSSA Netball League Night 1
25 Apr

DPSSA Netball League Night 1

What a great start we have had to the Darwen Primary Schools Netball League at Darwen Vale. A fantastic effort from each and every player saw us come away with a 13-0 win! We look forward to developing even more as a squad over the next few weeks - Go Team B!

Image of Year 1 Science- Exploring Seeds
25 Apr

Year 1 Science- Exploring Seeds

Today in Science, Year 1 learnt about what happens to a seed. They looked at lots of different seeds and had to predict what type of tree, fruit or vegetable it would grow into. We talked the importance of plants including trees for survival. Year 1 came up with some amazing ideas such as plants providing us with food, helping us to breathe, providing wood for furniture and houses, providing us with paper, providing a habitat for animals and making the environment a brighter place. We also talked about how many plants are used in medicines.  Tomorrow, they will be planting a tomato seed and we will hopefully get the chance to see it grow over the next couple of months. We hope to see the roots, stem, leaves and fruit (tomatoes) that it will develop as it grows. 

Image of Year 1- Local Geography Fieldwork
24 Apr

Year 1- Local Geography Fieldwork

Year 1 are studying their local area as part of their most recent geography unit. Yesterday, they were busy exploring their local area with the help of a map. There were various symbols on the map and they had to investigate what human features the symbols were representing e.g. Whitehall Park, Bolton Rd Laundrette, St Barnabas Church and the cemetery. As part of their fieldwork, they also identified and created a tally of the types of houses that they could see on route e.g. terraced, detached, semi-detached and bungalows. When we got back to school, we discussed what types of houses were most popular in the area of Whitehall and we came to the conclusion that it was terraced houses. We thought that this might be because we can fit more terraced houses into a small area which means that more people can live there. We also linked this back to our previous learning on the Victoria era when Darwen was a very popular cotton town. We thought that maybe Darwen would have needed to provide somewhere for all the factory workers to live in those times hence why there are so many terraced houses.

Image of Reception- Making bug houses
24 Apr

Reception- Making bug houses

In class we have been looking at different types of minibeasts as part of our ‘amazing animals’ topic. We learnt a new word yesterday which was ‘invertebrate’ and we learnt that invertebrates do not have a backbone. We had a look at some minibeast habitats and went out to our forest school area and made some of our own houses for lots of different bugs.

Image of Rhyme time
24 Apr

Rhyme time

We had much fun at our Rhyme time session this morning, we shook our sillies out, sang lots of songs and listened to super worm! It is lovely to share this time with our grown ups who are welcomed with a brew and biscuit each week. ☕️