Wellbeing Warriors Badge Design Meeting
Today our Wellbeing Warriors had a working lunch, so that we could prepare for the WOW design a badge competition. The children will be launching this in Celebration Worship tomorrow. This years theme is ‘Walk with Joy’ and every child in school will get to design their very own badge for the competition. We want them to be big, bold and colourful. Diversity and originality are key to stand out from the crowd. WOW badges are only 3cm, so simple designs without small details will work best. The Wellbeing Warriors can’t wait to receive and judge the entries, so let’s get cracking!
Year 6 Life Education Session
Year 6 had their Life Education session, this week. The focus was on decisions and choices, friendships, being assertive, drugs and body impact. The children watched and discussed scenarios and thought about what they would do in these situations. They talked about drugs and their impact on our bodies and how to deal with peer-pressure. The children learned a lot and really enjoyed the session.
Year 1 Presentation of Learning
Last week, Year 1 performed ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ to the whole school. They have been focusing on story mapping and reciting this story by heart in their English lessons before they take it one step further and write their own innovated versions of the story. Well done Year 1 for using your clear, rhythmic voices and having brilliant accompanying actions. It was wonderful to see so many other children remembering the story from when they were in the infants.
Year 4 - Life Education
Our Life Education session today was called ‘It’s Great To Be Me’. In Year 4, the children learned about the importance of looking after their bodies and not putting harmful substances in them. They learned about drugs, including medicines and how they must only be taken by the intended person and in the dose advised. The children were particularly excited to see Harold the Giraffe again. They saw a short film with Harold and his friends resolving conflict and celebrating each others’ differences.
Worship with Rev. Ben
Today’s worship with Rev. Ben began with a lively game of Captain’s Orders. In the game, forgiveness was straightforward—a simple cue to face the window—but in real life, forgiving someone is often much harder. Rev. Ben explained that one of the things Jesus taught us is that forgiveness can be challenging because we may not always have the right perspective. The children then listened to The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant, which highlighted that true forgiveness comes from the heart. Through this parable, Jesus illustrated the importance of showing others the same grace and forgiveness that we receive. Afterward, the children engaged in a thoughtful discussion, exploring key questions such as: What did Jesus want people to learn about forgiveness from the parable? and How could this story help you in situations where you need to forgive others? The discussion encouraged the children to reflect on the value of forgiveness and how it can bring peace to their lives and relationships.
Year 4 - PE: Acro Session 2
The Year 4s have been focusing on perfecting their rolls and their bridges this week. It was fantastic to see the determination shown by each child to achieve their personal goals. Some children were able to perfect their front walkovers (handstand into bridge). All this and it’s only week two!
Reception - Ways to make 5
This week, we have been looking at numberblock five and the parts it is made up of. We used the unifix cubes and two different colours to explore how we can make different towers of five. We could see that 1 and 4, 2 and 3, and 5 and 0 are some of the ways to make five. We know that the numberblocks are made up of lots of different parts which make a whole!
Reception Picture News
This week in our class worship we have been looking at Picture News and thinking about the terrible wildfires that are happening in Los Angeles. We talked about how hard it must be for the people who live there to flee their homes and sadly thought about the people who have lost their lives too. Not only this, but the animals who are seeking shelter from losing their habitats. We finished by saying some ‘please’ prayers to ask God for help during this difficult time.
Year 4 Gymnastics Routine with Matching and Mirroring Balances
In our gymnastics lesson today, we created and performed a sequence of actions with control and precision. We incorporated travelling, balancing, jumps, turns and rolls. Following our sequences we then peer evaluated using our success criteria. The children have really worked hard to challenge themselves and also develop their fundamental movement skills too.
Year 4 Geography - What are the main features of a rainforest?
Today’s Geography lesson focused on recognising features that make up a rainforest including specific rainforest food and animals. We looked at a range of both food and animals, labelling examples and adding these to our collection. We then moved onto classifying the animals into reptiles, amphibians, birds and mammals.
Year 2 - Our body and feelings
Today we had a very exciting workshop from Life Education. Even Harold came to visit, which was lots of fun! We spoke about our bodies and why it is important to look after them. We also spoke about how to protect our bodies from things that could harm us. To finish we discussed how different situations make us feel. We explored a story where Harold had accidentally hurt his friend’s feelings without realising. In year 2, this is something we speak about often. Sometimes your feelings can get hurt and it might not be on purpose but an accident. We are learning to know that if we talk to our friends we can resolve our problems without falling out!
Year 5 Life Education Session
Year 5 really enjoyed their Life Education session this week. The focus was on friendship and the children watched different scenarios, discussing themes such as: drugs and body impact, assertiveness and standing up for what you know is right, even when that is difficult to do. The children also talked about health and mindfulness and even had a little hello from Harold the giraffe!