Image of Year 5 R.E: The Good Samaritan
29 Jan

Year 5 R.E: The Good Samaritan

In R.E, Year 5 have been discussing the parable of The Good Samaritan. They thought about the lesson that this parable teaches us - to be kind, show compassion and treat all of our neighbours equally and with respect. They took part in some drama work, taking on the role of the characters and thinking about their thoughts and feelings. The children then drew upon their recent English work on diary entries and wrote eye-witness accounts about The Good Samaritan.

Image of Year 2 - Class Worship led by the WOW group
29 Jan

Year 2 - Class Worship led by the WOW group

Year 2 had the privilege of welcoming Grace and Jess from our WOW group. They led our class worship on topic of YouTube. The question they posed was should YouTube have more videos to help us learn? They helped us discuss both sides of the argument with the majority of our class deciding YES YouTube should have more educational videos! Thank you Grace and Jess.

Image of Year 1 Maths- Exploring Different Representations of numbers to 20
29 Jan

Year 1 Maths- Exploring Different Representations of numbers to 20

In maths, Year 1 have been exploring different variations of numbers to 20. They have looked at how they can be represented in numerals, words, ten frames, base 10 and using tally’s and dice. They have also explored the place value of these numbers.

Image of Year 6 English - Explanation Texts
29 Jan

Year 6 English - Explanation Texts

This week, Year 6 have begun their new English topic on explanation texts. They have been learning all about the key features of this text type. In particular, they have been identifying and writing sentences that contain adverbials, causal conjunctions and relative clauses. The children have learned that these devices help to create cohesion or add extra information.

Image of Year 1 Phonics
29 Jan

Year 1 Phonics

Year 1 are making great use of our phonics area. They are always busy applying their knowledge of the new phonemes that they are learning to read words accurately. Well done Year 1!

Image of Year 1 Art- Exploring Line
29 Jan

Year 1 Art- Exploring Line

In Art, Year 1 have been exploring line and mark making to draw water. The children decided that wavy lines and cool colours would be most appropriate for this activity. They then got to exploring how to create thick, thin, dark, light, solid, broken, high, low, wide and narrow waves whilst listening to a piece of music. Finally, they added some plants and creatures to bring their art to life.

Image of The W.O.W. Group: Year 4 Class Worship
29 Jan

The W.O.W. Group: Year 4 Class Worship

Thank you to the W.O.W. group today for leading our class worships across school. The theme was online content. Our worship leads began by introducing the topic and the news story linked to the topic. They played a couple of games of ‘Follow me’ and that we have the choice not to do something that makes us feel uncomfortable. They talked about the Christian value of courage and how we can show courage in the way we protect ourselves when viewing content online. The Bible link was from St Paul’s teachings, that we should seek out what is true, pure and trustworthy. In reflection, the Year 4s were in agreement that strict rules should be in place for children accessing content online.

Image of Year 4 - Science: Air Pollution Investigation
29 Jan

Year 4 - Science: Air Pollution Investigation

On Monday, the Year 4s went out into the local area to conduct an investigation into levels of air pollution. We placed cards smeared with Vaseline outside school, in a park, near a factory and close to the main road. We predicted that the cards that are nearer to traffic or plant machinery will be dirtier due to more air pollution being produced. We always used data loggers to measure the sound in decibels in these areas. The children predicted the noise levels in each area too. We will analyse the results next week and write up what we found out.

Image of Year 4 - English: Debates
29 Jan

Year 4 - English: Debates

We love a good discussion in Year 4, and with our new English topic being “Debates”, we certainly have a chance to shine! After a little research into deforestation, we recorded some of the reasons mass tree felling occurs, followed by a look at the positive and negative effects. We then went on to sorting the effects into two piles - for and against. It became evident to the children that there were more reasons not to fell so many trees than to continue, we will see what their finished balanced arguments look like.

Image of Year 5/6 Sportshall Athletics Finalists
28 Jan

Year 5/6 Sportshall Athletics Finalists

A huge congratulations to our Year 5/6 Sportshall Athletics Squad for winning their heat and gaining themselves a place in the final next week. We are so proud of you all as we were up against some strong schools and most of which were much larger schools than ours. We might be small, but we are mighty as some of the children said tonight! Thank you so much to Mrs Gardner for dedicating her time to training the squad at her after school club, to Mr Bloomfield for his support tonight and to all of the parents and carers who supported with transport. Roll on next week!

Image of Year 3- Art- Tie-dyeing a t-shirt
28 Jan

Year 3- Art- Tie-dyeing a t-shirt

In today's afternoon's art session, Year 3 engaged in tie-dyeing. After watching a short clip on how to tie-dye a t-shirt the children carefully scrunched, folded, or coiled up their T-shirts and secured them with elastic bands. They then picked their favourite colours and mixed them in separate bottles, linking to their mood boards from our last art session. After applying the dye, each child's T-shirt was placed in a plastic bag labelled with their name. It is recommended to let the dye permeate the cloth overnight if possible, as it takes several hours for the colours to develop fully. The next day, the t-shirts were washed in cold water and left to dry, ready to be worn.

Image of Collective Worship: Year of Prayer
28 Jan

Collective Worship: Year of Prayer

This morning in our Collective Worship, some of our WOW (Worship our Way) group members told everyone about the special way we would be praying in class this week as part of Blackburn Diocese's Year of Prayer. In class we will be saying special fingerprint prayers to say thank you to God for making us all unique and special, just like our fingerprints. They then handed out ink pads for each class. Then we moved on to our whole school year of prayer focus and this week it was special toe prayers for our friends. The children enjoyed wiggling each of their toes whilst saying prayers for 5 special friends. Sofia put the special toes sticker onto our Year of Prayer poster. We then sang some of our favourite worship songs and each class had the chance to perform the actions at the front. This week we warmed up our voices by singing and dancing to Sing a new song to the Lord and then we sang Jesus strong and kind, Waymaker, Life in all its fullness and finished with Build Up.