Image of Year 1 Geography- Identifying Hot and Cold Places on a World Map
19 Sep

Year 1 Geography- Identifying Hot and Cold Places on a World Map

In Geography, Year 1 have been learning to name and locate the 7 continents of the world. They have done amazingly well at this and have used their observations to help them identify which one is which. For example, they used clues such as Asia being the biggest, Africa being on the equator, Australia being the smallest and Antarctica being the South Pole. They have also explored a map and identified where the warm places are such as Africa and the top of South America which are on or near to the equator and cold places such as the Arctic (North Pole) and Antarctica (South Pole) because they are furthest away from the equator. Well done Year 1.

Image of Online Safety: Final Fantasy XIV
19 Sep

Online Safety: Final Fantasy XIV

Swords , sorcery and epic quests! MMOs let you join people from round the globe on a grand adventure – but even a fantasy world can present some very real risks. This week's free guide >> And #WakeUpWednesday podcast >>

Image of Rev Ben's Collective Worship- Moses
19 Sep

Rev Ben's Collective Worship- Moses

Collective Worship - 19.09.24 During this week's worship session, Rev. Ben shared the story of Moses and the burning bush. He explained how, when God gave Moses a mission, Moses initially struggled to obey, feeling unsure and inadequate for the task. However, God revealed his power and presence to Moses, showing him the way and helping him develop trust. With God's guidance, Moses was able to achieve far more than he ever thought possible. The children engaged in thoughtful discussions, exploring questions like: What might it look like for you to recognise God's presence in your life? Some children reflected on seeing God's presence in acts of kindness, through nature, or in moments of peace when they feel supported by their friends and family. Others spoke about sensing God during quiet times or prayer, feeling that God is guiding them in difficult situations. When asked, Why do you think Moses was hesitant to follow God's instructions? The children expressed that they could relate to Moses’ fear and uncertainty. Some mentioned how Moses might have felt unworthy or scared of failing, while others said that like Moses, they too sometimes feel afraid when they are asked to do something new or hard. The group agreed that trusting God, even when they feel unsure, can help them overcome their fears. The final question, How does it change things for you, knowing that God is always with you? brought a range of responses. Some children said it gave them comfort to know they are never truly alone, even in hard times. Others felt it gave them courage, knowing they could rely on God’s strength when facing challenges. Many agreed that just like Moses, having faith in God’s presence helps them feel more confident in the tasks they are given, knowing they have divine support.

Image of Year 4 - Smart School Council
19 Sep

Year 4 - Smart School Council

In our smart school council meeting this week, we had to vote for the act of kindness that we think is most important to show in school. It was a tough decision with lots of good arguments expressed for the other choices, but after much deliberation, the most votes in Year 4 were for helping adults around school. We also put forward some great suggestions for school improvement.

Image of Year 4 Gratitude and Mindfulness Appreciation
19 Sep

Year 4 Gratitude and Mindfulness Appreciation

Year 4 enjoyed playing on the outdoor gym and MUGA in the beautiful sunshine. We felt so much gratitude for our lovely surroundings of fields, Darwen Tower and much more all around us.

Image of Year 1 Writing
19 Sep

Year 1 Writing

Year 1 have been working hard on their writing, particularly their letter formation. In their handwriting lessons, they have learnt how to form the precursive i, l, t, a, o and c and they have been practising this in both their handwriting books and in the writing area. They have also been working hard in their phonics and English lessons to apply their knowledge of the Phase 3 phonemes to their writing. Well done Year 1.

Image of Year 6 - Class Meeting
19 Sep

Year 6 - Class Meeting

Year 6 discussed how we can show kindness in our school community. Each group justified which options they thought were the most important, but accepted that they could all play a huge role in promoting kindness throughout our school family.

Image of Year 6 - Applying passing skills to a game situation
19 Sep

Year 6 - Applying passing skills to a game situation

Today, year 6 built on the work they did in their last P.E. lesson and developed their passing skills further. Some of the children then applied these skills to a game situation in which they had to avoid a defender.

Image of Year 6 - DACA Visit
19 Sep

Year 6 - DACA Visit

Earlier in the week, year 6 were visited by Mrs Lewis and Dominic (a previous St Barnabas pupil) who spoke about life at DACA. This gave the children who are thinking about attending DACA in September an insight into what they can expect.

Image of Year 4 Art - Soap Sculptures
19 Sep

Year 4 Art - Soap Sculptures

Our art session this week focused on Soap sculptures. We looked at the work of Barbara Hepworth and how things can be sculpted from a variety of materials. We used bars of soap for our sculptures and decided to stick with our rainforest animal theme. We decided between a butterfly, fish or turtle and then selected various tools to create our design. The children soon realised the need for a calm and steady hand in order to make intricate designs especially with the fish scales. As you can see we had some wonderful examples by the end of the lesson.

Image of Year 3- Smart School Council- Act Of Kindness
18 Sep

Year 3- Smart School Council- Act Of Kindness

Year 3 kicked off their first class meeting organised by the school communication team today. Bobby-Ray took the lead role and Cassidy supported by taking notes. In small groups, Year 3 discussed which act of kindness they think is the most important in school. The children found it quite challenging to narrow it down to one vote because they felt it was important to share kindness all the time. However, supporting an adult around school got the most votes.

Image of Year 4 - Science: Researching Habitats
17 Sep

Year 4 - Science: Researching Habitats

This week, our super scientists in Year 4 headed to Whitehall Park to research an urban woodland habitat. We noted down any animals and plants we saw and commented on the climate and conditions. The children found various micro habitats too. They were able to identify the fundamental characteristics of a habitat and they used their knowledge to build micro habitats for insects.