Year 3- Science-Using scientific evidence, and explain the effectiveness of suncream as protection against the sunlight
In Science this afternoon, our future scientists discovered the importance of the sun as the ultimate energy source for all life on Earth. They also learned about the various ways in which exposure to the sun can be dangerous for humans. We made a prediction first on what might happen to the ultraviolet beads with no suncream or a lower SPF. These beads contain a special chemical that changes colour when exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light. UV is an invisible type of light from the Sun. The results from this investigation showed the ultra violet beads with SPF 15 had some protection. Some of the beads changed colour in the sunlight, but others stayed the same, showing that the SPF 15 didn’t fully protect them. The beads covered in SPF 30 had much better protection. Most of the beads stayed white, but a few changed colour. The beads with SPF 50 stayed fully protected and didn’t change colour at all when in the sun. When the beads with no SPF cream were exposed to the sun, they changed colour straight away. The light made the beads react quickly because they had no protection. Year 3 learnt, while sunlight is essential for many natural processes and for our health, overexposure to the sun's UV radiation can have harmful effects on our skin, eyes, and overall health. To stay safe while enjoying the sun, it's important to take measures to protect yourself from harmful UV radiation.
In our phonics lesson we used our magic finger pens to create the movements ‘down the ladder’, ‘curly caterpillar’ and ‘bouncy ball’ to get us ready for writing and forming letters. We then used glitter to practise making these marks.
Reception: Sharing
Today, we discussed one of our 4 Be's: be kind and focussed on our Christian value of friendship. We discussed why it was important to share. Max said we can make friends, Reggie said it is kind, Olivia said it is nice, Beau said that if we don't then it would make people feel sad, Thea said sharing is caring and Zachary said it will make everyone happy. The children have been really trying to share resources with each other. Well done!
Year 3- English- Diary Entry
Continuing our English work, this morning Year 3 wrote their diary entries from the perspective of Rhodopis. They focused on using noun phrases, descriptive language, and time connectives. Fantastic effort from our super writers!
Whole School Worship: The Good Shepherd
Today, we were learning about Jesus’s parable of the Lost Sheep. We discussed why Jesus said 'I am the good shepherd', and how he will always come to us when we feel lost. Thanks to Mr Bloomfield and some of our younger children for acting out the story so brilliantly. We reflected on how we can life live in all its fullness knowing that Jesus is always watching over and protecting us, just like a good shepherd does for his sheep.
Year 5 - Gymnastics
Year 5 have continued to explore their gymnastics unit, focusing closely on mirroring, synchronization, and refining their technique. The children collaborated to create their own routines, working together to execute perfect synchronisation and demonstrate fluidity in their movements. Their dedication and teamwork were evident as they experimented with different forms and pushed themselves to perfect each sequence. It was an inspiring display of creativity and precision!
Year 5 - Installation Art
This week in Art, Year 5 children had the exciting opportunity to explore a wide range of installation art pieces. After discussing and analysing various works, the children were tasked with recreating their favorite installations. Using a mix of different media—such as paper, fabric and recycled materials—they brought their artistic visions to life. Their creativity shone through as they experimented with texture, color, and form to achieve unique and personal interpretations of the original artworks. It was an inspiring afternoon full of hands-on learning and artistic expression!
Reception: Our First Worship
Today, our Reception class took part in their first whole school worship in the hall. They showed lots of respect entering the hall and loved being with our whole school family. Mrs Wilkinson led a singing worship and the older children helped them to sing songs with lots of actions. We sang Hello, Build up, Our God is a great big God, Build up and I can make a difference. Thank you to our choir for helping lead worship.
Year 3 and 4 - After-School Foodie Friends Club - Making Ciabatta Pizza
Year 3 and 4 chefs started our After-School Foodie Club with a fun and tasty activity making ciabatta pizzas! They sliced their ciabattas in half, layered them with tomato passata, a sprinkle of basil and oregano, and topped them with peppers, sweetcorn, pineapple, and cherry tomatoes.
Friday Celebration Worship
Today, we started our first celebration worship of this academic year by signing the trinity and talking about our extremely busy couple of weeks in school, especially focusing on our Barny’s 4Bs (being ready, being safe, being kind and being respectful) and our school values. We then presented Thomas and Fletcher in Years 1 and 2 and Alfie, Eliza, Ella and Leonora in KS2 with certificates for being our value award winners this week. Well done to these children for starting the academic with an amazingly positive attitude, demonstrating fantastic behaviour for learning and consistently displaying our school values. We then congratulated our out of school achievers. Well done to Harry for completing the Summer Reading challenge and being awarded a huge trophy for demonstrating kindness at SportsCool Summer club, Albie, Samuel, Renee, Carmen, Olivia and James for completing the Summer Reading challenge, Grace for being awarded the lyrical and jazz winner of the week, 3rd place for song and dance and a silver medal for her acro, Sofia for achieving Star of the Week at gymnastics club, Maggie for being a super Rainbow and working exceptionally hard to achieve all of her badges and Marley for achieving all of her badges at Rainbows and moving up to Brownies. We also congratulated Reception, Year 2 and Year 5 on being our amazing attendance winners this week and India Mill as the value award winners this week with 427 points. Finally, we had some lovely prayers of thankfulness and appreciation from Leonora, James and Lennox and we sang ‘Shine.’ We thank all those who could attend celebration worship and we said an extended thank you to the rest of our school family for all of your continued support. We wish you all a lovely and restful weekend.
Year 4 PSHE - Team work
In our PSHE sessions we are looking at Me and My Relationships. This week we focused on teamwork and how we can show this both in and out of the classroom. We discussed how this links to our 4 B’s, Christian values and British Values too.
Year 4 English - Planning a narrative based on The Explorer
As part of our English lessons, we are reading The Explorer by Jaqueline Wilson which is set in the South American rainforest. Today we have started to write our own narrative linked to a specific success criteria which included using fronted adverbials for time and place. We can’t wait to carry this on over the next few weeks to produce a final piece.