Year 6 - Alice in Wonderland Workshop
After watching the Alice in Wonderland production, year 6 were lucky enough to take part in a workshop with the cast. They had a discussion about what goes into making a good show: costumes, direction, technology, acting and got to have a go at some of these elements themselves. Hopefully, some of the knowledge they have gained from this experience will be carried forward into their own performance at the end of the year.
Cre8ability Session 1
We had our first parent and child ‘nurturing emotional wellbeing in creative spaces’ group today run by Cre8ability. The children together with their parents created some artwork in the style of Picasso. It was lovely to see them working together in such a calming environment. The children and parents learnt which colours reflect their feelings and also learnt some calming techniques. A huge thank you to Carol and Maria, we can’t wait for next week.
Our new Heads and Deputies
Introducing our new Heads and Deputies! We are so proud of our new Head and Deputy Head boys and girls as they have made a great start to the school year already with a meeting with Mrs Ham planning out how they can support our school family , they have been involved in our worships and today they counted up all of our values points across school. On Friday they will be announcing the winning house teams in our Celebration Worship and they have lots of exciting things planned for our school in the coming months. Well done Harry, Hamza, Daisy and Rosie!
Years 5 and 6- Smart School Councillors
We are proud to introduce our ‘Smart School Councillors’ for the year. From Year 5 we have Luca, Mason, Theo, Summer and Eden. Representing Year 6, we have Leonara, Oscar, Daisy and Laila. These dedicated pupils will meet fortnightly to discuss school matters. Smart School Council is an important and useful way for our school to provide leadership and development opportunities for all of our pupils. It is an excellent way in which to increase participation, teaching our pupils about democracy, local and global citizenship and accountability. Their mission is to ensure that everyone’s voice is heard and ideas considered.
Online Safety: Supporting Children to Manage Conflict Effectively
Being able to manage conflict effectively is a key skill for all to learn but it can be tricky for young people to know exactly how. This #WakeUpWednesday, we’re offering expert advice on helping children avoid and manage conflict effectively. Check out this week's free guide >> And the latest episode of our #WakeUpWednesday podcast here >>
Year 2 - Fundamental Motor skills
In PE year 2 have began to perfect their fundamental motor skills. We had various activities that allowed us to practice hopping, throwing, jumping and bouncing a ball. The children loved it and we will continue with similar activities for more practice of our skills.
Year 4 - RE: Rosh Hashana
We began our RE unit about Jesus by exploring a bit about who He was. We investigated some Jewish artefacts and talked about Jewish festivals that Jesus would have celebrated. We found out about the festival Rosh Hashana and how it is celebrated today. We lit candles, listened to the shofar and tasted apples dipped in honey whilst we talked about our hopes for a sweet year.
Year 4 - PE: Dribbles and Passes
In our first handball session, the children learned how to dribble the ball. They learned how to use their fingertips to control the ball and how to perform a chest pass to another player.
Year 4 - Science: Grouping Animals
Our first science topic in Year 4 is Living Things and Their Habitats. We began by learning about how animals are adapted for survival in their natural habitats and we used this information to group together a selection of animals.
Reception: Phonics
Today, our Reception children listened to sounds they could hear both inside and outside. The children heard a helicopter, a siren, a machine, the trees swaying, the wind and the heater. The children then tried to make the sounds they could hear with their voices.
Alice in Wonderland Production
Wow! Our whole school family really enjoyed watching Alice in Wonderland this morning. It was a fantastic production and it was lovely to watch all of the children’s expressions throughout the performance.
Reception: Outdoors
Our Reception children explore outdoors in all weathers. We are trying really hard to put on our puddle suits and wellies independently. The children have enjoyed playing on our bikes, in our superhero cave, in our mud kitchen and sandpit and with our resources under our canopy.