Today in P.E, Year 3 enjoyed a variety of target games. We began with a quick warm-up and concluded with a thorough cool-down that included stretching. For the first activity, 'Spearing the Disc,' children were divided into groups of 6-8. Two children rolled a hoop back and forth, while the remaining children attempted to roll a ball between them so that it passed through the moving hoop. After a set time, the roles were switched. In the second game, 'Beanbag Boccia,' teams of 3-4 competed using beanbags of their assigned colour. One team member threw a different coloured beanbag (the Jack) into the designated area. Players then took turns underhand throwing their beanbags, aiming to land them closer to the Jack than their opponents. Underhand throwing technique was emphasised, including facing the direction of the throw, stepping forward with the opposite foot, and following through with the arm. It was great to see lots of encouragement and support from other teams.