Year 2 - Habitats
Today in science, we started looking at our first topic - where do animals live? We recapped on our already brilliant knowledge of what a habitat is. We built on our knowledge by exploring why it is important for an animal to have a habitat. We decided the three main reasons are for shelter from the weather, safety from predators and food to feed themselves and their offspring.
Year 5 - Gymnastics
Today, Year 5 kicked off their gymnastics unit by exploring counter-balancing and counter-tension. The children paired up effectively to replicate a range of balances, focusing on various gymnastic techniques. They worked hard to refine their posture and stance, improving the precision and fluidity of their routines.
Reception: Our First Lunchtime
Today, our Reception children enjoyed our first lunchtime together. They all held their trays and independently ate their lunch. The children then enjoyed playing with the children from years 1 and 2. Well done!
Whole School Worship: Paralympic Values
We began our Monday worship with a race this week, except the race wasn’t very fair. One person was running the race, one was hopping and one was blindfolded. We discussed why this wasn’t a fair race and then we watched some athletes’ performances from the Paralympics. We were amazed to see people with no arms playing the piano, flying aeroplanes, brushing their teeth and driving cars etc and then we reflected on how we can learn from the Paralympians and have a 'yes, I can' attitude. We learned about the Olympic and Paralympic values and how some of the values are the same or similar to our Christian Values., We discussed how we can do anything with hard work, determination and self-belief and read in the Bible that with God, all things are possible.
Year 3- P.E- 20th Century Playground Days
Today, Year 3 began their games unit in P.E. with some classic playground favourites! The children played "Stuck in the Mud" in the 1950s style, where taggers chase and tag others. Once tagged, a child must stand with feet apart and arms outstretched. They can be freed by another child running under their arms or crawling through their legs. They also enjoyed a game of "Hospital Tig," a 1940s-style game in which tagged children must hold the part of their body where they were touched. We emphasized the importance of gentle tagging and our school rule of playing safely. The children worked brilliantly and had a fantastic time!
Multiplying and dividing by powers of 10
In year 6, we have been developing our place value knowledge and moved onto multiplying and dividing by powers of 10. We discussed what happens to the digits in numbers when they are multiplied and divided by 10, 100 and 1000.
Year 6 - Picture News Worship
Year 6 took part in a virtual worship which followed on nicely from our class worship. It focused on the clean up and the importance of community in the aftermath of this summer’s riots, that took place up and down the country. We discussed how we can all come together, no matter what our background, and work towards a common goal.
Year 6 - Developing passing and receiving skills in hockey
In P.E. year 6 started to look at how they can improve their passing and receiving skills in hockey. They noticed how they can increase the surface area of their hockey stick, making it easier to gain control of the ball, and play a pass of their own.
Year 3- Creating Ancient Egyptian Art
This afternoon, Year 3 started their first art lesson by learning about Ancient Egyptian art and how it was made. They discovered that the Egyptians didn't use plain white paper but used papyrus instead. They also learnt that the Egyptians always painted figures sideways and the most important people were shown as the largest and prominent figures. To recreate this, Year 3 artists made interesting surfaces in their sketchbooks using water-based paints, tea bags, and coffee. After watching a demonstration, they tried making their surfaces to draw Egyptian patterns and shapes and their work turned out amazing!
Reception - Courageous Climbers!
Reception have finished their first week at school exploring on our trim trail. They showed lots of courage when they felt a bit scared and persevered from the start to finish. We are so proud of their confidence and strength developing those gross motor skills. Super climbing Reception!
Year 3- Dry Swimming - Safety talk and expectations
This afternoon the class talked with one of the swimming instructors from Darwen Leisure Centre, ready for our first swimming session on FRIDAY 13TH SEPTEMBER. The instructor answered any questions the children had about swimming lessons and explained what to expect. Year 3 are super excited and can't wait.
Sports Leaders 2024-2025
Our new Sports Leaders were presented with their new smart jackets this morning and are raring to go! We look forward to planning and supporting events both in and out of school for Inter and Intra school events. In today’s meeting we have already planned our first Inter- House Sports event for the whole school which is super exciting.