Year 1 Maths-Sharing Equally
Today in their maths lesson, Year 1 shared equally. To do this, they took their time and made sure that each of the groups that they were sharing into had the same amount of cubes or counters. Some children grouped theirs into rows and/or columns like an array to help them see more clearly and others even managed to make the connection between multiplication and division (sharing) e.g. 40 shared between 4 will be 10 because I know that there are 4 groups of 10 in 40. Impressive!
Year 4 - Science: Sound
We finished our science unit on sound in Year 4 this week. For our final extended session we investigated volume and amplitude. We dropped a marble from different heights on to a drum and described the loudness of the sound. We also explored pitch and frequency on a range of instruments. We found that a higher pitch was created when the surface was shorter.
Year 5 - Friction
This afternoon, Year 5 have been experimenting the relationship between materials and their levels of friction. The children placed toy cars on ramps and changed the material at the bottom; measuring the distance travelled. They concluded that the more friction a material has, the less distance the toy car would travel.
Rev Matt’s Worship - Pentecost
Today Rev Matt came in to lead a worship all about Pentecost and being filled with the Holy Spirit. As a challenge, a group of children were chosen to blow up a balloon as large as possible in 30 seconds. He told us about the events of Pentecost and how the disciples received the Holy Spirit. Pentecost is considered the birthday of the church.
Mad Science After School club- Making slime
During our final after-school Science Club session, the children had a blast making slime with the Mad Scientist. They creatively mixed colours to make their slime unique. This half term, they have thoroughly enjoyed exploring various aspects of science. We definitely have future scientists among us!
Reception: Active Explorers
It has been wonderful to see how our Ducklings are developing in problem solving and how they are all actively exploring all areas. They are constantly wanting to improve their work and are able to complete tricky tasks independently. This week, our Ducklings are learning all about dinosaurs and have created some fabulous Diplodocuses, labelled dinosaurs, created a dinosaur habitat and painted some marvellous dinosaurs whilst telling the class some wonderful facts about the knowledge they have learnt so far. Keep it up!
Year 3- Science- Create a set of instructions which need a compass to find the hidden treasure!
This afternoon in science, our future scientists designed their own treasure hunts using compasses, which contain magnets that always point north. They worked with their partners with a series of instructions, such as starting by the bench, taking four steps north, and then 5 steps east. They demonstrated excellent teamwork throughout the activity.
Year 1 English- Non-Fiction Books
As part of their English unit, Year 1 have been exploring the features of non-fiction books. After seeing and reading a number of non-fiction books and familiarising themselves with the features, they independently looked for the features in a non-fiction book themselves. They looked for the title page, the contents page, the glossary, labels, captions and headings. They are looking forward to creating their own information booklet on BeWILDerwood after visiting on Thursday.
Monday Worship: Mental Health
Last week was mental health awareness week and the theme was find your moments for movement. We began our worship by thinking about what mental health is. Isaac said it is about how you feel, Lucy said it was all about your emotions and Seb said it was about how you feel inside, not outside. We watched a video all about how people can look ok but actually may feel scared, worried or anxious and it is important to talk to someone, to exercise or to take time out for yourself. David told everybody how he felt worried about his SATs but he came into school smiling so people may not have known. Mrs Wilkinson led a mindfulness activity for everybody to really focus on their body. We then discussed how we can move more. The children suggested that we could play outside, go swimming, play football and dance. We then took part in a moodbuster get active workout where we all jumped, did star jumps, squatted and ran on the spot repeating affirmations. We then reflected on how we can move more and how we can promote mental health to ourselves and others. We ended our worship by singing Lighthouse to remind us that Jesus is always there to listen to us.
Mrs Ham's Weekly Highlights
Good afternoon parents and carers, it has been an extremely busy week at St Barnabas and here are the highlights: *Today Reception class released their butterflies that they had watched grow from tiny caterpillars. * Year 1 and 3 had a fun and informative road safety workshop. *Year 2 had a firefighter visit and learnt all about fire safety. *Years 4, 5 and 6 had RSE workshops today and learnt all about how their bodies change as they grow up. *Year 5 had a fantastic time at Winmarleigh Hall PGL and made lots of amazing memories. Photos can be found here: * Year 6 made us all extremely proud by the way they tackled their SATs with determination and positivity. The main focus of the week has been what was on offer at the free breakfast each day and they've loved having extra break times. It has been fantastic to see how much you have all flourished over the years and have shown us your many amazing qualities and gifts that SATs don't test. If SATs were awarded for showing courage, friendship, generosity, laughter and kindness then you would all achieve greater depth! Over the next few weeks all of our children in Years 1-5 will be completing their end of year assessments, like they have done at the end of each term so far. We are so proud of the progress that they are making and how they always face the 'quizzes' with positivity and enthusiasm. Information on their progress will be shared with you all in their end of year report in the last week of term. For all of this week's news in more detail, please click here: Next week we have another busy week in the lead up to the well deserved two week half term break. It is walk to school week and outdoor classroom day is on Thursday. On Thursday Reception class and Years 3-6 will be taking part in a walk around our local area. Years 1 and 2 will be going to BeWilderwood in Cheshire and we can't wait to hear all about the fun adventures they will have there. A quick reminder to please complete the consent form, if you haven't done so already, and thank you to those of you who have already paid the voluntary contribution. The cost of transport has hiked up over the last few years so all of our trips run at a loss if we do not receive enough contributions. Yesterday we had an Academy Review by our Trust CEO, Mr Ashworth and one of our trustees, Mrs Underwood, who is a Headteacher at one of our Cidari schools. They were extremely impressed with our school environment, the high quality teaching and learning taking place, the high standards of presentation in books, how articulate and confident our children are and the many wider opportunities that we offer our children through our clubs, visitors and trips. I was so proud to hear that they recognised what a special place St Barnabas is and it is an honour and privilege to lead such a wonderful school family. Thank you so much for your continued support and for trusting us to help your amazing children to learn and grow. Wishing you all a fantastic weekend and I hope you enjoy the sunshine, Mrs Ham
Year 1 Maths
Today in maths, year 1 made arrays with counters and/or cubes. They had to think about whether they were going to organise their groups into rows or columns before making their arrays. Well done year 1.
Year 5 - Jag Tag
Year 5 enjoyed another Jag Tag session. They put into practice all their learnt skills into competitive games; working specifically on offence and defensive work. The children took turns working on both skills and enjoyed different styles of play.