Image of Friday Celebration Worship
17 May

Friday Celebration Worship

Today,  we started our celebration worship by signing the trinity and talking about our extremely busy week in school. This week, we saw Year 6 showing an amazing amount of courage as they faced their SATs, Year 5 having a wonderful 3 day PGL residential at Winmarleigh Hall and lots of amazing lunch time and after school clubs such as Cricket, Little Voices, Mad Science, Choir, Netball and Story and Craft. We also congratulated our wonderful Year 4 tennis team (Jenson, Summer, Annabelle and Quinn) for performing amazingly on Wednesday afternoon and coming in 2nd place out of 8 schools in BwD. What an achievement! Thank you to Mr Foy for training up the tennis team in his lunch times and Miss Baxendale for taking them to the competition. We also congratulated our Year 5/6 Netball team who competed in the DPSSA Netball League on Thursday night. We are hopeful that they will qualify for the final in a few weeks. We then presented Lenny, Archie, Rosie, Layla, Neve and Millie as our individual value award winners. Well done to these children for impeccable manners, an amazing attitude to learning and working extremely hard across the curriculum. Mr Bloomfield then presented all of Year 5 as value award winners this week for challenging themselves at PGL and showing an amazing amount of courage, friendship and teamwork and Mr Prescott presented Year 6 for approaching SATs with amazing smiles on their faces and a huge amount of perseverance. We also congratulated Year 1 and Year 6 on being our amazing attendance winners this week and Darwen Tower as the overall value award winners this week with 208 points. We then congratulated our out of school achievers. Well done to Summer for being an incredible gymnast, Grace for achieving Star of the Week at Little Voices after school club, Annabel for achieving a Certificate of Excellence from Butterflies After School Club for pushing herself out of her comfort zone by trying new things, Isaac for achieving an amazing 25m in his swimming, Teddy for achieving his red stripe belt at kickboxing, Sofia for achieving an honours in her musical theatre and being highly commended, Lottie for showing incredible swimming talent and achieving her level 4, Archie for achieving his black shirt in darts, James for starting Beavers this week and being awarded Beaver of the Week, Archie for demonstrating a wonderful attitude at football, Oscar for being a super scientist and taking part in various science (biology, chemistry and physics) investigations, Elliott for demonstrating an amazing attitude and wonderful behaviour during his football training and Darcy for being an incredible gymnast. To end our worship, we heard from Rev Ben who congratulated our wonderful Year 6 team for completing their SATs, Year 5 for an incredible few days at PGL and a lovely prayer thanking God for being with us and giving us the love, strength and power we all need. We then sang, ‘My Lighthouse’ with lots of enthusiasm and thanked all those who could attend celebration worship and we said an extended thank you to the rest of our school family for all of your continued support. We wish you all a lovely weekend. 

Image of Year 4 RSE - Time for Change
17 May

Year 4 RSE - Time for Change

Today we have had Karen in from Coram Life Education. She covered our RSE unit - Time for Change. We covered lots of subjects and all things puberty. Everyone is unique and it’s normal to question - I’m growing up but am I different? We looked in greater detail at the reproductive system and genitals. The main thing to remember is to show empathy towards each other and each other's body changes and differences.

Image of Forest school club
17 May

Forest school club

This week the children had a great time building dens which opened so much up for their imaginative play. The children created leaf tickets to enter the den. They gave each other different roles within the game. It was great to see the children all playing cooperatively together and using brilliant team work.

Image of Year 5 - Coram Life Education Session
17 May

Year 5 - Coram Life Education Session

Year 5 had their Coram life education session where the class discussed the changes that occur within our bodies and why those changes occur. The children discussed both male and female changes to educate each other and to remain empathetic towards the changes that occur for both males and females.

Image of Year 5 - Art
17 May

Year 5 - Art

Year 5, created a poetic portrait in the style of Pablo Picasso. The children created a diamanté poem about their recent residential trip and traced their poem over the top of their one line portrait.

Image of Reception- Releasing the butterflies
17 May

Reception- Releasing the butterflies

For the past few weeks we have watched our caterpillars go through metamorphosis. On Wednesday our butterflies started to emerge and by yesterday we had all 5 butterflies emerge from their chrysalis. We went out to the garden to release them. The butterflies landed on some of the children before flying away.

Image of Year 6 History
16 May

Year 6 History

In history, year 6 started to look at the impact air raids had on the town and people of Darwen during WW2. They looked at eye-witness accounts and realised that, although on a smaller scale to other towns and cities, Darwen was affected a great deal by air raids. There was death, destruction and injuries, but in a time of peril the town pulled together to support each other.

Image of Year 6 P.E.
16 May

Year 6 P.E.

In their JAGTAG session, year 6 started to decide on routes they were going to take as a team. The quarter back would communicate this to their team, who would then have to put it into action. The defending team, on the other hand, had to decide on the players they were going to pick up in order to stop the attack.

Image of Year 2 - Maths
16 May

Year 2 - Maths

Today we carried on looking at different units of measure. We have moved on to measuring volume. Today we were using millilitres to measure volume. We explored how different containers can hold more water so they have a larger capacity. After solving problems in our book we got hands on and began measuring out different amounts of water in our measuring jugs. This helped us to visualise how much water 100ml actually was. We took some water away and created a calculation on our whiteboards to show what we had done with the water.

Image of Year 6 SATS
16 May

Year 6 SATS

Today, year 6 completed their final SATS paper. They have approached the whole week with fantastic maturity and given the test papers their all. Well done year 6!

Image of Year 1 Art- Printing
16 May

Year 1 Art- Printing

This afternoon in art, Year 1 created a print of their chosen building in Darwen. They worked carefully to print the outline of their building and the smaller details such as the windows and doors. Year 1 made sure that they used the right amount of paint, placed their blocks down gently when printing and chose to print with shapes that represented the windows and doors of their buildings as well as the patterns that they could see on their buildings. Well done Year 1.

Image of Year 3- Class worship- What are some of the things that test's can't measure?
16 May

Year 3- Class worship- What are some of the things that test's can't measure?

During our class worship session this morning, the children watched the week's story about facing challenges and listened to an uplifting poem reflecting on the aspects of life that tests cannot measure. The children then took turns sharing their unique strengths and talents with the class. Among the contributions were horse riding, kickboxing, dancing, singing, and swimming.