Year 6 RSHE
On Friday, year 6 took part in an RSHE session with Karen from Coram Life Education. This session focused on how the children’s bodies can change and how they can keep safe as they grow up. Year 6 listened attentively and acted in an extremely mature manner.
Year 3- Religious Education-Which of the ten commandments do you think are the most important?
During our R.E. lesson today, we discussed a child-friendly version of the Ten Commandments and talked about their impact both in the past and now. The children shared which commandments they think are the most important and why. We also considered if any of the commandments could be left out, with pupils arguing for and against particular ones. The children felt that all of the commandments were still relevant. They thought that if God sent a new set of Ten Commandments today, the original ones would be kept the same, but new ones could be added. Some suggestions for new commandments included being humble, being kind, and not bullying.
Online Safety: Encouraging Healthy Friendships
Flourishing friendships can be an important aspect of a happy life - but what does a healthy relationship look like? This #WakeUpWednesday, we’re offering expert advice on encouraging healthy friendships among children and young people. Download here >>
Year 3- Computing- Create a blog!
This morning, Year 3 bloggers worked in pairs to create blogs, vlogs, and podcasts. They explored these three forms of communication in-depth and created their logos. Their concentration and enthusiasm was amazing to see.
Performing Arts Club
Our young thespians are working hard to learn their lines in our weekly focussed script-reading sessions. The end of year performance is fast approaching and so the performers are making those final tweaks to perfect their roles. Eight weeks to go!
Year 2 & Year 4 - RE: The Church
Our pupils in Years 2 & 4 had a walk down to St Barnabas Church this week. Both classes are currently studying the church in RE and Rev Ben was kind enough to invite us into church to explore symbols within the church. For Year 2, this built on the children’s learning about important features found in a church, and for Year 4, this gave a starting point for comparisons with churches from other denominations of Christianity. The children were very knowledgeable and loved exploring the inside of St Barnabas Church.
Reception Picture News
For our class worship, we looked at our picture news which showed that recently a group of people in Australia have been given back some special artefacts which were taken from distant relatives of the Gweagal tribe. Long ago, a British explorer took some important tools from the tribe which helped them to fish. The tools have now been given back to the community, back in their rightful place. As a class we discussed what items are special to us, and the rights we have to our own belongings.
Reception - 2D Shapes
Reception have been looking at the properties of some 2D shapes and spotting shapes in our environment. We have been looking at which shapes have straight sides and which are curved. We have spotted lots of 2D shapes in our classroom!
Year 4 DT - Food Technology - Creating our own biscuits
In our food technology session we moved on to making our very own biscuits. When designing our biscuits we needed to think carefully about our targeted audience, our budget and adaptation of our basic biscuit recipe. We worked in our groups to create our mixture then we rolled out the dough and cut out our biscuits with a cutter. We then placed the biscuits on a baking tray and Miss Carol took them to the oven to bake for 10-12 minutes. Once they had cooled we then decorated them and popped them in our unique package designs.
DT -Food Technology - Creating our own biscuits - Part 2
In our food technology session we moved on to making our very own biscuits. When designing our biscuits we needed to think carefully about our targeted audience, our budget and adaptation of our basic biscuit recipe. We worked in our groups to create our mixture then we rolled out the dough and cut out our biscuits with a cutter. We then placed the biscuits on a baking tray and Miss Carol took them to the oven to bake for 10-12 minutes. Once they had cooled we then decorated them and popped them in our unique package designs.
Year 4 - Linking Schools: Kindness Chatterboxes
In Year 4, our preparations are in full swing as we anticipate the arrival of our link class from St Matthew’s in Blackburn. In our final half term, St Matthew’s Year 4 class will be spending a day with us and we’ll also be spending a day at their school completing collaborative learning activities. Our chatterboxes contain kind acts and affirmations that we hope will help our visitors feel welcome in our school.
Year 1 Art
Today in their art lesson, Year 1 combined their knowledge of secondary colours and printing to make an overlapping printed pattern. To start their lesson, they mixed primary colours to make secondary colours. Following this, they printed repeating patterns in primary colours only using various shapes such as circles, triangles, squares, rectangles, hexagons and semi-circles. Finally, they overlapped their printed pattern with another primary colour to turn the colours in their patterns from primary colours to secondary colours e.g. overlapping red with blue to make purple and yellow with blue to make green. This overlapping didn’t create the secondary colour as well as we would have expected and we decided that next time we would mix the secondary colours with a paintbrush beforehand and then print using these secondary colours instead. Year 1 worked amazingly well and printed some wonderful repeating patterns.