This half-term in RE, we’ve been learning about Jesus and many of the miracles that he performed (The Stilling of the Storm, Feeding the Five Thousand, Turning Water into Wine at the Wedding in Cana and The Calling of the Disciples). These stories have helped us to understand Jesus’ strength and power and his ability to be there for others when they feel seemingly hopeless. Today, we explored how Christian’s today lead by the example of Jesus. We listened to some stories about about how Christian Aid work tirelessly to support those in desperate need. We saw Christian Aid helping those in third world countries to gain access to safe, clean drinking water, an education and starting up a business such as making and selling butter with the help of a cow. The children understood that although we can’t perform miracles, we can certainly bring about positive change. They described Christian Aid as being kind, loving, generous, caring and helpful and decided that we can also be all of these things too. We finished off with the story of ‘Handa’s Surprise’ as the children were fascinated that people in third world countries carry large quantities of water on their head as they may live miles away from a water pump so we thought that the children would be interested to find out that the same happens when they collect large quantities of food too.