In class worship today, Year 3 explored the Christian value of respect, connecting it to the recent news about increased Everest climbing permit fees in Nepal. From September, peak season climbs will cost $15,000 (a 36% rise from $11,000), while off-season permits (Sept-Nov and Dec-Feb) will also increase by the same percentage, costing $7,500 and $3,750 respectively. These fees are a crucial source of income for Nepal, with climbing and trekking contributing over 4% to their economy. We discussed how our travel decisions impact the environment and the importance of responsible tourism that respects both the planet and its people, reflecting on what the Bible says about this. Children shared examples of local issues, like litter around Darwen Tower and how we should do our bit by not littering. We sang a hymn celebrating God's creation and asking for guidance in making thoughtful travel choices. A big thank you to Harry for leading our prayer, and to Lotti and Lyla for reading out facts about Everest climbers.