Image of Year 4 - PE: Racquet Skills
31 Jan

Year 4 - PE: Racquet Skills

Building on the skills we learned last week, we progressed to returning a ball across a barrier using racquets. We practised ball control through a variety of challenges, and then perfected our skills for hitting a ball across a net.

Image of Year 3- Class Meeting- National Storytelling Week
31 Jan

Year 3- Class Meeting- National Storytelling Week

Today, James led the class meeting while Alfie took notes. We reviewed the actions from our previous meeting, set by the communication team. The primary focus was on the key question: If we had a trolley outside at playtimes with healthy snacks, would you use it? The majority of the classes voted a definite yes. Mrs. Ham took action and listened to what the students wanted, and now KS2 get fruit for break time. In our latest class meeting, we kicked off National Storytelling Week by discussing the question, "How can we enhance the enjoyment of reading in our school? The children voted in favour of revisiting Darwen Library and meeting the authors of their favourite books.

Image of Year 3 Computing - Creating Characters
31 Jan

Year 3 Computing - Creating Characters

The children enjoyed creating their own characters today. They had to make a character that looked like them then a character that looked completely different.

Image of Year 1- Planning a Story
30 Jan

Year 1- Planning a Story

Year 1 have been working on their own versions of ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt.’ They had to change the original settings of the story to those of their own e.g. A desert, zoo, candy/sweet shop, beach, school and farm and change the animal from a bear to one of their own e.g. an elephant, dog, parrot, lion or dragon. Now, they are ready to get to work writing up their new version of the story.

Image of Year 1 PSHE- Valuing Difference
30 Jan

Year 1 PSHE- Valuing Difference

As part of their PSHE lessons, Year 1 are learning to not only understand that we are all different but also appreciate and celebrate each other’s differences. They started their lesson by looking at a picture and recognising some of the similarities and differences between Derek, Harold and Kiki. They spotted similarities such as all three of them being mammals, having body features such as arms, legs, eyes and a mouth and all of them being able to smile but they also spotted differences such as them being different heights, having different eye colours and also having different body features such as Harold having a long neck and Kiki having floppy ears. Then they watched a video and discovered that they also were different on the inside because they had different interests and hobbies. To end our lesson, we played a game where Year 1 had to stand up and swap places if one of the statements applied to them e.g. they had brown hair, they had blue eyes etc.. We recognised that we didn’t all stand up for every single statement that was read out because we are all different. We discussed how it’s good that we are all different because the world would be pretty dull if we were all the same. We also talked about how learning new games, facts and developing new hobbies from other people is both interesting and fun.

Image of Reception: Super writing
30 Jan

Reception: Super writing

Our Ducklings have been writing sentences this week. We are super proud of their progress!

Image of Reception: Colour Mixing
30 Jan

Reception: Colour Mixing

Our Ducklings have been learning to become more independent with our painting easel. They can now squirt the correct amount of paint into a palette and have explored mixing colours to create their pictures.

Image of Reception: Forest Schools
30 Jan

Reception: Forest Schools

Today, our Ducklings explored Jacks Key. They worked in small groups to collect resources to create elf and fairy houses. They had to explore the environment to find the best twigs and leaves to use. They also had to work as a team and communicate with each other. Well done!

Image of Year 3-Scientists making maps to display what they've learnt
30 Jan

Year 3-Scientists making maps to display what they've learnt

This afternoon, the young scientists created mind maps to showcase their learning gained this term on the topic of Animals including Humans. They can identify that animals, including humans, require specific types and quantities of nutrition, as they are unable to produce their own; instead, they acquire nutrition from their food. Additionally, they recognise that humans and some other animals have skeletons and muscles, serving crucial roles in support, protection, and movement. They've enjoyed learning about animals and humans while approaching the subject scientifically.

Image of Year 2 - DT
30 Jan

Year 2 - DT

During DT this week, we continued learning about different types of puppets and how they are made. This week it was time for us to have a go at making a finger puppet. The children showed determination to complete the first steps of their puppet despite challenges along the way. Next week, we will add details to our puppets and evaluate our designs and making.

Image of Year 4 English - Debating Deforestation
29 Jan

Year 4 English - Debating Deforestation

We started our new English unit today which focuses on Debate. The debate will be all about the deforestation of the rainforest. In today’s lesson, we watched clips about deforestation and made notes on our whiteboards. Then we worked in groups to mind map what deforestation is and the impact it has on planet earth. Next we will highlight the points ‘for’ and ‘against’

Image of Science in Year 4 Static Electricity
29 Jan

Science in Year 4 Static Electricity

Following on from our visit from Scientific Sarah and Mad Science, we looked at static electricity using balloons. We did a magic floating plastic bag experiment and then a moving butterfly. The children loved testing out how to produce the best static electricity!