Year 4 - RE: Jesus’s Authority
In RE this week, we began with a matching game in which children had to match the gospel story with the painting. We spent time discussing the paintings and how the artists portrayed that Jesus was acting in God’s name. The children provided some thoughtful answers about the miracles Jesus performed, particularly his ability to heal those who had lost hope.
Year 3- Music- Playing "Ghostbusters" at full speed using the interactive class jam video.
Today in music, the young musicians from Year 3 reviewed what they learned last session and looked at keywords like melody, harmony, major, and minor. They listened to a piano playing the harmony to "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star." Then, put their new knowledge to work by playing "Ghostbusters" at full speed using the interactive class jam video.
After School Craft Club
The children had great fun today creating their space themed crafts. A huge thank you to Becky from Fred and Pearl for providing this opportunity to our children.
Year 5 - Comparing Mayan and Anglo-Saxons
In History, Year 5 have been comparing the similarities and differences between Mayan and Anglo-Saxon homes, exploring how both civilisations used locally available materials, the architectural designs suited to their environments, and the distinct ways each society organised their living spaces. The children discussed how these homes reflect the daily lives, cultures, and technological advancements of the time.
Year 6 Science - Designing and making our own set of traffic lights
In year 6, we combined the knowledge that we have gathered over the course of our electricity unit and attempted to make our very own set of traffic lights. The children had to make a complete circuit and ensure that only one light illuminated at a time. In order to do this, they had to be creative and create a three-way switch out of conductive material.
Reception: Speaking and Listening
We have been really focusing on our listening skills this week. We looked at our proof of listening rules as part of our Oracy session. The children know to sit properly, look at the speaker and listen carefully. Some of our children were very brave and became the speaker. They came to the front and sat on the speaker podium or stood on it to tell the children some news. They used clear voices and worked on how loud they were talking so everyone could hear.
Year 3- Maths- Partitioning 3 digit numbers using place value counters
Today, Year 3 were introduced to place value counters for the first time. They compared them to familiar resources like base 10 blocks and learned to represent numbers using the counters. By breaking down numbers like 253 into 2 hundreds, 5 tens, and 3 ones, the children started to understand place value concepts more easily. They also learned about the hundreds column on a place value chart. It was great to see them supporting each other and using the place value chart to visualise the numbers and their place values.
Reception: Forest Schools
This week, we explored our forest schools area in our school grounds. The children built dens and did lots of imaginative play inside the tree. Lots of children even climbed a tree! The children really enjoyed getting muddy too!
Year 5 - Gymnastics
This afternoon, Year 5 continued to develop their counterbalance and counter tension skills in gymnastics, incorporating a variety of equipment. The children worked on synchronisation, levels, and precise technical movements, focusing on control and coordination. Their routines demonstrated a growing confidence in creating smooth sequences while using apparatus to enhance their performance.
Singing Worship- Harvest
What a joyous way to start a new week at St Barnabas! We first discussed why we sing and we had some wonderful answers such as : to communicate with God, to learn new words and vocabulary, to learn new sign language so we can communicate with those who can't speak or hear, to have fun and to say thank you to God. Today some of our fabulous volunteers taught Reception class some of the signs and actions for some of our Harvest songs that we will be singing in our Harvest Festival on Thursday 17th October. We sang 'If I were a butterfly' and 'Sing a song of Harvest' to thank God for all of the wonderful living things he created such as animals, plants and trees.
KS1 After School Club- Book Explorers
This week in Book Explorers, we read some monster themed stories and created our own monster themed bookmark.
Year 1 PE- Fundamental Skills
In their Monday PE session, Year 1 have been focusing on their fundamental skills. Over the last few weeks, they have been practising the correct technique for bouncing, kicking and rolling a ball as well as practising an overarm and underarm throw and side-galloping, skipping, running, dodging, and jumping from two feet to two feet.