Reception: Rev Ben Visit
A huge thank you to Rev Ben for visiting our class this week. Rev Ben read a story from the bible all about the Holy Spirit. He told us how if we believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit will live in us. Rev Ben asked 6 children to come to the front and dressed them in party hats. Pentecost is the birthday of the church. Christians believe that God’s present to us all to celebrate Pentecosts is the Holy Spirit. It is a superpower that lives inside of us all. Thank you to Rev Ben for giving up his time to teach our children.
Reception: Our New Classroom
The children in Reception have loved our new outdoor canopy that was built last week. This has extended our classroom to provide an outdoor area that the children can access in all weathers. Our indoor classroom has also had a refresh and the children have loved exploring all of the areas!
Year 5 Transition
Today, it was year 5 transition. The children created a portrait of themselves and created personalised hoodies that represented their hobbies and interests. The children had an excellent day moving up to Year 5 and have shown maturity and an eagerness to learn.
Year 2 - 3 Transition Day-
Year 2 - Year 3 transition day was incredible! The children were amazing. They kicked off the morning with Junior Jam, where they played music, learned French, and explored computing. In the afternoon, they created a fantastic piece of artwork to showcase in September—a personalised pencil crayon highlighting what makes each of them unique and designed their bookmark. They also demonstrated their best handwriting and shared their favourite books and authors. We also visited the Junior yard where they will be playing in September, and they felt so grown up. They can’t wait to play in the yard with the other children and make new friends. They are eagerly anticipating their move to Year 3, and I am super excited for the new school year!
Rev Ben’s Worship - Living a Life of Truth
This week, in Rev Ben’s worship, we learned the importance of telling the truth and we discussed the consequences of lying. We found out that part of being a Christian is aiming to live a life of truthfulness. We also reflected on ways we could stay truthful in our daily lives.
Year 4 - Maths: Quadrilaterals
We are currently working on shape in maths, and we began the week by defining and classifying quadrilaterals. There were a few tricky examples and non-examples thrown in to test us, but we used our knowledge of the shapes’ properties to work out which were quadrilaterals and which weren’t.
Year 4 - Linking Schools: Final Visit
This week saw the final meeting with our link school, St Matthew’s. It allowed Year 4 class to be the hosts and what amazing hosts our children were! We spent the day working in teams with our friends, playing problem solving games using hoops and bean bags and building sturdy towers from newspaper and masking tape. We were so proud of them all for making the Kestrels Class welcome. Some of the children even requested that we stay in touch next year.
Year 3 Move Up To Year 4
The Year 3 class had a fantastic day being Year 4s for transition day! They spent time getting to know each other with a game of human bingo, creating a unique piece of artwork, taking part in the Picture News Olympic Assembly and painting with cotton buds. They all settled really well in the classroom and demonstrated Barney’s 4 Be's perfectly.
Year 3- Science- Use scientific language to describe how plants reproduce.
This afternoon in science, Year 3 investigated how seed dispersal helps some plants reproduce. They were able to explain that dandelions use the wind to spread their seeds, cherry trees rely on birds to eat the seeds and then disperse them through their droppings, wild cucumbers burst to scatter their seeds explosively, burdock plants use their spikes to hitch a ride to a new location and coconut trees use water dispersal to disperse their seeds by letting them fall on the beach and when the tide comes in, the tide picks up the coconut and carries it to another to grow.
Year 5 - Balanced Arguments
Year 5 have begun researching one of the most debated topics - should animals be kept in Zoo’s? The children found out a number of alarming facts that are against Zoo’s such as: that animals have 1800 times less space in zoos than in the wild and animals are not evolving the way they should. But found many compelling reasons why animals should be kept in zoos such as: they live longer, stop species becoming extinct and it can advance medicine. The children will use these arguments to create their own balanced argument.
Rev Ben’s Worship
In Rev Ben’s worship, we looked at what it means to describe something and we started with a challenge: Lucy, Hamza, Poppy and Isaac had to describe something to their partner without using the chosen word or actions. Rev Ben then spoke about how God describes things to us and that the Bible speaks God’s truth. The worship was concluded by the children expressing their favourite bible stories and what they feel the purpose of the Bible is today.
Year 3- History-Explain the limitations of archaeological evidence
Today in history, Year 3 explored the limitations of archaeological evidence using digital dwellings at Skara Brae. They examined a hearth in the middle of a room and discussed what they could see. They learned that clear evidence proves the object was a hearth, which they concluded was used for heating and cooking. They justified this by noting its central location and practical uses. The class completed three columns: one with certainties (e.g., the hearth and the Neolithic people hunted, they used the antlers from deer for making tools and jewellery, another with possibilities (e.g., a place to clean yourself or sleep), and a third with their questions about Skara Brae. They also watched clips and learned that Skara Brae is located on the Orkney Islands, off the north coast of Scotland and was the home of a Neolithic farming community.