Image of National Online Safety: Safer Internet Day 2024
6 Feb

National Online Safety: Safer Internet Day 2024

It's #SaferInternetDay! The National Online Safety #WakeUpWednesday guides are available to download for free, empowering our whole school community to keep children safe in the online world. We post one every Wednesday so please looo out of them! Explore hundreds of resources for parents, carers and educators >> #OnlineSafety #OnlineSafetyDay #SaferInternetDay2024

Image of After school clubs - Spring 2
5 Feb

After school clubs - Spring 2

Good afternoon parents and carers, please find attached the details of the after school clubs that will be taking place next half term. Some clubs such as SATS, choir and performing arts have already been signed up to but there are a couple of new clubs for KS1 including Forest schools and a Wellbeing Club. In Forest schools the children will be taking part in fun forest school activities so you need to make sure they are wrapped up warm and with boots or wellies. The wellbeing club will focus on the five ways to wellbeing including getting active and crafts. These can be booked shortly on parent pay and will be on a first come, first serve basis. A reminder that Cross Country trials will take place tomorrow at 12.00pm for Years 3-6. If you would like your child to try out for the cross country team, please send a spare pair of clothes and shoes that you don't mind getting muddy. After the half term holidays Mr Bloomfield and Mr Norris will be running a Cross Country club for the children who are selected to be in the cross country team. The Mad science club is fully booked for next half term but an extra term has been added. See the previous post from Miss Kachwalla for details. Similar to this half term, we can only offer a limited number of clubs next half term due to the number of upcoming events and competitions such as cross country races, netball league, Let's go sing concert, the swimming gala and gymnastics etc .

Image of Rev Matt’s Worship - Temptation
5 Feb

Rev Matt’s Worship - Temptation

Today in whole-school worship, Rev Matt talked about temptation and how the devil tried to tempt Jesus in the desert. We thought about what tempts us and what we might do if we wanted to celebrate Lent.

Image of Year 3- R.E- How did/does Jesus change lives?
5 Feb

Year 3- R.E- How did/does Jesus change lives?

This afternoon in R.E. Year 3 listened to "The Calling of Levi". After the story, we made two lists: one about what mattered to Levi (Matthew) before Jesus called him, and another about what became important after Jesus called him. We talked about why his priorities changed after meeting Jesus. Meeting Jesus made Levi think differently about what's important in life, like his beliefs and values. Jesus' teachings and being around him made Levi rethink what matters most and make good changes in his life. Levi became a better person after meeting Jesus because he used to do a job collecting taxes, which was important for money. But when he met Jesus, he decided to follow Him and be a friend. So, what became important to Levi was being friends with Jesus and learning from Him, instead of just collecting money. It shows how meeting someone special can change what's important to us.

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
5 Feb

Reception: Muddy Monday

Our Ducklings enjoyed exploring the forest schools area in Whitehall park. Their imaginations were really flowing. We found dinosaur shaped claw leaves, eggs, some of our children created a roleplay restaurant and we had squirrels climbing up the trees!

Image of Aladdin Pantomime
2 Feb

Aladdin Pantomime

This afternoon our whole school family enjoyed a wonderful production of Aladdin by M&M productions. Oh no they didn't! Oh yes they did! It was fabulous to see all of the children joining in through cheering, booing, singing and dancing along to the songs. They particularly enjoyed Mr Prescott and Mr Norris' dancing! The cast said they had never had a school who joined in so well and who all stood up and danced at the end! Thank you so much to our FOSB for their donation and to all of your parent contributions, as without your support, we wouldn't be able to provide such exciting enrichment activities.We hope this has inspired some of our children to audition for our upcoming Barney's Got Talent show next half term. What a fabulous way to end a brilliant week of 'achieving great things' at St Barnabas!

Image of Friday Celebration Worship
2 Feb

Friday Celebration Worship

This morning, we started our worship by signing the trinity and discussing our week in school. We reflected on our very joyous singing worship that we had on Monday with Mrs Ham and our wonderful worship with Rev Ben about ‘Turning To God’ on Tuesday. We then presented Edward, Ella, Joshua, Luke, Eden, Bella, Ivy, Archie and Isaac as our value award winners this week. Well done to those children for demonstrating kindness, compassion and an excellent attitude and commitment to learning. We also congratulated Year 4 and Year 1 on being our amazing attendance winners this week and Whitehall Park who are our value award winners this week. We then moved on to our out of school achievers. Well done to Holly for achieving her Stage 3 at swimming, Sofia for working hard to achieve lots of new badges at Rainbows including her performance badge, Archie for giving 100% during his football training, Dougie for achieving his white belt at jiu jitsu, Isaac for celebrating his successes in drama and performance with achieving a part in Waterloo Road, Tristen for working hard to achieve his yellow belt in kickboxing, Grace for demonstrating incredible talent in both her acro and lyrical dancing, Jack for achieving Stage 4 in his swimming, Scarlett for getting Rainbow Bear at her netball sessions for demonstrating incredible footwork, Matthew for being awarded with a huge celebratory gold cup for his commitment to a recent tournament whilst representing Manchester United U10s football club, Finn for being elected as the sixer at cubs, Ivy and Betsy for their commitment to both lyrical and acro dancing and also performing an incredible duet together. We then ended our worship with a lovely prayer from Rev Ben and a sing along to ‘Build Up.’ We thank our children for another wonderful week of achieving great things and we look forward to next week. Just a reminder that it is our ‘Dress to Express Day’ next Friday 9th February. We thank all those who attended celebration worship and we wish the the rest of our school family a lovely restful weekend and thank you for your ongoing support too.

Image of Year 5 - Art
2 Feb

Year 5 - Art

Year 5 have been completing their futuristic designs in preparation for their final pieces. The children used everyday objects to create a space themed print. Then the children created their space themed designs by drawing rockets, planets and other space themed objects.

Image of Year 3- Reading- A live reading session with Jane Considine
2 Feb

Year 3- Reading- A live reading session with Jane Considine

WOW! Year 3 have just had the pleasure of joining a live session with the amazing author Jane Considine. She read aloud the book Library Lion by Michelle Knudsen and illustrated by Kevin Hawkes. The children absolutely loved it.

Image of Reception Art
1 Feb

Reception Art

Reception have been creating fish collages using scrunched up tissue paper. We have been practising our fine motor skills by manipulating the tissue paper into small balls for our fish. We have been thinking about which colours are best to make our fish more vibrant. We can't wait to see them on display in our KS1 corridor!

Image of Reception Maths - composition of 5
1 Feb

Reception Maths - composition of 5

Reception have been finding different ways to make 5 using two colours and five frames. 

Image of Online Safety Rap Prep in Year 4
1 Feb

Online Safety Rap Prep in Year 4

In preparation for Safer Internet Day on Tuesday 6th February, we have been looking at developing a rap linked to Online Safety. We rehearsed rhyming couplets and looked at pairs of words that we could use such as click and trick, share and beware, friend and send. The children did really well and pushed themselves completely out of their comfort zones! We can’t wait to hear the finished article next week in the special Safer Internet Day Worship.