Image of Reception Stickman
7 Dec

Reception Stickman

This week, the children have been looking at the stickman story. They have been superstars at creating stickman pictures including, drawing Stickman’s Lady Love and his family tree. They showed good understanding, as they were able to tell us their favourite parts of the story. Some children even had a go at writing Stickman’s name.

Image of Year 5- School Council Class Meeting- How can we make school feel cosier?
7 Dec

Year 5- School Council Class Meeting- How can we make school feel cosier?

Before we started our class school council meeting today, Rio (leader) read out the results from the last meeting. The highest vote went to allocate litter pickers from each class to keep our school grounds tidy. This week, we discussed how can we make school feel cosier, with the days getting colder. Our note-taker Kaitlyn collated results and found that all of the group voted for option 2 "be allowed to bring in their favourite blankets to wrap up with in class".

Image of Year 1- colours in French
7 Dec

Year 1- colours in French

Year 1 have been trying so hard to learn their colours in French. Well done Year 1!

Image of Year 3 RE Artwork
7 Dec

Year 3 RE Artwork

Year 3 have produced some fantastic pieces of artwork, representing the shepherds visiting the stable and being in the presence of God.

Image of Year 4 - Balance and Strength on Apparatus
7 Dec

Year 4 - Balance and Strength on Apparatus

Year 4 loved having the opportunity to practise their gymnastics on the apparatus this week in PE.

Image of Year 5 - English- Planning a new scene
7 Dec

Year 5 - English- Planning a new scene

Today, in writing, Year 5 have been planning a new scene for the film Oliver Twist.

Image of Year 4 - Comparative Testing
7 Dec

Year 4 - Comparative Testing

Our super scientists have been planning a comparative test to find out which liquids cause the most damage to our teeth. The children gave very scientific predictions.

Image of Parents' Evening Reminder
6 Dec

Parents' Evening Reminder

Dear parents and carers, Just a quick reminder that it is parents' evening tomorrow from 2.00pm-6.00pm. We have 90% of our parents booked so far so thank you if you have already booked. If you haven't booked yet, please either click on the following link or send me a class dojo message by 5.00pm today with your available times and I will book you an appointment. * Please enter and leave school via the main entrance and all appointments will take place in the hall again. *Please do not park on the carpark as that is for staff only and there will be parents walking across it. *Please be aware that appointments are only 5 minutes long so if there is something that you would like to discuss for longer than that, please arrange a phone call at another date in order to not hold up other appointments. We ask for your patience with appointments as they may not run exactly on time. * A selection of your child's books will be available in the centre of the hall along with class RE and PSHE scrap books. Our class teachers and I are really looking forward to welcoming you into school to share how well your child has settled into their new class and the progress they have made. Yours Sincerely, Mrs Ham

Image of Year 3 R.E: How does it feel to be in the presence of God?
6 Dec

Year 3 R.E: How does it feel to be in the presence of God?

In R.E this term, the class have been exploring how the presence of God impacts people's lives. To begin with, we discussed the meaning of presence and how we know someone is present with us. Over the past few weeks, we have been looking at pieces of artwork that represent the shepherds visiting Jesus in The Nativity Story. Each child chose a piece of artwork that they were most inspired by and created their own piece, representing how God was present, during the birth of baby Jesus. The class will be presenting their artwork in church on Friday 16th December, during our whole school service at St Barnabas Church.

Image of Year 2 - Creative writing
6 Dec

Year 2 - Creative writing

In year 2 we have worked really hard on our presentation and creative flare within writing. We are all really proud of our work.

Image of Design and Technology - Seasonal Stockings
6 Dec

Design and Technology - Seasonal Stockings

Our Seasonal Stockings are coming along nicely. This week we have been embellishing our stockings, looking at aesthetics and design. The children have been practicing their running stitch and back stitch. We can’t wait to move onto put them altogether and see the finished product at the Christmas Fair.

Image of Year 6 DT
5 Dec

Year 6 DT

Today, in DT, year 6 have been researching savoury snacks to explore which ingredients are quite popular and which ingredients complement each other.