Image of Reception - All about The Police
2 Mar

Reception - All about The Police

Reception have loved learning about the Police this week and how they help us in our community. They have learnt about the different types of jobs Police Officers carry out and the important equipment they need to do their job. They have loved dressing up as officers and have been role playing with their friends using notepads to write down information and how to talk like real officers using walkie talkies.

Image of Reception Rhyme Time
2 Mar

Reception Rhyme Time

It was so lovely to have parents back in school joining us for our morning Rhyme Time with Reception. We have missed our weekly sing songs in the hall and the children were so pleased to see everyone. Thank you to everyone who joined us and we will hopefully see you all again next week for some more rhymes and fun!

Image of Year 5 -Pray for Ukraine
2 Mar

Year 5 -Pray for Ukraine

This morning during our class worship we had a discussion about the conflict happening in Ukraine at the moment. We talked about how people are showing compassion to the those in Ukraine by giving them shelter, food and resources at this tough time. The class wrote their own prayers on the Ukraine flag.

Image of Shrove Tuesday Worship
1 Mar

Shrove Tuesday Worship

Today in Worship we found out about Lent. Today is the day before Lent called Shrove Tuesday. We discussed what we know about Lent. Leonora shared that “Jesus gave up food and water for 40 days”. We spent a little time reflecting on what we could give up during Lent. Jenson shared that he will give up popcorn, Aidan said he will give up squash and juice, William said that he will give up his phone and Ivy said that she will give up chocolate. This also links to our kindness challenge. During Lent we can give something back and show kindness. Ella has been tidying her house and getting herself ready so that she can be kind and help her family. We can all make a difference by showing kindness. As it is fair trade fortnight we also discussed how we could swap items for fair trade. To celebrate Shrove Tuesday, Mrs Ham very kindly brought in pancakes for the whole school to enjoy!

Image of Year 3 Science investigation - Can people with long femurs jump further?
1 Mar

Year 3 Science investigation - Can people with long femurs jump further?

Year 3 have carried out a Science investigation to answer the question: Can people with longer femurs ( the thigh bone) jump further? After our investigation, we concluded that that was not always the case. No.

Image of Reception Vision check
28 Feb

Reception Vision check

Today the children met a real life superhero! Before they went to have their vision screening check, they met an orthoptic assistant who showed the equipment she uses to check the children’s vision.

Image of Reception: Dance
28 Feb

Reception: Dance

Today in Reception the children learnt some new dance moves and how to dance in time to Music. They did really well!

Image of Fairtrade Whole School Worship
28 Feb

Fairtrade Whole School Worship

Today we learned about where chocolate comes from and how the cocoa bean farmers don’t always receive a fair wage for all their hard work. It was great to discover how Fairtrade is stepping in and changing lives by ensuring farmers receive enough money and funding community projects. We are thankful for the farmers who work hard to grow and supply a wide range of foods to the UK.

Image of Year 5 Science- Forces
28 Feb

Year 5 Science- Forces

We have started our new topic of Forces this week during Science. The class enjoyed taking part in an investigation yesterday to see if a piece of paper falls quicker the more you fold it. They learnt that gravity pulls the paper towards the ground and air resistance pushes it.

Image of Advice for discussing Russia invading Ukraine with your child
26 Feb

Advice for discussing Russia invading Ukraine with your child

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is distressing and concerning and your child may have questions or be seeking reassurance. Here is some useful advice and information for both teachers and parents. Here is the link to newsround that has some videos and articles appropriate for children.

Image of Junior Bake Off
26 Feb

Junior Bake Off

Do you know any young budding bakers between 9-12 years old?

Image of Friday Whole School Worship
25 Feb

Friday Whole School Worship

Today in worship, we reflected on our the kindness challenges that we have completed this week such as washing our hands, wiping our feet and helping to tidy up our classrooms and houses. We talked about why we should be kind and looked at our new kindness tree in the hall where we can add examples of kindness that we have seen and shown. This led us onto a discussion about Russia invading Ukraine and how Putin isn’t showing kindness. We talked about how places such as America and the UK are coming together to support Ukraine through sanctioning Russia to encourage them to stop the fighting and resume peace once again as we want to keep the people of Ukraine safe. We also talked about how we ourselves can support Ukraine through asking God to watch over the people of Ukraine and keeping them all in our prayers. We had a look at how we can use our fingers to pray for different things such as people who are closest to us, people who are poorly and people who are in charge of our country. We also had ideas such as donating clothes to refugees and giving refugees a warm welcome. Finally, we ended with some sports award celebrations. Well done to our Years 3 and 4 and Years 5 and 6 sports hall competitors and our individual sports winners. The sports leaders also announced the winners for the inter-house dodgeball competition which was India Mill (red team).