Year 1- Christmas fun!
Year 1 have loved getting into the Christmas spirit this week. Our room is looking very magical!
Year 1- Buddy the elf!
Wow! It was magical in year 1 this morning. Santa sent Buddy the Elf all the way from the North Pole to year 1. He looks super naughty though!
Year 2 - French
Year 2 learning and applying their knowledge of colours in French.
Year 2 - Exploring rock and guitar music
Year 2 have been exploring and creating rock and guitar music.
Year 5 - D.T- Exploring different ways to create a fastening
The children in Year 5 have been exploring different ways of fastening that could be used for their cushions. They have investigated the advantages and disadvantages of different ways and have concluded after practising that the envelope fold and whole button fasteners are far more functional than the others.
Help us keep children safe from button batteries this Christmas
This Christmas, homes will be filled with light-up decorations, festive tea lights, singing Santas and flashing Christmas wands. But these – and many other toys – are powered by button batteries that can badly hurt or kill a child if swallowed. Please see the attached images for further information about how you can keep your child safe from button batteries.
Extra bank holiday for the King's Coronation- Monday 8th May 2022
The Coronation of King Charles III will take place on Saturday 6 May 2023. As a result, Monday 8 May will be an extra bank holiday. School will be closed on this day. As this date had previously been announced as the first day of the 2023 key stage 2 (KS2) test week in England, a change to the KS2 test schedule next year will be necessary. Ministers have considered the situation carefully and have decided that KS2 tests will take place in the same week with tests following the usual order but each taking place one day later than originally planned. As such, the new schedule will be: · Tuesday 9 May: English grammar, punctuation and spelling (GPS) papers 1 (questions) and 2 (spelling) · Wednesday 10 May: English reading paper · Thursday 11 May: mathematics papers 1 (arithmetic) and 2 (reasoning) · Friday 12 May: mathematics paper 3 (reasoning) We have managed to swap the Year 5 residential trip to Hothersall Lodge from Monday - Wednesday to Tuesday- Thursday.
Year 3 D.T: Designing our Christmas Photo Frames!
The class have been busy this week in D.T, designing their own Christmas Photo Frames, to make and sell at the Christmas Fair! We thought about the different materials that we will be using to make our frames and how our frame is going to be free standing. The children also identified who their photo frame is going to be made for and their overall design. Every design is slightly different, and the children cannot wait to get started with making their frames, over the next couple of weeks.
Year 3 D.T: Investigating ways of making free-standing structures.
This week in Design Technology, the class looked at different ways to make a free-standing structure. In groups, the children had a variety of different materials and had to work together, to make a particular structure. We discussed how to make a successful structure and the different techniques we can use, to stable and strengthen a structure.
Monday Worship: Advent
Our new vicar Rev Ben joined us for Worship today. We welcomed him into our school family by showing him our huge welcoming smiles. Good things come to those who wait. We are waiting for Christmas and now Advent has started. Advent is a time to prepare. Christians needed to have hope when they waited for Jesus to arrive. During lockdown, we saw lots of rainbows. God kept sending rainbows which gave us hope that there would be better times. During Advent, we need to see children showing kindness, friendship, respect, generosity and all of our Christian and British values. Mrs Ham asked the children what their hope is for the future. Elsa’s hope is to travel to every continent in the world, Sadie’s is to be successful in her job, Ruby’s is for peace and harmony, Grace’s is to get good results, Darcy’s is for peace around the world and Seb’s is to be an engineer. We watched a video about the special hope that was sent to the world: Jesus. We lit our first candle on our Advent wreath and prayed for hope. During our reflection, we thought about how we could turn somebody feeling sad into somebody feeling glad. We had a think about how we can show love and kindness to bring hope to others. We finished our worship by singing ‘may you find peace’.
Year 5 - English- Analysing a film clip
Over the next few weeks, the children will be writing a short narrative based on the film 'Oliver Twist. In our English lesson today, the class explored the historical context of Oliver Twist, learning about the Victorian Era and the author Charles Dickens. The children then moved on to analysing a film clip and creating their own sentences using expanded noun phrases and adverbs.
Celebration Worship
This week we have been learning all about peace and harmony. A huge thank you to Miss Kachwalla for delivering our inter faith workshops all about the religion of Islam. Last night, Mrs Ham went to church to welcome our new vicar, Rev Ben. We will be sharing our vicar with St Paul’s, Hoddlesden and can’t wait to see him at school soon. Today, Sophie and Lola announced our anti-bullying competition winners. There were over 200 entries across the borough and 2 prizes were awarded to our school. 3rd place went to Harlow and Eliza and 2nd place went to Wilson. A huge well done! We have had yet another busy week in school. Well done to our values points award winners: Renee, Archie, Miley, Eden, Hamza, Archie and Darci. Our overall house winner for this week is River Darwen, well done! Our amazing attendance winners for this week are Year 2 and Year 4! We celebrated our super dodgeball team and girls football team who played on Wednesday and Thursday night. We also celebrated individual achievements for swimming, football, Rainbows, dancing and kickboxing. Well done to Leonora, Isaac, Eliza, Sofia, Carmen, Noah, Annabel, Cassidy, Ted and Mason. We finished our worship by singing the song of peace.